2007-10-04 Dan Fixed text colors on pages when dark system themes are used (bug could be seen using MurrinaNightOrange on an Ubuntu system)
2007-09-20 Dan Sync Oxygen Bleu and Mint; fixed list-style-image ref and ordered lists getting bulleted
2007-08-29 Dan Implemented some extra functionality for friends/foes in comments; fixed lack of table_prefix in stats.php line 63
2007-08-27 Dan Several major improvements: Memberlist page added (planned since about beta 2), page group support added for non-JS ACL editor (oops!), and attempting to view a page for which you lack read permissions will get you logged.
2007-08-14 Dan Added ability to detag deleted pages
2007-07-03 Dan Changed animation on flying message boxes; bugfix for "Array" response in theme changer; added diff CSS to enano-shared; allowed spaces in username during install
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