+ − 1
+ − 2
+ − 3
+ − 4
* Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
+ − 5
* Version 1.0 (Banshee)
+ − 6
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
+ − 7
+ − 8
* This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ − 9
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ − 10
+ − 11
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ − 12
* warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
+ − 13
+ − 14
+ − 15
class template {
+ − 16
var $tpl_strings, $tpl_bool, $theme, $style, $no_headers, $additional_headers, $sidebar_extra, $sidebar_widgets, $toolbar_menu, $theme_list, $named_theme_list, $default_theme, $default_style, $plugin_blocks, $namespace_string, $style_list, $theme_loaded;
+ − 17
function __construct()
+ − 18
+ − 19
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 20
dc_here('template: initializing all class variables');
+ − 21
$this->tpl_bool = Array();
+ − 22
$this->tpl_strings = Array();
+ − 23
$this->sidebar_extra = '';
+ − 24
$this->toolbar_menu = '';
+ − 25
$this->additional_headers = '';
+ − 26
$this->plugin_blocks = Array();
+ − 27
$this->theme_loaded = false;
+ − 28
+ − 29
$this->theme_list = Array();
+ − 30
$this->named_theme_list = Array();
+ − 31
$e = $db->sql_query('SELECT theme_id,theme_name,enabled,default_style FROM '.table_prefix.'themes WHERE enabled=1 ORDER BY theme_order;');
+ − 32
if(!$e) $db->_die('The list of themes could not be selected.');
+ − 33
for($i=0;$i < $db->numrows(); $i++)
+ − 34
+ − 35
$this->theme_list[$i] = $db->fetchrow();
+ − 36
$this->named_theme_list[$this->theme_list[$i]['theme_id']] = $this->theme_list[$i];
+ − 37
+ − 38
+ − 39
$this->default_theme = $this->theme_list[0]['theme_id'];
+ − 40
$dir = ENANO_ROOT.'/themes/'.$this->default_theme.'/css/';
+ − 41
$list = Array();
+ − 42
// Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents
+ − 43
if (is_dir($dir)) {
+ − 44
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
+ − 45
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ − 46
if(preg_match('#^(.*?)\.css$#i', $file) && $file != '_printable.css') {
+ − 47
$list[] = substr($file, 0, strlen($file)-4);
+ − 48
+ − 49
+ − 50
+ − 51
+ − 52
+ − 53
+ − 54
$def = ENANO_ROOT.'/themes/'.$this->default_theme.'/css/'.$this->named_theme_list[$this->default_theme]['default_style'];
+ − 55
+ − 56
+ − 57
$this->default_style = substr($this->named_theme_list[$this->default_theme]['default_style'], 0, strlen($this->named_theme_list[$this->default_theme]['default_style'])-4);
+ − 58
} else {
+ − 59
$this->default_style = $list[0];
+ − 60
+ − 61
+ − 62
$this->style_list = $list;
+ − 63
+ − 64
+ − 65
function template()
+ − 66
+ − 67
+ − 68
+ − 69
function sidebar_widget($t, $h)
+ − 70
+ − 71
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 72
+ − 73
+ − 74
$this->load_theme($session->theme, $session->style);
+ − 75
+ − 76
+ − 77
$this->sidebar_widgets = '';
+ − 78
$tplvars = $this->extract_vars('elements.tpl');
+ − 79
$parser = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['sidebar_section_raw']);
+ − 80
+ − 81
$this->plugin_blocks[$t] = $h;
+ − 82
$this->sidebar_widgets .= $parser->run();
+ − 83
+ − 84
function add_header($html)
+ − 85
+ − 86
$this->additional_headers .= "\n" . $html;
+ − 87
+ − 88
function get_css($s = false)
+ − 89
+ − 90
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 91
+ − 92
$this->load_theme($session->theme, $session->style);
+ − 93
$path = ( $s ) ? 'css/'.$s : 'css/'.$this->style.'.css';
+ − 94
if ( !file_exists(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/' . $this->theme . '/' . $path) )
+ − 95
+ − 96
echo "/* WARNING: Falling back to default file because file $path does not exist */\n";
+ − 97
$path = 'css/' . $this->style_list[0] . '.css';
+ − 98
+ − 99
return $this->process_template($path);
+ − 100
+ − 101
function load_theme($name = false, $css = false)
+ − 102
+ − 103
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 104
$this->theme = ( $name ) ? $name : $session->theme;
+ − 105
$this->style = ( $css ) ? $css : $session->style;
+ − 106
if ( !$this->theme )
+ − 107
+ − 108
$this->theme = $this->theme_list[0]['theme_id'];
+ − 109
$this->style = substr($this->theme_list[0]['default_style'], 0, strlen($this->theme_list[0]['default_style'])-4);
+ − 110
+ − 111
$this->theme_loaded = true;
+ − 112
+ − 113
+ − 114
function init_vars()
+ − 115
+ − 116
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 117
global $email;
+ − 118
+ − 119
dc_here("template: initializing all variables");
+ − 120
+ − 121
if(!$this->theme || !$this->style)
+ − 122
+ − 123
+ − 124
+ − 125
+ − 126
+ − 127
+ − 128
dc_here('template: access denied to call template::init_vars(), bailing out');
+ − 129
die_semicritical('Illegal call', '<p>$template->load_theme was called multiple times, this is not supposed to happen. Exiting with fatal error.</p>');
+ − 130
+ − 131
+ − 132
+ − 133
+ − 134
$tplvars = $this->extract_vars('elements.tpl');
+ − 135
+ − 136
dc_here('template: setting all template vars');
+ − 137
+ − 138
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE'))
+ − 139
+ − 140
+ − 141
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
+ − 142
<script language="JavaScript">
+ − 143
function correctPNG() // correctly handle PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 & 6.
+ − 144
+ − 145
var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")
+ − 146
var version = parseFloat(arVersion[1])
+ − 147
if (version >= 5.5 && typeof(document.body.filters) == "object")
+ − 148
+ − 149
for(var i=0; i<document.images.length; i++)
+ − 150
+ − 151
var img = document.images[i];
+ − 152
+ − 153
var imgName = img.src.toUpperCase();
+ − 154
if (imgName.substring(imgName.length-3, imgName.length) == "PNG")
+ − 155
+ − 156
var imgID = (img.id) ? "id=\'" + img.id + "\' " : "";
+ − 157
var imgClass = (img.className) ? "class=\'" + img.className + "\' " : "";
+ − 158
var imgTitle = (img.title) ? "title=\'" + img.title + "\' " : "title=\'" + img.alt + "\' ";
+ − 159
var imgStyle = "display:inline-block;" + img.style.cssText;
+ − 160
if (img.align == "left") imgStyle = "float:left;" + imgStyle;
+ − 161
if (img.align == "right") imgStyle = "float:right;" + imgStyle;
+ − 162
if (img.parentElement.href) imgStyle = "cursor:hand;" + imgStyle;
+ − 163
var strNewHTML = "<span " + imgID + imgClass + imgTitle + " style=\\"" + "width:" + img.width + "px; height:" + img.height + "px;" + imgStyle + ";" + "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader" + "(src=\\\'" + img.src + "\\\', sizingMethod=\'scale\');\\"></span>";
+ − 164
img.outerHTML = strNewHTML;
+ − 165
i = i-1;
+ − 166
+ − 167
+ − 168
+ − 169
+ − 170
window.attachEvent("onload", correctPNG);
+ − 171
+ − 172
+ − 173
+ − 174
+ − 175
+ − 176
// Get the "article" button text (depends on namespace)
+ − 177
switch($paths->namespace) {
+ − 178
case "Article":
+ − 179
+ − 180
$ns = 'article';
+ − 181
+ − 182
case "Admin":
+ − 183
$ns = 'administration page';
+ − 184
+ − 185
case "System":
+ − 186
$ns = 'system message';
+ − 187
+ − 188
case "File":
+ − 189
$ns = 'uploaded file';
+ − 190
+ − 191
case "Help":
+ − 192
$ns = 'documentation page';
+ − 193
+ − 194
case "User":
+ − 195
$ns = 'user page';
+ − 196
+ − 197
case "Special":
+ − 198
$ns = 'special page';
+ − 199
+ − 200
case "Template":
+ − 201
$ns = 'template';
+ − 202
+ − 203
case "Project":
+ − 204
$ns = 'project page';
+ − 205
+ − 206
case "Category":
+ − 207
$ns = 'category';
+ − 208
+ − 209
+ − 210
$this->namespace_string = $ns;
+ − 211
$code = $plugins->setHook('page_type_string_set');
+ − 212
foreach ( $code as $cmd )
+ − 213
+ − 214
+ − 215
+ − 216
$ns =& $this->namespace_string;
+ − 217
+ − 218
// Initialize the toolbar
+ − 219
$tb = '';
+ − 220
+ − 221
// Create "xx page" button
+ − 222
+ − 223
$btn_selected = ( isset($tplvars['toolbar_button_selected'])) ? $tplvars['toolbar_button_selected'] : $tplvars['toolbar_button'];
+ − 224
$parser = $this->makeParserText($btn_selected);
+ − 225
+ − 226
+ − 227
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxReset()); return false;" title="View the page contents, all of the page contents, and nothing but the page contents (alt-a)" accesskey="a"',
+ − 228
'PARENTFLAGS' => 'id="mdgToolbar_article"',
+ − 229
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, null, true),
+ − 230
'TEXT' => $this->namespace_string
+ − 231
+ − 232
+ − 233
$tb .= $parser->run();
+ − 234
+ − 235
$button = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['toolbar_button']);
+ − 236
+ − 237
// Page toolbar
+ − 238
// Comments button
+ − 239
if ( $session->get_permissions('read') && getConfig('enable_comments')=='1' && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' && $paths->cpage['comments_on'] == 1 )
+ − 240
+ − 241
+ − 242
$e = $db->sql_query('SELECT approved FROM '.table_prefix.'comments WHERE page_id=\''.$paths->cpage['urlname_nons'].'\' AND namespace=\''.$paths->namespace.'\';');
+ − 243
if ( !$e )
+ − 244
+ − 245
+ − 246
+ − 247
$nc = $db->numrows();
+ − 248
$nu = 0;
+ − 249
$na = 0;
+ − 250
+ − 251
while ( $r = $db->fetchrow() )
+ − 252
+ − 253
if ( !$r['approved'] )
