changeset 348 87e08a6e4fec
parent 347 299a90e28abc
child 349 fdaf9070566c
--- a/upgrade.php	Thu Jan 03 18:39:19 2008 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,811 +0,0 @@
- * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
- * Version 1.0.3 (Dyrad)
- * upgrade.php - upgrade script
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
- *
- * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
- * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
- */
-define('IN_ENANO_INSTALL', 'true');
-define('IN_ENANO_UPGRADE', 'true');
-if(!defined('scriptPath')) {
-  $sp = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
-  if($sp == '/' || $sp == '\\') $sp = '';
-  define('scriptPath', $sp);
-if(!defined('contentPath')) {
-  $sp = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
-  if($sp == '/' || $sp == '\\') $sp = '';
-  define('contentPath', $sp);
-global $this_page, $sideinfo;
-function microtime_float()
-  list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
-  return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
-global $_starttime;
-$_starttime = microtime_float();
-// Determine directory (special case for development servers)
-if ( strpos(__FILE__, '/repo/') && file_exists('.enanodev') )
-  $filename = str_replace('/repo/', '/', __FILE__);
-  $filename = __FILE__;
-define('ENANO_ROOT', dirname($filename));
-  require_once(ENANO_ROOT.'/includes/debugger/debugConsole.php');
-  function dc_here($m)     { return false; }
-  function dc_dump($a, $g) { return false; }
-  function dc_watch($n)    { return false; }
-  function dc_start_timer($u) { return false; }
-  function dc_stop_timer($m) { return false; }
-// Everything related to versions goes here!
-// Valid versions to upgrade from
-$valid_versions = Array('1.0b1', '1.0b2', '1.0b3', '1.0b4', '1.0RC1', '1.0RC2', '1.0RC3', '1.0', '1.0.1', '', '1.0.2b1', '1.0.2', '1.0.3', 'Stable1.0ToUnstable1.1');
-// Basically a list of dependencies, which should be resolved automatically
-// If, for example, upgrading from 1.0b1 to 1.0RC1 requires one extra query that would not
-// normally be required (for whatever reason) then you would add a custom version number to the array under key '1.0b1'.
-$deps_list = Array(
-    '1.0b1' => Array('1.0b2'),
-    '1.0b2' => Array('1.0b3'),
-    '1.0b3' => Array('1.0b4'),
-    '1.0b4' => Array('1.0RC1'),
-    '1.0RC1' => Array('1.0RC2'),
-    '1.0RC2' => Array('1.0RC3'),
-    '1.0RC3' => Array('1.0'),
-    '1.0' => Array('1.0.1'),
-    '1.0.1' => Array(''),
-    '' => Array('1.0.2b1'),
-    '1.0.2b1' => Array('1.0.2'),
-    '1.0.2' => Array('Stable1.0ToUnstable1.1'),
-    'Stable1.0ToUnstable1.1' => Array('1.1.1')
-  );
-$this_version   = '1.1.1';
-$func_list = Array(
-    '1.0' => Array('u_1_0_1_update_del_votes'),
-    '1.0b4' => Array('u_1_0_RC1_update_user_ids', 'u_1_0_RC1_add_admins_to_group', 'u_1_0_RC1_alter_files_table', 'u_1_0_RC1_destroy_session_cookie', 'u_1_0_RC1_set_contact_email', 'u_1_0_RC1_update_page_text'), // ,
-    // '1.0RC2' => Array('u_1_0_populate_userpage_comments')
-    '1.0RC3' => Array('u_1_0_RC3_make_users_extra'),
-    '1.0.2b1' => Array('u_1_0_2_nuke_template_cache', 'u_1_0_2_rebuild_search_index')
-  );
-  $_GET['mode'] = 'login';
-function err($t)
-  global $template;
-  echo $t;
-  $template->footer(); 
-  exit;
-// Initialize the session manager
-$db = new mysql();
-$plugins = new pluginLoader();
-  // Select and fetch the site configuration
-  $e = $db->sql_query('SELECT config_name, config_value FROM '.table_prefix.'config;');
-  if ( !$e )
-  {
-    $db->_die('Some critical configuration information could not be selected.');
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    define('ENANO_CONFIG_FETCHED', ''); // Used in die_semicritical to figure out whether to call getConfig() or not
-  }
-  $enano_config = Array();
-  while($r = $db->fetchrow())
-  {
-    $enano_config[$r['config_name']] = $r['config_value'];
-  }
-  $db->free_result();
-$v = enano_version();
-if(in_array($v, Array(false, '', '1.0b3', '1.0b4')))
-  $ul_admin  = 2;
-  $ul_mod    = 1;
-  $ul_member = 0;
-  $ul_guest  = -1;
-  $ul_admin  = USER_LEVEL_ADMIN;
-  $ul_mod    = USER_LEVEL_MOD;
-  $ul_member = USER_LEVEL_MEMBER;
-  $ul_guest  = USER_LEVEL_GUEST;
-$_GET['title'] = 'unset';
-$session = new sessionManager();
-$paths = new pathManager();
-$template = new template_nodb();
