+ − 1
+ − 2
+ − 3
+ − 4
* Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
+ − 5
* Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau)
+ − 6
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
+ − 7
* install.php - handles everything related to installation and initial configuration
+ − 8
+ − 9
* This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ − 10
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ − 11
+ − 12
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ − 13
* warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
+ − 14
+ − 15
+ − 16
+ − 17
if( ( defined('ENANO_INSTALLED') || defined('MIDGET_INSTALLED') ) && ((isset($_GET['mode']) && ($_GET['mode']!='finish' && $_GET['mode']!='css')) || !isset($_GET['mode'])))
+ − 18
+ − 19
$_GET['title'] = 'Enano:Installation_locked';
+ − 20
+ − 21
die_friendly('Installation locked', '<p>The Enano installer has found a Enano installation in this directory. You MUST delete config.php if you want to re-install Enano.</p><p>If you wish to upgrade an older Enano installation to this version, please use the <a href="upgrade.php">upgrade script</a>.</p>');
+ − 22
+ − 23
+ − 24
+ − 25
define('IN_ENANO_INSTALL', 'true');
+ − 26
+ − 27
define('ENANO_VERSION', '1.0.2');
+ − 28
// In beta versions, define ENANO_BETA_VERSION here
+ − 29
+ − 30
if(!defined('scriptPath')) {
+ − 31
$sp = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
+ − 32
if($sp == '/' || $sp == '\\') $sp = '';
+ − 33
define('scriptPath', $sp);
+ − 34
+ − 35
+ − 36
if(!defined('contentPath')) {
+ − 37
$sp = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
+ − 38
if($sp == '/' || $sp == '\\') $sp = '';
+ − 39
define('contentPath', $sp);
+ − 40
+ − 41
global $_starttime, $this_page, $sideinfo;
+ − 42
$_starttime = microtime(true);
+ − 43
+ − 44
// Determine directory (special case for development servers)
+ − 45
if ( strpos(__FILE__, '/repo/') && file_exists('.enanodev') )
+ − 46
+ − 47
$filename = str_replace('/repo/', '/', __FILE__);
+ − 48
+ − 49
+ − 50
+ − 51
$filename = __FILE__;
+ − 52
+ − 53
+ − 54
define('ENANO_ROOT', dirname($filename));
+ − 55
+ − 56
function is_page($p)
+ − 57
+ − 58
return true;
+ − 59
+ − 60
+ − 61
+ − 62
+ − 63
+ − 64
+ − 65
+ − 66
+ − 67
$neutral_color = 'C';
+ − 68
+ − 69
+ − 70
+ − 71
+ − 72
+ − 73
function run_installer_stage($stage_id, $stage_name, $function, $failure_explanation, $allow_skip = true)
+ − 74
+ − 75
static $resumed = false;
+ − 76
static $resume_stack = array();
+ − 77
+ − 78
if ( empty($resume_stack) && isset($_POST['resume_stack']) && preg_match('/[a-z_]+((\|[a-z_]+)+)/', $_POST['resume_stack']) )
+ − 79
+ − 80
$resume_stack = explode('|', $_POST['resume_stack']);
+ − 81
+ − 82
+ − 83
$already_run = false;
+ − 84
if ( in_array($stage_id, $resume_stack) )
+ − 85
+ − 86
$already_run = true;
+ − 87
+ − 88
+ − 89
if ( !$resumed )
+ − 90
+ − 91
if ( !isset($_GET['stage']) )
+ − 92
$resumed = true;
+ − 93
if ( isset($_GET['stage']) && $_GET['stage'] == $stage_id )
+ − 94
+ − 95
$resumed = true;
+ − 96
+ − 97
+ − 98
if ( !$resumed && $allow_skip )
+ − 99
+ − 100
echo_stage_success($stage_id, "[dbg: skipped] $stage_name");
+ − 101
return false;
+ − 102
+ − 103
if ( !function_exists($function) )
+ − 104
die('libenanoinstall: CRITICAL: function "' . $function . '" for ' . $stage_id . ' doesn\'t exist');
+ − 105
$result = @call_user_func($function, false, $already_run);
+ − 106
if ( $result )
+ − 107
+ − 108
echo_stage_success($stage_id, $stage_name);
+ − 109
$resume_stack[] = $stage_id;
+ − 110
return true;
+ − 111
+ − 112
+ − 113
+ − 114
echo_stage_failure($stage_id, $stage_name, $failure_explanation, $resume_stack);
+ − 115
return false;
+ − 116
+ − 117
+ − 118
+ − 119
function start_install_table()
+ − 120
+ − 121
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">' . "\n";
+ − 122
+ − 123
+ − 124
function close_install_table()
+ − 125
+ − 126
echo '</table>' . "\n\n";
+ − 127
+ − 128
+ − 129
function echo_stage_success($stage_id, $stage_name)
+ − 130
+ − 131
global $neutral_color;
+ − 132
$neutral_color = ( $neutral_color == 'A' ) ? 'C' : 'A';
+ − 133
+ − 134
echo '<tr><td style="width: 500px; background-color: #' . "{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}FF{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}" . '; padding: 0 5px;">' . htmlspecialchars($stage_name) . '</td><td style="padding: 0 5px;"><img alt="Done" src="images/good.gif" /></td></tr>' . "\n";
+ − 135
+ − 136
+ − 137
+ − 138
function echo_stage_failure($stage_id, $stage_name, $failure_explanation, $resume_stack)
+ − 139
+ − 140
global $neutral_color;
+ − 141
+ − 142
$neutral_color = ( $neutral_color == 'A' ) ? 'C' : 'A';
+ − 143
+ − 144
echo '<tr><td style="width: 500px; background-color: #' . "FF{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}" . '; padding: 0 5px;">' . htmlspecialchars($stage_name) . '</td><td style="padding: 0 5px;"><img alt="Failed" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>' . "\n";
+ − 145
+ − 146
+ − 147
$post_data = '';
+ − 148
$mysql_error = mysql_error();
+ − 149
foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value )
+ − 150
+ − 151
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
+ − 152
$key = htmlspecialchars($key);
+ − 153
$post_data .= " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$key\" value=\"$value\" />\n";
+ − 154
+ − 155
echo '<form action="install.php?mode=install&stage=' . $stage_id . '" method="post">
+ − 156
' . $post_data . '
+ − 157
<input type="hidden" name="resume_stack" value="' . htmlspecialchars(implode('|', $resume_stack)) . '" />
+ − 158
<h3>Enano installation failed.</h3>
+ − 159
<p>' . $failure_explanation . '</p>
+ − 160
' . ( !empty($mysql_error) ? "<p>The error returned from MySQL was: $mysql_error</p>" : '' ) . '
+ − 161
<p>When you have corrected the error, click the button below to attempt to continue the installation.</p>
+ − 162
<p style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" value="Retry installation" /></p>
+ − 163
+ − 164
global $template, $template_bak;
+ − 165
if ( is_object($template_bak) )
+ − 166
+ − 167
+ − 168
+ − 169
+ − 170
+ − 171
+ − 172
+ − 173
+ − 174
+ − 175
+ − 176
function stg_mysql_connect($act_get = false)
+ − 177
+ − 178
static $conn = false;
+ − 179
if ( $act_get )
+ − 180
return $conn;
+ − 181
+ − 182
$db_user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['db_user']);
+ − 183
$db_pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['db_pass']);
+ − 184
$db_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['db_name']);
+ − 185
+ − 186
if ( !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/', $db_name) )
+ − 187
die("<p>SECURITY: malformed database name</p>");
+ − 188
+ − 189
// First, try to connect using the normal credentials
+ − 190
$conn = @mysql_connect($_POST['db_host'], $_POST['db_user'], $_POST['db_pass']);
+ − 191
if ( !$conn )
+ − 192
+ − 193
// Connection failed. Do we have the root username and password?
+ − 194
if ( !empty($_POST['db_root_user']) && !empty($_POST['db_root_pass']) )
+ − 195
+ − 196
$conn_root = @mysql_connect($_POST['db_host'], $_POST['db_root_user'], $_POST['db_root_pass']);
+ − 197
if ( !$conn_root )
+ − 198
+ − 199
// Couldn't connect using either set of credentials. Bail out.