+ − 254
+ − 255
+ − 256
+ − 257
+ − 258
+ − 259
+ − 260
+ − 261
+ − 262
+ − 263
+ − 264
$n = ( $session->get_permissions('mod_comments') ) ? (string)$nc : (string)$na;
+ − 265
if ( $session->get_permissions('mod_comments') && $nu > 0 )
+ − 266
+ − 267
$n .= ' total/'.$nu.' unapp.';
+ − 268
+ − 269
+ − 270
+ − 271
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxComments()); return false;" title="View the comments that other users have posted about this page (alt-c)" accesskey="c"',
+ − 272
'PARENTFLAGS' => 'id="mdgToolbar_discussion"',
+ − 273
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=comments', true),
+ − 274
'TEXT' => 'discussion ('.$n.')',
+ − 275
+ − 276
+ − 277
$tb .= $button->run();
+ − 278
+ − 279
// Edit button
+ − 280
if($session->get_permissions('read') && ($paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin') && ( $session->get_permissions('edit_page') && ( ( $paths->page_protected && $session->get_permissions('even_when_protected') ) || !$paths->page_protected ) ) )
+ − 281
+ − 282
+ − 283
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxEditor()); return false;" title="Edit the contents of this page (alt-e)" accesskey="e"',
+ − 284
'PARENTFLAGS' => 'id="mdgToolbar_edit"',
+ − 285
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=edit', true),
+ − 286
'TEXT' => 'edit this page'
+ − 287
+ − 288
$tb .= $button->run();
+ − 289
// View source button
+ − 290
+ − 291
else if($session->get_permissions('view_source') && ( !$session->get_permissions('edit_page') || !$session->get_permissions('even_when_protected') && $paths->page_protected ) && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin')
+ − 292
+ − 293
+ − 294
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxViewSource()); return false;" title="View the source code (wiki markup) that this page uses (alt-e)" accesskey="e"',
+ − 295
'PARENTFLAGS' => 'id="mdgToolbar_edit"',
+ − 296
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=viewsource', true),
+ − 297
'TEXT' => 'view source'
+ − 298
+ − 299
$tb .= $button->run();
+ − 300
+ − 301
// History button
+ − 302
if ( $session->get_permissions('read') /* && $paths->wiki_mode */ && $paths->page_exists && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' && $session->get_permissions('history_view') )
+ − 303
+ − 304
+ − 305
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxHistory()); return false;" title="View a log of actions taken on this page (alt-h)" accesskey="h"',
+ − 306
'PARENTFLAGS' => 'id="mdgToolbar_history"',
+ − 307
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=history', true),
+ − 308
'TEXT' => 'history'
+ − 309
+ − 310
$tb .= $button->run();
+ − 311
+ − 312
+ − 313
$menubtn = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['toolbar_menu_button']);
+ − 314
+ − 315
// Additional actions menu
+ − 316
// Rename button
+ − 317
if ( $session->get_permissions('read') && $paths->page_exists && ( $session->get_permissions('rename') && ( $paths->page_protected && $session->get_permissions('even_when_protected') || !$paths->page_protected ) ) && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' )
+ − 318
+ − 319
+ − 320
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxRename()); return false;" title="Change the display name of this page (alt-r)" accesskey="r"',
+ − 321
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=rename', true),
+ − 322
'TEXT' => 'rename',
+ − 323
+ − 324
$this->toolbar_menu .= $menubtn->run();
+ − 325
+ − 326
+ − 327
// Vote-to-delete button
+ − 328
if ( $paths->wiki_mode && $session->get_permissions('vote_delete') && $paths->page_exists && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin')
+ − 329
+ − 330
+ − 331
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxDelVote()); return false;" title="Vote to have this page deleted (alt-d)" accesskey="d"',
+ − 332
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=delvote', true),
+ − 333
'TEXT' => 'vote to delete this page',
+ − 334
+ − 335
$this->toolbar_menu .= $menubtn->run();
+ − 336
+ − 337
+ − 338
// Clear-votes button
+ − 339
if ( $session->get_permissions('read') && $paths->wiki_mode && $paths->page_exists && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' && $session->get_permissions('vote_reset') && $paths->cpage['delvotes'] > 0)
+ − 340
+ − 341
+ − 342
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxResetDelVotes()); return false;" title="Vote to have this page deleted (alt-y)" accesskey="y"',
+ − 343
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=resetvotes', true),
+ − 344
'TEXT' => 'reset deletion votes',
+ − 345
+ − 346
$this->toolbar_menu .= $menubtn->run();
+ − 347
+ − 348
+ − 349
// Printable page button
+ − 350
if ( $paths->page_exists && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' )
+ − 351
+ − 352
+ − 353
'FLAGS' => 'title="View a version of this page that is suitable for printing"',
+ − 354
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'printable=yes', true),
+ − 355
'TEXT' => 'view printable version',
+ − 356
+ − 357
$this->toolbar_menu .= $menubtn->run();
+ − 358
+ − 359
+ − 360
// Protect button
+ − 361
if($session->get_permissions('read') && $paths->wiki_mode && $paths->page_exists && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' && $session->get_permissions('protect'))
+ − 362
+ − 363
+ − 364
$label = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['toolbar_label']);
+ − 365
$label->assign_vars(array('TEXT' => 'protection:'));
+ − 366
$t0 = $label->run();
+ − 367
+ − 368
$ctmp = '';
+ − 369
if ( $paths->cpage['protected'] == 1 )
+ − 370
+ − 371
$ctmp=' style="text-decoration: underline;"';
+ − 372
+ − 373
+ − 374
'FLAGS' => 'accesskey="i" onclick="ajaxProtect(1); return false;" id="protbtn_1" title="Prevents all non-administrators from editing this page. [alt-i]"'.$ctmp,
+ − 375
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=protect&level=1', true),
+ − 376
'TEXT' => 'on'
+ − 377
+ − 378
$t1 = $menubtn->run();
+ − 379
+ − 380
$ctmp = '';
+ − 381
if ( $paths->cpage['protected'] == 0 )
+ − 382
+ − 383
$ctmp=' style="text-decoration: underline;"';
+ − 384
+ − 385
+ − 386
'FLAGS' => 'accesskey="o" onclick="ajaxProtect(0); return false;" id="protbtn_0" title="Allows everyone to edit this page. [alt-o]"'.$ctmp,
+ − 387
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=protect&level=0', true),
+ − 388
'TEXT' => 'off'
+ − 389
+ − 390
$t2 = $menubtn->run();
+ − 391
+ − 392
$ctmp = '';
+ − 393
if ( $paths->cpage['protected'] == 2 )
+ − 394
+ − 395
$ctmp = ' style="text-decoration: underline;"';
+ − 396
+ − 397
+ − 398
'FLAGS' => 'accesskey="p" onclick="ajaxProtect(2); return false;" id="protbtn_2" title="Allows only users who have been registered for 4 days to edit this page. [alt-p]"'.$ctmp,
+ − 399
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=protect&level=2', true),
+ − 400
'TEXT' => 'semi'
+ − 401
+ − 402
$t3 = $menubtn->run();
+ − 403
+ − 404
$this->toolbar_menu .= ' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ − 405
+ − 406
+ − 407
+ − 408
+ − 409
+ − 410
+ − 411
+ − 412
+ − 413
+ − 414
// Wiki mode button
+ − 415
if($session->get_permissions('read') && $paths->page_exists && $session->get_permissions('set_wiki_mode') && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin')
+ − 416
+ − 417
// label at start
+ − 418
$label = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['toolbar_label']);
+ − 419
$label->assign_vars(array('TEXT' => 'page wiki mode:'));
+ − 420
$t0 = $label->run();
+ − 421
+ − 422
// on button
+ − 423
$ctmp = '';
+ − 424
if ( $paths->cpage['wiki_mode'] == 1 )
+ − 425
+ − 426
$ctmp = ' style="text-decoration: underline;"';
+ − 427
+ − 428
+ − 429
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="ajaxSetWikiMode(1); return false;" id="wikibtn_1" title="Forces wiki functions to be allowed on this page."'.$ctmp,
+ − 430
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=setwikimode&level=1', true),
+ − 431
'TEXT' => 'on'
+ − 432
+ − 433
$t1 = $menubtn->run();
+ − 434
+ − 435
// off button
+ − 436
$ctmp = '';
+ − 437
if ( $paths->cpage['wiki_mode'] == 0 )
+ − 438
+ − 439
$ctmp=' style="text-decoration: underline;"';
+ − 440
+ − 441
+ − 442
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="ajaxSetWikiMode(0); return false;" id="wikibtn_0" title="Forces wiki functions to be disabled on this page."'.$ctmp,
+ − 443
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=setwikimode&level=0', true),
+ − 444
'TEXT' => 'off'
+ − 445
+ − 446
$t2 = $menubtn->run();
+ − 447
+ − 448
// global button
+ − 449
$ctmp = '';
+ − 450
if ( $paths->cpage['wiki_mode'] == 2 )
+ − 451
+ − 452
$ctmp=' style="text-decoration: underline;"';
+ − 453
+ − 454
+ − 455
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="ajaxSetWikiMode(2); return false;" id="wikibtn_2" title="Causes this page to use the global wiki mode setting (default)"'.$ctmp,
+ − 456
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=setwikimode&level=2', true),
+ − 457
'TEXT' => 'global'
+ − 458
+ − 459
$t3 = $menubtn->run();
+ − 460
+ − 461
// Tack it onto the list of buttons that are already there...
