changeset 335 67bd3121a12e
parent 334 c72b545f1304
child 336 bfa2e9c23f03
--- a/includes/clientside/tinymce/plugins/devkit/editor_plugin_src.js	Wed Dec 26 00:37:26 2007 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 42 2006-08-08 14:32:24Z spocke $
- *
- * @author Moxiecode
- * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2007, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
- */
-var TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin = {
-	_logFilter : '\\[(importCSS|execCommand|execInstanceCommand|debug)\\]',
-	_logPadding : '',
-	_startTime : null,
-	_benchMark : false,
-	_winLoaded : false,
-	_isDebugEvents : false,
-	getInfo : function() {
-		return {
-			longname : 'Development Kit',
-			author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
-			authorurl : '',
-			infourl : '',
-			version : tinyMCE.majorVersion + "." + tinyMCE.minorVersion
-		};
-	},
-	initInstance : function(inst) {
-		this._setup();
-	},
-	_setup : function() {
-		if (this._loaded)
-			return;
-		this._loaded = true;
-		// Register a document reference for more easy access in the FF DOM inspector
-		document.___TinyMCE = tinyMCE;
-		// Setup devkit by settings
-		this._logFilter = tinyMCE.getParam('devkit_log_filter', this._logFilter);
-		this._benchMark = tinyMCE.getParam('devkit_bench_mark', false);
-		var ifr = document.createElement('iframe');
-		ifr.setAttribute("id", "devkit");
-		ifr.setAttribute("frameBorder", "0");
-		ifr.setAttribute("src", tinyMCE.baseURL + '/plugins/devkit/devkit.htm');
-		document.body.appendChild(ifr);
-		// Workaround for strange IE reload bug
-		//if (tinyMCE.isRealIE)
-		//	document.getElementById('devkit').outerHTML = document.getElementById('devkit').outerHTML;
-		tinyMCE.importCSS(document, tinyMCE.baseURL + '/plugins/devkit/css/devkit_ui.css');
-	},
-	_start : function() {
-		this._logPadding += '\u00a0';
-		return new Date().getTime();
-	},
-	_end : function(st) {
-		if (this._logPadding.length > 0)
-			this._logPadding = this._logPadding.substring(0, this._logPadding.length - 1);
-		if (this._benchMark)
-			this._log("benchmark", "Execution time: " + (new Date().getTime() - st));
-	},
-	_log : function(t) {
-		var m, a, i, e = document.getElementById('devkit'), now = new Date().getTime();
-		if (!this._startTime)
-			this._startTime = now;
-		m = (this._logPadding.length > 1 ? this._logPadding : '') + '[' + (now - this._startTime) + '] [' + t + '] ';
-		a = this._log.arguments;
-		for (i=1; i<a.length; i++) {
-			if (typeof(a[i]) == 'undefined')
-				continue;
-			if (i > 1)
-				m += ', ';
-			m += a[i];
-		}
-		if (!new RegExp(this._logFilter, 'gi').test(m)) {
-			if (this._logPadding.length > 0)
-				this._logPadding = this._logPadding.substring(0, this._logPadding.length - 1);
-			return;
-		}
-		if (!this._winLoaded)
-			tinyMCE.log[tinyMCE.log.length] = m;
-		else
-			e.contentWindow.debug(m);
-	},
-	_debugEvents : function(s) {
-		var i, ld, inst, n, ev = ['CheckboxStateChange','DOMAttrModified','DOMMenuItemActive',
-				'DOMMenuItemInactive','DOMMouseScroll','DOMNodeInserted','DOMNodeRemoved',
-				'RadioStateChange','blur','broadcast','change','click','close','command',
-				'commandupdate','contextmenu','dblclick','dragdrop','dragenter','dragexit',
-				'draggesture','dragover','focus','input','keydown','keypress','keyup','load',
-				'mousedown','mouseout','mouseover','mouseup','overflow','overflowchanged','popuphidden',
-				'popuphiding','popupshowing','popupshown','select','syncfrompreference','synctopreference',
-				'underflow','unload','abort','activate','afterprint','afterupdate','beforeactivate',
-				'beforecopy','beforecut','beforedeactivate','beforeeditfocus','beforepaste','beforeprint',
-				'beforeunload','beforeupdate','bounce','cellchange','controlselect','copy','cut',
-				'dataavailable','datasetchanged','datasetcomplete','deactivate','dragend','dragleave',
-				'dragstart','drop','error','errorupdate','filterchange','finish','focusin','focusout',
-				'help','layoutcomplete','losecapture','mouseenter','mouseleave','mousewheel',
-				'move','moveend','movestart','paste','propertychange','readystatechange','reset','resize',
-				'resizeend','resizestart','rowenter','rowexit','rowsdelete','rowsinserted','scroll',
-				'selectionchange','selectstart','start','stop','submit'];
-		// mousemove
-		if (TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin._isDebugEvents == s)
-			return;
-		TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin._isDebugEvents = s;
-		for (n in tinyMCE.instances) {
-			inst = tinyMCE.instances[n];
-			if (!tinyMCE.isInstance(inst) || inst.getDoc() == ld)
-				continue;
-			ld = inst.getDoc();
-			for (i=0; i<ev.length; i++) {
-				if (s)
-					tinyMCE.addEvent(ld, ev[i], TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin._debugEvent);
-				else
