changeset 401 6ae6e387a0e3
child 411 d1a95497b68f
equal deleted inserted replaced
400:7eef739a5b81 401:6ae6e387a0e3
     1 <?php
     3 /*
     4  * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
     5  * Version 1.1.1 (Caoineag alpha 1)
     6  * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
     7  * captcha.php - visual confirmation system used during registration
     8  *
     9  * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    10  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    11  *
    12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
    13  * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
    14  */
    16 /**
    17  * A more complex captcha engine that relies on GD.
    18  * @package Enano
    19  * @subpackage User management
    20  * @copyright 2007-2008 Dan Fuhry
    21  * @copyright 2002-2008 phpBB Group
    22  */
    24 class captcha_engine_potpourri extends captcha_base
    25 {
    26   var $captcha_config;
    28   function __construct($sid, $r = false)
    29   {
    30     parent::__construct($sid, $r);
    32     $hex = Array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F');
    33     $latticecolor = '#';
    34     for ( $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++ )
    35       $latticecolor .= $hex[mt_rand(0, 15)];
    37     $this->captcha_config = array (
    38       'width' => '350',
    39       'height' => '90',
    40       'background_color' => '#E5ECF9',
    41       'jpeg' => '0',
    42       'jpeg_quality' => '95',
    43       'pre_letters' => '1',
    44       'pre_letters_great' => '0',
    45       'font' => '1',
    46       'chess' => '2',
    47       'ellipses' => '2',
    48       'arcs' => '2',
    49       'lines' => '2',
    50       'image' => '0',
    51       'gammacorrect' => '0.8',
    52       'foreground_lattice_x' => (string)mt_rand(25, 30),
    53       'foreground_lattice_y' => (string)mt_rand(25, 30),
    54       'lattice_color' => $latticecolor,
    55     );
    56   }
    58   function make_image()
    59   {
    60     $code = $this->get_code();
    62     // Prefs
    63     $total_width = $this->captcha_config['width'];
    64     $total_height = $this->captcha_config['height'];
    66     $hex_bg_color = $this->get_rgb($this->captcha_config['background_color']);
    67     $bg_color = array();
    68     $bg_color = explode(",", $hex_bg_color);
    70     $jpeg = $this->captcha_config['jpeg'];
    71     $img_quality = $this->captcha_config['jpeg_quality'];
    72     // Max quality is 95
    74     $pre_letters = $this->captcha_config['pre_letters'];
    75     $pre_letter_great = $this->captcha_config['pre_letters_great'];
    76     $rnd_font = $this->captcha_config['font'];
    77     $chess = $this->captcha_config['chess'];
    78     $ellipses = $this->captcha_config['ellipses'];
    79     $arcs = $this->captcha_config['arcs'];
    80     $lines = $this->captcha_config['lines'];
    81     $image = $this->captcha_config['image'];
    83     $gammacorrect = $this->captcha_config['gammacorrect'];
    85     $foreground_lattice_y = $this->captcha_config['foreground_lattice_y'];
    86     $foreground_lattice_x = $this->captcha_config['foreground_lattice_x'];
    87     $hex_lattice_color = $this->get_rgb($this->captcha_config['lattice_color']);
    88     $rgb_lattice_color = array();
    89     $rgb_lattice_color = explode(",", $hex_lattice_color);
    91     $font_debug = false;
    93     // Fonts and images init
    94     if ($image)
    95     {
    96       $bg_imgs = array();
    97       if ($img_dir = opendir(ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/captcha/pics/'))
    98       {
    99         while (true == ($file = @readdir($img_dir))) 
   100         { 
   101           if ((substr(strtolower($file), -3) == 'jpg') || (substr(strtolower($file), -3) == 'gif'))    
   102           {         
   103             $bg_imgs[] = $file; 
   104           }     
   105         }
   106         closedir($img_dir);
   107       }
   108       // Grab a random Background Image or set FALSE if none was found
   109       $bg_img = ( count($bg_imgs) ) ? rand(0, (count($bg_imgs)-1)) : false;
   110     }
   112     $fonts = array();
   113     if ($fonts_dir = opendir(ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/captcha/fonts/'))
   114     {
   115       while (true == ($file = @readdir($fonts_dir))) 
   116       { 
   117         if ((substr(strtolower($file), strlen($file)-3, strlen($file)) == 'ttf'))
   118         {
   119           $fonts[] = $file; 
   120         }     
   121       }
   122       closedir($fonts_dir);
   123     } else {
   124       die('Error reading directory: '.ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/captcha/fonts/');
   125     }
   126     $font = mt_rand(0, (count($fonts)-1));
   128     // Generate
   129     $image = ($this->gdVersion() >= 2) ? imagecreatetruecolor($total_width, $total_height) : imagecreate($total_width, $total_height);
   130     $background_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $bg_color[0], $bg_color[1], $bg_color[2]);
