changeset 812 68060328e9c6
child 813 3fe11491f512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/install/includes/cli-core.php	Wed Jan 14 20:33:05 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+ * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
+ * Version 1.1.6 (Caoineag beta 1)
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dan Fuhry
+ * Installation package
+ * cli-core.php - CLI installation wizard/core
+ *
+ * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
+ * 
+ * Thanks to Stephan for helping out with l10n in the installer (his work is in includes/stages/*.php).
+ */
+require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/common.php');
+if ( !defined('ENANO_CLI') )
+  $ui = new Enano_Installer_UI('Enano installation', false);
+  $ui->set_visible_stage($ui->add_stage('Error', true));
+  $ui->step = 'Access denied';  
+  $ui->show_header();
+  echo '<h2>CLI only</h2>
+        <p>This script must be run from the command line.</p>';
+  $ui->show_footer();
+  exit;
+// parse command line args
+foreach ( array('silent', 'driver', 'dbhost', 'dbuser', 'dbpasswd', 'dbname', 'db_prefix', 'user', 'pass', 'email', 'sitename', 'sitedesc', 'copyright', 'urlscheme', 'lang_id', 'scriptpath') as $var )
+  if ( !isset($$var) )
+  {
+    $$var = false;
+  }
+for ( $i = 1; $i < count($argv); $i++ )
+  switch($argv[$i])
+  {
+    case '-q':
+      $silent = true;
+      break;
+    case '--db-driver':
+    case '-b':
+      $driver = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--db-host':
+    case '-h':
+      $dbhost = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--db-user':
+    case '-u':
+      $dbuser = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--db-pass':
+    case '-p':
+      $dbpasswd = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--db-name':
+    case '-d':
+      $dbname = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--table-prefix':
+    case '-t':
+      $db_prefix = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--admin-user':
+    case '-a':
+      $user = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--admin-pass':
+    case '-w':
+      $pass = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--admin-email':
+    case '-e':
+      $email = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--site-name':
+    case '-n':
+      $sitename = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--site-desc':
+    case '-s':
+      $sitedesc = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--copyright':
+    case '-c':
+      $copyright = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '--url-scheme':
+    case '-r':
+      $urlscheme_temp = @$argv[++$i];
+      if ( in_array($urlscheme_temp, array('standard', 'short', 'rewrite')) )
+        $urlscheme = $urlscheme_temp;
+      break;
+    case '--language':
+    case '-l':
+      $lang_id = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    case '-i':
+    case '--scriptpath':
+      $scriptpath = @$argv[++$i];
+      break;
+    default:
+      $vers = installer_enano_version();
+      echo <<<EOF
+Enano CMS v$vers - CLI Installer
+Usage: {$argv[0]} [-q] [-b driver] [-h host] [-u username] [-p password]
+                  [-d database] [-a adminuser] [-w adminpass] [-e email]
+All arguments are optional; missing information will be prompted for.
+  -q                Quiet mode (minimal output)
+  -b, --db-driver   Database driver (mysql or postgresql)
+  -h, --db-host     Hostname of database server
+  -u, --db-user     Username to use on database server
+  -p, --db-pass     Password to use on database server
+  -d, --db-name     Name of database
+  -a, --admin-user  Administrator username
+  -w, --admin-pass  Administrator password
+  -e, --admin-email Administrator e-mail address
+  -n, --site-name   Name of site
+  -s, --site-desc   *SHORT* Description of site
+  -c, --copyright   Copyright notice shown on pages
+  -r, --url-scheme  URL scheme (standard, short, or rewrite)
+  -l, --language    Language to be used on site and in installer
+  -i, --scriptpath  Where Enano is relative to your website root (no trailing
+                    slash)
+      exit(1);
+      break;
+  }
+if ( $silent )
+if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<' ) )
+  if ( !$silent )
+  {
+    echo "\x1B[1mWelcome to the \x1B[34mEnano\x1B[0m CMS\x1B[1m installation wizard.\x1B[0m\n";
+    echo "Installing Enano version \x1B[1m" . installer_enano_version() . "\x1B[0m on PHP " . PHP_VERSION . "\n";
+  }
+  installer_fail('Your version of PHP (' . PHP_VERSION . ') doesn\'t meet Enano requirements (5.0.0)');
+// Include language lib and additional PHP5-only JSON functions