+ − 462
$this->toolbar_menu .= ' <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ − 463
+ − 464
+ − 465
+ − 466
+ − 467
+ − 468
+ − 469
+ − 470
+ − 471
+ − 472
// Clear logs button
+ − 473
if ( $session->get_permissions('read') && $session->get_permissions('clear_logs') && $paths->wiki_mode && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' )
+ − 474
+ − 475
+ − 476
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxClearLogs()); return false;" title="Remove all edit and action logs for this page from the database. IRREVERSIBLE! (alt-l)" accesskey="l"',
+ − 477
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=flushlogs', true),
+ − 478
'TEXT' => 'clear page logs',
+ − 479
+ − 480
$this->toolbar_menu .= $menubtn->run();
+ − 481
+ − 482
+ − 483
// Delete page button
+ − 484
if ( $session->get_permissions('read') && $session->get_permissions('delete_page') && $paths->page_exists && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' )
+ − 485
+ − 486
$s = 'delete this page';
+ − 487
if ( $paths->cpage['delvotes'] == 1 )
+ − 488
+ − 489
$s .= ' (<b>'.$paths->cpage['delvotes'].'</b> vote)';
+ − 490
+ − 491
else if ( $paths->cpage['delvotes'] > 1 )
+ − 492
+ − 493
$s .= ' (<b>'.$paths->cpage['delvotes'].'</b> votes)';
+ − 494
+ − 495
+ − 496
+ − 497
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxDeletePage()); return false;" title="Delete this page. This is always reversible unless the logs are cleared. (alt-k)" accesskey="k"',
+ − 498
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=deletepage', true),
+ − 499
'TEXT' => $s,
+ − 500
+ − 501
$this->toolbar_menu .= $menubtn->run();
+ − 502
+ − 503
+ − 504
+ − 505
// Password-protect button
+ − 506
+ − 507
+ − 508
if ( $paths->cpage['password'] == '' )
+ − 509
+ − 510
$a = $session->get_permissions('password_set');
+ − 511
+ − 512
+ − 513
+ − 514
$a = $session->get_permissions('password_reset');
+ − 515
+ − 516
+ − 517
+ − 518
+ − 519
$a = $session->get_permissions('password_set');
+ − 520
+ − 521
if ( $a && $session->get_permissions('read') && $paths->page_exists && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' )
+ − 522
+ − 523
// label at start
+ − 524
$label = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['toolbar_label']);
+ − 525
$label->assign_vars(array('TEXT' => 'password:'));
+ − 526
$t0 = $label->run();
+ − 527
+ − 528
+ − 529
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxSetPassword()); return false;" title="Require a password in order for this page to be viewed"',
+ − 530
'HREF' => '#',
+ − 531
'TEXT' => 'set',
+ − 532
+ − 533
$t = $menubtn->run();
+ − 534
+ − 535
$this->toolbar_menu .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>'.$t0.'</td><td><input type="password" id="mdgPassSetField" size="10" /></td><td>'.$t.'</td></tr></table>';
+ − 536
+ − 537
+ − 538
// Manage ACLs button
+ − 539
if($session->get_permissions('edit_acl') || $session->user_level >= USER_LEVEL_ADMIN)
+ − 540
+ − 541
+ − 542
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="return ajaxOpenACLManager();" title="Manage who can do what with this page (alt-m)" accesskey="m"',
+ − 543
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=aclmanager', true),
+ − 544
'TEXT' => 'manage page access',
+ − 545
+ − 546
$this->toolbar_menu .= $menubtn->run();
+ − 547
+ − 548
+ − 549
// Administer page button
+ − 550
if ( $session->user_level >= USER_LEVEL_ADMIN && $paths->page_exists && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin' )
+ − 551
+ − 552
+ − 553
'FLAGS' => 'onclick="void(ajaxAdminPage()); return false;" title="Administrative options for this page" accesskey="g"',
+ − 554
'HREF' => makeUrlNS('Special', 'Administration', 'module='.$paths->nslist['Admin'].'PageManager', true),
+ − 555
'TEXT' => 'administrative options',
+ − 556
+ − 557
$this->toolbar_menu .= $menubtn->run();
+ − 558
+ − 559
+ − 560
if ( strlen($this->toolbar_menu) > 0 )
+ − 561
+ − 562
+ − 563
'FLAGS' => 'id="mdgToolbar_moreoptions" onclick="return false;" title="Additional options for working with this page"',
+ − 564
+ − 565
'HREF' => makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=moreoptions', true),
+ − 566
'TEXT' => 'more options'
+ − 567
+ − 568
$tb .= $button->run();
+ − 569
+ − 570
+ − 571
$is_opera = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera')) ? true : false;
+ − 572
+ − 573
$this->tpl_bool = Array(
+ − 574
'auth_admin'=>$session->user_level >= USER_LEVEL_ADMIN ? true : false,
+ − 575
+ − 576
+ − 577
+ − 578
+ − 579
if($session->sid_super) { $ash = '&auth='.$session->sid_super; $asq = "?auth=".$session->sid_super; $asa = "&auth=".$session->sid_super; $as2 = htmlspecialchars(urlSeparator).'auth='.$session->sid_super; }
+ − 580
else { $asq=''; $asa=''; $as2 = ''; $ash = ''; }
+ − 581
+ − 582
$code = $plugins->setHook('compile_template');
+ − 583
foreach ( $code as $cmd )
+ − 584
+ − 585
+ − 586
+ − 587
+ − 588
// Some additional sidebar processing
+ − 589
if($this->sidebar_extra != '') {
+ − 590
$se = $this->sidebar_extra;
+ − 591
$parser = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['sidebar_section_raw']);
+ − 592
+ − 593
$this->sidebar_extra = $parser->run();
+ − 594
+ − 595
+ − 596
$this->sidebar_extra = $this->sidebar_extra.$this->sidebar_widgets;
+ − 597
+ − 598
$this->tpl_bool['fixed_menus'] = false;
+ − 599
/* if($this->sidebar_extra == '') $this->tpl_bool['right_sidebar'] = false;
+ − 600
else */ $this->tpl_bool['right_sidebar'] = true;
+ − 601
+ − 602
$this->tpl_bool['auth_rename'] = ( $paths->page_exists && ( $session->get_permissions('rename') && ( $paths->page_protected && $session->get_permissions('even_when_protected') || !$paths->page_protected ) ) && $paths->namespace != 'Special' && $paths->namespace != 'Admin');
+ − 603
+ − 604
$this->tpl_bool['enable_uploads'] = ( getConfig('enable_uploads') == '1' && $session->get_permissions('upload_files') ) ? true : false;
+ − 605
+ − 606
$this->tpl_bool['stupid_mode'] = false;
+ − 607
+ − 608
if($paths->page == $paths->nslist['Special'].'Administration') $this->tpl_bool['in_admin'] = true;
+ − 609
else $this->tpl_bool['in_admin'] = false;
+ − 610
+ − 611
$p = ( isset($_GET['printable']) ) ? '/printable' : '';
+ − 612
+ − 613
// Add the e-mail address client code to the header
+ − 614
+ − 615
+ − 616
// Generate the code for the Log out and Change theme sidebar buttons
+ − 617
// Once again, the new template parsing system can be used here
+ − 618
+ − 619
$parser = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['sidebar_button']);
+ − 620
+ − 621
+ − 622
'HREF'=>makeUrlNS('Special', 'Logout'),
+ − 623
'FLAGS'=>'onclick="mb_logout(); return false;"',
+ − 624
'TEXT'=>'Log out',
+ − 625
+ − 626
+ − 627
$logout_link = $parser->run();
+ − 628
+ − 629
+ − 630
'HREF'=>makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' . $paths->page),
+ − 631
'FLAGS'=>'onclick="ajaxStartLogin(); return false;"',
+ − 632
'TEXT'=>'Log in',
+ − 633
+ − 634
+ − 635
$login_link = $parser->run();
+ − 636
+ − 637
+ − 638
'HREF'=>makeUrlNS('Special', 'ChangeStyle/'.$paths->page),
+ − 639
'FLAGS'=>'onclick="ajaxChangeStyle(); return false;"',
+ − 640
'TEXT'=>'Change theme',
+ − 641
+ − 642
+ − 643
$theme_link = $parser->run();
+ − 644
+ − 645
$SID = ($session->sid_super) ? $session->sid_super : '';
+ − 646
+ − 647
// Generate the dynamic javascript vars
+ − 648
$js_dynamic = ' <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
+ − 649
// This section defines some basic and very important variables that are used later in the static Javascript library.
+ − 650
// SKIN DEVELOPERS: The template variable for this code block is {JS_DYNAMIC_VARS}. This MUST be inserted BEFORE the tag that links to the main Javascript lib.
+ − 651
var title=\''. str_replace('\'', '\\\'', str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $paths->fullpage)) .'\';
+ − 652
var page_exists='. ( ( $paths->page_exists) ? 'true' : 'false' ) .';
+ − 653
var scriptPath=\''. scriptPath .'\';
+ − 654
var contentPath=\''.contentPath.'\';
+ − 655
var ENANO_SID =\'' . $SID . '\';
+ − 656
var auth_level=' . $session->auth_level . ';
+ − 657
+ − 658
+ − 659
+ − 660
+ − 661
+ − 662
var editNotice = \'' . ( (getConfig('wiki_edit_notice')=='1') ? str_replace("\n", "\\\n", RenderMan::render(getConfig('wiki_edit_notice_text'))) : '' ) . '\';
+ − 663
var prot = ' . ( ($paths->page_protected && !$session->get_permissions('even_when_protected')) ? 'true' : 'false' ) .'; // No, hacking this var won\'t work, it\'s re-checked on the server
+ − 664
var ENANO_SPECIAL_CREATEPAGE = \''. makeUrl($paths->nslist['Special'].'CreatePage') .'\';
+ − 665
var ENANO_CREATEPAGE_PARAMS = \'_do=&pagename='. addslashes($paths->cpage['name']) .'&namespace=' . $paths->namespace . '\';
+ − 666
var ENANO_SPECIAL_CHANGESTYLE = \''. makeUrlNS('Special', 'ChangeStyle') .'\';
+ − 667
var namespace_list = new Array();
+ − 668
var AES_BITS = '.AES_BITS.';
+ − 669
+ − 670
var pagepass = \''. ( ( isset($_REQUEST['pagepass']) ) ? sha1($_REQUEST['pagepass']) : '' ) .'\';
+ − 671
+ − 672
foreach($this->theme_list as $t) {
+ − 673
+ − 674
+ − 675
$js_dynamic .= '<option value="'.$t['theme_id'].'"';
+ − 676
if($t['theme_id'] == $session->theme) $js_dynamic .= ' selected="selected"';
+ − 677
$js_dynamic .= '>'.$t['theme_name'].'</option>';
+ − 678
+ − 679
+ − 680
$js_dynamic .= '\';
+ − 681
var ENANO_CURRENT_THEME = \''. $session->theme .'\';';
+ − 682
foreach($paths->nslist as $k => $c)
+ − 683
+ − 684
$js_dynamic .= "namespace_list['{$k}'] = '$c';";
+ − 685
+ − 686
$js_dynamic .= "\n //]]>\n </script>";
+ − 687
+ − 688
$tpl_strings = Array(
+ − 689
+ − 690
+ − 691
+ − 692
+ − 693
+ − 694
+ − 695
+ − 696
+ − 697
+ − 698
+ − 699
+ − 700
+ − 701
+ − 702
+ − 703
+ − 704
+ − 705
'STYLE_LINK'=>makeUrlNS('Special', 'CSS'.$p, null, true), //contentPath.$paths->nslist['Special'].'CSS' . $p,
+ − 706
+ − 707
+ − 708
+ − 709
+ − 710
+ − 711
+ − 712
+ − 713
+ − 714
+ − 715
+ − 716
foreach ( $paths->nslist as $ns_id => $ns_prefix )
+ − 717
+ − 718
$tpl_strings[ 'NS_' . strtoupper($ns_id) ] = $ns_prefix;
+ − 719
+ − 720
+ − 721
$this->tpl_strings = array_merge($tpl_strings, $this->tpl_strings);
+ − 722
list($this->tpl_strings['SIDEBAR_LEFT'], $this->tpl_strings['SIDEBAR_RIGHT'], $min) = $this->fetch_sidebar();
+ − 723
$this->tpl_bool['sidebar_left'] = ( $this->tpl_strings['SIDEBAR_LEFT'] != $min) ? true : false;
+ − 724
$this->tpl_bool['sidebar_right'] = ( $this->tpl_strings['SIDEBAR_RIGHT'] != $min) ? true : false;
+ − 725
$this->tpl_bool['right_sidebar'] = $this->tpl_bool['sidebar_right']; // backward compatibility
+ − 726
+ − 727
+ − 728
function header($simple = false)
+ − 729
+ − 730
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 731