   131     imagefill($image, 0, 0, $background_color);
   133     // Generate backgrund
   134     if ($chess == '1' || $chess == '2' && rand(0,1))
   135     {
   136       // Draw rectangles
   137       for($i = 0; $i <= 8; $i++)
   138       {
   139         $rectanglecolor = imagecolorallocate($image, rand(100,200),rand(100,200),rand(100,200));
   140         imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, round($total_width-($total_width/8*$i)), round($total_height), $rectanglecolor);
   141         $rectanglecolor = imagecolorallocate($image, rand(100,200),rand(100,200),rand(100,200));
   142         imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, round($total_width-($total_width/8*$i)), round($total_height/2), $rectanglecolor);
   143       }
   144     }
   145     if ($ellipses == '1' || $ellipses == '2' && rand(0,1))
   146     {
   147       // Draw random ellipses
   148       for ($i = 1; $i <= 60; $i++)
   149       {
   150         $ellipsecolor = imagecolorallocate($image, rand(100,250),rand(100,250),rand(100,250));
   151         imagefilledellipse($image, round(rand(0, $total_width)), round(rand(0, $total_height)), round(rand(0, $total_width/8)), round(rand(0, $total_height/4)), $ellipsecolor);	
   152       }
   153     }
   154     if ($arcs == '1' || $arcs == '2' && rand(0,1))
   155     {
   156       // Draw random partial ellipses
   157       for ($i = 0; $i <= 30; $i++)
   158       {
   159         $linecolor = imagecolorallocate($image, rand(120,255),rand(120,255),rand(120,255));
   160         $cx = round(rand(1, $total_width));
   161         $cy = round(rand(1, $total_height));
   162         $int_w = round(rand(1, $total_width/2));
   163         $int_h = round(rand(1, $total_height));
   164         imagearc($image, $cx, $cy, $int_w, $int_h, round(rand(0, 190)), round(rand(191, 360)), $linecolor);
   165         imagearc($image, $cx-1, $cy-1, $int_w, $int_h, round(rand(0, 190)), round(rand(191, 360)), $linecolor);
   166       }
   167     }
   168     if ($lines == '1' || $lines == '2' && rand(0,1))
   169     {
   170       // Draw random lines
   171       for ($i = 0; $i <= 50; $i++)
   172       {
   173         $linecolor = imagecolorallocate($image, rand(120,255),rand(120,255),rand(120,255));
   174         imageline($image, round(rand(1, $total_width*3)), round(rand(1, $total_height*5)), round(rand(1, $total_width/2)), round(rand(1, $total_height*2)), $linecolor);
   175       }
   176     }
   178     $text_color_array = array('255,51,0', '51,77,255', '204,51,102', '0,153,0', '255,166,2', '255,0,255', '255,0,0', '0,255,0', '0,0,255', '0,255,255');
   179     shuffle($text_color_array);
   180     $pre_text_color_array = array('255,71,20', '71,20,224', '224,71,122', '20,173,20', '255,186,22', '25,25,25');
   181     shuffle($pre_text_color_array);
   182     $white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
   183     $gray = imagecolorallocate($image, 100, 100, 100);
   184     $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
   185     $lattice_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $rgb_lattice_color[0], $rgb_lattice_color[1], $rgb_lattice_color[2]);
   187     $x_char_position = (round(($total_width - 12) / strlen($code)) + mt_rand(-3, 5));
   189     for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); $i++)
   190     {
   191       mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
   193       $char = $code{$i};
   194       $size = mt_rand(floor($total_height / 3.5), ceil($total_height / 2.8));
   195       $font = ($rnd_font) ? rand(0, (count($fonts)-1)) : $font;
   196       $angle = mt_rand(-30, 30);
   198       $char_pos = array();
   199       $char_pos = imagettfbbox($size, $angle, ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/captcha/fonts/'.$fonts[$font], $char);
   200       $letter_width = abs($char_pos[0]) + abs($char_pos[4]);
   201       $letter_height = abs($char_pos[1]) + abs($char_pos[5]);
   203       $x_pos = ($x_char_position / 4) + ($i * $x_char_position);
   204       ($i == strlen($code)-1 && $x_pos >= ($total_width - ($letter_width + 5))) ? $x_pos = ($total_width - ($letter_width + 5)) : '';
   205       $y_pos = mt_rand(($size * 1.4 ), $total_height - ($size * 0.4));
   207     //	Pre letters
   208       $size = ($pre_letter_great) ? $size + (2 * $pre_letters) : $size - (2 * $pre_letters);
   209       for ($count = 1; $count <= $pre_letters; $count++)
   210       {
   211         $pre_angle = $angle + mt_rand(-20, 20);
   213         $text_color = $pre_text_color_array[mt_rand(0,count($pre_text_color_array)-1)];
   214         $text_color = explode(",", $text_color);
   215         $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, $text_color[0], $text_color[1], $text_color[2]);
   217         imagettftext($image, $size, $pre_angle, $x_pos, $y_pos-2, $white, ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/captcha/fonts/'.$fonts[$font], $char);
   218         imagettftext($image, $size, $pre_angle, $x_pos+2, $y_pos, $black, ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/captcha/fonts/'.$fonts[$font], $char);