+ − 200
return false;
+ − 201
+ − 202
// Create the user account
+ − 203
$q = @mysql_query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* TO '{$db_user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$db_pass' WITH GRANT OPTION;", $conn_root);
+ − 204
if ( !$q )
+ − 205
+ − 206
return false;
+ − 207
+ − 208
// Revoke privileges from test, we don't need them
+ − 209
$q = @mysql_query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* FROM '{$db_user}'@'localhost';", $conn_root);
+ − 210
if ( !$q )
+ − 211
+ − 212
return false;
+ − 213
+ − 214
if ( $_POST['db_host'] != 'localhost' && $_POST['db_host'] != '' && $_POST['db_host'] != '::1' )
+ − 215
+ − 216
// If not connecting to a server running on localhost, allow from any host
+ − 217
// this is safer than trying to detect the hostname of the webserver, but less secure
+ − 218
$q = @mysql_query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* TO '{$db_user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$db_pass' WITH GRANT OPTION;", $conn_root);
+ − 219
if ( !$q )
+ − 220
+ − 221
return false;
+ − 222
+ − 223
// Revoke privileges from test, we don't need them
+ − 224
$q = @mysql_query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* FROM '{$db_user}'@'%';", $conn_root);
+ − 225
if ( !$q )
+ − 226
+ − 227
return false;
+ − 228
+ − 229
+ − 230
+ − 231
+ − 232
$q = @mysql_query("USE $db_name;", $conn);
+ − 233
if ( !$q )
+ − 234
+ − 235
// access denied to the database; try the whole root schenanegan again
+ − 236
if ( !empty($_POST['db_root_user']) && !empty($_POST['db_root_pass']) )
+ − 237
+ − 238
$conn_root = @mysql_connect($_POST['db_host'], $_POST['db_root_user'], $_POST['db_root_pass']);
+ − 239
if ( !$conn_root )
+ − 240
+ − 241
// Couldn't connect as root; bail out
+ − 242
return false;
+ − 243
+ − 244
// create the database, if it doesn't exist
+ − 245
$q = @mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $db_name;", $conn_root);
+ − 246
if ( !$q )
+ − 247
+ − 248
// this really should never fail, so don't give any tolerance to it
+ − 249
return false;
+ − 250
+ − 251
// we're in with root rights; grant access to the database
+ − 252
$q = @mysql_query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $db_name.* TO '{$db_user}'@'localhost';", $conn_root);
+ − 253
if ( !$q )
+ − 254
+ − 255
return false;
+ − 256
+ − 257
if ( $_POST['db_host'] != 'localhost' && $_POST['db_host'] != '' && $_POST['db_host'] != '::1' )
+ − 258
+ − 259
$q = @mysql_query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $db_name.* TO '{$db_user}'@'%';", $conn_root);
+ − 260
if ( !$q )
+ − 261
+ − 262
return false;
+ − 263
+ − 264
+ − 265
+ − 266
+ − 267
+ − 268
return false;
+ − 269
+ − 270
// try again
+ − 271
$q = @mysql_query("USE $db_name;", $conn);
+ − 272
if ( !$q )
+ − 273
+ − 274
// really failed this time; bail out
+ − 275
return false;
+ − 276
+ − 277
+ − 278
// connected and database exists
+ − 279
return true;
+ − 280
+ − 281
+ − 282
function stg_drop_tables()
+ − 283
+ − 284
$conn = stg_mysql_connect(true);
+ − 285
if ( !$conn )
+ − 286
return false;
+ − 287
// Our list of tables included in Enano
+ − 288
$tables = Array( 'categories', 'comments', 'config', 'logs', 'page_text', 'session_keys', 'pages', 'users', 'users_extra', 'themes', 'buddies', 'banlist', 'files', 'privmsgs', 'sidebar', 'hits', 'search_index', 'groups', 'group_members', 'acl', 'search_cache', 'tags', 'page_groups', 'page_group_members' );
+ − 289
+ − 290
// Drop each table individually; if it fails, it probably means we're trying to drop a
+ − 291
// table that didn't exist in the Enano version we're deleting the database for.
+ − 292
foreach ( $tables as $table )
+ − 293
+ − 294
// Remember that table_prefix is sanitized.
+ − 295
$table = "{$_POST['table_prefix']}$table";
+ − 296
@mysql_query("DROP TABLE $table;", $conn);
+ − 297
+ − 298
return true;
+ − 299
+ − 300
+ − 301
function stg_decrypt_admin_pass($act_get = false)
+ − 302
+ − 303
static $decrypted_pass = false;
+ − 304
if ( $act_get )
+ − 305
return $decrypted_pass;
+ − 306
+ − 307
+ − 308
+ − 309
if ( !empty($_POST['crypt_data']) )
+ − 310
+ − 311
+ − 312
if ( !isset($cryptkey) )
+ − 313
+ − 314
return false;
+ − 315
+ − 316
+ − 317
$key = hexdecode($cryptkey);
+ − 318
+ − 319
$decrypted_pass = $aes->decrypt($_POST['crypt_data'], $key, ENC_HEX);
+ − 320
+ − 321
+ − 322
+ − 323
+ − 324
$decrypted_pass = $_POST['admin_pass'];
+ − 325
+ − 326
if ( empty($decrypted_pass) )
+ − 327
return false;
+ − 328
return true;
+ − 329
+ − 330
+ − 331
function stg_generate_aes_key($act_get = false)
+ − 332
+ − 333
static $key = false;
+ − 334
if ( $act_get )
+ − 335
return $key;
+ − 336
+ − 337
+ − 338
$key = $aes->gen_readymade_key();
+ − 339
return true;
+ − 340
+ − 341
+ − 342
function stg_parse_schema($act_get = false)
+ − 343
+ − 344
static $schema;
+ − 345
if ( $act_get )
+ − 346
return $schema;
+ − 347
+ − 348
$admin_pass = stg_decrypt_admin_pass(true);
+ − 349
$key = stg_generate_aes_key(true);
+ − 350
+ − 351
$key = $aes->hextostring($key);
+ − 352
$admin_pass = $aes->encrypt($admin_pass, $key, ENC_HEX);
+ − 353
+ − 354
$cacheonoff = is_writable(ENANO_ROOT.'/cache/') ? '1' : '0';
+ − 355
+ − 356
$schema = file_get_contents('schema.sql');
+ − 357
$schema = str_replace('{{SITE_NAME}}', mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sitename'] ), $schema);
+ − 358
$schema = str_replace('{{SITE_DESC}}', mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sitedesc'] ), $schema);
+ − 359
$schema = str_replace('{{COPYRIGHT}}', mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['copyright'] ), $schema);
+ − 360
$schema = str_replace('{{ADMIN_USER}}', mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['admin_user'] ), $schema);
+ − 361
$schema = str_replace('{{ADMIN_PASS}}', mysql_real_escape_string($admin_pass ), $schema);
+ − 362
$schema = str_replace('{{ADMIN_EMAIL}}', mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['admin_email']), $schema);
+ − 363
$schema = str_replace('{{ENABLE_CACHE}}', mysql_real_escape_string($cacheonoff ), $schema);
+ − 364
$schema = str_replace('{{REAL_NAME}}', '', $schema);
+ − 365
$schema = str_replace('{{TABLE_PREFIX}}', $_POST['table_prefix'], $schema);
+ − 366
$schema = str_replace('{{VERSION}}', ENANO_VERSION, $schema);
+ − 367
$schema = str_replace('{{ADMIN_EMBED_PHP}}', $_POST['admin_embed_php'], $schema);
+ − 368
// Not anymore!! :-D
+ − 369
// $schema = str_replace('{{BETA_VERSION}}', ENANO_BETA_VERSION, $schema);
+ − 370
+ − 371
+ − 372
+ − 373
$schema = str_replace('{{WIKI_MODE}}', '1', $schema);
+ − 374
+ − 375
+ − 376
+ − 377
$schema = str_replace('{{WIKI_MODE}}', '0', $schema);
+ − 378
+ − 379
+ − 380
// Build an array of queries
+ − 381
$schema = explode("\n", $schema);
+ − 382
+ − 383
foreach ( $schema as $i => $sql )
+ − 384
+ − 385
$query =& $schema[$i];
+ − 386
$t = trim($query);
+ − 387
if ( empty($t) || preg_match('/^(\#|--)/i', $t) )
+ − 388
+ − 389
+ − 390
+ − 391
+ − 392
+ − 393
+ − 394
$schema = array_values($schema);
+ − 395
$schema = implode("\n", $schema);
+ − 396
$schema = explode(";\n", $schema);
+ − 397
+ − 398
foreach ( $schema as $i => $sql )
+ − 399
+ − 400
$query =& $schema[$i];
+ − 401
if ( substr($query, ( strlen($query) - 1 ), 1 ) != ';' )
+ − 402
+ − 403
$query .= ';';
+ − 404
+ − 405
+ − 406
+ − 407
return true;
+ − 408
+ − 409
+ − 410
function stg_install($_unused, $already_run)
+ − 411
+ − 412
// This one's pretty easy.
+ − 413
$conn = stg_mysql_connect(true);
+ − 414
if ( !is_resource($conn) )
+ − 415
return false;
+ − 416
$schema = stg_parse_schema(true);
+ − 417
if ( !is_array($schema) )
+ − 418
return false;
+ − 419
+ − 420
// If we're resuming installation, the encryption key was regenerated.
+ − 421
// This means we'll have to update the encrypted password in the database.
+ − 422
if ( $already_run )
+ − 423
+ − 424
$admin_pass = stg_decrypt_admin_pass(true);
+ − 425
$key = stg_generate_aes_key(true);
+ − 426
+ − 427
$key = $aes->hextostring($key);
+ − 428
$admin_pass = $aes->encrypt($admin_pass, $key, ENC_HEX);
+ − 429
$admin_user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['admin_user']);
+ − 430
+ − 431
$q = @mysql_query("UPDATE {$_POST['table_prefix']}users SET password='$admin_pass' WHERE username='$admin_user';");
+ − 432
if ( !$q )
+ − 433
+ − 434
echo '<p><tt>MySQL return: ' . mysql_error() . '</tt></p>';
+ − 435
return false;
+ − 436
+ − 437
+ − 438
return true;
+ − 439
+ − 440
+ − 441
// OK, do the loop, baby!!!