-					tinyMCE.removeEvent(ld, ev[i], TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin._debugEvent);
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	_debugEvent : function(e) {
-		var t;
-		e = e ? e : tinyMCE.selectedInstance.getWin().event;
-		t = e.srcElement ? e.srcElement :;
-		tinyMCE.debug(e.type, t ? t.nodeName : '');
-	},
-	_serialize : function(o) {
-		var i, v, s = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin._serialize;
-		if (o == null)
-			return 'null';
-		switch (typeof o) {
-			case 'string':
-				v = '\bb\tt\nn\ff\rr\""\'\'\\\\';
-				return '"' + o.replace(new RegExp('([\u0080-\uFFFF\\x00-\\x1f\\"])', 'g'), function(a, b) {
-					i = v.indexOf(b);
-					if (i+1)
-						return '\\' + v.charAt(i + 1);
-					a = b.charCodeAt().toString(16);
-					return '\\u' + '0000'.substring(a.length) + a;
-				}) + '"';
-			case 'object':
-				if (o instanceof Array) {
-					for (i=0, v = '['; i<o.length; i++)
-						v += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + s(o[i]);
-					return v + ']';
-				}
-				v = '{';
-				for (i in o)
-					v += typeof o[i] != 'function' ? (v.length > 1 ? ',"' : '"') + i + '":' + s(o[i]) : '';
-				return v + '}';
-		}
-		return '' + o;
-	}
-// Patch and piggy back functions
-tinyMCE.__debug = tinyMCE.debug;
-tinyMCE.debug = function() {
-	var a, i, m = '', now = new Date().getTime(), start = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin._startTime;
-	if (!start)
-		TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin._startTime = start = now;
-	a = this.debug.arguments;
-	for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
-		if (typeof(a[i]) == 'undefined')
-			continue;
-		if (i > 0)
-			m += ', ';
-		m += a[i];
-	}
-	TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin._log('debug', m);
-tinyMCE.dump = function(o) {
-	tinyMCE.debug(TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin._serialize(o));
-tinyMCE.sleep = function(t) {
-	var s = new Date().getTime(), b;
-	while (new Date().getTime() - s < t) b=1;
-tinyMCE.__execCommand = tinyMCE.execCommand;
-tinyMCE.execCommand = function(command, user_interface, value) {
-	var r, st, dk = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin;
-	st = dk._start();
-	dk._log('execCommand', command, user_interface, value);
-	r = tinyMCE.__execCommand(command, user_interface, value);
-	dk._end(st);
-	return r;
-tinyMCE.__execInstanceCommand = tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand;
-tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand = function(editor_id, command, user_interface, value, focus) {
-	var r, st, dk = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin;
-	st = dk._start();
-	dk._log('execInstanceCommand', editor_id, command, user_interface, value);
-	r = tinyMCE.__execInstanceCommand(editor_id, command, user_interface, value);
-	dk._end(st);
-	return r;
-TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.__handleEvent = TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.handleEvent;
-TinyMCE_Engine.prototype.handleEvent = function(e) {
-	var r, st, dk = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin;
-	st = dk._start();
-	dk._log('handleEvent', e.type);
-	r = tinyMCE.__handleEvent(e);
-	dk._end(st);
-	return r;
-tinyMCE.__importCSS = tinyMCE.importCSS;
-tinyMCE.importCSS = function(doc, css) {
-	var r, st, dk = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin;
-	st = dk._start();
-	dk._log('importCSS', doc, css);
-	r = tinyMCE.__importCSS(doc, css);
-	dk._end(st);
-	return r;
-tinyMCE.__triggerNodeChange = tinyMCE.triggerNodeChange;
-tinyMCE.triggerNodeChange = function(focus, setup_content) {
-	var r, st, dk = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin;
-	st = dk._start();
-	dk._log('triggerNodeChange', focus, setup_content);
-	r = tinyMCE.__triggerNodeChange(focus, setup_content);
-	dk._end(st);
-	return r;
-tinyMCE.__dispatchCallback = tinyMCE.dispatchCallback;
-tinyMCE.dispatchCallback = function(i, p, n) {
-	var r, st, dk = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin;
-	st = dk._start();
-	dk._log('dispatchCallback', i, p, n);
-	r = tinyMCE.__dispatchCallback(i, p, n);
-	dk._end(st);
-	return r;
-tinyMCE.__executeCallback = tinyMCE.executeCallback;
-tinyMCE.executeCallback = function(i, p, n) {
-	var r, st, dk = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin;
-	st = dk._start();
-	dk._log('executeCallback', i, p, n);
-	r = tinyMCE.__executeCallback(i, p, n);
-	dk._end(st);
-	return r;
-tinyMCE.__execCommandCallback = tinyMCE.execCommandCallback;
-tinyMCE.execCommandCallback = function(i, p, n) {
-	var r, st, dk = TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin;
-	st = dk._start();
-	dk._log('execCommandCallback', i, p, n);
-	r = tinyMCE.__execCommandCallback(i, p, n);
-	dk._end(st);
-	return r;
-tinyMCE.addPlugin("devkit", TinyMCE_DevKitPlugin);