+ − 732
+ − 733
+ − 734
+ − 735
$this->load_theme($session->theme, $session->style);
+ − 736
+ − 737
+ − 738
$headers_sent = true;
+ − 739
dc_here('template: generating and sending the page header');
+ − 740
+ − 741
define('ENANO_HEADERS_SENT', '');
+ − 742
if(!$this->no_headers) echo ( $simple ) ? $this->process_template('simple-header.tpl') : $this->process_template('header.tpl');
+ − 743
if ( !$simple && $session->user_logged_in && $session->unread_pms > 0 )
+ − 744
+ − 745
echo $this->notify_unread_pms();
+ − 746
+ − 747
if ( !$simple && $session->sw_timed_out )
+ − 748
+ − 749
$login_link = makeUrlNS('Special', 'Login/' . $paths->fullpage, 'level=' . $session->user_level, true);
+ − 750
echo '<div class="usermessage">';
+ − 751
echo '<b>Your administrative session has timed out.</b> <a href="' . $login_link . '">Log in again</a>';
+ − 752
echo '</div>';
+ − 753
+ − 754
+ − 755
function footer($simple = false)
+ − 756
+ − 757
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 758
dc_here('template: generating and sending the page footer');
+ − 759
if(!$this->no_headers) {
+ − 760
+ − 761
+ − 762
+ − 763
+ − 764
global $_starttime;
+ − 765
if(isset($_GET['sqldbg']) && $session->get_permissions('mod_misc'))
+ − 766
+ − 767
echo '<h3>Query list as requested on URI</h3><pre style="margin-left: 1em">';
+ − 768
echo $db->sql_backtrace();
+ − 769
echo '</pre>';
+ − 770
+ − 771
+ − 772
$f = microtime_float();
+ − 773
$f = $f - $_starttime;
+ − 774
$f = round($f, 4);
+ − 775
$dbg = 'Time: '.$f.'s | Queries: '.$db->num_queries;
+ − 776
$t = ( $simple ) ? $this->process_template('simple-footer.tpl') : $this->process_template('footer.tpl');
+ − 777
$t = str_replace('[[Stats]]', $dbg, $t);
+ − 778
$t = str_replace('[[NumQueries]]', (string)$db->num_queries, $t);
+ − 779
$t = str_replace('[[GenTime]]', (string)$f, $t);
+ − 780
echo $t;
+ − 781
+ − 782
+ − 783
+ − 784
else return '';
+ − 785
+ − 786
function getHeader()
+ − 787
+ − 788
$headers_sent = true;
+ − 789
dc_here('template: generating and sending the page header');
+ − 790
+ − 791
define('ENANO_HEADERS_SENT', '');
+ − 792
if(!$this->no_headers) return $this->process_template('header.tpl');
+ − 793
+ − 794
function getFooter()
+ − 795
+ − 796
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 797
dc_here('template: generating and sending the page footer');
+ − 798
if(!$this->no_headers) {
+ − 799
global $_starttime;
+ − 800
$t = '';
+ − 801
+ − 802
if(isset($_GET['sqldbg']) && $session->get_permissions('mod_misc'))
+ − 803
+ − 804
$t .= '<h3>Query list as requested on URI</h3><pre style="margin-left: 1em">';
+ − 805
$t .= $db->sql_backtrace();
+ − 806
$t .= '</pre>';
+ − 807
+ − 808
+ − 809
$f = microtime_float();
+ − 810
$f = $f - $_starttime;
+ − 811
$f = round($f, 4);
+ − 812
$dbg = 'Time: '.$f.'s | Queries: '.$db->num_queries;
+ − 813
$t.= $this->process_template('footer.tpl');
+ − 814
$t = str_replace('[[Stats]]', $dbg, $t);
+ − 815
$t = str_replace('[[NumQueries]]', (string)$db->num_queries, $t);
+ − 816
$t = str_replace('[[GenTime]]', (string)$f, $t);
+ − 817
return $t;
+ − 818
+ − 819
else return '';
+ − 820
+ − 821
+ − 822
function process_template($file) {
+ − 823
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 824
+ − 825
+ − 826
+ − 827
+ − 828
+ − 829
+ − 830
return $tpl_code;
+ − 831
+ − 832
+ − 833
function extract_vars($file) {
+ − 834
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 835
+ − 836
+ − 837
die('$template->extract_vars(): theme not yet loaded, so we can\'t open template files yet...this is a bug and should be reported.<br /><br />Backtrace, most recent call first:<pre>'.enano_debug_print_backtrace(true).'</pre>');
+ − 838
+ − 839
if(!is_file(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$file)) die('Cannot find '.$file.' file for style "'.$this->theme.'", exiting');
+ − 840
$text = file_get_contents(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$file);
+ − 841
preg_match_all('#<\!-- VAR ([A-z0-9_-]*) -->(.*?)<\!-- ENDVAR \\1 -->#is', $text, $matches);
+ − 842
$tplvars = Array();
+ − 843
+ − 844
+ − 845
$tplvars[$matches[1][$i]] = $matches[2][$i];
+ − 846
+ − 847
return $tplvars;
+ − 848
+ − 849
function compile_template($text) {
+ − 850
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 851
if(!is_file(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$text)) die('Cannot find '.$text.' file for style, exiting');
+ − 852
$n = $text;
+ − 853
$tpl_filename = ENANO_ROOT . '/cache/' . $this->theme . '-' . str_replace('/', '-', $n) . '.php';
+ − 854
if(!is_file(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$text)) die('Cannot find '.$text.' file for style, exiting');
+ − 855
if(file_exists($tpl_filename) && getConfig('cache_thumbs')=='1')
+ − 856
+ − 857
+ − 858
$text = file_get_contents(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$text);
+ − 859
if(isset($md5) && $md5 == md5($text)) {
+ − 860
return str_replace('\\"', '"', $tpl_text);
+ − 861
+ − 862
+ − 863
$text = file_get_contents(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$n);
+ − 864
+ − 865
$md5 = md5($text);
+ − 866
+ − 867
$seed = md5 ( microtime() . mt_rand() );
+ − 868
preg_match_all("/<\?php(.*?)\?>/is", $text, $m);
+ − 869
//die('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($m, true)).'</pre>');
+ − 870
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($m[1]); $i++)
+ − 871
+ − 872
$text = str_replace("<?php{$m[1][$i]}?>", "{PHPCODE:{$i}:{$seed}}", $text);
+ − 873
+ − 874
+ − 875
$text = 'ob_start(); echo \''.str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $text).'\'; $tpl_code = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();';
+ − 876
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGIN (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(isset($this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) && $this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) { echo \'', $text);
+ − 877
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- IFSET (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(isset($this->tpl_strings[\'\\1\'])) { echo \'', $text);
+ − 878
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- IFPLUGIN (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(getConfig(\'plugin_\\1\')==\'1\') { echo \'', $text);
+ − 879
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- SYSMSG (.*?) -->#is', '\'; echo $template->tplWikiFormat($paths->sysMsg(\'\\1\')); echo \'', $text);
+ − 880
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGINNOT (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(!$this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) { echo \'', $text);
+ − 881
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGINELSE (.*?) -->#is', '\'; } else { echo \'', $text);
+ − 882
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- END (.*?) -->#is', '\'; } echo \'', $text);
+ − 883
$text = preg_replace('#\{([A-z0-9]*)\}#is', '\'.$this->tpl_strings[\'\\1\'].\'', $text);
+ − 884
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($m[1]); $i++)
+ − 885
+ − 886
$text = str_replace("{PHPCODE:{$i}:{$seed}}", "'; {$m[1][$i]} echo '", $text);
+ − 887
+ − 888
if(is_writable(ENANO_ROOT.'/cache/') && getConfig('cache_thumbs')=='1')
+ − 889
+ − 890
+ − 891
$h = fopen($tpl_filename, 'w');
+ − 892
if(!$h) return $text;
+ − 893
$t = addslashes($text);
+ − 894
fwrite($h, '<?php $md5 = \''.$md5.'\'; $tpl_text = \''.$t.'\'; ?>');
+ − 895
+ − 896
+ − 897
return $text; //('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($text).'</pre>');
+ − 898
+ − 899
+ − 900
function compile_template_text($text) {
+ − 901
$seed = md5 ( microtime() . mt_rand() );
+ − 902
preg_match_all("/<\?php(.*?)\?>/is", $text, $m);
+ − 903
//die('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($m, true)).'</pre>');
+ − 904
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($m[1]); $i++)
+ − 905
+ − 906
$text = str_replace("<?php{$m[1][$i]}?>", "{PHPCODE:{$i}:{$seed}}", $text);
+ − 907
+ − 908
+ − 909
$text = 'ob_start(); echo \''.str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $text).'\'; $tpl_code = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $tpl_code;';
+ − 910
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGIN (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(isset($this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) && $this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) { echo \'', $text);
+ − 911
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- IFSET (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(isset($this->tpl_strings[\'\\1\'])) { echo \'', $text);
+ − 912
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- IFPLUGIN (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(getConfig(\'plugin_\\1\')==\'1\') { echo \'', $text);
+ − 913
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- SYSMSG (.*?) -->#is', '\'; echo $template->tplWikiFormat($paths->sysMsg(\'\\1\')); echo \'', $text);
+ − 914
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGINNOT (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(!$this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) { echo \'', $text);
+ − 915
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGINELSE (.*?) -->#is', '\'; } else { echo \'', $text);
+ − 916
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- END (.*?) -->#is', '\'; } echo \'', $text);
+ − 917
$text = preg_replace('#\{([A-z0-9]*)\}#is', '\'.$this->tpl_strings[\'\\1\'].\'', $text);
+ − 918
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($m[1]); $i++)
+ − 919
+ − 920
$text = str_replace("{PHPCODE:{$i}:{$seed}}", "'; {$m[1][$i]} echo '", $text);
+ − 921
+ − 922
return $text; //('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($text).'</pre>');
+ − 923
+ − 924
+ − 925
function parse($text)
+ − 926
+ − 927
$text = $this->compile_template_text($text);
+ − 928
return eval($text);
+ − 929
+ − 930
+ − 931
// Steps to turn this:
+ − 932
// [[Project:Community Portal]]
+ − 933
// into this:
+ − 934
// <a href="/Project:Community_Portal">Community Portal</a>
+ − 935
// Must be done WITHOUT creating eval'ed code!!!
+ − 936
+ − 937
// 1. preg_replace \[\[([a-zA-Z0-9 -_:]*?)\]\] with <a href="'.contentPath.'\\1">\\1</a>
+ − 938
// 2. preg_match_all <a href="'.preg_quote(contentPath).'([a-zA-Z0-9 -_:]*?)">
+ − 939
// 3. For each match, replace matches with identifiers
+ − 940
// 4. For each match, str_replace ' ' with '_'
+ − 941
// 5. For each match, str_replace match_id:random_val with $matches[$match_id]
+ − 942
+ − 943
// The template language is really a miniature programming language; with variables, conditionals, everything!