+ − 442
foreach($schema as $q)
+ − 443
+ − 444
$r = mysql_query($q, $conn);
+ − 445
if ( !$r )
+ − 446
+ − 447
echo '<p><tt>MySQL return: ' . mysql_error() . '</tt></p>';
+ − 448
return false;
+ − 449
+ − 450
+ − 451
+ − 452
return true;
+ − 453
+ − 454
+ − 455
function stg_write_config()
+ − 456
+ − 457
$privkey = stg_generate_aes_key(true);
+ − 458
+ − 459
+ − 460
+ − 461
case "ugly":
+ − 462
+ − 463
$cp = scriptPath.'/index.php?title=';
+ − 464
+ − 465
case "short":
+ − 466
$cp = scriptPath.'/index.php/';
+ − 467
+ − 468
case "tiny":
+ − 469
$cp = scriptPath.'/';
+ − 470
+ − 471
+ − 472
+ − 473
if ( $_POST['urlscheme'] == 'tiny' )
+ − 474
+ − 475
$contents = '# Begin Enano rules
+ − 476
RewriteEngine on
+ − 477
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
+ − 478
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
+ − 479
RewriteRule ^(.+) '.scriptPath.'/index.php?title=$1 [L,QSA]
+ − 480
RewriteRule \.(php|html|gif|jpg|png|css|js)$ - [L]
+ − 481
# End Enano rules
+ − 482
+ − 483
if ( file_exists('./.htaccess') )
+ − 484
$ht = fopen(ENANO_ROOT.'/.htaccess', 'a+');
+ − 485
+ − 486
$ht = fopen(ENANO_ROOT.'/.htaccess.new', 'w');
+ − 487
if ( !$ht )
+ − 488
return false;
+ − 489
fwrite($ht, $contents);
+ − 490
+ − 491
+ − 492
+ − 493
$config_file = '<?php
+ − 494
/* Enano auto-generated configuration file - editing not recommended! */
+ − 495
$dbhost = \''.addslashes($_POST['db_host']).'\';
+ − 496
$dbname = \''.addslashes($_POST['db_name']).'\';
+ − 497
$dbuser = \''.addslashes($_POST['db_user']).'\';
+ − 498
$dbpasswd = \''.addslashes($_POST['db_pass']).'\';
+ − 499
if ( !defined(\'ENANO_CONSTANTS\') )
+ − 500
+ − 501
define(\'ENANO_CONSTANTS\', \'\');
+ − 502
define(\'table_prefix\', \''.addslashes($_POST['table_prefix']).'\');
+ − 503
define(\'scriptPath\', \''.scriptPath.'\');
+ − 504
define(\'contentPath\', \''.$cp.'\');
+ − 505
define(\'ENANO_INSTALLED\', \'true\');
+ − 506
+ − 507
$crypto_key = \''.$privkey.'\';
+ − 508
+ − 509
+ − 510
$cf_handle = fopen(ENANO_ROOT.'/config.new.php', 'w');
+ − 511
if ( !$cf_handle )
+ − 512
return false;
+ − 513
fwrite($cf_handle, $config_file);
+ − 514
+ − 515
+ − 516
+ − 517
return true;
+ − 518
+ − 519
+ − 520
function _stg_rename_config_revert()
+ − 521
+ − 522
if ( file_exists('./config.php') )
+ − 523
+ − 524
@rename('./config.php', './config.new.php');
+ − 525
+ − 526
+ − 527
$handle = @fopen('./config.php.new', 'w');
+ − 528
if ( !$handle )
+ − 529
return false;
+ − 530
$contents = '<?php $cryptkey = \'' . _INSTRESUME_AES_KEYBACKUP . '\'; ?>';
+ − 531
fwrite($handle, $contents);
+ − 532
+ − 533
return true;
+ − 534
+ − 535
+ − 536
function stg_rename_config()
+ − 537
+ − 538
if ( !@rename('./config.new.php', './config.php') )
+ − 539
+ − 540
echo '<p>Can\'t rename config.php</p>';
+ − 541
+ − 542
return false;
+ − 543
+ − 544
+ − 545
if ( $_POST['urlscheme'] == 'tiny' && !file_exists('./.htaccess') )
+ − 546
+ − 547
if ( !@rename('./.htaccess.new', './.htaccess') )
+ − 548
+ − 549
echo '<p>Can\'t rename .htaccess</p>';
+ − 550
+ − 551
return false;
+ − 552
+ − 553
+ − 554
return true;
+ − 555
+ − 556
+ − 557
function stg_start_api_success()
+ − 558
+ − 559
return true;
+ − 560
+ − 561
+ − 562
function stg_start_api_failure()
+ − 563
+ − 564
return false;
+ − 565
+ − 566
+ − 567
function stg_init_logs()
+ − 568
+ − 569
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 570
+ − 571
$q = $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . table_prefix . 'logs(log_type,action,time_id,date_string,author,page_text,edit_summary) VALUES(\'security\', \'install_enano\', ' . time() . ', \'' . date('d M Y h:i a') . '\', \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['admin_user']) . '\', \'' . mysql_real_escape_string(ENANO_VERSION) . '\', \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . '\');');
+ − 572
if ( !$q )
+ − 573
+ − 574
echo '<p><tt>MySQL return: ' . mysql_error() . '</tt></p>';
+ − 575
return false;
+ − 576
+ − 577
+ − 578
if ( !$session->get_permissions('clear_logs') )
+ − 579
+ − 580
echo '<p><tt>$session: denied clear_logs</tt></p>';
+ − 581
return false;
+ − 582
+ − 583
+ − 584
PageUtils::flushlogs('Main_Page', 'Article');
+ − 585
+ − 586
return true;
+ − 587
+ − 588
+ − 589
//die('Key size: ' . AES_BITS . '<br />Block size: ' . AES_BLOCKSIZE);
+ − 590
+ − 591
+ − 592
+ − 593
function wikiFormat($message, $filter_links = true)
+ − 594
+ − 595
$wiki = & Text_Wiki::singleton('Mediawiki');
+ − 596
$wiki->setRenderConf('Xhtml', 'code', 'css_filename', 'codefilename');
+ − 597
$wiki->setRenderConf('Xhtml', 'wikilink', 'view_url', contentPath);
+ − 598
$result = $wiki->transform($message, 'Xhtml');
+ − 599
+ − 600
// HTML fixes
+ − 601
$result = preg_replace('#<tr>([\s]*?)<\/tr>#is', '', $result);
+ − 602
$result = preg_replace('#<p>([\s]*?)<\/p>#is', '', $result);
+ − 603
$result = preg_replace('#<br />([\s]*?)<table#is', '<table', $result);
+ − 604
+ − 605
return $result;
+ − 606
+ − 607
+ − 608
+ − 609
global $failed, $warned;
+ − 610
+ − 611
$failed = false;
+ − 612
$warned = false;
+ − 613
+ − 614
function not($var)
+ − 615
+ − 616
+ − 617
+ − 618
return false;
+ − 619
+ − 620
+ − 621
+ − 622
return true;
+ − 623
+ − 624
+ − 625
+ − 626
function run_test($code, $desc, $extended_desc, $warn = false)
+ − 627
+ − 628
global $failed, $warned;
+ − 629
static $cv = true;
+ − 630
$cv = not($cv);
+ − 631
$val = eval($code);
+ − 632
+ − 633
+ − 634
if($cv) $color='CCFFCC'; else $color='AAFFAA';
+ − 635
echo "<tr><td style='background-color: #$color; width: 500px;'>$desc</td><td style='padding-left: 10px;'><img alt='Test passed' src='images/good.gif' /></td></tr>";
+ − 636
} elseif(!$val && $warn) {
+ − 637
if($cv) $color='FFFFCC'; else $color='FFFFAA';
+ − 638
echo "<tr><td style='background-color: #$color; width: 500px;'>$desc<br /><b>$extended_desc</b></td><td style='padding-left: 10px;'><img alt='Test passed with warning' src='images/unknown.gif' /></td></tr>";
+ − 639
$warned = true;
+ − 640
} else {
+ − 641
if($cv) $color='FFCCCC'; else $color='FFAAAA';
+ − 642
echo "<tr><td style='background-color: #$color; width: 500px;'>$desc<br /><b>$extended_desc</b></td><td style='padding-left: 10px;'><img alt='Test failed' src='images/bad.gif' /></td></tr>";
+ − 643
$failed = true;
+ − 644
+ − 645
+ − 646
function is_apache() { $r = strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') ? true : false; return $r; }
+ − 647
+ − 648
+ − 649
+ − 650
if(!isset($_GET['mode'])) $_GET['mode'] = 'welcome';
+ − 651
+ − 652
+ − 653
case 'mysql_test':
+ − 654
+ − 655
$dbhost = rawurldecode($_POST['host']);
+ − 656
$dbname = rawurldecode($_POST['name']);
+ − 657
$dbuser = rawurldecode($_POST['user']);
+ − 658
$dbpass = rawurldecode($_POST['pass']);
+ − 659
$dbrootuser = rawurldecode($_POST['root_user']);
+ − 660
$dbrootpass = rawurldecode($_POST['root_pass']);
+ − 661
if($dbrootuser != '')
+ − 662
+ − 663
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbrootuser, $dbrootpass);
+ − 664
+ − 665
+ − 666
$e = mysql_error();
+ − 667
if(strstr($e, "Lost connection"))
+ − 668
+ − 669
+ − 670
+ − 671
+ − 672
$rsp = 'good';
+ − 673
$q = mysql_query('USE `' . mysql_real_escape_string($dbname) . '`;', $conn);
+ − 674
+ − 675
+ − 676
$e = mysql_error();
+ − 677
if(strstr($e, 'Unknown database'))
+ − 678
+ − 679
$rsp .= '_creating_db';
+ − 680
+ − 681
+ − 682
+ − 683
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
+ − 684
+ − 685
+ − 686
$e = mysql_error();
+ − 687
if(strstr($e, "Lost connection"))
+ − 688
+ − 689
+ − 690
$rsp .= '_creating_user';
+ − 691
+ − 692
+ − 693
+ − 694
+ − 695
+ − 696
+ − 697
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
+ − 698
+ − 699
+ − 700
$e = mysql_error();
+ − 701
if(strstr($e, "Lost connection"))
+ − 702
+ − 703
+ − 704
+ − 705
+ − 706
$q = mysql_query('USE `' . mysql_real_escape_string($dbname) . '`;', $conn);
+ − 707
+ − 708
+ − 709
$e = mysql_error();
+ − 710
if(strstr($e, 'Unknown database'))
+ − 711
+ − 712
+ − 713
+ − 714
+ − 715
+ − 716
+ − 717
+ − 718
+ − 719
+ − 720
$v = mysql_get_server_info();
+ − 721
if(version_compare($v, '4.1.17', '<')) die('vers'.$v);
+ − 722
+ − 723
+ − 724
+ − 725
case 'pophelp':
+ − 726
$topic = ( isset($_GET['topic']) ) ? $_GET['topic'] : 'invalid';
+ − 727
+ − 728
+ − 729
case 'admin_embed_php':
+ − 730
$title = 'Allow administrators to embed PHP';
+ − 731
$content = '<p>This option allows you to control whether anything between the standard <?php and ?> tags will be treated as
+ − 732
PHP code by Enano. If this option is enabled, and members of the Administrators group use these tags, Enano will
+ − 733
execute that code when the page is loaded. There are obvious potential security implications here, which should
+ − 734
be carefully considered before enabling this option.</p>
+ − 735
<p>If you are the only administrator of this site, or if you have a high level of trust for those will be administering
+ − 736
the site with you, you should enable this to allow extreme customization of pages.</p>
+ − 737
<p>Leave this option off if you are at all concerned about security – if your account is compromised and PHP embedding
+ − 738
is enabled, an attacker can run arbitrary code on your server! Enabling this will also allow administrators to
+ − 739
embed Javascript and arbitrary HTML and CSS.</p>
+ − 740
<p>If you don\'t have experience coding in PHP, you can safely disable this option. You may change this at any time
+ − 741
using the ACL editor by selecting the Administrators group and This Entire Website under the scope selection. <!-- , or by
+ − 742
using the "embedded PHP kill switch" in the administration panel. --></p>';
+ − 743
+ − 744
+ − 745
$title = 'Invalid topic';
+ − 746
$content = 'Invalid help topic.';
+ − 747
+ − 748
+ − 749
echo <<<EOF
+ − 750
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+ − 751
+ − 752
+ − 753
<title>Enano installation quick help • {$title}</title>
+ − 754
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+ − 755
<style type="text/css">
+ − 756
body {
+ − 757
font-family: trebuchet ms, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
+ − 758
font-size: 9pt;
+ − 759
+ − 760
h2 { border-bottom: 1px solid #90B0D0; margin-bottom: 0; }
+ − 761
h3 { font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; }
+ − 762
li { list-style: url(../images/bullet.gif); }
+ − 763
p { margin: 1.0em; }
+ − 764
blockquote { background-color: #F4F4F4; border: 1px dotted #406080; margin: 1em; padding: 10px; max-height: 250px; overflow: auto; }
