changeset 582 a38876c0793c
parent 581 5e8fd89c02ea
child 583 c97d5f0d6636
--- a/includes/clientside/static/enano-lib-basic.js	Sun Jun 22 18:13:59 2008 -0400
+++ b/includes/clientside/static/enano-lib-basic.js	Tue Jun 24 23:37:23 2008 -0400
@@ -1,378 +1,465 @@
- * Enano - an open source wiki-like CMS
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
- * Javascript client library
- *
- * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
- * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
- *
- * For more information about Enano, please visit
- * Unless otherwise noted, all of the code in these script files may be used freely so long as the above license block
- * is displayed and your modified code is distributed in compliance with the GPL. See the special page "About Enano" on
- * this website for more information.
- */
-if(typeof title != 'string')
-  alert('There was a problem loading the PHP-generated Javascript variables that control parameters for AJAX applets. Most on-page functionality will be very badly broken.\n\nTheme developers, ensure that you are using {JS_DYNAMIC_VARS} *before* you include jsres.php.');
-// Run-time variables
-var detect = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
-var IE;
-var is_Safari;
-// Detect whether the user is running the Evil One or not...
-function checkIt(string) {
-  place = detect.indexOf(string) + 1;
-  thestring = string;
-  return place;
-if (checkIt('msie')) IE = true;
-else IE = false;
-var is_Opera = ( checkIt('opera') ) ? true : false;
-var is_iPhone = ( checkIt('iphone') || checkIt('ipod') ) ? true : false;
-var is_firefox2 = ( checkIt('firefox/2.') ) ? true : false;
-var KILL_SWITCH = false;
-if ( IE )
-  var version = window.navigator.appVersion;
-  version = version.substr( ( version.indexOf('MSIE') + 5 ) );
-  var rawversion = '';
-  for ( var i = 0; i < version.length; i++ )
-  {
-    var chr = version.substr(i, 1);
-    if ( !chr.match(/[0-9\.]/) )
-    {
-      break;
-    }
-    rawversion += chr;
-  }
-  rawversion = parseInt(rawversion);
-  if ( rawversion < 6 )
-  {
-    KILL_SWITCH = true;
-  }
-// dummy tinyMCE object
-var tinyMCE = new Object();
-if ( typeof(DISABLE_MCE) == undefined )
-  var DISABLE_MCE = false;
-// Obsolete JSON kill switch
-function disableJSONExts() { };
-is_Safari = checkIt('safari') ? true : false;
-var cmt_open;
-var list;
-var edit_open = false;
-var catlist = new Array();
-var arrDiff1Buttons = new Array();
-var arrDiff2Buttons = new Array();
-var arrTimeIdList   = new Array();
-var list;
-var unObj;
-var unSelectMenuOn = false;
-var unObjDivCurrentId = false;
-var unObjCurrentSelection = false;
-var userlist = new Array();
-var submitAuthorized = true;
-var rDnsObj;
-var rDnsBannerObj;
-var ns4 = document.layers;
-var op5 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera 5")!=-1) ||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera/5")!=-1);
-var op6 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera 6")!=-1) ||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera/6")!=-1);
-var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
-var mac = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1);
-var ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);
-var mac_ie = mac && ie;
-var mouseX = 0;
-var mouseY = 0;
-var menuheight;
-var inertiabase = 1;
-var inertiainc = 1;
-var slideintervalinc = 20;
-var inertiabaseoriginal = inertiabase;
-var heightnow;
-var targetheight;
-var block;
-var slideinterval;
-var divheights = new Array();
-var __menutimeout = false;
-var startmouseX = false;
-var startmouseY = false;
-var startScroll = false;
-var is_dragging = false;
-var current_ta  = false;
-var startwidth  = false;
-var startheight = false;
-var do_width    = false;
-var ajax_load_icon = scriptPath + '/images/loading.gif';
-var editor_use_modal_window = false;
-// You have an NSIS coder in your midst...