+require_once( ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/json2.php' );
+require_once( ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/lang.php' );
+// Determine language ID to use
+$langids = array_keys($languages);
+if ( $silent )
+  if ( !in_array($lang_id, $langids ) )
+    $lang_id = $langids[0];
+else if ( !in_array($lang_id, $langids) )
+  echo "\x1B[1mPlease select a language.\x1B[0m\n";
+  echo "\x1B[32mAvailable languages:\x1B[0m\n";
+  foreach ( $languages as $id => $metadata )
+  {
+    $id_spaced = $id;
+    while ( strlen($id_spaced) < 10 )
+      $id_spaced = "$id_spaced ";
+    echo "  \x1B[1;34m$id_spaced\x1B[0m {$metadata['name']} ({$metadata['name_eng']})\n";
+  }
+  while ( !in_array($lang_id, $langids) )
+  {
+    $lang_id = cli_prompt('Language: ', $langids[0]);
+  }
+// We have a language ID - init language
+$language_dir = $languages[$lang_id]['dir'];
+// Initialize language support
+$lang = new Language($lang_id);
+$lang->load_file(ENANO_ROOT . '/language/' . $language_dir . '/install.json');
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_welcome_line1'));
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_welcome_line2', array('enano_version' => installer_enano_version(), 'php_version' => PHP_VERSION)));
+$defaults = array(
+  'driver'  => 'mysql',
+  'dbhost'    => 'localhost',
+  'dbuser'    => false,
+  'dbpasswd'  => false,
+  'dbname'    => false,
+  'db_prefix'    => '',
+  'user'      => 'admin',
+  'pass'      => false,
+  'email'     => false,
+  'sitename'  => $lang->get('cli_default_site_name'),
+  'sitedesc'  => $lang->get('cli_default_site_desc'),
+  'copyright' => $lang->get('cli_default_copyright', array('year' => date('Y'))),
+  'urlscheme' => 'standard',
+  'scriptpath'=> '/enano'
+$terms = array(
+  'driver'  => $lang->get('cli_prompt_driver'),
+  'dbhost'    => $lang->get('cli_prompt_dbhost'),
+  'dbuser'    => $lang->get('cli_prompt_dbuser'),
+  'dbpasswd'  => $lang->get('cli_prompt_dbpasswd'),
+  'dbname'    => $lang->get('cli_prompt_dbname'),
+  'db_prefix'    => $lang->get('cli_prompt_db_prefix'),
+  'user'      => $lang->get('cli_prompt_user'),
+  'pass'      => $lang->get('cli_prompt_pass'),
+  'email'     => $lang->get('cli_prompt_email'),
+  'sitename'  => $lang->get('cli_prompt_sitename'),
+  'sitedesc'  => $lang->get('cli_prompt_sitedesc'),
+  'copyright' => $lang->get('cli_prompt_copyright'),
+  'urlscheme' => $lang->get('cli_prompt_urlscheme'),
+  'scriptpath'=> $lang->get('cli_prompt_scriptpath')
+foreach ( array('driver', 'dbhost', 'dbuser', 'dbpasswd', 'dbname', 'db_prefix', 'scriptpath', 'user', 'pass', 'email', 'sitename', 'sitedesc', 'copyright', 'urlscheme') as $var )
+  if ( empty($$var) )
+  {
+    switch($var)
+    {
+      default:
+        $$var = cli_prompt($terms[$var], $defaults[$var]);
+        break;
+      case 'pass':
+      case 'dbpasswd':
+        if ( @file_exists('/bin/stty') && @is_executable('/bin/stty') )
+        {
+          exec('/bin/stty -echo');
+          while ( true )
+          {
+            $$var = cli_prompt($terms[$var], $defaults[$var]);
+            echo "\n";
+            $confirm = cli_prompt($lang->get('cli_prompt_confirm'), $defaults[$var]);
+            echo "\n";
+            if ( $$var === $confirm )
+              break;
+            else
+              echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_err_pass_no_match'));
+          }
+          exec('/bin/stty echo');
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          $$var = cli_prompt("{$terms[$var]} " . $lang->get('cli_msg_echo_warning'), $defaults[$var]);
+        }
+        break;
+      case 'urlscheme':
+        $temp = '';
+        while ( !in_array($temp, array('standard', 'short', 'rewrite')) )
+        {
+          $temp = cli_prompt($terms[$var], $defaults[$var]);
+        }
+        $$var = $temp;
+        break;
+      case 'db_prefix':
+        while ( !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]*$/', $$var) )
+        {
+          $$var = cli_prompt($terms[$var], $defaults[$var]);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+require( ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/dbal.php' );
+require( ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/sql_parse.php' );
+$dbal = new $driver();
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_testing_db'));
+$result = $dbal->connect(true, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname);
+if ( !$result )
+  if ( !$silent )
+    echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_test_fail')) . "\n";
+  installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_db_connect_fail'));
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_test_pass')) . "\n";
