changeset 391 85f91037cd4f
parent 372 5bd429428101
child 401 6ae6e387a0e3
--- a/includes/pageutils.php	Tue Jan 29 17:29:08 2008 -0500
+++ b/includes/pageutils.php	Tue Jan 29 23:15:44 2008 -0500
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
-   * Basically a frontend to RenderMan::getPage(), with the ability to send valid data for nonexistent pages
+   * DEPRECATED. Previously returned the full rendered contents of a page.
    * @param $page the full page id (Namespace:Pagename)
    * @param $send_headers true if the theme headers should be sent (still dependent on current page settings), false otherwise
    * @return string
@@ -98,226 +98,6 @@
   public static function getpage($page, $send_headers = false, $hist_id = false)
     die('PageUtils->getpage is deprecated.');
-    global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
-    ob_start();
-    $pid = RenderMan::strToPageID($page);
-    //die('<pre>'.print_r($pid, true).'</pre>');
-    if(isset($paths->pages[$page]['password']) && strlen($paths->pages[$page]['password']) == 40)
-    {
-      password_prompt($page);
-    }
-    if(isset($paths->pages[$page]))
-    {
-      doStats($pid[0], $pid[1]);
-    }
-    if($paths->custom_page || $pid[1] == 'Special')
-    {
-      // If we don't have access to the page, get out and quick!
-      if(!$session->get_permissions('read') && $pid[0] != 'Login' && $pid[0] != 'Register')
-      {
-        $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Access denied';
-        if ( $send_headers )
-        {
-          $template->header();
-        }
-        echo '<div class="error-box"><b>Access to this page is denied.</b><br />This may be because you are not logged in or you have not met certain criteria for viewing this page.</div>';
-        if ( $send_headers )
-        {
-          $template->footer();
-        }
-        $r = ob_get_contents();
-        ob_end_clean();
-        return $r;
-      }
-      $fname = 'page_' . $pid[1] . '_' . $paths->pages[$page]['urlname_nons'];
-      @call_user_func($fname);
-    }
-    else if ( $pid[1] == 'Admin' )
-    {
-      // If we don't have access to the page, get out and quick!
-      if(!$session->get_permissions('read'))
-      {
-        $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Access denied';
-        if ( $send_headers )
-        {
-          $template->header();
-        }
-        echo '<div class="error-box"><b>Access to this page is denied.</b><br />This may be because you are not logged in or you have not met certain criteria for viewing this page.</div>';
-        if ( $send_headers )
-        {
-          $template->footer();
-        }
-        $r = ob_get_contents();
-        ob_end_clean();
-        return $r;
-      }
-      $fname = 'page_' . $pid[1] . '_' . $pid[0];
-      if ( !function_exists($fname) )
-      {
-        $title = 'Page backend not found';
-        $message = "The administration page you are looking for was properly registered using the page API, but the backend function
-                    (<tt>$fname</tt>) was not found. If this is a plugin page, then this is almost certainly a bug with the plugin.";
-        if ( $send_headers )
-        {
-          die_friendly($title, "<p>$message</p>");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          echo "<h2>$title</h2>\n<p>$message</p>";
-        }
-      }
-      @call_user_func($fname);
-    }
-    else if ( !isset( $paths->pages[$page] ) )
-    {
-      ob_start();
-      $code = $plugins->setHook('page_not_found');
-      foreach ( $code as $cmd )
-      {
-        eval($cmd);
-      }
-      $text = ob_get_contents();
-      if ( $text != '' )
-      {
-        ob_end_clean();
-        return $text;
-      }
-      $template->header();
-      if($m = $paths->sysmsg('Page_not_found'))
-      {
-        eval('?>'.RenderMan::render($m));
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
-        echo '<h3>There is no page with this title yet.</h3>
-               <p>You have requested a page that doesn\'t exist yet.';
-        if($session->get_permissions('create_page')) echo ' You can <a href="'.makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=edit', true).'" onclick="ajaxEditor(); return false;">create this page</a>, or return to the <a href="'.makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')).'">homepage</a>.';
-        else echo ' Return to the <a href="'.makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')).'">homepage</a>.</p>';
-        if ( $session->get_permissions('history_rollback') )
-        {
-          $e = $db->sql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . table_prefix.'logs WHERE action=\'delete\' AND page_id=\'' . $paths->page_id . '\' AND namespace=\'' . $pid[1] . '\' ORDER BY time_id DESC;');
-          if ( !$e )
-          {
-            $db->_die('The deletion log could not be selected.');
-          }
-          if ($db->numrows() > 0 )
-          {
-            $r = $db->fetchrow();
-            echo '<p>This page also appears to have some log entries in the database - it seems that it was deleted on ' . enano_date('d M Y h:i a', intval($r['time_id'])) . '. You can probably <a href="'.makeUrl($paths->page, 'do=rollback&amp;id=' . $r['time_id']) . '" onclick="ajaxRollback(\'' . $r['time_id'] . '\'); return false;">roll back</a> the deletion.</p>';
-          }
-          $db->free_result();
-        }
-        echo '<p>
-                HTTP Error: 404 Not Found
-              </p>';
-      }
-      $template->footer();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      // If we don't have access to the page, get out and quick!