-var MB_OK = 1;
-var MB_OKCANCEL = 2;
-var MB_YESNO = 4;
-var MB_ICONSTOP = 128;
-var MB_ICONLOCK = 512;
-// Syntax:
-// messagebox(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, 'Title', 'Text');
-// :-D
-var main_css = document.getElementById('mdgCss').href;
-if(main_css.indexOf('?') > -1) {
-  sep = '&';
-} else sep = '?';
-var _css = false;
-var print_css = main_css + sep + 'printable';
-var shift;
-function makeUrl(page, query, html_friendly)
-  url = contentPath+page;
-  if(url.indexOf('?') > 0) sep = '&';
-  else sep = '?';
-  if(query)
-  {
-    url = url + sep + query;
-  }
-  if(html_friendly)
-  {
-    url = url.replace('&', '&amp;');
-    url = url.replace('<', '&lt;');
-    url = url.replace('>', '&gt;');
-  }
-  return url;
-function makeUrlNS(namespace, page, query, html_friendly)
-  var url = contentPath+namespace_list[namespace]+(page.replace(/ /g, '_'));
-  if(url.indexOf('?') > 0) sep = '&';
-  else sep = '?';
-  if(query)
-  {
-    url = url + sep + query;
-  }
-  if(html_friendly)
-  {
-    url = url.replace('&', '&amp;');
-    url = url.replace('<', '&lt;');
-    url = url.replace('>', '&gt;');
-  }
-  return append_sid(url);
-function strToPageID(string)
-  // Convert Special:UploadFile to ['UploadFile', 'Special'], but convert 'Image:Enano.png' to ['Enano.png', 'File']
-  for(var i in namespace_list)
-    if(namespace_list[i] != '')
-      if(namespace_list[i] == string.substr(0, namespace_list[i].length))
-        return [string.substr(namespace_list[i].length), i];
-  return [string, 'Article'];
-function append_sid(url)
-  sep = ( url.indexOf('?') > 0 ) ? '&' : '?';
-  if(ENANO_SID.length > 10)
-  {
-    url = url + sep + 'auth=' + ENANO_SID;
-    sep = '&';
-  }
-  if ( pagepass.length > 0 )
-  {
-    url = url + sep + 'pagepass=' + pagepass;
-  }
-  return url;
-var stdAjaxPrefix = append_sid(scriptPath+'/ajax.php?title='+title);
-var $_REQUEST = new Object();
-if ( window.location.hash )
-  var hash = String(window.location.hash);
-  hash = hash.substr(1);
-  var reqobj = hash.split(';');
-  var a, b;
-  for ( var i = 0; i < reqobj.length; i++ )
-  {
-    a = reqobj[i].substr(0, reqobj[i].indexOf(':'));
-    b = reqobj[i].substr( ( reqobj[i].indexOf(':') + 1 ) );
-    $_REQUEST[a] = b;
-  }
-var onload_hooks = new Array();
-function addOnloadHook(func)
-  if ( typeof ( func ) == 'function' )
-  {
-    if ( typeof(onload_hooks.push) == 'function' )
-    {
-      onload_hooks.push(func);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      onload_hooks[onload_hooks.length] = func;
-    }
-  }
-function runOnloadHooks(e)
-  var _errorTrapper = 0;
-  for ( var _oLc = 0; _oLc < onload_hooks.length; _oLc++ )
-  {
-    _errorTrapper++;
-    if ( _errorTrapper >= 1000 )
-      break;
-    var _f = onload_hooks[_oLc];
-    if ( typeof(_f) == 'function' )
-    {
-      _f(e);
-    }
-  }
-var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
-var script = document.createElement('script');
-// placeholder for window.console - used if firebug isn't present
-if (!window.console || !console.firebug)
-    var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml",
-    "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"];
-    window.console = {};
-    for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
-        window.console[names[i]] = function() {}
-// safari has window.console but not the .debug() method
-if ( is_Safari && !window.console.debug )
-  window.console.debug = function() {};
-// Do not remove the following comments, they are used by jsres.php.
-// Start loading files
-// The string from the [ to the ] needs to be valid JSON, it's parsed by jsres.php.
-var thefiles = [
-  'dynano.js',
-  'misc.js',
-  'l10n.js',
-  'login.js',
-  'admin-menu.js',
-  'ajax.js',
-  'autofill.js',
-  'base64.js',
-  'dropdown.js',
-  'faders.js',
-  'fat.js',
-  'grippy.js',
-  'json.js',
-  'md5.js',
-  'libbigint.js',
-  'enanomath.js',
-  'diffiehellman.js',
-  'sha256.js',
-  'sliders.js',
-  'toolbar.js',
-  'rijndael.js',
-  'template-compiler.js',
-  'acl.js',
-  'comments.js',
-  'editor.js',
-  'flyin.js',
-  'paginate.js',
-  'pwstrength.js',
-  'theme-manager.js',
-  'rank-manager.js',
-  'SpryEffects.js',
-  'SpryData.js',
-  'SpryJSONDataSet.js',
-  'SpryAutoSuggest.js',
-  'loader.js'
-var problem_scripts = {
-  'json.js' : true,
-  'template-compiler.js' : true
-for(var f in thefiles)
-  if ( typeof(thefiles[f]) != 'string' )
-    continue;
-  var script = document.createElement('script');
-  script.type="text/javascript";
-  if ( problem_scripts[thefiles[f]] && KILL_SWITCH )
-  {
-    // alert('kill switch and problem script');
-    continue;
-  }
-  script.src=scriptPath+"/includes/clientside/static/"+thefiles[f];
-  head.appendChild(script);
-// Do not remove the following comment, it is used by jsres.php.