-$template->load_theme('oxygen', 'bleu', false);
-$modestrings = Array(
-              'login'      => 'Administrative login',
-              'welcome'    => 'Welcome',
-              'setversion' => 'Select Enano version',
-              'confirm'    => 'Confirm upgrade',
-              'upgrade'    => 'Database installation',
-              'finish'     => 'Upgrade complete'
-            );
-$sideinfo = '';
-$vars = $template->extract_vars('elements.tpl');
-$p = $template->makeParserText($vars['sidebar_button']);
-foreach ( $modestrings as $id => $str )
-  if ( $_GET['mode'] == $id )
-  {
-    $flags = 'style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;"';
-    $this_page = $str;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    $flags = '';
-  }
-  $p->assign_vars(Array(
-      'HREF' => '#',
-      'FLAGS' => $flags . ' onclick="return false;"',
-      'TEXT' => $str
-    ));
-  $sideinfo .= $p->run();
-function upg_assign_vars($schema)
-  $schema = str_replace('{{SITE_NAME}}',   mysql_real_escape_string(getConfig('site_name')), $schema);
-  $schema = str_replace('{{SITE_DESC}}',   mysql_real_escape_string(getConfig('site_desc')), $schema);
-  $schema = str_replace('{{COPYRIGHT}}',   mysql_real_escape_string(getConfig('copyright_notice')), $schema);
-  $schema = str_replace('{{TABLE_PREFIX}}', table_prefix, $schema);
-  if(getConfig('wiki_mode')=='1') $schema = str_replace('{{WIKI_MODE}}', '1', $schema);
-  else $schema = str_replace('{{WIKI_MODE}}', '0', $schema);
-  return $schema;
-/* Version-specific functions */
-function u_1_0_RC1_update_user_ids()
-  global $db;
-  // First, make sure this hasn't already been done
-  $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT username FROM '.table_prefix.'users WHERE user_id=1;');
-  if ( !$q )
-    $db->_die();
-  $row = $db->fetchrow();
-  if ( $row['username'] == 'Anonymous' )
-    return true;
-  // Find the first unused user ID
-  $used = Array();
-  $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT user_id FROM '.table_prefix.'users;');
-  if ( !$q )
-    $db->_die();
-  $notfirst = false;
-  while ( $row = $db->fetchrow() )
-  {
-    $i = intval($row['user_id']);
-    $used[$i] = true;
-    if ( !isset($used[$i - 1]) && $notfirst )
-    {
-      $id = $i - 1;
-      break;
-    }
-    $notfirst = true;
-  }
-  if ( !isset($id) )
-    $id = $i + 1;
-  if ( $id == 0 )
-    $id = 2;
-  $db->free_result();
-  $q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE '.table_prefix.'users SET user_id=' . $id . ' WHERE user_id=1;');
-  if(!$q)
-    $db->_die();
-  $q = $db->sql_query('UPDATE '.table_prefix.'users SET user_id=1 WHERE user_id=-1 AND username=\'Anonymous\';');
-  if(!$q)
-    $db->_die();
-function u_1_0_RC1_add_admins_to_group()
-  global $db;
-  $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT user_id FROM '.table_prefix.'users WHERE user_level=' . USER_LEVEL_ADMIN . ';');
-  if ( !$q )
-    $db->_die();
-  $base = 'INSERT INTO '.table_prefix.'group_members(group_id,user_id) VALUES';
-  $blocks = Array();
-  while ( $row = $db->fetchrow($q) )
-  {
-    $blocks[] = '(2,' . $row['user_id'] . ')';
-  }
-  $blocks = implode(',', $blocks);
-  $sql = $base . $blocks . ';';
-  if(!$db->sql_query($sql))
-    $db->_die();
-function u_1_0_RC1_alter_files_table()
-  global $db;
-  if(!is_dir(ENANO_ROOT.'/files'))
-    @mkdir(ENANO_ROOT . '/files');
-  if(!is_dir(ENANO_ROOT.'/files'))
-    die('ERROR: Couldn\'t create files directory');
-  $q = $db->sql_unbuffered_query('SELECT * FROM '.table_prefix.'files;', $db->_conn);
-  if(!$q) $db->_die();
-  while ( $row = $db->fetchrow() )
-  {
-    $file_data = base64_decode($row['data']);
-    $path = ENANO_ROOT . '/files/' . md5( $row['filename'] . '_' . $file_data ) . '_' . $row['time_id'] . $row['file_extension'];
-    @unlink($path);
-    $handle = @fopen($path, 'w');
-    if(!$handle)
-      die('fopen failed');
-    fwrite($handle, $file_data);
-    fclose($handle);
-  }
-  $q = $db->sql_query('ALTER TABLE '.table_prefix.'files DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD COLUMN file_id int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment FIRST, ADD PRIMARY KEY (file_id), ADD COLUMN file_key varchar(32) NOT NULL;');
-  if(!$q) $db->_die();
-  $list = Array();
-  $q = $db->sql_unbuffered_query('SELECT * FROM '.table_prefix.'files;', $db->_conn);
-  if(!$q) $db->_die();