+ − 765
a { color: #7090B0; }
+ − 766
a:hover { color: #90B0D0; }
+ − 767
+ − 768
+ − 769
+ − 770
+ − 771
+ − 772
<p style="text-align: right;">
+ − 773
<a href="#" onclick="window.close(); return false;">Close window</a>
+ − 774
+ − 775
+ − 776
+ − 777
+ − 778
+ − 779
+ − 780
+ − 781
+ − 782
+ − 783
+ − 784
$template = new template_nodb();
+ − 785
$template->load_theme('oxygen', 'bleu', false);
+ − 786
+ − 787
$modestrings = Array(
+ − 788
'welcome' => 'Welcome',
+ − 789
'license' => 'License Agreement',
+ − 790
'sysreqs' => 'Server requirements',
+ − 791
'database'=> 'Database information',
+ − 792
'website' => 'Website configuration',
+ − 793
'login' => 'Administration login',
+ − 794
'confirm' => 'Confirm installation',
+ − 795
'install' => 'Database installation',
+ − 796
'finish' => 'Installation complete'
+ − 797
+ − 798
+ − 799
$sideinfo = '';
+ − 800
$vars = $template->extract_vars('elements.tpl');
+ − 801
$p = $template->makeParserText($vars['sidebar_button']);
+ − 802
foreach ( $modestrings as $id => $str )
+ − 803
+ − 804
if ( $_GET['mode'] == $id )
+ − 805
+ − 806
$flags = 'style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;"';
+ − 807
$this_page = $str;
+ − 808
+ − 809
+ − 810
+ − 811
$flags = '';
+ − 812
+ − 813
+ − 814
'HREF' => '#',
+ − 815
'FLAGS' => $flags . ' onclick="return false;"',
+ − 816
'TEXT' => $str
+ − 817
+ − 818
$sideinfo .= $p->run();
+ − 819
+ − 820
+ − 821
+ − 822
+ − 823
if(isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'css')
+ − 824
+ − 825
header('Content-type: text/css');
+ − 826
echo $template->get_css();
+ − 827
+ − 828
+ − 829
+ − 830
+ − 831
if(!isset($_GET['mode'])) $_GET['mode'] = 'license';
+ − 832
+ − 833
+ − 834
+ − 835
case 'welcome':
+ − 836
+ − 837
<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;">
+ − 838
<img alt="[ Enano CMS Project logo ]" src="images/enano-artwork/installer-greeting-blue.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto; padding-left: 100px;" />
+ − 839
<h2>Welcome to Enano</h2>
+ − 840
<h3>version 1.0.2 – stable<br />
+ − 841
<span style="font-weight: normal;">also affectionately known as "coblynau" <tt>:)</tt></span></h3>
+ − 842
+ − 843
if ( file_exists('./_nightly.php') )
+ − 844
+ − 845
echo '<div class="warning-box" style="text-align: left; margin: 10px 0;"><b>You are about to install a NIGHTLY BUILD of Enano.</b><br />Nightly builds are NOT upgradeable and may contain serious flaws, security problems, or extraneous debugging information. Installing this version of Enano on a production site is NOT recommended.</div>';
+ − 846
+ − 847
+ − 848
<form action="install.php?mode=license" method="post">
+ − 849
<input type="submit" value="Start installation" />
+ − 850
+ − 851
+ − 852
+ − 853
+ − 854
case "license":
+ − 855
+ − 856
<h3>Welcome to the Enano installer.</h3>
+ − 857
<p>Thank you for choosing Enano as your CMS. You've selected the finest in design, the strongest in security, and the latest in Web 2.0 toys. Trust us, you'll like it.</p>
+ − 858
<p>To get started, please read and accept the following license agreement. You've probably seen it before.</p>
+ − 859
<div style="height: 500px; clip: rect(0px,auto,500px,auto); overflow: auto; padding: 10px; border: 1px dashed #456798; margin: 1em;">
+ − 860
<h2>GNU General Public License</h2>
+ − 861
<h3>Declaration of license usage</h3>
+ − 862
<p>Enano is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+ − 863
<p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but <u>without any warranty</u>; without even the implied warranty of <u>merchantability</u> or <u>fitness for a particular purpose</u>. See the GNU General Public License (below) for more details.</p>
+ − 864
<p><b>By clicking the button below or otherwise continuing the installation, you indicate your acceptance of this license agreement.</b></p>
+ − 865
<h3>Human-readable version</h3>
+ − 866
<p>Enano is distributed under certain licensing terms that we believe make it of the greatest possible use to the public. The license we distribute it under, the GNU General Public License, provides certain terms and conditions that, rather than limit your use of Enano, allow you to get the most out of it. If you would like to read the full text, it can be found below. Here is a human-readable version that we think is a little easier to understand.</p>
+ − 867
+ − 868
<li>You may to run Enano for any purpose.</li>
+ − 869
<li>You may study how Enano works and adapt it to your needs.</li>
+ − 870
<li>You may redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.</li>
+ − 871
<li>You may improve Enano and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits.</li>
+ − 872
+ − 873
<p>You may exercise the freedoms specified here provided that you comply with the express conditions of this license. The principal conditions are:</p>
+ − 874
+ − 875
<li>You must conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy distributed an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty and keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of Enano a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Enano. Any translation of the GNU General Public License must be accompanied by the GNU General Public License.</li>
+ − 876
<li>If you modify your copy or copies of Enano or any portion of it, or develop a program based upon it, you may distribute the resulting work provided you do so under the GNU General Public License. Any translation of the GNU General Public License must be accompanied by the GNU General Public License.</li>
+ − 877
<li>If you copy or distribute Enano, you must accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code or with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to furnish the complete corresponding machine-readable source code.</li>
+ − 878
+ − 879
<p><b>Disclaimer</b>: The above text is not a license. It is simply a handy reference for understanding the Legal Code (the full license) – it is a human-readable expression of some of its key terms. Think of it as the user-friendly interface to the Legal Code beneath. The above text itself has no legal value, and its contents do not appear in the actual license.<br /><span style="color: #CCC">Text copied from the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/">Creative Commons GPL Deed page</a></span></p>
+ − 880
+ − 881
if ( defined('ENANO_BETA_VERSION') )
+ − 882
+ − 883
+ − 884
<h3>Notice for prerelease versions</h3>
+ − 885
<p>This version of Enano is designed only for testing and evaluation purposes. <b>It is not yet completely stable, and should not be used on production websites.</b> As with any Enano version, Dan Fuhry and the Enano team cannot be responsible for any damage, physical or otherwise, to any property as a result of the use of Enano. While security is a number one priority, sometimes things slip through.</p>
+ − 886
+ − 887
+ − 888
+ − 889
<h3>Lawyer-readable version</h3>
+ − 890
<?php echo wikiFormat(file_get_contents(ENANO_ROOT . '/GPL')); ?>
+ − 891
+ − 892
<div class="pagenav">
+ − 893
<form action="install.php?mode=sysreqs" method="post">
+ − 894
<table border="0">
+ − 895
+ − 896
<td><input type="submit" value="I agree to the license terms" /></td><td><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Before clicking continue:</span><br />• Ensure that you agree with the terms of the license<br />• Have your database host, name, username, and password available</p></td>
+ − 897
+ − 898
+ − 899
+ − 900
+ − 901
+ − 902
+ − 903
case "sysreqs":
+ − 904
+ − 905
+ − 906
<h3>Checking your server</h3>
+ − 907
<p>Enano has several requirements that must be met before it can be installed. If all is good then note any warnings and click Continue below.</p>
+ − 908
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ − 909
+ − 910
run_test('return version_compare(\'4.3.0\', PHP_VERSION, \'<\');', 'PHP Version >=4.3.0', 'It seems that the version of PHP that your server is running is too old to support Enano properly. If this is your server, please upgrade to the most recent version of PHP, remembering to use the --with-mysql configure option if you compile it yourself. If this is not your server, please contact your webhost and ask them if it would be possible to upgrade PHP. If this is not possible, you will need to switch to a different webhost in order to use Enano.');
+ − 911
run_test('return function_exists(\'mysql_connect\');', 'MySQL extension for PHP', 'It seems that your PHP installation does not have the MySQL extension enabled. If this is your own server, you may need to just enable the "libmysql.so" extension in php.ini. If you do not have the MySQL extension installed, you will need to either use your distribution\'s package manager to install it, or you will have to compile PHP from source. If you compile PHP from source, please remember to use the "--with-mysql" configure option, and you will have to have the MySQL development files installed (they usually are). If this is not your server, please contact your hosting company and ask them to install the PHP MySQL extension.');
+ − 912
run_test('return @ini_get(\'file_uploads\');', 'File upload support', 'It seems that your server does not support uploading files. Enano *requires* this functionality in order to work properly. Please ask your server administrator to set the "file_uploads" option in php.ini to "On".');
+ − 913
run_test('return is_apache();', 'Apache HTTP Server', 'Apparently your server is running a web server other than Apache. Enano will work nontheless, but there are some known bugs with non-Apache servers, and the "fancy" URLs will not work properly. The "Standard URLs" option will be set on the website configuration page, only change it if you are absolutely certain that your server is running Apache.', true);
+ − 914
//run_test('return function_exists(\'finfo_file\');', 'Fileinfo PECL extension', 'The MIME magic PHP extension is used to determine the type of a file by looking for a certain "magic" string of characters inside it. This functionality is used by Enano to more effectively prevent malicious file uploads. The MIME magic option will be disabled by default.', true);
+ − 915