+ − 944
// So you can implement custom logic into your sidebar if you wish.
+ − 945
// "Real" PHP support coming soon :-D
+ − 946
+ − 947
function tplWikiFormat($message, $filter_links = false, $filename = 'elements.tpl') {
+ − 948
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 949
$filter_links = false;
+ − 950
$tplvars = $this->extract_vars($filename);
+ − 951
if($session->sid_super) $as = htmlspecialchars(urlSeparator).'auth='.$session->sid_super;
+ − 952
else $as = '';
+ − 953
+ − 954
$random_id = sha1(microtime().''); // A temp value
+ − 955
+ − 956
+ − 957
+ − 958
+ − 959
+ − 960
// Variables
+ − 961
+ − 962
preg_match_all('#\$([A-Z_-]+)\$#', $message, $links);
+ − 963
$links = $links[1];
+ − 964
+ − 965
+ − 966
+ − 967
$message = str_replace('$'.$links[$i].'$', $this->tpl_strings[$links[$i]], $message);
+ − 968
+ − 969
+ − 970
// Conditionals
+ − 971
+ − 972
preg_match_all('#\{if ([A-Za-z0-9_ &\|\!-]*)\}(.*?)\{\/if\}#is', $message, $links);
+ − 973
+ − 974
+ − 975
+ − 976
$message = str_replace('{if '.$links[1][$i].'}'.$links[2][$i].'{/if}', '{CONDITIONAL:'.$i.':'.$random_id.'}', $message);
+ − 977
+ − 978
// Time for some manual parsing...
+ − 979
$chk = false;
+ − 980
$current_id = '';
+ − 981
$prn_level = 0;
+ − 982
// Used to keep track of where we are in the conditional
+ − 983
// Object of the game: turn {if this && ( that OR !something_else )} ... {/if} into if( ( isset($this->tpl_bool['that']) && $this->tpl_bool['that'] ) && ...
+ − 984
// Method of attack: escape all variables, ignore all else. Non-valid code is filtered out by a regex above.
+ − 985
$in_var_now = true;
+ − 986
$in_var_last = false;
+ − 987
$current_var = '';
+ − 988
$current_var_start_pos = 0;
+ − 989
$current_var_end_pos = 0;
+ − 990
$j = -1;
+ − 991
$links[1][$i] = $links[1][$i] . ' ';
+ − 992
$d = strlen($links[1][$i]);
+ − 993
while($j < $d)
+ − 994
+ − 995
+ − 996
$in_var_last = $in_var_now;
+ − 997
+ − 998
$char = substr($links[1][$i], $j, 1);
+ − 999
$in_var_now = ( preg_match('#^([A-z0-9_]*){1}$#', $char) ) ? true : false;
+ − 1000
if(!$in_var_last && $in_var_now)
+ − 1001
+ − 1002
$current_var_start_pos = $j;
+ − 1003
+ − 1004
if($in_var_last && !$in_var_now)
+ − 1005
+ − 1006
$current_var_end_pos = $j;
+ − 1007
+ − 1008
+ − 1009
+ − 1010
$current_var .= $char;
+ − 1011
+ − 1012
+ − 1013
// OK we are not inside of a variable. That means that we JUST hit the end because the counter ($j) will be advanced to the beginning of the next variable once processing here is complete.
+ − 1014
if($char != ' ' && $char != '(' && $char != ')' && $char != 'A' && $char != 'N' && $char != 'D' && $char != 'O' && $char != 'R' && $char != '&' && $char != '|' && $char != '!' && $char != '<' && $char != '>' && $char != '0' && $char != '1' && $char != '2' && $char != '3' && $char != '4' && $char != '5' && $char != '6' && $char != '7' && $char != '8' && $char != '9')
+ − 1015
+ − 1016
// XSS attack! Bail out
+ − 1017
echo '<p><b>Error:</b> Syntax error (possibly XSS attack) caught in template code:</p>';
+ − 1018
echo '<pre>';
+ − 1019
echo '{if '.$links[1][$i].'}';
+ − 1020
echo "\n ";
+ − 1021
for($k=0;$k<$j;$k++) echo " ";
+ − 1022
echo '<span style="color: red;">^</span>';
+ − 1023
echo '</pre>';
+ − 1024
continue 2;
+ − 1025
+ − 1026
if($current_var != '')
+ − 1027
+ − 1028
$cd = '( isset($this->tpl_bool[\''.$current_var.'\']) && $this->tpl_bool[\''.$current_var.'\'] )';
+ − 1029
$cvt = substr($links[1][$i], 0, $current_var_start_pos) . $cd . substr($links[1][$i], $current_var_end_pos, strlen($links[1][$i]));
+ − 1030
$j = $j + strlen($cd) - strlen($current_var);
+ − 1031
$current_var = '';
+ − 1032
$links[1][$i] = $cvt;
+ − 1033
$d = strlen($links[1][$i]);
+ − 1034
+ − 1035
+ − 1036
$links[1][$i] = substr($links[1][$i], 0, strlen($links[1][$i])-1);
+ − 1037
$links[1][$i] = '$chk = ( '.$links[1][$i].' ) ? true : false;';
+ − 1038
+ − 1039
+ − 1040
if($chk) { // isset($this->tpl_bool[$links[1][$i]]) && $this->tpl_bool[$links[1][$i]]
+ − 1041
if(strstr($links[2][$i], '{else}')) $c = substr($links[2][$i], 0, strpos($links[2][$i], '{else}'));
+ − 1042
else $c = $links[2][$i];
+ − 1043
$message = str_replace('{CONDITIONAL:'.$i.':'.$random_id.'}', $c, $message);
+ − 1044
} else {
+ − 1045
if(strstr($links[2][$i], '{else}')) $c = substr($links[2][$i], strpos($links[2][$i], '{else}')+6, strlen($links[2][$i]));
+ − 1046
else $c = '';
+ − 1047
$message = str_replace('{CONDITIONAL:'.$i.':'.$random_id.'}', $c, $message);
+ − 1048
+ − 1049
+ − 1050
+ − 1051
preg_match_all('#\{!if ([A-Za-z_-]*)\}(.*?)\{\/if\}#is', $message, $links);
+ − 1052
+ − 1053
+ − 1054
+ − 1055
$message = str_replace('{!if '.$links[1][$i].'}'.$links[2][$i].'{/if}', '{CONDITIONAL:'.$i.':'.$random_id.'}', $message);
+ − 1056
if(isset($this->tpl_bool[$links[1][$i]]) && $this->tpl_bool[$links[1][$i]]) {
+ − 1057
if(strstr($links[2][$i], '{else}')) $c = substr($links[2][$i], strpos($links[2][$i], '{else}')+6, strlen($links[2][$i]));
+ − 1058
else $c = '';
+ − 1059
$message = str_replace('{CONDITIONAL:'.$i.':'.$random_id.'}', $c, $message);
+ − 1060
} else {
+ − 1061
if(strstr($links[2][$i], '{else}')) $c = substr($links[2][$i], 0, strpos($links[2][$i], '{else}'));
+ − 1062
else $c = $links[2][$i];
+ − 1063
$message = str_replace('{CONDITIONAL:'.$i.':'.$random_id.'}', $c, $message);
+ − 1064
+ − 1065
+ − 1066
+ − 1067
+ − 1068
+ − 1069
+ − 1070
+ − 1071
// Images
+ − 1072
$j = preg_match_all('#\[\[:'.$paths->nslist['File'].'([\w\s0-9_\(\)!@%\^\+\|\.-]+?)\]\]#is', $message, $matchlist);
+ − 1073
$matches = Array();
+ − 1074
$matches['images'] = $matchlist[1];
+ − 1075
+ − 1076
+ − 1077
+ − 1078
+ − 1079
$message = str_replace('[[:'.$paths->nslist['File'].$matches['images'][$i].']]',
+ − 1080
'<img alt="'.$matches['images'][$i].'" style="border: 0" src="'.makeUrlNS('Special', 'DownloadFile/'.$matches['images'][$i]).'" />',
+ − 1081
+ − 1082
+ − 1083
+ − 1084
+ − 1085
// Internal links
+ − 1086
+ − 1087
$text_parser = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['sidebar_button']);
+ − 1088
+ − 1089
preg_match_all('#\[\[([a-zA-Z0-9 -_]*?)\]\]#is', $message, $il);
+ − 1090
+ − 1091
+ − 1092
$href = makeUrl(str_replace(' ', '_', $il[1][$i]), null, true);
+ − 1093
+ − 1094
'HREF' => $href,
+ − 1095
'FLAGS' => '',
+ − 1096
'TEXT' => $il[1][$i]
+ − 1097
+ − 1098
$message = str_replace("[[{$il[1][$i]}]]", $text_parser->run(), $message);
+ − 1099
+ − 1100
+ − 1101
preg_match_all('#\[\[([a-zA-Z0-9 -_]*?)\|([a-zA-Z0-9!@\#\$%\^&\*\(\)\{\} -_]*?)\]\]#is', $message, $il);
+ − 1102
+ − 1103
+ − 1104
$href = makeUrl(str_replace(' ', '_', $il[1][$i]), null, true);
+ − 1105
+ − 1106
'HREF' => $href,
+ − 1107
'FLAGS' => '',
+ − 1108
'TEXT' => $il[2][$i]
+ − 1109
+ − 1110
$message = str_replace("[[{$il[1][$i]}|{$il[2][$i]}]]", $text_parser->run(), $message);
+ − 1111
+ − 1112
+ − 1113
// External links
+ − 1114
$message = preg_replace('#\[(http|ftp|irc):\/\/([a-z0-9\/:_\.\?&%\#@_\\\\-]+?)\\ ([^\]]+)]#', '<a href="\\1://\\2">\\3</a><br style="display: none;" />', $message);
+ − 1115
$message = preg_replace('#\[(http|ftp|irc):\/\/([a-z0-9\/:_\.\?&%\#@_\\\\-]+?)\\]#', '<a href="\\1://\\2">\\1://\\2</a><br style="display: none;" />', $message);
+ − 1116
+ − 1117
$parser1 = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['sidebar_section']);
+ − 1118
$parser2 = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['sidebar_section_raw']);
+ − 1119
+ − 1120
preg_match_all('#\{slider(2|)=(.*?)\}(.*?)\{\/slider(2|)\}#is', $message, $sb);
+ − 1121
+ − 1122
// Modified to support the sweet new template var system
+ − 1123
+ − 1124
+ − 1125
$p = ($sb[1][$i] == '2') ? $parser2 : $parser1;
+ − 1126
+ − 1127
$message = str_replace("{slider{$sb[1][$i]}={$sb[2][$i]}}{$sb[3][$i]}{/slider{$sb[4][$i]}}", $p->run(), $message);
+ − 1128
+ − 1129
+ − 1130
+ − 1131
Extras ;-)
+ − 1132
$message = preg_replace('##is', '', $message);
+ − 1133
$message = preg_replace('##is', '', $message);
+ − 1134
$message = preg_replace('##is', '', $message);
+ − 1135
$message = preg_replace('##is', '', $message);
+ − 1136
$message = preg_replace('##is', '', $message);
+ − 1137
+ − 1138
+ − 1139
+ − 1140
//eval($message); exit;
+ − 1141
return $message;
+ − 1142
+ − 1143
+ − 1144
+ − 1145
* Print a text field that auto-completes a username entered into it.