-addOnloadHook(function() {
-  if ( $_REQUEST['do'] )
-  {
-    var act = $_REQUEST['do'];
-    switch(act)
-    {
-      case 'comments':
-        ajaxComments();
-        break;
-      case 'edit':
-        ajaxEditor();
-        break;
-      case 'login':
-        ajaxStartLogin();
-        break;
-      case 'history':
-        ajaxHistory();
-        break;
-      case 'catedit':
-        ajaxCatEdit();
-        break;
-    }
-  }
+ * Enano - an open source wiki-like CMS
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
+ * Javascript client library
+ *
+ * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
+ *
+ * For more information about Enano, please visit
+ * Unless otherwise noted, all of the code in these script files may be used freely so long as the above license block
+ * is displayed and your modified code is distributed in compliance with the GPL. See the special page "About Enano" on
+ * this website for more information.
+ */
+if(typeof title != 'string')
+  alert('There was a problem loading the PHP-generated Javascript variables that control parameters for AJAX applets. Most on-page functionality will be very badly broken.\n\nTheme developers, ensure that you are using {JS_DYNAMIC_VARS} *before* you include jsres.php.');
+// Run-time variables
+var detect = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+var IE;
+var is_Safari;
+// Detect whether the user is running the Evil One or not...
+function checkIt(string) {
+  place = detect.indexOf(string) + 1;
+  thestring = string;
+  return place;
+if (checkIt('msie')) IE = true;
+else IE = false;
+var is_Opera = ( checkIt('opera') ) ? true : false;
+var is_iPhone = ( checkIt('iphone') || checkIt('ipod') ) ? true : false;
+var is_firefox2 = ( checkIt('firefox/2.') ) ? true : false;
+var KILL_SWITCH = false;
+if ( IE )
+  var version = window.navigator.appVersion;
+  version = version.substr( ( version.indexOf('MSIE') + 5 ) );
+  var rawversion = '';
+  for ( var i = 0; i < version.length; i++ )
+  {
+    var chr = version.substr(i, 1);
+    if ( !chr.match(/[0-9\.]/) )
+    {
+      break;
+    }
+    rawversion += chr;
+  }
+  rawversion = parseInt(rawversion);
+  if ( rawversion < 6 )
+  {
+    KILL_SWITCH = true;
+  }
+// dummy tinyMCE object
+var tinyMCE = new Object();
+if ( typeof(DISABLE_MCE) == undefined )
+  var DISABLE_MCE = false;
+is_Safari = checkIt('safari') ? true : false;
+var cmt_open;
+var editor_open = false;
+var list;
+var edit_open = false;
+var catlist = new Array();
+var arrDiff1Buttons = new Array();
+var arrDiff2Buttons = new Array();
+var arrTimeIdList   = new Array();
+var list;
+var unObj;
+var unSelectMenuOn = false;
+var unObjDivCurrentId = false;
+var unObjCurrentSelection = false;
+var userlist = new Array();
+var submitAuthorized = true;
+var timelist = [];
+var rDnsObj;
+var rDnsBannerObj;
+var ns4 = document.layers;
+var op5 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera 5")!=-1) ||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera/5")!=-1);
+var op6 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera 6")!=-1) ||(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera/6")!=-1);
+var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+var mac = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1);
+var ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);
+var mac_ie = mac && ie;
+var mouseX = 0;
+var mouseY = 0;
+var menuheight;
+var inertiabase = 1;
+var inertiainc = 1;
+var slideintervalinc = 20;
+var inertiabaseoriginal = inertiabase;
+var heightnow;
+var targetheight;
+var block;
+var slideinterval;
+var divheights = new Array();
+var __menutimeout = false;
+var startmouseX = false;
+var startmouseY = false;
+var startScroll = false;
+var is_dragging = false;
+var current_ta  = false;
+var startwidth  = false;
+var startheight = false;
+var do_width    = false;
+var ajax_load_icon = scriptPath + '/images/loading.gif';
+var editor_use_modal_window = false;
+var Spry = {};
+// You have an NSIS coder in your midst...