run_test('return is_writable(ENANO_ROOT.\'/config.new.php\');', 'Configuration file writable', 'It looks like the configuration file, config.new.php, is not writable. Enano needs to be able to write to this file in order to install.<br /><br /><b>If you are installing Enano on a SourceForge web site:</b><br />SourceForge mounts the web partitions read-only now, so you will need to use the project shell service to symlink config.php to a file in the /tmp/persistent directory.');
+ − 916
run_test('return file_exists(\'/usr/bin/convert\');', 'ImageMagick support', 'Enano uses ImageMagick to scale images into thumbnails. Because ImageMagick was not found on your server, Enano will use the width= and height= attributes on the <img> tag to scale images. This can cause somewhat of a performance increase, but bandwidth usage will be higher, especially if you use high-resolution images on your site.<br /><br />If you are sure that you have ImageMagick, you can set the location of the "convert" program using the administration panel after installation is complete.', true);
+ − 917
run_test('return is_writable(ENANO_ROOT.\'/cache/\');', 'Cache directory writable', 'Apparently the cache/ directory is not writable. Enano will still work, but you will not be able to cache thumbnails, meaning the server will need to re-render them each time they are requested. In some cases, this can cause a significant slowdown.', true);
+ − 918
run_test('return is_writable(ENANO_ROOT.\'/files/\');', 'File uploads directory writable', 'It seems that the directory where uploaded files are stored (' . ENANO_ROOT . '/files) cannot be written by the server. Enano will still function, but file uploads will not function, and will be disabled by default.', true);
+ − 919
echo '</table>';
+ − 920
+ − 921
+ − 922
+ − 923
+ − 924
<div class="pagenav">
+ − 925
+ − 926
if($warned) {
+ − 927
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
+ − 928
run_test('return false;', 'Some scalebacks were made due to your server configuration.', 'Enano has detected that some of the features or configuration settings on your server are not optimal for the best behavior and/or performance for Enano. As a result, certain features or enhancements that are part of Enano have been disabled to prevent further errors. You have seen those "fatal error" notices that spew from PHP, haven\'t you?<br /><br />Fatal error:</b> call to undefined function wannahokaloogie() in file <b>'.__FILE__.'</b> on line <b>'.__LINE__.'', true);
+ − 929
echo '</table>';
+ − 930
} else {
+ − 931
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
+ − 932
run_test('return true;', '<b>Your server meets all the requirements for running Enano.</b><br />Click the button below to continue the installation.', 'You should never see this text. Congratulations for being an Enano hacker!');
+ − 933
echo '</table>';
+ − 934
+ − 935
+ − 936
<form action="install.php?mode=database" method="post">
+ − 937
<table border="0">
+ − 938
+ − 939
<td><input type="submit" value="Continue" /></td><td><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Before clicking continue:</span><br />• Ensure that you are satisfied with any scalebacks that may have been made to accomodate your server configuration<br />• Have your database host, name, username, and password available</p></td>
+ − 940
+ − 941
+ − 942
+ − 943
+ − 944
+ − 945
} else {
+ − 946
if($failed) {
+ − 947
echo '<div class="pagenav"><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
+ − 948
run_test('return false;', 'Your server does not meet the requirements for Enano to run.', 'As a precaution, Enano will not install until the above requirements have been met. Contact your server administrator or hosting company and convince them to upgrade. Good luck.');
+ − 949
echo '</table></div>';
+ − 950
+ − 951
+ − 952
+ − 953
+ − 954
+ − 955
case "database":
+ − 956
+ − 957
<script type="text/javascript">
+ − 958
function ajaxGet(uri, f) {
+ − 959
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
+ − 960
ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ − 961
} else {
+ − 962
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+ − 963
ajax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+ − 964
} else {
+ − 965
alert('Enano client-side runtime error: No AJAX support, unable to continue');
+ − 966
+ − 967
+ − 968
+ − 969
ajax.onreadystatechange = f;
+ − 970
ajax.open('GET', uri, true);
+ − 971
+ − 972
+ − 973
+ − 974
function ajaxPost(uri, parms, f) {
+ − 975
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
+ − 976
ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ − 977
} else {
+ − 978
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+ − 979
ajax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+ − 980
} else {
+ − 981
alert('Enano client-side runtime error: No AJAX support, unable to continue');
+ − 982
+ − 983
+ − 984
+ − 985
ajax.onreadystatechange = f;
+ − 986
ajax.open('POST', uri, true);
+ − 987
ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+ − 988
ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-length", parms.length);
+ − 989
ajax.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
+ − 990
+ − 991
+ − 992
function ajaxTestConnection()
+ − 993
+ − 994
v = verify();
+ − 995
+ − 996
+ − 997
alert('One or more of the form fields is incorrect. Please correct any information in the form that has an "X" next to it.');
+ − 998
return false;
+ − 999
+ − 1000
var frm = document.forms.dbinfo;
+ − 1001
db_host = escape(frm.db_host.value.replace('+', '%2B'));
+ − 1002
db_name = escape(frm.db_name.value.replace('+', '%2B'));
+ − 1003
db_user = escape(frm.db_user.value.replace('+', '%2B'));
+ − 1004
db_pass = escape(frm.db_pass.value.replace('+', '%2B'));
+ − 1005
db_root_user = escape(frm.db_root_user.value.replace('+', '%2B'));
+ − 1006
db_root_pass = escape(frm.db_root_pass.value.replace('+', '%2B'));
+ − 1007
+ − 1008
parms = 'host='+db_host+'&name='+db_name+'&user='+db_user+'&pass='+db_pass+'&root_user='+db_root_user+'&root_pass='+db_root_pass;
+ − 1009
ajaxPost('<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/install.php?mode=mysql_test', parms, function() {
+ − 1010
+ − 1011
+ − 1012
s = ajax.responseText.substr(0, 4);
+ − 1013
t = ajax.responseText.substr(4, ajax.responseText.length);
+ − 1014
if(s.substr(0, 4)=='good')
+ − 1015
+ − 1016
+ − 1017
+ − 1018
+ − 1019
+ − 1020
if(t.match(/_creating_db/)) document.getElementById('e_db_name').innerHTML = '<b>Warning:<\/b> The database you specified does not exist. It will be created during installation.';
+ − 1021
if(t.match(/_creating_user/)) document.getElementById('e_db_auth').innerHTML = '<b>Warning:<\/b> The specified regular user does not exist or the password is incorrect. The user will be created during installation. If the user already exists, the password will be reset.';
+ − 1022
+ − 1023
document.getElementById('e_mysql_version').innerHTML = 'Your version of MySQL meets Enano requirements.';
+ − 1024
+ − 1025
+ − 1026
+ − 1027
+ − 1028
+ − 1029
case 'host':
+ − 1030
+ − 1031
+ − 1032
+ − 1033
+ − 1034
document.getElementById('e_db_host').innerHTML = '<b>Error:<\/b> The database server "'+document.forms.dbinfo.db_host.value+'" couldn\'t be contacted.<br \/>'+t;
+ − 1035
document.getElementById('e_mysql_version').innerHTML = 'The MySQL version that your server is running could not be determined.';
+ − 1036
+ − 1037
case 'auth':
+ − 1038
+ − 1039
+ − 1040
+ − 1041
+ − 1042
document.getElementById('e_db_auth').innerHTML = '<b>Error:<\/b> Access to MySQL under the specified credentials was denied.<br \/>'+t;
+ − 1043
document.getElementById('e_mysql_version').innerHTML = 'The MySQL version that your server is running could not be determined.';
+ − 1044
+ − 1045
case 'perm':
+ − 1046
+ − 1047
+ − 1048
+ − 1049
+ − 1050
document.getElementById('e_db_name').innerHTML = '<b>Error:<\/b> Access to the specified database using those login credentials was denied.<br \/>'+t;
+ − 1051
document.getElementById('e_mysql_version').innerHTML = 'The MySQL version that your server is running could not be determined.';
+ − 1052
+ − 1053
case 'name':
+ − 1054
+ − 1055
+ − 1056
+ − 1057
+ − 1058
document.getElementById('e_db_name').innerHTML = '<b>Error:<\/b> The specified database does not exist<br \/>'+t;
+ − 1059
document.getElementById('e_mysql_version').innerHTML = 'The MySQL version that your server is running could not be determined.';
+ − 1060
+ − 1061
case 'root':
+ − 1062
+ − 1063
+ − 1064
+ − 1065
+ − 1066
document.getElementById('e_db_root').innerHTML = '<b>Error:<\/b> Access to MySQL under the specified credentials was denied.<br \/>'+t;
+ − 1067
document.getElementById('e_mysql_version').innerHTML = 'The MySQL version that your server is running could not be determined.';
+ − 1068
+ − 1069
case 'vers':
+ − 1070
+ − 1071
+ − 1072
+ − 1073
+ − 1074
if(t.match(/_creating_db/)) document.getElementById('e_db_name').innerHTML = '<b>Warning:<\/b> The database you specified does not exist. It will be created during installation.';
+ − 1075
if(t.match(/_creating_user/)) document.getElementById('e_db_auth').innerHTML = '<b>Warning:<\/b> The specified regular user does not exist or the password is incorrect. The user will be created during installation. If the user already exists, the password will be reset.';
+ − 1076
+ − 1077
document.getElementById('e_mysql_version').innerHTML = '<b>Error:<\/b> Your version of MySQL ('+t+') is older than 4.1.17. Enano will still work, but there is a known bug with the comment system and MySQL 4.1.11 that involves some comments not being displayed, due to an issue with the PHP function mysql_fetch_row().';
+ − 1078
+ − 1079
+ − 1080
+ − 1081
+ − 1082
+ − 1083
+ − 1084
+ − 1085
+ − 1086
+ − 1087
function verify()
+ − 1088
+ − 1089
document.getElementById('e_db_host').innerHTML = '';
+ − 1090
document.getElementById('e_db_auth').innerHTML = '';
+ − 1091
document.getElementById('e_db_name').innerHTML = '';
+ − 1092
document.getElementById('e_db_root').innerHTML = '';
+ − 1093
var frm = document.forms.dbinfo;
+ − 1094
ret = true;
+ − 1095
if(frm.db_host.value != '')
+ − 1096
+ − 1097
+ − 1098
+ − 1099
+ − 1100
+ − 1101
+ − 1102
ret = false;
+ − 1103
+ − 1104
+ − 1105
+ − 1106
+ − 1107
+ − 1108
+ − 1109
+ − 1110
+ − 1111
ret = false;
+ − 1112
+ − 1113
if(frm.db_user.value != '')
+ − 1114
+ − 1115
+ − 1116
+ − 1117
+ − 1118
+ − 1119
+ − 1120
ret = false;
+ − 1121
+ − 1122
+ − 1123
+ − 1124
+ − 1125
+ − 1126
+ − 1127
+ − 1128
+ − 1129
ret = false;
+ − 1130
+ − 1131
if(frm.db_root_user.value == '')
+ − 1132
+ − 1133
+ − 1134
+ − 1135
else if(frm.db_root_user.value != '' && frm.db_root_pass.value == '')