-  while ( $row = $db->fetchrow($q) )
-  {
-    $file_data = base64_decode($row['data']);
-    $key = md5( $row['filename'] . '_' . $file_data );
-    $list[] = 'UPDATE '.table_prefix.'files SET file_key=\'' . $key . '\' WHERE file_id=' . $row['file_id'] . ';';
-  }
-  foreach ( $list as $sql )
-  {
-    if(!$db->sql_query($sql)) $db->_die();
-  }
-  if(!$db->sql_query('ALTER TABLE '.table_prefix.'files DROP data')) $db->_die();
-function u_1_0_RC1_destroy_session_cookie()
-  unset($_COOKIE['sid']);
-  setcookie('sid', '', time()-3600*24, scriptPath);
-  setcookie('sid', '', time()-3600*24, scriptPath.'/');
-function u_1_0_RC1_set_contact_email()
-  global $db;
-  $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT email FROM '.table_prefix.'users WHERE user_level='.USER_LEVEL_ADMIN.' ORDER BY user_level ASC LIMIT 1;');
-  if(!$q)
-    $db->_die();
-  $row = $db->fetchrow();
-  setConfig('contact_email', $row['email']);
-function u_1_0_RC1_update_page_text()
-  global $db;
-  $q = $db->sql_unbuffered_query('SELECT page_id,namespace,page_text,char_tag FROM '.table_prefix.'page_text');
-  if (!$q)
-    $db->_die();
-  $qs = array();
-  while ( $row = $db->fetchrow($q) )
-  {
-    $row['page_text'] = str_replace(Array(
-      "{QUOT:{$row['char_tag']}}",
-      "{APOS:{$row['char_tag']}}",
-      "{SLASH:{$row['char_tag']}}"
-      ), Array(
-      '"', "'", '\\'
-      ), $row['page_text']);
-    $qs[] = 'UPDATE '.table_prefix.'page_text SET page_text=\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($row['page_text']) . '\'
-      WHERE page_id=\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($row['page_id']) . '\' AND
-            namespace=\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($row['namespace']) . '\';';
-  }
-  foreach($qs as $query)
-  {
-    if(!$db->sql_query($query))
-      $db->_die();
-  }
-function u_1_0_1_update_del_votes()
-  global $db;
-  $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT urlname, namespace, delvote_ips FROM '.table_prefix.'pages;');
-  if ( !$q )
-    $db->_die();
-  while ( $row = $db->fetchrow($q) )
-  {
-    $ips = strval($row['delvote_ips']);
-    if ( is_array( @unserialize($ips) ) )
-      continue;
-    $ips = explode('|', $ips);
-    $new = array(
-      'ip' => array(),
-      'u' => array()
-      );
-    $i = 0;
-    $prev = '';
-    $prev_is_ip = false;
-    foreach ( $ips as $ip )
-    {
-      $i++;
-      $current_is_ip = is_valid_ip($ip);
-      if ( $current_is_ip && $prev_is_ip )
-      {
-        $i++;
-        $new['u'][] = $prev;
-      }
-      if ( $current_is_ip )
-      {
-        $new['ip'][] = $ip;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        $new['u'][] = $ip;
-      }
-      $prev = $ip;
-      $prev_is_ip = $current_is_ip;
-    }
-    if ( $i % 2 == 1 && $prev_is_ip )
-    {
-      $new['u'][] = $ip;
-    }
-    $new = serialize($new);
-    $e = $db->sql_query('UPDATE '.table_prefix.'pages SET delvote_ips=\'' . $db->escape($new) . '\' WHERE urlname=\'' . $db->escape($row['urlname']) . '\' AND namespace=\'' . $db->escape($row['namespace']) . '\';');
-    if ( !$e )
-      $db->_die();
-  }
-  $db->free_result($q);
-function u_1_0_RC3_make_users_extra()
-  global $db;
-  $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT user_id FROM '.table_prefix.'users WHERE user_id > 0;');
-  if ( !$q )
-    $db->_die();
-  $ids = array();
-  while ( $row = $db->fetchrow() )
-  {
-    $ids[] = intval($row['user_id']);
-  }
-  $ids = '(' . implode('),(', $ids) . ')';
-  if ( $ids == '' )
-    return false;
-  $sql = "INSERT INTO " . table_prefix . "users_extra(user_id) VALUES$ids;";
-  if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )
-    $db->_die();
-function u_1_0_2_nuke_template_cache()
-  $dir = @opendir(ENANO_ROOT . '/cache');
-  if ( !$dir )
-  {
-    return false;
-  }
-  while ( ($fname = @readdir($dir)) )
-  {
-    if ( preg_match('/\.tpl\.php$/', $fname) )
-    {
-      unlink( ENANO_ROOT . '/cache/' . $fname );
-    }
-  }
-function u_1_0_2_rebuild_search_index()
-  global $paths;
-  @set_time_limit(0);
-  $paths->rebuild_search_index();
-  case "login":
-    if ( $session->user_logged_in && $session->user_level < $ul_admin )
-    {
-      $template->header();
-      echo '<p>Your user account does not have permission to perform an upgrade of Enano. Return to the <a href="index.php">index page</a>.</p>';
