changeset 1 fe660c52c48f
child 40 723bb7acf914
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:902822492a68 1:fe660c52c48f
     1 /*
     2     json.js
     3     2007-03-20
     5     All of the code contained within this file is released into
     6     the public domain. Optionally, you may distribute this code
     7     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as well
     8     (public domain licensing allows this).
    10 */
    12 function toJSONString(input)
    13 {
    14   var m = {
    15           '\b': '\\b',
    16           '\t': '\\t',
    17           '\n': '\\n',
    18           '\f': '\\f',
    19           '\r': '\\r',
    20           '"' : '\\"',
    21           '\\': '\\\\'
    22           };
    23   var t = typeof(input);
    24   switch(t)
    25   {
    26     case 'string':
    27       if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(input))
    28       {
    29           return '"' + input.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function(a, b)
    30             {
    31               var c = m[b];
    32               if (c) {
    33                   return c;
    34               }
    35               c = b.charCodeAt();
    36               return '\\u00' +
    37                   Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) +
    38                   (c % 16).toString(16);
    39           }) + '"';
    40       }
    41       return '"' + input + '"';
    42       break;
    43     case 'array':
    44       var a = ['['],  
    45             b,          
    46             i,          
    47             l = input.length,
    48             v;          
    50         function p(s) {
    52             if (b) {
    53                 a.push(',');
    54             }
    55             a.push(s);
    56             b = true;
    57         }
    59         for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
    60             v = input[i];
    61             switch (typeof v) {
    62             case 'object':
    63               if (v) {
    64                 p(toJSONString(v));
    65               } else {
    66                 p("null");
    67               }
    68               break;
    69             case 'array':
    70             case 'string':
    71             case 'number':
    72             case 'boolean':
    73                 p(toJSONString(v));
    74             }
    75         }
    77         a.push(']');
    78         return a.join('');
    79       break;
    80     case 'date':
    81       function f(n)
    82       {
    83         return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
    84       }
    85       return '"' + input.getFullYear() + '-' +
    86                  f(input.getMonth() + 1) + '-' +
    87                  f(input.getDate()) + 'T' +
    88                  f(input.getHours()) + ':' +
    89                  f(input.getMinutes()) + ':' +
    90                  f(input.getSeconds()) + '"';
    92     case 'boolean':
    93       return String(input);
    94       break;
    95     case 'number':
    96       return isFinite(input) ? String(input) : "null";
    97       break;
    98     case 'object':
    99       var a = ['{'],  
   100           b,          
   101           k,          
   102           v;          
   104       function p(s)
   105       {
   106         if (b)
   107         {
   108           a.push(',');
   109         }
   110         a.push(toJSONString(k), ':', s);
   111         b = true;
   112       }
   114       for (k in input) 
   115       {
   116         if (input.hasOwnProperty(k))
   117         {
   118           v = input[k];
   119           switch (typeof v) {
   121             case 'object':
   122               if (v) {
   123                 p(toJSONString(v));
   124               } else {
   125                 p("null");
   126               }
   127               break;
   128             case 'string':
   129             case 'number':
   130             case 'boolean':
   131               p(toJSONString(v));
   132               break;
   133           }
   134         }
   135       }
   137       a.push('}');
   138       return a.join('');
   139       break;
   140   }
   141 }
   143 function parseJSON(string, filter)
   144 {
   145   try {
   146     if (/^("(\\.|[^"\\\n\r])*?"|[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t])+?$/.
   147             test(string))
   148     {
   150         var j = eval('(' + string + ')');
   151         if (typeof filter === 'function') {
   153             function walk(k, v) {
   154                 if (v && typeof v === 'object') {
   155                     for (var i in v) {
   156                         if (v.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
   157                             v[i] = walk(i, v[i]);
   158                         }
   159                     }
   160                 }
   161                 return filter(k, v);
   162             }
   164             j = walk('', j);
   165         }
   166         return j;
   167     }
   168   } catch (e) {
   170   }
   171   throw new SyntaxError("parseJSON");
   172 }