+var MB_OK = 1;
+var MB_OKCANCEL = 2;
+var MB_YESNO = 4;
+var MB_ICONSTOP = 128;
+var MB_ICONLOCK = 512;
+// Can be set to true by slow themes (St. Patty)
+if ( typeof(pref_disable_js_fx) != 'boolean' )
+  var pref_disable_js_fx = false;
+var aclDisableTransitionFX = ( is_firefox2 || pref_disable_js_fx ) ? true : false;
+// Syntax:
+// messagebox(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, 'Title', 'Text');
+// :-D
+var $_REQUEST = new Object();
+if ( window.location.hash )
+  var hash = String(window.location.hash);
+  hash = hash.substr(1);
+  var reqobj = hash.split(';');
+  var a, b;
+  for ( var i = 0; i < reqobj.length; i++ )
+  {
+    a = reqobj[i].substr(0, reqobj[i].indexOf(':'));
+    b = reqobj[i].substr( ( reqobj[i].indexOf(':') + 1 ) );
+    $_REQUEST[a] = b;
+  }
+if ( !onload_hooks )
+  var onload_hooks = new Array();
+function addOnloadHook(func)
+  if ( typeof ( func ) == 'function' )
+  {
+    if ( typeof(onload_hooks.push) == 'function' )
+    {
+      onload_hooks.push(func);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      onload_hooks[onload_hooks.length] = func;
+    }
+  }
+function runOnloadHooks(e)
+  var _errorTrapper = 0;
+  for ( var _oLc = 0; _oLc < onload_hooks.length; _oLc++ )
+  {
+    _errorTrapper++;
+    if ( _errorTrapper >= 1000 )
+      break;
+    var _f = onload_hooks[_oLc];
+    if ( typeof(_f) == 'function' )
+    {
+      _f(e);
+    }
+  }
+var loaded_components = {};
+function load_component(file)
+  if ( !file.match(/\.js$/) )
+    file = file + '.js';
+'Loading component %s via AJAX', file.replace(/\.js$/, ''));
+  if ( loaded_components[file] )
+  {
+    // already loaded
+    return true;
+  }
+  load_show_win(file);
+  // get an XHR instance
+  var ajax = ajaxMakeXHR();
+  var uri = scriptPath + '/includes/clientside/static/' + file;
+'GET', uri, false);
+  ajax.send(null);
+  if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+  {
+    onload_hooks = new Array();
+    eval_global(ajax.responseText);
+    load_hide_win();
+    runOnloadHooks();
+  }
+  loaded_components[file] = true;
+  return true;
+function load_show_win(file)
+  var img = '<img style="margin-right: 5px" src="' + scriptPath + '/images/loading.gif" />';
+  if ( document.getElementById('_js_load_component') )
+  {
+    document.getElementById('_js_load_component').innerHTML = img + msg_loading_component.replace('%component%', file);
+    return;
+  }
+  file = file.replace(/\.js$/, '');
+  var ld = document.createElement('div');
+ = '10px';
+ = '12px';
+ = 'fixed';
+ = '5px';
+ = '0px';
+  ld.innerHTML = img + msg_loading_component.replace('%component%', file);
+ = '_js_load_component';
+  document.body.appendChild(ld);
+function load_hide_win()
+  var ld = document.getElementById('_js_load_component');
+  ld.parentNode.removeChild(ld);
+// evaluate a snippet of code in the global context, used for dynamic component loading
+// from:
+function eval_global(_jsString)
+  if (typeof _jsString != "string")
+  {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Check whether window.eval executes code in the global scope.
+  window.eval("var __INCLUDE_TEST_1__ = true;");
+  if (typeof window.__INCLUDE_TEST_1__ != "undefined")
+  {
+    delete window.__INCLUDE_TEST_1__;
+    window.eval(_jsString);
+  }
+  else if (typeof window.execScript != "undefined")	// IE only
+  {
+    window.execScript(_jsString);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // Test effectiveness of creating a new SCRIPT element and adding it to the document.