-      $template->footer();
-      exit;
-    }
-    if($session->user_logged_in && $session->user_level >= $ul_admin)
-    {
-      if(isset($_POST['login']))
-      {
-        $result = $session->login_without_crypto($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], false, $ul_admin);
-        if($session->sid_super)
-        {
-          header('Location: upgrade.php?mode=welcome&auth='.$session->sid_super);
-          exit;
-        }
-      }
-      $template->header();
-      ?>
-      <form action="upgrade.php?mode=login" method="post">
-      <table border="0" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 5px;" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
-        <tr>
-          <th colspan="2">You must re-authenticate to perform this upgrade.</th>
-        </tr>
-        <?php
-        if(isset($_POST['login']))
-        {
-          echo '<tr><td colspan="2"><p style="color: red;">Login failed: '. $result['error'] . '</p></td></tr>';
-        }
-        ?>
-        <tr>
-          <td>Username:</td><td><input type="text" name="username" size="30" /></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="password" size="30" /></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" name="login" value="Log in" />
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-      </form>
-      <?php
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if(isset($_POST['login']))
-      {
-        $result = $session->login_without_crypto($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], false, $ul_member);
-        if($result == 'success')
-        {
-          header('Location: upgrade.php');
-          exit;
-        }
-      }
-      $template->header();
-      ?>
-      <form action="upgrade.php?mode=login" method="post">
-      <table border="0" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 5px;" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
-        <tr>
-          <th colspan="2">Please log in to continue with this upgrade.</th>
-        </tr>
-        <?php
-        if(isset($_POST['login']))
-        {
-          echo '<tr><td colspan="2"><p style="color: red;">Login failed. Bad password?</p></td></tr>';
-        }
-        ?>
-        <tr>
-          <td>Username:</td><td><input type="text" name="username" size="30" /></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td>Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="password" size="30" /></td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-          <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" name="login" value="Log in" />
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-      </form>
-      <?php
-    }
-    break;
-  case "welcome":
-    if(!$session->sid_super) { $template->header(); echo '<p>No admin session found! Please <a href="upgrade.php">restart the upgrade</a>.</p>'; $template->footer(); exit; }
-    // Just show a simple welcome page to display version information
-    $template->header();
-    require('config.php');
-    ?>
-    <div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;">
-      <img alt="[ Enano CMS Project logo ]" src="images/enano-artwork/installer-greeting-blue.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto; padding-left: 134px;" />
-      <h2>Welcome to the Enano upgrade wizard</h2>
-      <?php
-      if ( file_exists('./_nightly.php') )
-      {
-        echo '<div class="warning-box" style="text-align: left; margin: 10px auto; display: table; width: 60%;"><b>You are about to upgrade to a NIGHTLY BUILD of Enano.</b><br />Nightly builds CANNOT be re-upgraded to the final release. They may also contain serious flaws, security problems, or extraneous debugging information. Continuing this process on a production site is NOT recommended.</div>';
-      }
-      ?>
-    </div>
-    <div style="display: table; margin: 0 auto;">
-      <p>You are about to upgrade Enano to version <b><?php echo $this_version; ?></b>. Before you continue, please ensure that:</p>
-      <ul>
-        <li>You have completely backed up your database (<b><?php echo "$dbhost:$dbname"; ?></b>)</li>
-        <li>You have backed up the entire Enano directory (<b><?php echo ENANO_ROOT; ?></b>)</li>
-        <li>You have reviewed the release notes for this version, and you<br />are comfortable with any known bugs or issues</li>