+ − 1136
+ − 1137
+ − 1138
ret = false;
+ − 1139
+ − 1140
+ − 1141
+ − 1142
+ − 1143
+ − 1144
if(ret) frm._cont.disabled = false;
+ − 1145
else frm._cont.disabled = true;
+ − 1146
return ret;
+ − 1147
+ − 1148
window.onload = verify;
+ − 1149
+ − 1150
<p>Now we need some information that will allow Enano to contact your database server. Enano uses MySQL as a data storage backend,
+ − 1151
and we need to have access to a MySQL server in order to continue.</p>
+ − 1152
<p>If you do not have access to a MySQL server, and you are using your own server, you can download MySQL for free from
+ − 1153
<a href="http://www.mysql.com/">MySQL.com</a>. <b>Please note that, like Enano, MySQL is licensed under the GNU GPL.</b>
+ − 1154
If you need to modify MySQL and then distribute your modifications, you must either distribute them under the terms of the GPL
+ − 1155
or purchase a proprietary license.</p>
+ − 1156
+ − 1157
if ( @file_exists('/etc/enano-is-virt-appliance') )
+ − 1158
+ − 1159
echo '<p><b>MySQL login information for this virtual appliance:</b><br /><br />Database hostname: localhost<br />Database login: username "enano", password: "clurichaun" (without quotes)<br />Database name: enano_www1</p>';
+ − 1160
+ − 1161
+ − 1162
<form name="dbinfo" action="install.php?mode=website" method="post">
+ − 1163
<table border="0">
+ − 1164
<tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align: center"><h3>Database information</h3></td></tr>
+ − 1165
<tr><td><b>Database hostname</b><br />This is the hostname (or sometimes the IP address) of your MySQL server. In many cases, this is "localhost".<br /><span style="color: #993300" id="e_db_host"></span></td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="db_host" size="30" type="text" /></td><td><img id="s_db_host" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1166
<tr><td><b>Database name</b><br />The name of the actual database. If you don't already have a database, you can create one here, if you have the username and password of a MySQL user with administrative rights.<br /><span style="color: #993300" id="e_db_name"></span></td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="db_name" size="30" type="text" /></td><td><img id="s_db_name" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1167
<tr><td rowspan="2"><b>Database login</b><br />These fields should be the username and password of a user with "select", "insert", "update", "delete", "create table", and "replace" privileges for your database.<br /><span style="color: #993300" id="e_db_auth"></span></td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="db_user" size="30" type="text" /></td><td rowspan="2"><img id="s_db_auth" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1168
<tr><td><input name="db_pass" size="30" type="password" /></td></tr>
+ − 1169
<tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align: center"><h3>Optional information</h3></td></tr>
+ − 1170
<tr><td><b>Table prefix</b><br />The value that you enter here will be added to the beginning of the name of each Enano table. You may use lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and underscores (_).</td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="table_prefix" size="30" type="text" /></td><td><img id="s_table_prefix" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/good.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1171
<tr><td rowspan="2"><b>Database administrative login</b><br />If the MySQL database or username that you entered above does not exist yet, you can create them here, assuming that you have the login information for an administrative user (such as root). Leave these fields blank unless you need to use them.<br /><span style="color: #993300" id="e_db_root"></span></td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="db_root_user" size="30" type="text" /></td><td rowspan="2"><img id="s_db_root" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/good.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1172
<tr><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="db_root_pass" size="30" type="password" /></td></tr>
+ − 1173
<tr><td><b>MySQL version</b></td><td id="e_mysql_version">MySQL version information will be checked when you click "Test Connection".</td><td><img id="s_mysql_version" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/unknown.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1174
<tr><td><b>Delete existing tables?</b><br />If this option is checked, all the tables that will be used by Enano will be dropped (deleted) before the schema is executed. Do NOT use this option unless specifically instructed to.</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="drop_tables" id="dtcheck" /> <label for="dtcheck">Drop existing tables</label></td></tr>
+ − 1175
<tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align: center"><input type="button" value="Test connection" onclick="ajaxTestConnection();" /></td></tr>
+ − 1176
+ − 1177
<div class="pagenav">
+ − 1178
<table border="0">
+ − 1179
+ − 1180
<td><input type="submit" value="Continue" onclick="return verify();" name="_cont" /></td><td><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Before clicking continue:</span><br />• Check your MySQL connection using the "Test Connection" button.<br />• Be aware that your database information will be transmitted unencrypted several times.</p></td>
+ − 1181
+ − 1182
+ − 1183
+ − 1184
+ − 1185
+ − 1186
+ − 1187
case "website":
+ − 1188
if(!isset($_POST['_cont'])) {
+ − 1189
echo 'No POST data signature found. Please <a href="install.php?mode=sysreqs">restart the installation</a>.';
+ − 1190
+ − 1191
+ − 1192
+ − 1193
+ − 1194
+ − 1195
<script type="text/javascript">
+ − 1196
function verify()
+ − 1197
+ − 1198
var frm = document.forms.siteinfo;
+ − 1199
ret = true;
+ − 1200
if(frm.sitename.value.match(/^(.+)$/g) && frm.sitename.value != 'Enano')
+ − 1201
+ − 1202
+ − 1203
+ − 1204
+ − 1205
+ − 1206
+ − 1207
ret = false;
+ − 1208
+ − 1209
+ − 1210
+ − 1211
+ − 1212
+ − 1213
+ − 1214
+ − 1215
+ − 1216
ret = false;
+ − 1217
+ − 1218
+ − 1219
+ − 1220
+ − 1221
+ − 1222
+ − 1223
+ − 1224
+ − 1225
ret = false;
+ − 1226
+ − 1227
if(ret) frm._cont.disabled = false;
+ − 1228
else frm._cont.disabled = true;
+ − 1229
return ret;
+ − 1230
+ − 1231
window.onload = verify;
+ − 1232
+ − 1233
<form name="siteinfo" action="install.php?mode=login" method="post">
+ − 1234
+ − 1235
$k = array_keys($_POST);
+ − 1236
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($_POST);$i++) {
+ − 1237
echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.htmlspecialchars($k[$i]).'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($_POST[$k[$i]]).'" />'."\n";
+ − 1238
+ − 1239
+ − 1240
<p>The next step is to enter some information about your website. You can always change this information later, using the administration panel.</p>
+ − 1241
<table border="0">
+ − 1242
<tr><td><b>Website name</b><br />The display name of your website. Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, and spaces. This must not be blank or "Enano".</td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="sitename" type="text" size="30" /></td><td><img id="s_name" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1243
<tr><td><b>Website description</b><br />This text will be shown below the name of your website.</td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="sitedesc" type="text" size="30" /></td><td><img id="s_desc" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1244
<tr><td><b>Copyright info</b><br />This should be a one-line legal notice that will appear at the bottom of all your pages.</td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="copyright" type="text" size="30" /></td><td><img id="s_copyright" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1245
<tr><td><b>Wiki mode</b><br />This feature allows people to create and edit pages on your site. Enano keeps a history of all page modifications, and you can protect pages to prevent editing.</td><td><input name="wiki_mode" type="checkbox" id="wmcheck" /> <label for="wmcheck">Yes, make my website a wiki.</label></td><td></td></tr>
+ − 1246
<tr><td><b>URL scheme</b><br />Choose how the page URLs will look. Depending on your server configuration, you may need to select the first option. If you don't know, select the first option, and you can always change it later.</td><td colspan="2"><input type="radio" <?php if(!is_apache()) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>name="urlscheme" value="ugly" id="ugly"> <label for="ugly">Standard URLs - compatible with any web server (www.example.com/index.php?title=Page_name)</label><br /><input type="radio" <?php if(is_apache()) echo 'checked="checked" '; ?>name="urlscheme" value="short" id="short"> <label for="short">Short URLs - requires Apache with a PHP module (www.example.com/index.php/Page_name)</label><br /><input type="radio" name="urlscheme" value="tiny" id="petite"> <label for="petite">Tiny URLs - requires Apache on Linux/Unix/BSD with PHP module and mod_rewrite enabled (www.example.com/Page_name)</label></td></tr>
+ − 1247
+ − 1248
<div class="pagenav">
+ − 1249
<table border="0">
+ − 1250
+ − 1251
<td><input type="submit" value="Continue" onclick="return verify();" name="_cont" /></td><td><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Before clicking continue:</span><br />• Verify that your site information is correct. Again, all of the above settings can be changed from the administration panel.</p></td>
+ − 1252
+ − 1253
+ − 1254
+ − 1255
+ − 1256
+ − 1257
+ − 1258
case "login":
+ − 1259
if(!isset($_POST['_cont'])) {
+ − 1260
echo 'No POST data signature found. Please <a href="install.php?mode=sysreqs">restart the installation</a>.';
+ − 1261
+ − 1262
+ − 1263
+ − 1264
+ − 1265
+ − 1266
+ − 1267
if ( isset($crypto_key) )
+ − 1268
+ − 1269
$cryptkey = $crypto_key;
+ − 1270
+ − 1271
if(!isset($cryptkey) || ( isset($cryptkey) && strlen($cryptkey) != AES_BITS / 4) )
+ − 1272
+ − 1273
$cryptkey = $aes->gen_readymade_key();
+ − 1274
$handle = @fopen(ENANO_ROOT.'/config.new.php', 'w');
+ − 1275
+ − 1276
+ − 1277
echo '<p>ERROR: Cannot open config.php for writing - exiting!</p>';
+ − 1278
+ − 1279
+ − 1280
+ − 1281
fwrite($handle, '<?php $cryptkey = \''.$cryptkey.'\'; ?>');
+ − 1282
+ − 1283
+ − 1284
// Sorry for the ugly hack, but this f***s up jEdit badly.