-      if(!$session->get_permissions('read'))
-      {
-        $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Access denied';
-        if($send_headers) $template->header();
-        echo '<div class="error-box"><b>Access to this page is denied.</b><br />This may be because you are not logged in or you have not met certain criteria for viewing this page.</div>';
-        if($send_headers) $template->footer();
-        $r = ob_get_contents();
-        ob_end_clean();
-        return $r;
-      }
-      ob_start();
-      $code = $plugins->setHook('page_custom_handler');
-      foreach ( $code as $cmd )
-      {
-        eval($cmd);
-      }
-      $text = ob_get_contents();
-      if ( $text != '' )
-      {
-        ob_end_clean();
-        return $text;
-      }
-      if ( $hist_id )
-      {
-        $e = $db->sql_query('SELECT page_text,date_string,char_tag FROM ' . table_prefix.'logs WHERE page_id=\'' . $paths->pages[$page]['urlname_nons'] . '\' AND namespace=\'' . $pid[1] . '\' AND log_type=\'page\' AND action=\'edit\' AND time_id=' . $db->escape($hist_id) . '');
-        if($db->numrows() < 1)
-        {
-          $db->_die('There were no rows in the text table that matched the page text query.');
-        }
-        $r = $db->fetchrow();
-        $db->free_result();
-        $message = '<div class="info-box" style="margin-left: 0; margin-top: 5px;"><b>Notice:</b><br />The page you are viewing was archived on ' . enano_date('d M Y h:i a', intval($r['time_id'])) . '.<br /><a href="'.makeUrl($page).'" onclick="ajaxReset(); return false;">View current version</a>  |  <a href="'.makeUrl($page, 'do=rollback&amp;id=' . $hist_id) . '" onclick="ajaxRollback(\'' . $hist_id . '\')">Restore this version</a></div><br />'.RenderMan::render($r['page_text']);
-        if( !$paths->pages[$page]['special'] )
-        {
-          if($send_headers)
-          {
-            $template->header(); 
-          }
-          display_page_headers();
-        }
-        eval('?>' . $message);
-        if( !$paths->pages[$page]['special'] )
-        {
-          display_page_footers();
-          if($send_headers)
-          {
-            $template->footer();
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        if(!$paths->pages[$page]['special'])
-        {
-          $message = RenderMan::getPage($paths->pages[$page]['urlname_nons'], $pid[1]);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          $message = RenderMan::getPage($paths->pages[$page]['urlname_nons'], $pid[1], 0, false, false, false, false);
-        }
-        // This line is used to debug wikiformatted code
-        // die('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($message).'</pre>');
-        if( !$paths->pages[$page]['special'] )
-        {
-          if($send_headers)
-          {
-            $template->header(); 
-          }
-          display_page_headers();
-        }
-        // This is it, this is what all of Enano has been working up to...
-        eval('?>' . $message);
-        if( !$paths->pages[$page]['special'] )
-        {
-          display_page_footers();
-          if($send_headers)
-          {
-            $template->footer();
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    $ret = ob_get_contents();
-    ob_end_clean();
-    return $ret;