-        <li>If you've configured Enano to work using a MySQL user with restricted<br />privileges, you need to enable ALTER, CREATE TABLE, and CREATE INDEX privileges<br />for this upgrade to work.</li>
-      </ul>
-    </div>
-    <div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 10px;">
-      <form action="upgrade.php?mode=setversion&amp;auth=<?php echo $session->sid_super; ?>" method="post">
-        <input type="submit" value="Continue with upgrade" />
-      </form>
-    </div>
-    <?php
-    break;
-  case "setversion":
-    if(!$session->sid_super) { $template->header(); echo '<p>No admin session found! Please <a href="upgrade.php">restart the upgrade</a>.</p>'; $template->footer(); exit; }
-    $v = ( function_exists('enano_version') ) ? enano_version() : '';
-    if(!in_array($v, $valid_versions) && $v != '')
-    {
-      $template->header();
-      ?>
-      <p>Your version of Enano (<?php echo $v; ?>) can't be upgraded to this version (<?php echo $this_version; ?>).</p>
-      <?php
-      break;
-    } 
-    else if($v == '')
-    {
-      // OK, we don't know which version he's running. So we'll cheat ;-)
-      $template->header();
-      echo "<form action='upgrade.php?mode=confirm&amp;auth={$session->sid_super}' method='post'>";
-      ?>
-      <p>Sorry, we couldn't detect which version of Enano you're running on your server. Please select which version of Enano you have below, and make absolutely sure that you're correct.</p>
-      <p><select name="version"><?php
-        foreach($valid_versions as $c)
-        {
-          echo "<option value='{$c}'>{$c}</option>";
-        }
-      ?></select></p>
-      <p>
-        <input type="submit" value="Continue" />
-      </p>
-      <?php
-      echo `</form>`;
-      break;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      header('Location: upgrade.php?mode=confirm&auth='.$session->sid_super);
-    }
-    break;
-  case "confirm":
-    $enano_version = ( isset($_POST['version']) ) ? $_POST['version'] : enano_version();
-    $template->header();
-    if(!$session->sid_super) { echo '<p>No admin session found! Please <a href="upgrade.php">restart the upgrade</a>.</p>'; $template->footer(); exit; }
-    ?>
-      <form action="upgrade.php?mode=upgrade&amp;auth=<?php echo $session->sid_super; ?>" method="post">
-        <table border="0" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 5px;" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
-          <tr>
-            <td colspan="2"><p><b>Are you sure you want to perform this upgrade?</b></p><p>You can still cancel the upgrade process now. If<br />the upgrade fails, you will need to roll back<br />any actions made using manual SQL queries.</p><p><b>Please clear your browser cache or<br />shift-reload after the upgrade.</b><br />If you fail to do so, some page elements may<br />be broken.</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">
-              <input type="hidden" name="enano_version" value="<?php echo $enano_version; ?>" />
-              <input type="submit" name="doit" value="Upgrade Enano!" />
-            </td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
-      </form>
-    <?php
-    break;
-  case "upgrade":
-    $template->header();
-    if(!$session->sid_super) { echo '<p>No admin session found! Please <a href="upgrade.php">restart the upgrade</a>.</p>'; $template->footer(); exit; }
-    if(!isset($_POST['enano_version'])) { echo '<p>Can\'t find the version information on the POST query, are you trying to do this upgrade directly? Please <a href="upgrade.php">restart the upgrade</a>.</p>'; break; }
-    $enano_version = $_POST['enano_version'];
-    echo '<p>Preparing for schema execution...';
-      // Build an array of queries
-      $schema = file_get_contents('upgrade.sql');
-      // Strip out and process version blocks
-      preg_match_all('#---BEGIN ([0-9A-z\.\-]*?)---'."\n".'((.*?)'."\n)?".'---END \\1---#is', $schema, $matches);
-      $from_list  =& $matches[1];
-      $query_list =& $matches[3];
-      foreach($matches[0] as $m)
-      {
-        $schema = str_replace($m, '', $schema);
-      }
-      $schema = explode("\n", $schema);
-      foreach($schema as $k => $q)
-      {
-        if(substr($q, 0, 2) == '--' || $q == '')
-        {
-          unset($schema[$k]);
-          //die('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($schema, true)).'</pre>');