+ − 1146
* @param string $name - the name of the form field
+ − 1147
* @return string
+ − 1148
+ − 1149
+ − 1150
function username_field($name, $value = false)
+ − 1151
+ − 1152
$randomid = md5( time() . microtime() . mt_rand() );
+ − 1153
$text = '<input name="'.$name.'" onkeyup="ajaxUserNameComplete(this)" autocomplete="off" type="text" size="30" id="userfield_'.$randomid.'"';
+ − 1154
if($value) $text .= ' value="'.$value.'"';
+ − 1155
$text .= ' />';
+ − 1156
return $text;
+ − 1157
+ − 1158
+ − 1159
+ − 1160
* Print a text field that auto-completes a page name entered into it.
+ − 1161
* @param string $name - the name of the form field
+ − 1162
* @return string
+ − 1163
+ − 1164
+ − 1165
function pagename_field($name, $value = false)
+ − 1166
+ − 1167
$randomid = md5( time() . microtime() . mt_rand() );
+ − 1168
$text = '<input name="'.$name.'" onkeyup="ajaxPageNameComplete(this)" type="text" size="30" id="pagefield_'.$randomid.'"';
+ − 1169
if($value) $text .= ' value="'.$value.'"';
+ − 1170
$text .= ' />';
+ − 1171
$text .= '<script type="text/javascript">
+ − 1172
var inp = document.getElementById(\'pagefield_' . $randomid . '\');
+ − 1173
var f = get_parent_form(inp);
+ − 1174
if ( f )
+ − 1175
+ − 1176
if ( typeof(f.onsubmit) != \'function\' )
+ − 1177
+ − 1178
f.onsubmit = function() {
+ − 1179
if ( !submitAuthorized )
+ − 1180
+ − 1181
return false;
+ − 1182
+ − 1183
+ − 1184
+ − 1185
+ − 1186
return $text;
+ − 1187
+ − 1188
+ − 1189
+ − 1190
* Sends a textarea that can be converted to and from a TinyMCE widget on the fly.
+ − 1191
* @param string The name of the form element
+ − 1192
* @param string The initial content. Optional, defaults to blank
+ − 1193
* @param int Rows in textarea
+ − 1194
* @param int Columns in textarea
+ − 1195
* @return string HTML and Javascript code.
+ − 1196
+ − 1197
+ − 1198
function tinymce_textarea($name, $content = '', $rows = 20, $cols = 60)
+ − 1199
+ − 1200
$randomid = md5(microtime() . mt_rand());
+ − 1201
$html = '';
+ − 1202
$html .= '<textarea name="' . $name . '" rows="'.$rows.'" cols="'.$cols.'" style="width: 100%;" id="toggleMCEroot_'.$randomid.'">' . $content . '</textarea>';
+ − 1203
$html .= '<div style="float: right; display: table;" id="mceSwitchAgent_' . $randomid . '">text editor | <a href="#" onclick="toggleMCE_'.$randomid.'(); return false;">graphical editor</a></div>';
+ − 1204
$html .= '<script type="text/javascript">
+ − 1205
// <![CDATA[
+ − 1206
function toggleMCE_'.$randomid.'()
+ − 1207
+ − 1208
var the_obj = document.getElementById(\'toggleMCEroot_' . $randomid . '\');
+ − 1209
var panel = document.getElementById(\'mceSwitchAgent_' . $randomid . '\');
+ − 1210
if ( the_obj.dnIsMCE == "yes" )
+ − 1211
+ − 1212
+ − 1213
panel.innerHTML = \'text editor | <a href="#" onclick="toggleMCE_'.$randomid.'(); return false;">graphical editor</a>\';
+ − 1214
+ − 1215
+ − 1216
+ − 1217
+ − 1218
panel.innerHTML = \'<a href="#" onclick="toggleMCE_'.$randomid.'(); return false;">text editor</a> | graphical editor\';
+ − 1219
+ − 1220
+ − 1221
// ]]>
+ − 1222
+ − 1223
return $html;
+ − 1224
+ − 1225
+ − 1226
+ − 1227
* Allows individual parsing of template files. Similar to phpBB but follows the spirit of object-oriented programming ;)
+ − 1228
* Returns on object of class templateIndividual. Usage instructions can be found in the inline docs for that class.
+ − 1229
* @param $filename the filename of the template to be parsed
+ − 1230
* @return object
+ − 1231
+ − 1232
+ − 1233
function makeParser($filename)
+ − 1234
+ − 1235
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1236
$filename = ENANO_ROOT.'/themes/'.$template->theme.'/'.$filename;
+ − 1237
if(!file_exists($filename)) die('templateIndividual: file '.$filename.' does not exist');
+ − 1238
$code = file_get_contents($filename);
+ − 1239
$parser = new templateIndividual($code);
+ − 1240
return $parser;
+ − 1241
+ − 1242
+ − 1243
+ − 1244
* Same as $template->makeParser(), but takes a string instead of a filename.
+ − 1245
* @param $text the text to parse
+ − 1246
* @return object
+ − 1247
+ − 1248
+ − 1249
function makeParserText($code)
+ − 1250
+ − 1251
$parser = new templateIndividual($code);
+ − 1252
return $parser;
+ − 1253
+ − 1254
+ − 1255
+ − 1256
* Fetch the HTML for a plugin-added sidebar block
+ − 1257
* @param $name the plugin name
+ − 1258
* @return string
+ − 1259
+ − 1260
+ − 1261
function fetch_block($id)
+ − 1262
+ − 1263
if(isset($this->plugin_blocks[$id])) return $this->plugin_blocks[$id];
+ − 1264
else return false;
+ − 1265
+ − 1266
+ − 1267
+ − 1268
* Fetches the contents of both sidebars.
+ − 1269
* @return array - key 0 is left, key 1 is right
+ − 1270
* @example list($left, $right) = $template->fetch_sidebar();
+ − 1271
+ − 1272
+ − 1273
function fetch_sidebar()
+ − 1274
+ − 1275
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1276
+ − 1277
$left = '';
+ − 1278
$right = '';
+ − 1279
+ − 1280
if ( !$this->fetch_block('Links') )
+ − 1281
+ − 1282
+ − 1283
$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT item_id,sidebar_id,block_name,block_type,block_content FROM '.table_prefix.'sidebar WHERE item_enabled=1 ORDER BY sidebar_id ASC, item_order ASC;');
+ − 1284
if(!$q) $db->_die('The sidebar text data could not be selected.');
+ − 1285
+ − 1286
$vars = $this->extract_vars('elements.tpl');
+ − 1287
+ − 1288
+ − 1289
+ − 1290
$left .= $this->parse($vars['sidebar_top']);
+ − 1291
$right .= $this->parse($vars['sidebar_top']);
+ − 1292
+ − 1293
while($row = $db->fetchrow())
+ − 1294
+ − 1295
+ − 1296
+ − 1297
+ − 1298
+ − 1299
$parser = $this->makeParserText($vars['sidebar_section']);
+ − 1300
$c = RenderMan::render($row['block_content']);
+ − 1301
+ − 1302
+ − 1303
$parser = $this->makeParserText($vars['sidebar_section']);
+ − 1304
$c = $this->tplWikiFormat($row['block_content']);
+ − 1305
+ − 1306
+ − 1307
$parser = $this->makeParserText($vars['sidebar_section_raw']);
+ − 1308
$c = $row['block_content'];
+ − 1309
+ − 1310
+ − 1311
$parser = $this->makeParserText($vars['sidebar_section_raw']);
+ − 1312
+ − 1313
+ − 1314
$c = ob_get_contents();
+ − 1315
+ − 1316
+ − 1317
+ − 1318
$parser = $this->makeParserText($vars['sidebar_section_raw']);
+ − 1319
$c = (gettype($this->fetch_block($row['block_content'])) == 'string') ? $this->fetch_block($row['block_content']) : 'Can\'t find plugin block';
+ − 1320
+ − 1321
+ − 1322
$parser->assign_vars(Array( 'TITLE'=>$this->tplWikiFormat($row['block_name']), 'CONTENT'=>$c ));
+ − 1323
if ($row['sidebar_id'] == SIDEBAR_LEFT ) $left .= $parser->run();
+ − 1324
elseif($row['sidebar_id'] == SIDEBAR_RIGHT) $right .= $parser->run();
+ − 1325
+ − 1326
+ − 1327
+ − 1328
+ − 1329
+ − 1330
$left .= $this->parse($vars['sidebar_bottom']);
+ − 1331
$right .= $this->parse($vars['sidebar_bottom']);
+ − 1332
+ − 1333
$min = '';
+ − 1334
+ − 1335
+ − 1336
$min .= $this->parse($vars['sidebar_top']);
+ − 1337
+ − 1338
+ − 1339
+ − 1340
$min .= $this->parse($vars['sidebar_bottom']);
+ − 1341
+ − 1342
return Array($left, $right, $min);
+ − 1343
+ − 1344
+ − 1345
function initLinksWidget()
+ − 1346
+ − 1347
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1348
// SourceForge/W3C buttons
+ − 1349
$ob = Array();
+ − 1350
if(getConfig('powered_btn') =='1') $ob[] = '<a style="text-align: center;" href="http://www.enanocms.org/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"><img alt="Powered by Enano" src="'.scriptPath.'/images/about-powered-enano.png" onmouseover="this.src=\''.scriptPath.'/images/about-powered-enano-hover.png\';" onmouseout="this.src=\''.scriptPath.'/images/about-powered-enano.png\';" style="border-width: 0px;" width="88" height="31" /></a>';
+ − 1351
+ − 1352
+ − 1353
$ob[] = '<a style="text-align: center;" href="http://sourceforge.net/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"><img style="border-width: 0px;" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" src="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id='.getConfig('sflogo_groupid').'&type='.getConfig('sflogo_type').'" /></a>';
+ − 1354
+ − 1355
if(getConfig('w3c_v32') =='1') $ob[] = '<a style="text-align: center;" href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"><img style="border: 0px solid #FFFFFF;" alt="Valid HTML 3.2" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-html32" /></a>';
+ − 1356
if(getConfig('w3c_v40') =='1') $ob[] = '<a style="text-align: center;" href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"><img style="border: 0px solid #FFFFFF;" alt="Valid HTML 4.0" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-html40" /></a>';
+ − 1357
if(getConfig('w3c_v401') =='1') $ob[] = '<a style="text-align: center;" href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"><img style="border: 0px solid #FFFFFF;" alt="Valid HTML 4.01" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-html401" /></a>';
+ − 1358
if(getConfig('w3c_vxhtml10')=='1') $ob[] = '<a style="text-align: center;" href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"><img style="border: 0px solid #FFFFFF;" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10" /></a>';
+ − 1359
if(getConfig('w3c_vxhtml11')=='1') $ob[] = '<a style="text-align: center;" href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"><img style="border: 0px solid #FFFFFF;" alt="Valid XHTML 1.1" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml11" /></a>';
+ − 1360
if(getConfig('w3c_vcss') =='1') $ob[] = '<a style="text-align: center;" href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"><img style="border: 0px solid #FFFFFF;" alt="Valid CSS" src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-css" /></a>';
+ − 1361
if(getConfig('dbd_button') =='1') $ob[] = '<a style="text-align: center;" href="http://www.defectivebydesign.org/join/button" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"><img style="border: 0px solid #FFFFFF;" alt="DRM technology restricts what you can do with your computer" src="http://defectivebydesign.org/sites/nodrm.civicactions.net/files/images/dbd_sm_btn.gif" /><br /><small>Protect your freedom >></small></a>';
+ − 1362
+ − 1363
$code = $plugins->setHook('links_widget');
+ − 1364
foreach ( $code as $cmd )
+ − 1365
+ − 1366
+ − 1367
+ − 1368
+ − 1369
if(count($ob) > 0) $sb_links = '<div style="text-align: center; padding: 5px 0;">'.implode('<br />', $ob).'</div>';
+ − 1370
else $sb_links = '';
+ − 1371
+ − 1372
$this->sidebar_widget('Links', $sb_links);
+ − 1373
+ − 1374
+ − 1375
+ − 1376
* Builds a box showing unread private messages.
