+ − 1
+ − 2
+ − 3
+ − 4
+ − 5
* Parse for block-quoted text.
+ − 6
+ − 7
* @category Text
+ − 8
+ − 9
* @package Text_Wiki
+ − 10
+ − 11
* @author Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>
+ − 12
+ − 13
* @license LGPL
+ − 14
+ − 15
* @version $Id: Blockquote.php,v 1.3 2005/02/23 17:38:29 pmjones Exp $
+ − 16
+ − 17
+ − 18
+ − 19
+ − 20
+ − 21
* Parse for block-quoted text.
+ − 22
+ − 23
* Find source text marked as a blockquote, identified by any number of
+ − 24
* greater-than signs '>' at the start of the line, followed by a space,
+ − 25
* and then the quote text; each '>' indicates an additional level of
+ − 26
* quoting.
+ − 27
+ − 28
* @category Text
+ − 29
+ − 30
* @package Text_Wiki
+ − 31
+ − 32
* @author Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>
+ − 33
+ − 34
+ − 35
+ − 36
class Text_Wiki_Parse_Blockquote extends Text_Wiki_Parse {
+ − 37
+ − 38
+ − 39
+ − 40
+ − 41
* Regex for parsing the source text.
+ − 42
+ − 43
* @access public
+ − 44
+ − 45
* @var string
+ − 46
+ − 47
* @see parse()
+ − 48
+ − 49
+ − 50
+ − 51
var $regex = '/\n((\>).*\n)(?!(\>))/Us';
+ − 52
+ − 53
+ − 54
+ − 55
+ − 56
* Generates a replacement for the matched text.
+ − 57
+ − 58
* Token options are:
+ − 59
+ − 60
* 'type' =>
+ − 61
* 'start' : the start of a blockquote
+ − 62
* 'end' : the end of a blockquote
+ − 63
+ − 64
* 'level' => the indent level (0 for the first level, 1 for the
+ − 65
* second, etc)
+ − 66
+ − 67
* @access public
+ − 68
+ − 69
* @param array &$matches The array of matches from parse().
+ − 70
+ − 71
* @return A series of text and delimited tokens marking the different
+ − 72
* list text and list elements.
+ − 73
+ − 74
+ − 75
+ − 76
function process(&$matches)
+ − 77
+ − 78
// the replacement text we will return to parse()
+ − 79
$return = '';
+ − 80
+ − 81
// the list of post-processing matches
+ − 82
$list = array();
+ − 83
+ − 84
// $matches[1] is the text matched as a list set by parse();
+ − 85
// create an array called $list that contains a new set of
+ − 86
// matches for the various list-item elements.
+ − 87
+ − 88
'=^(\>+) (.*\n)=Ums',
+ − 89
+ − 90
+ − 91
+ − 92
+ − 93
+ − 94
// a stack of starts and ends; we keep this so that we know what
+ − 95
// indent level we're at.
+ − 96
$stack = array();
+ − 97
+ − 98
// loop through each list-item element.
+ − 99
foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
+ − 100
+ − 101
// $val[0] is the full matched list-item line
+ − 102
// $val[1] is the number of initial '>' chars (indent level)
+ − 103
// $val[2] is the quote text
+ − 104
+ − 105
// we number levels starting at 1, not zero
+ − 106
$level = strlen($val[1]);
+ − 107
+ − 108
// get the text of the line
+ − 109
$text = $val[2];
+ − 110
+ − 111
// add a level to the list?
+ − 112
while ($level > count($stack)) {
+ − 113
+ − 114
// the current indent level is greater than the number
+ − 115
// of stack elements, so we must be starting a new
+ − 116
// level. push the new level onto the stack with a
+ − 117
// dummy value (boolean true)...
+ − 118
array_push($stack, true);
+ − 119
+ − 120
$return .= "\n";
+ − 121
+ − 122
// ...and add a start token to the return.
+ − 123
$return .= $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − 124
+ − 125
+ − 126
'type' => 'start',
+ − 127
'level' => $level - 1
+ − 128
+ − 129
+ − 130
+ − 131
$return .= "\n\n";
+ − 132
+ − 133
+ − 134
// remove a level?
+ − 135
while (count($stack) > $level) {
+ − 136
+ − 137
// as long as the stack count is greater than the
+ − 138
// current indent level, we need to end list types.
+ − 139
// continue adding end-list tokens until the stack count
+ − 140
// and the indent level are the same.
+ − 141
+ − 142
+ − 143
$return .= "\n\n";
+ − 144
+ − 145
$return .= $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − 146
+ − 147
array (
+ − 148
'type' => 'end',
+ − 149
'level' => count($stack)
+ − 150
+ − 151
+ − 152
+ − 153
$return .= "\n";
+ − 154
+ − 155
+ − 156
// add the line text.
+ − 157
$return .= $text;
+ − 158
+ − 159
+ − 160
// the last line may have been indented. go through the stack
+ − 161
// and create end-tokens until the stack is empty.
+ − 162
$return .= "\n";
+ − 163
+ − 164
while (count($stack) > 0) {
+ − 165
+ − 166
$return .= $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − 167
+ − 168
array (
+ − 169
'type' => 'end',
+ − 170
'level' => count($stack)
+ − 171
+ − 172
+ − 173
+ − 174
+ − 175
// we're done! send back the replacement text.
+ − 176
return "\n$return\n\n";
+ − 177
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+ − 179