+ − 1285
echo '
+ − 1286
<script type="text/javascript">
+ − 1287
function verify()
+ − 1288
+ − 1289
var frm = document.forms.login;
+ − 1290
ret = true;
+ − 1291
if ( frm.admin_user.value.match(/^([A-z0-9 \\-\\.]+)$/) && !frm.admin_user.value.match(/^(?:(?:\\d{1,2}|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(?:\\d{1,2}|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])$/) && frm.admin_user.value.toLowerCase() != \'anonymous\' )
+ − 1292
+ − 1293
document.getElementById(\'s_user\').src = \'images/good.gif\';
+ − 1294
+ − 1295
+ − 1296
+ − 1297
document.getElementById(\'s_user\').src = \'images/bad.gif\';
+ − 1298
ret = false;
+ − 1299
+ − 1300
if(frm.admin_pass.value.length >= 6 && frm.admin_pass.value == frm.admin_pass_confirm.value)
+ − 1301
+ − 1302
document.getElementById(\'s_password\').src = \'images/good.gif\';
+ − 1303
+ − 1304
+ − 1305
+ − 1306
document.getElementById(\'s_password\').src = \'images/bad.gif\';
+ − 1307
ret = false;
+ − 1308
+ − 1309
+ − 1310
+ − 1311
document.getElementById(\'s_email\').src = \'images/good.gif\';
+ − 1312
+ − 1313
+ − 1314
+ − 1315
document.getElementById(\'s_email\').src = \'images/bad.gif\';
+ − 1316
ret = false;
+ − 1317
+ − 1318
if(ret) frm._cont.disabled = false;
+ − 1319
else frm._cont.disabled = true;
+ − 1320
return ret;
+ − 1321
+ − 1322
window.onload = verify;
+ − 1323
+ − 1324
function cryptdata()
+ − 1325
+ − 1326
if(!verify()) return false;
+ − 1327
+ − 1328
+ − 1329
+ − 1330
+ − 1331
<form name="login" action="install.php?mode=confirm" method="post" onsubmit="runEncryption();">
+ − 1332
+ − 1333
$k = array_keys($_POST);
+ − 1334
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($_POST);$i++) {
+ − 1335
echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.htmlspecialchars($k[$i]).'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($_POST[$k[$i]]).'" />'."\n";
+ − 1336
+ − 1337
+ − 1338
<p>Next, enter your desired username and password. The account you create here will be used to administer your site.</p>
+ − 1339
<table border="0">
+ − 1340
<tr><td><b>Administration username</b><br /><small>The administration username you will use to log into your site.<br />This cannot be "anonymous" or in the form of an IP address.</small></td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="admin_user" type="text" size="30" /></td><td><img id="s_user" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1341
<tr><td>Administration password:</td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="admin_pass" type="password" size="30" /></td><td rowspan="2"><img id="s_password" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1342
<tr><td>Enter it again to confirm:</td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="admin_pass_confirm" type="password" size="30" /></td></tr>
+ − 1343
<tr><td>Your e-mail address:</td><td><input onkeyup="verify();" name="admin_email" type="text" size="30" /></td><td><img id="s_email" alt="Good/bad icon" src="images/bad.gif" /></td></tr>
+ − 1344
+ − 1345
+ − 1346
Allow administrators to embed PHP code into pages:<br />
+ − 1347
<small><span style="color: #D84308">Do not under any circumstances enable this option without reading these
+ − 1348
<a href="install.php?mode=pophelp&topic=admin_embed_php"
+ − 1349
onclick="window.open(this.href, 'pophelpwin', 'width=550,height=400,status=no,toolbars=no,toolbar=no,address=no,scroll=yes'); return false;"
+ − 1350
style="color: #D84308; text-decoration: underline;">important security implications</a>.
+ − 1351
+ − 1352
+ − 1353
+ − 1354
<label><input type="radio" name="admin_embed_php" value="2" checked="checked" /> Disabled</label>
+ − 1355
<label><input type="radio" name="admin_embed_php" value="4" /> Enabled</label>
+ − 1356
+ − 1357
+ − 1358
+ − 1359
<tr><td colspan="3">If your browser supports Javascript, the password you enter here will be encrypted with AES before it is sent to the server.</td></tr>
+ − 1360
+ − 1361
<div class="pagenav">
+ − 1362
<table border="0">
+ − 1363
+ − 1364
<td><input type="submit" value="Continue" onclick="return cryptdata();" name="_cont" /></td><td><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Before clicking continue:</span><br />• Remember the username and password you enter here! You will not be able to administer your site without the information you enter on this page.</p></td>
+ − 1365
+ − 1366
+ − 1367
+ − 1368
<div id="cryptdebug"></div>
+ − 1369
<input type="hidden" name="use_crypt" value="no" />
+ − 1370
<input type="hidden" name="crypt_key" value="<?php echo $cryptkey; ?>" />
+ − 1371
<input type="hidden" name="crypt_data" value="" />
+ − 1372
+ − 1373
<script type="text/javascript">
+ − 1374
// <![CDATA[
+ − 1375
var frm = document.forms.login;
+ − 1376
+ − 1377
function runEncryption()
+ − 1378
+ − 1379
str = '';
+ − 1380
for(i=0;i<keySizeInBits/4;i++) str+='0';
+ − 1381
var key = hexToByteArray(str);
+ − 1382
var pt = hexToByteArray(str);
+ − 1383
var ct = rijndaelEncrypt(pt, key, "ECB");
+ − 1384
var ect = byteArrayToHex(ct);
+ − 1385
+ − 1386
+ − 1387
case 128:
+ − 1388
v = '66e94bd4ef8a2c3b884cfa59ca342b2e';
+ − 1389
+ − 1390
case 192:
+ − 1391
v = 'aae06992acbf52a3e8f4a96ec9300bd7aae06992acbf52a3e8f4a96ec9300bd7';
+ − 1392
+ − 1393
case 256:
+ − 1394
v = 'dc95c078a2408989ad48a21492842087dc95c078a2408989ad48a21492842087';
+ − 1395
+ − 1396
+ − 1397
var testpassed = ( ect == v && md5_vm_test() );
+ − 1398
var frm = document.forms.login;
+ − 1399
+ − 1400
+ − 1401
// alert('encryption self-test passed');
+ − 1402
frm.use_crypt.value = 'yes';
+ − 1403
var cryptkey = frm.crypt_key.value;
+ − 1404
frm.crypt_key.value = '';
+ − 1405
if(cryptkey != byteArrayToHex(hexToByteArray(cryptkey)))
+ − 1406
+ − 1407
alert('Byte array conversion SUCKS');
+ − 1408
testpassed = false;
+ − 1409
+ − 1410
cryptkey = hexToByteArray(cryptkey);
+ − 1411
if(!cryptkey || ( ( typeof cryptkey == 'string' || typeof cryptkey == 'object' ) ) && cryptkey.length != keySizeInBits / 8 )
+ − 1412
+ − 1413
frm._cont.disabled = true;
+ − 1414
len = ( typeof cryptkey == 'string' || typeof cryptkey == 'object' ) ? '\nLen: '+cryptkey.length : '';
+ − 1415
alert('The key is messed up\nType: '+typeof(cryptkey)+len);
+ − 1416
+ − 1417
+ − 1418
+ − 1419
+ − 1420
// alert('encryption self-test FAILED');
+ − 1421
+ − 1422
+ − 1423
+ − 1424
pass = frm.admin_pass.value;
+ − 1425
pass = stringToByteArray(pass);
+ − 1426
cryptstring = rijndaelEncrypt(pass, cryptkey, 'ECB');
+ − 1427
//decrypted = rijndaelDecrypt(cryptstring, cryptkey, 'ECB');
+ − 1428
//decrypted = byteArrayToString(decrypted);
+ − 1429
//return false;
+ − 1430
+ − 1431
+ − 1432
return false;
+ − 1433
+ − 1434
cryptstring = byteArrayToHex(cryptstring);
+ − 1435
// document.getElementById('cryptdebug').innerHTML = '<pre>Data: '+cryptstring+'<br />Key: '+byteArrayToHex(cryptkey)+'</pre>';
+ − 1436
frm.crypt_data.value = cryptstring;
+ − 1437
frm.admin_pass.value = '';
+ − 1438
frm.admin_pass_confirm.value = '';
+ − 1439
+ − 1440
return false;
+ − 1441
+ − 1442
// ]]>
+ − 1443
+ − 1444
+ − 1445
+ − 1446
case "confirm":
+ − 1447
if(!isset($_POST['_cont'])) {
+ − 1448
echo 'No POST data signature found. Please <a href="install.php?mode=sysreqs">restart the installation</a>.';
+ − 1449
+ − 1450
+ − 1451
+ − 1452
+ − 1453
+ − 1454
<form name="confirm" action="install.php?mode=install" method="post">
+ − 1455
+ − 1456
$k = array_keys($_POST);
+ − 1457
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($_POST);$i++) {
+ − 1458
echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.htmlspecialchars($k[$i]).'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($_POST[$k[$i]]).'" />'."\n";
+ − 1459
+ − 1460
+ − 1461
<h3>Enano is ready to install.</h3>
+ − 1462
<p>The wizard has finished collecting information and is ready to install the database schema. Please review the information below,
+ − 1463
and then click the button below to install the database.</p>
+ − 1464
+ − 1465
<li>Database hostname: <?php echo $_POST['db_host']; ?></li>
+ − 1466
<li>Database name: <?php echo $_POST['db_name']; ?></li>
+ − 1467
<li>Database user: <?php echo $_POST['db_user']; ?></li>
+ − 1468
<li>Database password: <hidden></li>
+ − 1469
<li>Site name: <?php echo $_POST['sitename']; ?></li>
+ − 1470
<li>Site description: <?php echo $_POST['sitedesc']; ?></li>
+ − 1471
<li>Administration username: <?php echo $_POST['admin_user']; ?></li>
+ − 1472