+    this._insertScriptTag = function (_jsCode) {
+      var _script = document.createElement("script");
+      _script.type = "text/javascript";
+      _script.defer = false;
+      _script.text = _jsCode;
+      var _headNodeSet = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
+      if (_headNodeSet.length)
+      {
+        _script = _headNodeSet.item(0).appendChild(_script);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        var _head = document.createElement("head");
+        _head = document.documentElement.appendChild(_head);
+        _script = _head.appendChild(_script);
+      }
+      return _script;
+    }
+    var _testScript = this._insertScriptTag("var __INCLUDE_TEST_2__ = true;");
+    if (typeof window.__INCLUDE_TEST_2__ == "boolean")
+    {
+      _testScript.parentNode.removeChild(_testScript);
+      this._insertScriptTag(_jsString);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Check whether window.setTimeout works in real time.
+      window.setTimeout("var __INCLUDE_TEST_3__ = true;", 0);
+      if (typeof window.__INCLUDE_TEST_3__ != "undefined")
+      {
+        delete window.__INCLUDE_TEST_3__;
+        window.setTimeout(_jsString, 0);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+// placeholder for window.console - used if firebug isn't present
+if (!window.console || !console.firebug)
+    var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml",
+    "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"];
+    window.console = {};
+    for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
+        window.console[names[i]] = function() {}
+// safari has window.console but not the .debug() method
+if ( is_Safari && !window.console.debug )
+  window.console.debug = function() {};
+// Do not remove the following comments, they are used by jsres.php.
+// Start loading files
+// The string from the [ to the ] needs to be valid JSON, it's parsed by jsres.php.
+var thefiles = [
+  'dynano.js',
+  'functions.js',
+  'dropdown.js',
+  'json.js',
+  'sliders.js',
+  'pwstrength.js',
+  'loader.js'
+var problem_scripts = {
+  'json.js' : true,
+  'template-compiler.js' : true
+for(var f in thefiles)
+  if ( typeof(thefiles[f]) != 'string' )
+    continue;
+  var script = document.createElement('script');
+  script.type="text/javascript";
+  if ( problem_scripts[thefiles[f]] && KILL_SWITCH )
+  {
+    // alert('kill switch and problem script');
+    continue;
+  }
+  script.src=scriptPath+"/includes/clientside/static/"+thefiles[f];
+  head.appendChild(script);
+// Do not remove the following comment, it is used by jsres.php.
+addOnloadHook(function() {
+  if ( $_REQUEST['do'] )
+  {
+    var act = $_REQUEST['do'];
+    switch(act)
+    {
+      case 'comments':
+        ajaxComments();
+        break;
+      case 'edit':
+        ajaxEditor();
+        break;
+      case 'login':
+        ajaxStartLogin();
+        break;
+      case 'history':
+        ajaxHistory();
+        break;
+      case 'catedit':
+        ajaxCatEdit();
+        break;
+      case 'rename':
+        ajaxRename();
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+function Placeholder(funcname, filename)
+  this.filename = filename;
+  this.funcname = funcname;
+  this.go = function()
+  {
+    window[funcname] = null;
+    load_component(filename);
+    var arglist = [];
+    for ( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++ )
+    {
+      arglist[arglist.length] = 'arguments['+i+']';
+    }
+    arglist = implode(', ', arglist);
+    eval(funcname + '(' + arglist + ');');
+  }
+// list of public functions that need placeholders that fetch the component
+var placeholder_list = {
+  ajaxReset: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxComments: 'comments.js',
+  ajaxEditor: 'editor.js',
+  ajaxHistory: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxRename: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxDelVote: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxProtect: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxClearLogs: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxResetDelVotes: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxDeletePage: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxSetPassword: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxChangeStyle: 'ajax.js',
+  ajaxOpenACLManager: 'acl.js',
+  ajaxAdminPage: 'login.js',
+  ajaxInitLogout: 'login.js',
+  ajaxStartLogin: 'login.js',
+  ajaxStartAdminLogin: 'login.js',
+  ajaxAdminPage: 'login.js',
+  mb_logout: 'login.js',
+  selectButtonMajor: 'toolbar.js',
+  selectButtonMinor: 'toolbar.js',
+  unselectAllButtonsMajor: 'toolbar.js',
+  unselectAllButtonsMinor: 'toolbar.js',
+  darken: 'fadefilter.js',
+  enlighten: 'fadefilter.js',
+var placeholder_instances = {};
+for ( var i in placeholder_list )
+  var file = placeholder_list[i];
+  placeholder_instances[i] = new Placeholder(i, file);
+  window[i] = placeholder_instances[i].go;