author Dan
Sat, 25 Aug 2007 12:11:31 -0400
changeset 98 6457a9b983c6
parent 29 e5484a9e0818
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed non-object reference in databaseless template, added locking for Javascript paginator, made comments on AES key size more clear in constants, and disallowed "anonymous" and IP addresses for admin username in install.php; Loch Ness release candidate

// The "Dynano" Javascript framework. Similar in syntax to JQuery but only has what Enano needs.

var $ = function(id)
  return new DNobj(id);
var $dynano = $;
function DNobj(id)
  this.object = ( typeof(id) == 'object' ) ? id : document.getElementById(id);
  if ( !this.object )
    this.object = false;
    return this;
  this.height = __DNObjGetHeight(this.object);
  this.width = __DNObjGetWidth(this.object);
  if ( this.object.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' && typeof(tinyMCE) == 'object' )
    this.object.dnIsMCE = 'no';
    this.switchToMCE = DN_switchToMCE;
    this.destroyMCE = DN_destroyMCE;
    this.getContent = DN_mceFetchContent;
function __DNObjGetHeight(o) {
  return o.offsetHeight;

function __DNObjGetWidth(o) {
  return o.offsetWidth;

function addClass(obj, clsname)
  var cnt = obj.className;
  var space = ( (cnt + '').length > 0 ) ? ' ' : '';
  var cls = cnt + space + clsname;
  obj.className = cls;

function rmClass(obj, clsname)
  var cnt = obj.className;
  if ( cnt == clsname )
    obj.className = '';
    cnt = cnt.replace(clsname, '');
    cnt = trim(cnt);
    obj.className = cnt;

function hasClass(obj, clsname)
  var cnt = obj.className;
  if ( !cnt )
    return false;
  if ( cnt == clsname )
    return true;
  cnt = cnt.split(' ');
  for ( var i in cnt )
    if ( cnt[i] == clsname )
      return true;
  return false;
function __DNObjGetLeft(obj) {
  var left_offset = obj.offsetLeft;
  while ((obj = obj.offsetParent) != null) {
    left_offset += obj.offsetLeft;
  return left_offset;

function __DNObjGetTop(obj) {
  var left_offset = obj.offsetTop;
  while ((obj = obj.offsetParent) != null) {
    left_offset += obj.offsetTop;
  return left_offset;

function DN_switchToMCE()
  //if ( this.object.dn_is_mce )
  //  return this;
  if ( ! ) = 'textarea_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
  if ( ! ) = 'textarea_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
  tinyMCE.addMCEControl(this.object,, document);
  this.object.dnIsMCE = 'yes';
  return this;

function DN_destroyMCE()
  //if ( !this.object.dn_is_mce )
  //  return this;
  if ( )
  this.object.dnIsMCE = 'no';
  return this;

function DN_mceFetchContent()
  if ( )
    var text = this.object.value;
    if ( tinyMCE.getInstanceById( )
      text = tinyMCE.getContent(;
    return text;
    return this.object.value;

DNobj.prototype.addClass = function(clsname) { addClass(this.object, clsname); return this; };
DNobj.prototype.rmClass  = function(clsname) { rmClass( this.object, clsname); return this; };
DNobj.prototype.hasClass = function(clsname) { return hasClass(this.object, clsname); };
DNobj.prototype.Height   = function()        { return __DNObjGetHeight(this.object); }
DNobj.prototype.Width    = function()        { return __DNObjGetWidth( this.object); }
DNobj.prototype.Left     = function()        { /* return this.object.offsetLeft; */ return __DNObjGetLeft(this.object); }
DNobj.prototype.Top      = function()        { /* return this.object.offsetTop;  */ return __DNObjGetTop( this.object); }