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_stage_sysreqs'));
+$test_failed = false;
+run_test('return version_compare(\'5.2.0\', PHP_VERSION, \'<=\');', $lang->get('sysreqs_req_php5'), $lang->get('sysreqs_req_desc_php5'), true);
+run_test('return function_exists(\'mysql_connect\');', $lang->get('sysreqs_req_mysql'), $lang->get('sysreqs_req_desc_mysql'), true);
+run_test('return function_exists(\'pg_connect\');', $lang->get('sysreqs_req_postgres'), $lang->get('sysreqs_req_desc_postgres'), true);
+run_test('return @ini_get(\'file_uploads\');', $lang->get('sysreqs_req_uploads'), $lang->get('sysreqs_req_desc_uploads') );
+run_test('return config_write_test();', $lang->get('sysreqs_req_config'), $lang->get('sysreqs_req_desc_config') );
+run_test('return file_exists(\'/usr/bin/convert\');', $lang->get('sysreqs_req_magick'), $lang->get('sysreqs_req_desc_magick'), true);
+run_test('return is_writable(ENANO_ROOT.\'/cache/\');', $lang->get('sysreqs_req_cachewriteable'), $lang->get('sysreqs_req_desc_cachewriteable'), true);
+run_test('return is_writable(ENANO_ROOT.\'/files/\');', $lang->get('sysreqs_req_fileswriteable'), $lang->get('sysreqs_req_desc_fileswriteable'), true);
+if ( !function_exists('mysql_connect') && !function_exists('pg_connect') )
+  installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_no_drivers'));
+if ( $test_failed )
+  installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_sysreqs_fail'));
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_tests_passed'));
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_installing_db_stage1'));
+// Create the config table
+  $sql_parser = new SQL_Parser( ENANO_ROOT . "/install/schemas/{$driver}_stage1.sql" );
+catch ( Exception $e )
+  if ( !$silent )
+    echo "\n";
+  installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_schema_load'));
+// Check to see if the config table already exists
+$q = $dbal->sql_query('SELECT config_name, config_value FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'config LIMIT 1;');
+if ( !$q )
+  $sql_parser->assign_vars(array(
+      'TABLE_PREFIX' => $db_prefix
+    ));
+  $sql = $sql_parser->parse();
+  foreach ( $sql as $q )
+  {
+    if ( !$dbal->sql_query($q) )
+    {
+      if ( !$silent )
+        echo "\n";
+      echo "[$driver] " . $dbal->sql_error() . "\n";
+      installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_db_query'));
+    }
+  }
+  $dbal->free_result();
+  if ( !$dbal->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'config WHERE config_name = \'install_aes_key\';') )
+  {
+    if ( !$silent )
+      echo "\n";
+    echo "[$driver] " . $dbal->sql_error() . "\n";
+    installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_db_query'));
+  }
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_ok')) . "\n";
+define('table_prefix', $db_prefix);
+$db =& $dbal;
+$dbdriver =& $driver;
+// Yes, I am predicting the future here. Because I have that kind of power.
+$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ( intval(date('Y')) >= 2011 ) ? '::1' : '';
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_parsing_schema'));
+require_once( ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/rijndael.php' );
+require_once( ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/hmac.php' );
+$aes = AESCrypt::singleton(AES_BITS, AES_BLOCKSIZE);
+$hmac_secret = hexencode(AESCrypt::randkey(20), '', '');
+$admin_pass_clean =& $pass;
+$admin_pass = hmac_sha1($admin_pass_clean, $hmac_secret);
+unset($admin_pass_clean); // Security
+  $sql_parser = new SQL_Parser( ENANO_ROOT . "/install/schemas/{$dbdriver}_stage2.sql" );
+catch ( Exception $e )
+  if ( !$silent )
+    echo "\n";
+  installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_schema_load'));
+$wkt = ENANO_ROOT . "/language/{$languages[$lang_id]['dir']}/install/mainpage-default.wkt";
+if ( !file_exists( $wkt ) )
+  if ( !$silent )
+    echo "\n";
+  installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_mainpage_load'));
+$wkt = @file_get_contents($wkt);
+if ( empty($wkt) )
+  return false;
+$wkt = $db->escape($wkt);
+$vars = array(
+    'TABLE_PREFIX'         => table_prefix,
+    'SITE_NAME'            => $sitename,
+    'SITE_DESC'            => $sitedesc,
+    'COPYRIGHT'            => $copyright,
+    'WIKI_MODE'            => '0',
+    'ENABLE_CACHE'         => ( is_writable( ENANO_ROOT . '/cache/' ) ? '1' : '0' ),
+    'VERSION'              => installer_enano_version(),
+    'ADMIN_USER'           => $db->escape($user),
+    'ADMIN_PASS'           => $admin_pass,
+    'ADMIN_PASS_SALT'      => $hmac_secret,
+    'ADMIN_EMAIL'          => $db->escape($email),
+    'REAL_NAME'            => '', // This has always been stubbed.