+ − 1377
+ − 1378
+ − 1379
function notify_unread_pms()
+ − 1380
+ − 1381
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1382
if ( ( $paths->cpage['urlname_nons'] == 'PrivateMessages' || $paths->cpage['urlname_nons'] == 'Preferences' ) && $paths->namespace == 'Special' )
+ − 1383
+ − 1384
return '';
+ − 1385
+ − 1386
$ob = '<div class="usermessage">'."\n";
+ − 1387
$s = ( $session->unread_pms == 1 ) ? '' : 's';
+ − 1388
$ob .= " <b>You have $session->unread_pms <a href=" . '"' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages' ) . '"' . ">unread private message$s</a>.</b><br />\n Messages: ";
+ − 1389
$q = $db->sql_query('SELECT message_id,message_from,subject,date FROM '.table_prefix.'privmsgs WHERE message_to=\'' . $session->username . '\' AND message_read=0 ORDER BY date DESC;');
+ − 1390
if ( !$q )
+ − 1391
+ − 1392
$messages = array();
+ − 1393
while ( $row = $db->fetchrow() )
+ − 1394
+ − 1395
$messages[] = '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/View/' . $row['message_id']) . '" title="Sent ' . date('F d, Y h:i a', $row['date']) . ' by ' . $row['message_from'] . '">' . $row['subject'] . '</a>';
+ − 1396
+ − 1397
$ob .= implode(",\n " , $messages)."\n";
+ − 1398
$ob .= '</div>'."\n";
+ − 1399
return $ob;
+ − 1400
+ − 1401
+ − 1402
} // class template
+ − 1403
+ − 1404
+ − 1405
* Handles parsing of an individual template file. Instances should only be created through $template->makeParser(). To use:
+ − 1406
* - Call $template->makeParser(template file name) - file name should be something.tpl, css/whatever.css, etc.
+ − 1407
* - Make an array of strings you want the template to access. $array['STRING'] would be referenced in the template like {STRING}
+ − 1408
* - Make an array of boolean values. These can be used for conditionals in the template (<!-- IF something --> whatever <!-- ENDIF something -->)
+ − 1409
* - Call assign_vars() to pass the strings to the template parser. Same thing with assign_bool().
+ − 1410
* - Call run() to parse the template and get your fully compiled HTML.
+ − 1411
* @access private
+ − 1412
+ − 1413
+ − 1414
class templateIndividual extends template {
+ − 1415
var $tpl_strings, $tpl_bool, $tpl_code;
+ − 1416
var $compiled = false;
+ − 1417
+ − 1418
* Constructor.
+ − 1419
+ − 1420
function __construct($text)
+ − 1421
+ − 1422
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1423
$this->tpl_code = $text;
+ − 1424
$this->tpl_strings = $template->tpl_strings;
+ − 1425
$this->tpl_bool = $template->tpl_bool;
+ − 1426
+ − 1427
+ − 1428
* PHP 4 constructor.
+ − 1429
+ − 1430
function templateIndividual($text)
+ − 1431
+ − 1432
+ − 1433
+ − 1434
+ − 1435
* Assigns an array of string values to the template. Strings can be accessed from the template by inserting {KEY_NAME} in the template file.
+ − 1436
* @param $vars array
+ − 1437
+ − 1438
function assign_vars($vars)
+ − 1439
+ − 1440
$this->tpl_strings = array_merge($this->tpl_strings, $vars);
+ − 1441
+ − 1442
+ − 1443
* Assigns an array of boolean values to the template. These can be used for <!-- IF ... --> statements.
+ − 1444
* @param $vars array
+ − 1445
+ − 1446
function assign_bool($vars)
+ − 1447
+ − 1448
$this->tpl_bool = array_merge($this->tpl_bool, $vars);
+ − 1449
+ − 1450
+ − 1451
* Compiles and executes the template code.
+ − 1452
* @return string
+ − 1453
+ − 1454
function run()
+ − 1455
+ − 1456
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1457
+ − 1458
+ − 1459
$this->tpl_code = $this->compile_template_text($this->tpl_code);
+ − 1460
$this->compiled = true;
+ − 1461
+ − 1462
return eval($this->tpl_code);
+ − 1463
+ − 1464
+ − 1465
+ − 1466
+ − 1467
* A version of the template compiler that does not rely at all on the other parts of Enano. Used during installation and for showing
+ − 1468
* "critical error" messages. ** REQUIRES ** the Oxygen theme.
+ − 1469
+ − 1470
+ − 1471
class template_nodb {
+ − 1472
var $tpl_strings, $tpl_bool, $theme, $style, $no_headers, $additional_headers, $sidebar_extra, $sidebar_widgets, $toolbar_menu, $theme_list;
+ − 1473
function __construct() {
+ − 1474
+ − 1475
$this->tpl_bool = Array();
+ − 1476
$this->tpl_strings = Array();
+ − 1477
$this->sidebar_extra = '';
+ − 1478
$this->sidebar_widgets = '';
+ − 1479
$this->toolbar_menu = '';
+ − 1480
$this->additional_headers = '';
+ − 1481
+ − 1482
$this->theme_list = Array(Array(
+ − 1483
+ − 1484
+ − 1485
+ − 1486
+ − 1487
+ − 1488
+ − 1489
function template() {
+ − 1490
+ − 1491
+ − 1492
function get_css($s = false) {
+ − 1493
+ − 1494
return $this->process_template('css/'.$s);
+ − 1495
+ − 1496
return $this->process_template('css/'.$this->style.'.css');
+ − 1497
+ − 1498
function load_theme($name, $css, $auto_init = true) {
+ − 1499
$this->theme = $name;
+ − 1500
$this->style = $css;
+ − 1501
+ − 1502
$this->tpl_strings['SCRIPTPATH'] = scriptPath;
+ − 1503
if ( $auto_init )
+ − 1504
+ − 1505
+ − 1506
function init_vars()
+ − 1507
+ − 1508
global $sideinfo;
+ − 1509
global $this_page;
+ − 1510
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1511
$tplvars = $this->extract_vars('elements.tpl');
+ − 1512
$tb = '';
+ − 1513
// Get the "article" button text (depends on namespace)
+ − 1514
if(defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL')) $ns = 'installation page';
+ − 1515
else $ns = 'system error page';
+ − 1516
$t = str_replace('{FLAGS}', 'onclick="return false;" title="Hey! A button that doesn\'t do anything. Clever..." accesskey="a"', $tplvars['toolbar_button']);
+ − 1517
$t = str_replace('{HREF}', '#', $t);
+ − 1518
$t = str_replace('{TEXT}', $ns, $t);
+ − 1519
$tb .= $t;
+ − 1520
+ − 1521
// Page toolbar
+ − 1522
+ − 1523
$this->tpl_bool = Array(
+ − 1524
+ − 1525
+ − 1526
+ − 1527
+ − 1528
$this->tpl_bool['in_sidebar_admin'] = false;
+ − 1529
+ − 1530
$this->tpl_bool['auth_rename'] = false;
+ − 1531
+ − 1532
$asq = $asa = '';
+ − 1533
+ − 1534
$this->tpl_bool['fixed_menus'] = false;
+ − 1535
$slink = defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL') ? scriptPath.'/install.php?mode=css' : makeUrlNS('Special', 'CSS');
+ − 1536
+ − 1537
$title = ( is_object($paths) ) ? $paths->page : 'Critical error';
+ − 1538
+ − 1539
// The rewritten template engine will process all required vars during the load_template stage instead of (cough) re-processing everything each time around.