   219         imagettftext($image, $size, $pre_angle, $x_pos+1, $y_pos-1, $textcolor, ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/captcha/fonts/'.$fonts[$font], $char);
   221         $size = ($pre_letter_great) ? $size - 2 : $size + 2;
   222       }
   224     //	Final letters
   225       $text_color = $text_color_array[mt_rand(0,count($text_color_array)-1)];
   226       $text_color = explode(",", $text_color);
   227       $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, $text_color[0], $text_color[1], $text_color[2]);
   229       imagettftext($image, $size, $angle, $x_pos, $y_pos-2, $white, ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/captcha/fonts/'.$fonts[$font], $char);
   230       imagettftext($image, $size, $angle, $x_pos+2, $y_pos, $black, ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/captcha/fonts/'.$fonts[$font], $char);
   231       imagettftext($image, $size, $angle, $x_pos+1, $y_pos-1, $textcolor, ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/captcha/fonts/'.$fonts[$font], $char);
   232     }
   235     ($gammacorrect) ? imagegammacorrect($image, 1.0, $gammacorrect) : '';
   237     // Generate a white lattice in foreground
   238     if ($foreground_lattice_y)
   239     {
   240       // x lines
   241       $ih = round($total_height / $foreground_lattice_y);
   242       for ($i = 0; $i <= $ih; $i++)
   243       {
   244         imageline($image, 0, $i*$foreground_lattice_y, $total_width, $i*$foreground_lattice_y, $lattice_color);
   245       }
   246     }
   247     if ($foreground_lattice_x)
   248     {
   249       // y lines
   250       $iw = round($total_width / $foreground_lattice_x);
   251       for ($i = 0; $i <= $iw; $i++)
   252       {
   253         imageline($image, $i*$foreground_lattice_x, 0, $i*$foreground_lattice_x, $total_height, $lattice_color);
   254       }
   255     }
   257     // Font debug
   258     if ($font_debug && !$rnd_font)
   259     {
   260       imagestring($image, 5, 2, 0, $fonts[$font], $white);
   261       imagestring($image, 5, 5, 0, $fonts[$font], $white);
   262       imagestring($image, 5, 4, 2, $fonts[$font], $gray);
   263       imagestring($image, 5, 3, 1, $fonts[$font], $black);
   264     }
   266     // Display
   267     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") ." GMT"); 
   268     header("Pragma: no-cache"); 
   269     header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate");
   270     (!$jpeg) ? header("Content-Type: image/png") : header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
   272     (!$jpeg) ? imagepng($image) : imagejpeg($image, '', $img_quality);
   273     imagedestroy($image);
   274   }
   276   // Function get_rgb by Frank Burian
   277   //
   278   function get_rgb($hex) { 
   279     $hex_array = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 
   280         'A' => 10, 'B' => 11, 'C' => 12, 'D' => 13, 'E' => 14, 
   281         'F' => 15); 
   282     $hex = str_replace('#', '', strtoupper($hex)); 
   283     if (($length = strlen($hex)) == 3) { 
   284         $hex = $hex{0}.$hex{0}.$hex{1}.$hex{1}.$hex{2}.$hex{2}; 
   285         $length = 6; 
   286     } 
   287     if ($length != 6 or strlen(str_replace(array_keys($hex_array), '', $hex))) 
   288         return NULL; 
   289     $rgb['r'] = $hex_array[$hex{0}] * 16 + $hex_array[$hex{1}]; 
   290     $rgb['g'] = $hex_array[$hex{2}] * 16 + $hex_array[$hex{3}]; 
   291     $rgb['b']= $hex_array[$hex{4}] * 16 + $hex_array[$hex{5}]; 
   292     return $rgb['r'].','.$rgb['g'].','.$rgb['b']; 
   293   }
   295   // Function  gdVersion by Hagan Fox
   296   //
   297   function gdVersion($user_ver = 0)
   298   {
   299      if (! extension_loaded('gd')) { return; }
   300      static $gd_ver = 0;
   301      // Just accept the specified setting if it's 1.
   302      if ($user_ver == 1) { $gd_ver = 1; return 1; }
   303      // Use the static variable if function was called previously.
   304      if ($user_ver !=2 && $gd_ver > 0 ) { return $gd_ver; }
   305      // Use the gd_info() function if possible.
   306      if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
   307          $ver_info = gd_info();
   308          preg_match('/\d/', $ver_info['GD Version'], $match);
   309          $gd_ver = $match[0];
   310          return $match[0];
   311      }
   312      // If phpinfo() is disabled use a specified / fail-safe choice...
   313      if (preg_match('/phpinfo/', ini_get('disable_functions'))) {
   314          if ($user_ver == 2) {
   315              $gd_ver = 2;
   316              return 2;
   317          } else {
   318              $gd_ver = 1;
   319              return 1;
   320          }
   321      }
   322      // ...otherwise use phpinfo().
   323      ob_start();
   324      phpinfo(8);
   325      $info = ob_get_contents();
   326      ob_end_clean();
   327      $info = stristr($info, 'gd version');
   328      preg_match('/\d/', $info, $match);
   329      $gd_ver = $match[0];
   330      return $match[0];
   331   }
   332 }