+    'ADMIN_EMBED_PHP'      => strval(AUTH_DISALLOW),
+    'UNIX_TIME'            => strval(time()),
+    'MAIN_PAGE_CONTENT'    => $wkt,
+    'IP_ADDRESS'           => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
+  );
+$schema = $sql_parser->parse();
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_ok')) . "\n";
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_installing_db_stage2'));
+foreach ( $schema as $sql )
+  if ( !$db->check_query($sql) )
+  {
+    if ( !$silent )
+      echo "\n";
+    installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_query_sanity_failed'));
+  }
+foreach ( $schema as $sql )
+  if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )
+  {
+    if ( !$silent )
+      echo "\n";
+    echo "[$dbdriver] " . $db->sql_error() . "\n";
+    installer_fail($lang->get('cli_err_db_query'));
+  }
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_ok')) . "\n";
+require_once( ENANO_ROOT . '/install/includes/payload.php' );
+require_once( ENANO_ROOT . '/install/includes/libenanoinstallcli.php' );
+define('scriptPath', $scriptpath);
+$urlscheme = strtr($urlscheme, array(
+  'short' => 'shortened'
+$_POST['url_scheme'] =& $urlscheme;
+run_installer_stage('writeconfig', 'writing_config', 'stg_write_config', 'install_stg_writeconfig_body');
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_starting_api'));
+// Start up the Enano API
+// If this fails, it fails hard.
+require(ENANO_ROOT . '/includes/common.php');
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_ok')) . "\n";
+run_installer_stage('importlang', 'importing_language', 'stg_language_setup', $lang->get('install_stg_importlang_body'));
+run_installer_stage('initlogs', 'initting_logs', 'stg_init_logs', $lang->get('install_stg_initlogs_body'));
+run_installer_stage('cleanup', 'cleaning_up', 'stg_aes_cleanup', $lang->get('install_stg_cleanup_body'), false);
+run_installer_stage('buildindex', 'initting_index', 'stg_build_index', $lang->get('install_stg_buildindex_body'));
+run_installer_stage('renameconfig', 'renaming_config', 'stg_rename_config', $lang->get('install_stg_rename_body', array('mainpage_link' => scriptPath . '/index.php')));
+if ( !$silent )
+  echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_msg_install_success'));
+return true;
+function cli_prompt($prompt, $default = false)
+  if ( is_string($default) )
+  {
+    echo "$prompt [$default]: ";
+    $stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
+    $input = trim(fgets($stdin, 1024));
+    fclose($stdin);
+    if ( empty($input) )
+      return $default;
+    return $input;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    while ( true )
+    {
+      echo "$prompt: ";
+      $stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
+      $input = trim(fgets($stdin, 1024));
+      fclose($stdin);
+      if ( !empty($input) )
+        return $input;
+    }
+  }
+function run_test($evalme, $test, $description, $warnonly = false)
+  global $silent, $test_failed, $lang;
+  if ( !$silent )
+    echo "$test: ";
+  $result = eval($evalme);
+  if ( $result )
+  {
+    if ( !$silent )
+      echo parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_test_pass'));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if ( !$silent )
+      echo $warnonly ? parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_test_warn')) : parse_shellcolor_string($lang->get('cli_test_fail'));
+    if ( !$silent )
+      echo "\n" . preg_replace('/^/m', '  ', wordwrap(strip_tags($description)));
+    if ( !$warnonly )
+      $test_failed = true;
+  }
+  if ( !$silent )
+    echo "\n";
+function installer_fail($message)
+  global $silent;
+  if ( $silent )
+    file_put_contents('php://stderr', "$message\n");
+  else
+    echo "\x1B[1;31m" . "Error:\x1B[0;1m $message\x1B[0m\n";
+  exit(1);
+function config_write_test()
+  if ( !is_writable(ENANO_ROOT.'/') )
+    return false;
+  // We need to actually _open_ the file to make sure it can be written, because sometimes this fails even when is_writable() returns
+  // true on Windows/IIS servers. Don't ask me why.
+  $h = @fopen( ENANO_ROOT . '/', 'a+' );
+  if ( !$h )
+    return false;
+  fclose($h);
+  return true;
+function parse_shellcolor_string($str)
+  $expr = '/<c ((?:[0-9]+)(?:;[0-9]+)*)>([\w\W]*?)<\/c>/';
+  while ( preg_match($expr, $str) )
+    $str = preg_replace($expr, "\x1B[\\1m\\2\x1B[0m", $str);
+  return $str;