<li>Cipher strength: <?php echo (string)AES_BITS; ?>-bit AES<br /><small>Cipher strength is defined in the file constants.php; if you desire to change the cipher strength, you may do so and then restart installation. Unless your site is mission-critical, changing the cipher strength is not necessary.</small></li>
+ − 1473
+ − 1474
<div class="pagenav">
+ − 1475
<table border="0">
+ − 1476
+ − 1477
<td><input type="submit" value="Install Enano!" name="_cont" /></td><td><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Before clicking continue:</span><br />• Pray.</p></td>
+ − 1478
+ − 1479
+ − 1480
+ − 1481
+ − 1482
+ − 1483
+ − 1484
case "install":
+ − 1485
if(!isset($_POST['db_host']) ||
+ − 1486
!isset($_POST['db_name']) ||
+ − 1487
!isset($_POST['db_user']) ||
+ − 1488
!isset($_POST['db_pass']) ||
+ − 1489
!isset($_POST['sitename']) ||
+ − 1490
!isset($_POST['sitedesc']) ||
+ − 1491
!isset($_POST['copyright']) ||
+ − 1492
!isset($_POST['admin_user']) ||
+ − 1493
!isset($_POST['admin_pass']) ||
+ − 1494
!isset($_POST['admin_embed_php']) || ( isset($_POST['admin_embed_php']) && !in_array($_POST['admin_embed_php'], array('2', '4')) ) ||
+ − 1495
+ − 1496
+ − 1497
+ − 1498
echo 'The installer has detected that one or more required form values is not set. Please <a href="install.php?mode=sysreqs">restart the installation</a>.';
+ − 1499
+ − 1500
+ − 1501
+ − 1502
+ − 1503
+ − 1504
case "ugly":
+ − 1505
+ − 1506
$cp = scriptPath.'/index.php?title=';
+ − 1507
+ − 1508
case "short":
+ − 1509
$cp = scriptPath.'/index.php/';
+ − 1510
+ − 1511
case "tiny":
+ − 1512
$cp = scriptPath.'/';
+ − 1513
+ − 1514
+ − 1515
function err($t) { global $template; echo $t; $template->footer(); exit; }
+ − 1516
+ − 1517
// $stages = array('connect', 'decrypt', 'genkey', 'parse', 'sql', 'writeconfig', 'renameconfig', 'startapi', 'initlogs');
+ − 1518
+ − 1519
if ( !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]*$/', $_POST['table_prefix']) )
+ − 1520
err('Hacking attempt was detected in table_prefix.');
+ − 1521
+ − 1522
+ − 1523
// The stages connect, decrypt, genkey, and parse are preprocessing and don't do any actual data modification.
+ − 1524
// Thus, they need to be run on each retry, e.g. never skipped.
+ − 1525
run_installer_stage('connect', 'Connect to MySQL', 'stg_mysql_connect', 'MySQL denied our attempt to connect to the database. This is most likely because your login information was incorrect. You will most likely need to <a href="install.php?mode=license">restart the installation</a>.', false);
+ − 1526
if ( isset($_POST['drop_tables']) )
+ − 1527
+ − 1528
// Are we supposed to drop any existing tables? If so, do it now
+ − 1529
run_installer_stage('drop', 'Drop existing Enano tables', 'stg_drop_tables', 'This step never returns failure');
+ − 1530
+ − 1531
run_installer_stage('decrypt', 'Decrypt administration password', 'stg_decrypt_admin_pass', 'The administration password you entered couldn\'t be decrypted. It is possible that your server did not properly store the encryption key in the configuration file. Please check the file permissions on config.new.php. You may have to return to the login stage of the installation, clear your browser cache, and then rerun this installation.', false);
+ − 1532
run_installer_stage('genkey', 'Generate ' . AES_BITS . '-bit AES private key', 'stg_generate_aes_key', 'Enano encountered an internal error while generating the site encryption key. Please contact the Enano team for support.', false);
+ − 1533
run_installer_stage('parse', 'Prepare to execute schema file', 'stg_parse_schema', 'Enano encountered an internal error while parsing the SQL file that contains the database structure and initial data. Please contact the Enano team for support.', false);
+ − 1534
run_installer_stage('sql', 'Execute installer schema', 'stg_install', 'The installation failed because an SQL query wasn\'t quite correct. It is possible that you entered malformed data into a form field, or there may be a bug in Enano with your version of MySQL. Please contact the Enano team for support.', false);
+ − 1535
run_installer_stage('writeconfig', 'Write configuration files', 'stg_write_config', 'Enano was unable to write the configuration file with your site\'s database credentials. This is almost always because your configuration file does not have the correct permissions. On Windows servers, you may see this message even if the check on the System Requirements page passed. Temporarily running IIS as the Administrator user may help.');
+ − 1536
run_installer_stage('renameconfig', 'Rename configuration files', 'stg_rename_config', 'Enano couldn\'t rename the configuration files to their correct production names. On some UNIX systems, you need to CHMOD the directory with your Enano files to 777 in order for this stage to succeed.');
+ − 1537
+ − 1538
// Mainstream installation complete - Enano should be usable now
+ − 1539
// The stage of starting the API is special because it has to be called out of function context.
+ − 1540
// To alleviate this, we have two functions, one that returns success and one that returns failure
+ − 1541
// If the Enano API load is successful, the success function is called to report the action to the user
+ − 1542
// If unsuccessful, the failure report is sent
+ − 1543
+ − 1544
$template_bak = $template;
+ − 1545
+ − 1546
$_GET['title'] = 'Main_Page';
+ − 1547
+ − 1548
+ − 1549
if ( is_object($db) && is_object($session) )
+ − 1550
+ − 1551
run_installer_stage('startapi', 'Start the Enano API', 'stg_start_api_success', '...', false);
+ − 1552
+ − 1553
+ − 1554
+ − 1555
run_installer_stage('startapi', 'Start the Enano API', 'stg_start_api_failure', 'The Enano API could not be started. This is an error that should never occur; please contact the Enano team for support.', false);
+ − 1556
+ − 1557
+ − 1558
// We need to be logged in (with admin rights) before logs can be flushed
+ − 1559
$admin_password = stg_decrypt_admin_pass(true);
+ − 1560
$session->login_without_crypto($_POST['admin_user'], $admin_password, false);
+ − 1561
+ − 1562
// Now that login cookies are set, initialize the session manager and ACLs
+ − 1563
+ − 1564
+ − 1565
+ − 1566
run_installer_stage('initlogs', 'Initialize logs', 'stg_init_logs', '<b>The session manager denied the request to flush logs for the main page.</b><br />
+ − 1567
While under most circumstances you can still <a href="install.php?mode=finish">finish the installation</a>, you should be aware that some servers cannot
+ − 1568
properly set cookies due to limitations with PHP. These limitations are exposed primarily when this issue is encountered during installation. If you choose
+ − 1569
to finish the installation, please be aware that you may be unable to log into your site.');
+ − 1570
+ − 1571
+ − 1572
+ − 1573
$template =& $template_bak;
+ − 1574
+ − 1575
echo '<h3>Installation of Enano is complete.</h3><p>Review any warnings above, and then <a href="install.php?mode=finish">click here to finish the installation</a>.';
+ − 1576
+ − 1577
// echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location="'.scriptPath.'/install.php?mode=finish";</script>';
+ − 1578
+ − 1579
+ − 1580
case "finish":
+ − 1581
echo '<h3>Congratulations!</h3>
+ − 1582
<p>You have finished installing Enano on this server.</p>
+ − 1583
<h3>Now what?</h3>
+ − 1584
<p>Click the link below to see the main page for your website. Where to go from here:</p>
+ − 1585
+ − 1586
<li>The first thing you should do is log into your site using the Log in link on the sidebar.</li>
+ − 1587
<li>Go into the Administration panel, expand General, and click General Configuration. There you will be able to configure some basic information about your site.</li>
+ − 1588
<li>Visit the <a href="http://enanocms.org/Category:Plugins" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">Enano Plugin Gallery</a> to download and use plugins on your site.</li>
+ − 1589
<li>Periodically create a backup of your database and filesystem, in case something goes wrong. This should be done at least once a week – more for wiki-based sites.</li>
+ − 1590
<li>Hire some moderators, to help you keep rowdy users tame.</li>
+ − 1591
<li>Tell the <a href="http://enanocms.org/Contact_us">Enano team</a> what you think.</li>
+ − 1592
<li><b>Spread the word about Enano by adding a link to the Enano homepage on your sidebar!</b> You can enable this option in the General Configuration section of the administration panel.</li>
+ − 1593
+ − 1594
<p><a href="index.php">Go to your website...</a></p>';
+ − 1595
+ − 1596
+ − 1597
+ − 1598
+ − 1599