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          $schema[$k] = upg_assign_vars($schema[$k]);
-        }
-      }
-      foreach($query_list as $k => $q)
-      {
-        $query_list[$k] = explode("\n", $query_list[$k]);
-        foreach($query_list[$k] as $i => $s)
-        {
-          $tq =& $query_list[$k][$i];
-          if(substr($s, 0, 2) == '--' || $s == '')
-          {
-            unset($query_list[$k][$i]);
-            //die('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($schema, true)).'</pre>');
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            $query_list[$k][$i] = upg_assign_vars($query_list[$k][$i]);
-          }
-        }
-        $query_list[$k] = array_values($query_list[$k]);
-      }
-      $assoc_list = Array();
-      foreach($from_list as $i => $v)
-      {
-        $assoc_list[$v] = $query_list[$i];
-      }
-      $schema = array_values($schema);
-      $deps_resolved = false;
-      $installing_versions = Array($enano_version);
-      while(true)
-      {
-        $v = array_keys($deps_list);
-        foreach($v as $i => $ver)
-        {
-          if(in_array($ver, $installing_versions))
-          {
-            // $ver is on the list of versions to be installed. Add its dependencies to the list of versions to install.
-            foreach($deps_list[$ver] as $dep)
-            {
-              if(!in_array($dep, $installing_versions))
-              {
-                $installing_versions[] = $dep;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if($i == count($deps_list) - 1)
-          {
-            break 2;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      foreach($installing_versions as $this_ver)
-      {
-        $schema = array_merge($schema, $assoc_list[$this_ver]);
-      }
-      // Time for some proper SQL syntax!
-      // Also check queries for so-called injection attempts to make
-      // sure that it doesn't fail during the upgrade process and
-      // leave the user with a half-upgraded database
-      foreach($schema as $s => $q)
-      {
-        if(substr($q, strlen($q)-1, 1) != ';') 
-        {
-          $schema[$s] .= ';';
-        }
-        if ( !$db->check_query($schema[$s]) )
-        {
-          // Uh-oh, the check failed, bail out
-          // The DBAL runs sanity checks on all queries for safety,
-          // so if the check fails in mid-upgrade we are in deep
-          // dodo doo-doo.
-          echo 'Query failed sanity check, this should never happen and is a bug.</p><p>Query was:</p><pre>'.$schema[$s].'</pre>';
-          break 2;
-        }
-      }
-      $schema = array_values($schema);
-      // Used extensively for debugging
-      // echo '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($schema, true)).'</pre>';
-      // break;
-      echo 'done!<br />Executing upgrade schema...';
-      // OK, do the loop, baby!!!
-      foreach($schema as $q)
-      {
-        if ( substr($q, 0, 1) == '@' )
-        {
-          // if the first character is @, don't fail on error
-          $db->sql_query(substr($q, 1));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          if ( !$db->sql_query($q) )
-          {
-            echo $db->get_error();
-            break 2;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // Call any custom functions
-      foreach ( $installing_versions as $ver )
-      {
-        if ( isset($func_list[$ver]) )
-        {
-          foreach($func_list[$ver] as $function)
-          {
-            @call_user_func($function);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // Log the upgrade
-      $q = $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO '.table_prefix.'logs(log_type,action,time_id,date_string,author,page_text,edit_summary) VALUES(\'security\', \'upgrade_enano\', ' . time() . ', \'' . enano_date('d M Y h:i a') . '\', \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($session->username) . '\', \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($this_version) . '\', \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . '\');');
-      echo 'done!</p>';
-      echo '<p>You will be redirected shortly. If you aren\'t redirected, <a href="index.php">click here</a>.</p>
-            <script type="text/javascript">setTimeout("window.location=\'index.php\'", 2000)</script>';
-    break;