+ − 1540
$tpl_strings = Array(
+ − 1541
+ − 1542
+ − 1543
'SITE_NAME'=>'Enano Installation',
+ − 1544
+ − 1545
'SITE_DESC'=>'Install Enano on your server.',
+ − 1546
+ − 1547
+ − 1548
+ − 1549
+ − 1550
+ − 1551
+ − 1552
'ADDITIONAL_HEADERS'=>'<style type="text/css">div.pagenav { border-top: 1px solid #CCC; padding-top: 7px; margin-top: 10px; }</style>',
+ − 1553
+ − 1554
'COPYRIGHT'=>'Enano and all of its code, graphics, and more code is copyright © 2006 Dan Fuhry.<br />This program is Free Software; see the file "GPL" included with this package for details.',
+ − 1555
+ − 1556
+ − 1557
+ − 1558
+ − 1559
+ − 1560
+ − 1561
+ − 1562
+ − 1563
'JS_DYNAMIC_VARS'=>'<script type="text/javascript">var title="'. $title .'"; var scriptPath="'.scriptPath.'"; var ENANO_SID=""; var AES_BITS='.AES_BITS.'; var AES_BLOCKSIZE=' . AES_BLOCKSIZE . '; var pagepass=\'\';</script>',
+ − 1564
+ − 1565
+ − 1566
$this->tpl_strings = array_merge($tpl_strings, $this->tpl_strings);
+ − 1567
+ − 1568
$sidebar = ( gettype($sideinfo) == 'string' ) ? $sideinfo : '';
+ − 1569
if($sidebar != '')
+ − 1570
+ − 1571
+ − 1572
+ − 1573
$text = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['sidebar_top']);
+ − 1574
$top = $text->run();
+ − 1575
} else {
+ − 1576
$top = '';
+ − 1577
+ − 1578
$p = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['sidebar_section']);
+ − 1579
+ − 1580
'TITLE'=>'Installation progress',
+ − 1581
+ − 1582
+ − 1583
$sidebar = $p->run();
+ − 1584
+ − 1585
+ − 1586
$text = $this->makeParserText($tplvars['sidebar_bottom']);
+ − 1587
$bottom = $text->run();
+ − 1588
} else {
+ − 1589
$bottom = '';
+ − 1590
+ − 1591
$sidebar = $top . $sidebar . $bottom;
+ − 1592
+ − 1593
$this->tpl_strings['SIDEBAR_LEFT'] = $sidebar;
+ − 1594
+ − 1595
$this->tpl_bool['sidebar_left'] = ( $this->tpl_strings['SIDEBAR_LEFT'] != '') ? true : false;
+ − 1596
$this->tpl_bool['sidebar_right'] = ( $this->tpl_strings['SIDEBAR_RIGHT'] != '') ? true : false;
+ − 1597
$this->tpl_bool['right_sidebar'] = $this->tpl_bool['sidebar_right']; // backward compatibility
+ − 1598
$this->tpl_bool['stupid_mode'] = true;
+ − 1599
+ − 1600
function header()
+ − 1601
+ − 1602
if(!$this->no_headers) echo $this->process_template('header.tpl');
+ − 1603
+ − 1604
function footer()
+ − 1605
+ − 1606
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1607
if(!$this->no_headers) {
+ − 1608
global $_starttime;
+ − 1609
$f = microtime(true);
+ − 1610
$f = $f - $_starttime;
+ − 1611
$f = round($f, 4);
+ − 1612
if(defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL')) $nq = 'N/A';
+ − 1613
else $nq = $db->num_queries;
+ − 1614
if($nq == 0) $nq = 'N/A';
+ − 1615
$dbg = 'Time: '.$f.'s | Queries: '.$nq;
+ − 1616
$t = $this->process_template('footer.tpl');
+ − 1617
$t = str_replace('[[Stats]]', $dbg, $t);
+ − 1618
echo $t;
+ − 1619
+ − 1620
else return '';
+ − 1621
+ − 1622
function getHeader()
+ − 1623
+ − 1624
if(!$this->no_headers) return $this->process_template('header.tpl');
+ − 1625
else return '';
+ − 1626
+ − 1627
function getFooter()
+ − 1628
+ − 1629
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1630
if(!$this->no_headers) {
+ − 1631
global $_starttime;
+ − 1632
$f = microtime(true);
+ − 1633
$f = $f - $_starttime;
+ − 1634
$f = round($f, 4);
+ − 1635
if(defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL')) $nq = 'N/A';
+ − 1636
else $nq = $db->num_queries;
+ − 1637
if($nq == 0) $nq = 'N/A';
+ − 1638
$dbg = 'Time: '.$f.'s | Queries: '.$nq;
+ − 1639
if($nq == 0) $nq = 'N/A';
+ − 1640
$t = $this->process_template('footer.tpl');
+ − 1641
$t = str_replace('[[Stats]]', $dbg, $t);
+ − 1642
return $t;
+ − 1643
+ − 1644
else return '';
+ − 1645
+ − 1646
+ − 1647
function process_template($file) {
+ − 1648
+ − 1649
+ − 1650
return $tpl_code;
+ − 1651
+ − 1652
+ − 1653
function extract_vars($file) {
+ − 1654
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1655
if(!is_file(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$file)) die('Cannot find '.$file.' file for style "'.$this->theme.'", exiting');
+ − 1656
$text = file_get_contents(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$file);
+ − 1657
preg_match_all('#<\!-- VAR ([A-z0-9_-]*) -->(.*?)<\!-- ENDVAR \\1 -->#is', $text, $matches);
+ − 1658
$tplvars = Array();
+ − 1659
+ − 1660
+ − 1661
$tplvars[$matches[1][$i]] = $matches[2][$i];
+ − 1662
+ − 1663
return $tplvars;
+ − 1664
+ − 1665
function compile_template($text) {
+ − 1666
global $sideinfo;
+ − 1667
$text = file_get_contents(ENANO_ROOT . '/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$text);
+ − 1668
$text = str_replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="{SCRIPTPATH}/ajax.php?title={PAGE_URLNAME}&_mode=jsres"></script>', '', $text); // Remove the AJAX code - we don't need it, and it requires a database connection
+ − 1669
$text = '$tpl_code = \''.str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $text).'\'; return $tpl_code;';
+ − 1670
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGIN (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if($this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) { $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1671
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- IFPLUGIN (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(getConfig(\'plugin_\\1\')==\'1\') { $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1672
if(defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL')) $text = str_replace('<!-- SYSMSG Sidebar -->', '<div class="slider"><div class="heading"><a class="head">Installation progress</a></div><div class="slideblock">'.$sideinfo.'</div></div>', $text);
+ − 1673
else $text = str_replace('<!-- SYSMSG Sidebar -->', '<div class="slider"><div class="heading"><a class="head">System error</a></div><div class="slideblock"><a href="#" onclick="return false;">Enano critical error page</a></div></div>', $text);
+ − 1674
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- SYSMSG (.*?) -->#is', '', $text);
+ − 1675
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGINNOT (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(!$this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) { $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1676
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGINELSE (.*?) -->#is', '\'; } else { $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1677
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- END (.*?) -->#is', '\'; } $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1678
$text = preg_replace('#{([A-z0-9]*)}#is', '\'.$this->tpl_strings[\'\\1\'].\'', $text);
+ − 1679
return $text; //('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($text).'</pre>');
+ − 1680
+ − 1681
+ − 1682
function compile_template_text($text) {
+ − 1683
global $sideinfo;
+ − 1684
$text = str_replace('<script type="text/javascript" src="{SCRIPTPATH}/ajax.php?title={PAGE_URLNAME}&_mode=jsres"></script>', '', $text); // Remove the AJAX code - we don't need it, and it requires a database connection
+ − 1685
$text = '$tpl_code = \''.str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $text).'\'; return $tpl_code;';
+ − 1686
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGIN (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if($this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) { $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1687
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- IFPLUGIN (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(getConfig(\'plugin_\\1\')==\'1\') { $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1688
if(defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL')) $text = str_replace('<!-- SYSMSG Sidebar -->', '<div class="slider"><div class="heading"><a class="head">Installation progress</a></div><div class="slideblock">'.$sideinfo.'</div></div>', $text);
+ − 1689
else $text = str_replace('<!-- SYSMSG Sidebar -->', '<div class="slider"><div class="heading"><a class="head">System error</a></div><div class="slideblock"><a href="#" onclick="return false;">Enano critical error page</a></div></div>', $text);
+ − 1690
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- SYSMSG (.*?) -->#is', '', $text);
+ − 1691
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGINNOT (.*?) -->#is', '\'; if(!$this->tpl_bool[\'\\1\']) { $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1692
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- BEGINELSE (.*?) -->#is', '\'; } else { $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1693
$text = preg_replace('#<!-- END (.*?) -->#is', '\'; } $tpl_code .= \'', $text);
+ − 1694
$text = preg_replace('#{([A-z0-9]*)}#is', '\'.$this->tpl_strings[\'\\1\'].\'', $text);
+ − 1695
return $text; //('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($text).'</pre>');
+ − 1696
+ − 1697
+ − 1698
+ − 1699
* Allows individual parsing of template files. Similar to phpBB but follows the spirit of object-oriented programming ;)
+ − 1700
* Returns on object of class templateIndividual. Usage instructions can be found in the inline docs for that class.
+ − 1701
* @param $filename the filename of the template to be parsed
+ − 1702
* @return object
+ − 1703
+ − 1704
+ − 1705
function makeParser($filename)
+ − 1706
+ − 1707
$filename = ENANO_ROOT.'/themes/'.$this->theme.'/'.$filename;
+ − 1708
if(!file_exists($filename)) die('templateIndividual: file '.$filename.' does not exist');
+ − 1709
$code = file_get_contents($filename);
+ − 1710
$parser = new templateIndividualSafe($code, $this);
+ − 1711
return $parser;
+ − 1712
+ − 1713
+ − 1714
+ − 1715
* Same as $template->makeParser(), but takes a string instead of a filename.
+ − 1716
* @param $text the text to parse
+ − 1717
* @return object
+ − 1718
+ − 1719
+ − 1720
function makeParserText($code)
+ − 1721
+ − 1722
$parser = new templateIndividualSafe($code, $this);
+ − 1723
return $parser;
+ − 1724
+ − 1725
+ − 1726
} // class template_nodb
+ − 1727
+ − 1728
+ − 1729
* Identical to templateIndividual, except extends template_nodb instead of template
+ − 1730
* @see class template
+ − 1731
+ − 1732
+ − 1733
class templateIndividualSafe extends template_nodb {
+ − 1734
var $tpl_strings, $tpl_bool, $tpl_code;
+ − 1735
var $compiled = false;
+ − 1736
+ − 1737
* Constructor.
+ − 1738
+ − 1739
function __construct($text, $parent)
+ − 1740
+ − 1741
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1742
$this->tpl_code = $text;
+ − 1743
$this->tpl_strings = $parent->tpl_strings;
+ − 1744
$this->tpl_bool = $parent->tpl_bool;
+ − 1745
+ − 1746
+ − 1747
* PHP 4 constructor.
+ − 1748
+ − 1749
function templateIndividual($text)
+ − 1750
+ − 1751
+ − 1752
+ − 1753
+ − 1754
* Assigns an array of string values to the template. Strings can be accessed from the template by inserting {KEY_NAME} in the template file.
+ − 1755
* @param $vars array
+ − 1756
+ − 1757
function assign_vars($vars)
+ − 1758
+ − 1759
+ − 1760
$this->tpl_strings = array_merge($this->tpl_strings, $vars);
+ − 1761
+ − 1762
$this->tpl_strings = $vars;
+ − 1763
+ − 1764
+ − 1765
* Assigns an array of boolean values to the template. These can be used for <!-- IF ... --> statements.
+ − 1766
* @param $vars array
+ − 1767
+ − 1768
function assign_bool($vars)
+ − 1769
+ − 1770
$this->tpl_bool = array_merge($this->tpl_bool, $vars);
+ − 1771
+ − 1772
+ − 1773
* Compiles and executes the template code.
+ − 1774
* @return string
+ − 1775
+ − 1776
function run()
+ − 1777
+ − 1778
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 1779
+ − 1780
+ − 1781
$this->tpl_code = $this->compile_template_text($this->tpl_code);
+ − 1782
$this->compiled = true;
+ − 1783
+ − 1784
return eval($this->tpl_code);
+ − 1785
+ − 1786
+ − 1787
+ − 1788