changeset 1227 bdac73ed481e
parent 1226 de56132c008d
child 1246 330f4de4c937
--- a/includes/clientside/static/ajax.js	Sun Mar 28 21:49:26 2010 -0400
+++ b/includes/clientside/static/ajax.js	Sun Mar 28 23:10:46 2010 -0400
@@ -4,602 +4,602 @@
 window.ajaxReset = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  var ns_id = strToPageID(physical_title);
-  if ( ns_id[1] == 'Special' || ns_id[1] == 'Admin' )
-    return false;
-  enableUnload();
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  var redir = ( disable_redirect ) ? '&redirect=no' : '';
-  ajaxGet(append_sid(scriptPath + '/ajax.php?title=' + physical_title +'&_mode=getpage&noheaders' + redir), function(ajax) {
-    // Allow for 404 here, it's generated by the "page not found" error message
-    // (even with noheaders specified, probably should be fixed)
-    if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ( ajax.status == 200 || ajax.status == 404 ) ) {
-      unsetAjaxLoading();
-      document.getElementById('ajaxEditContainer').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
-      selectButtonMajor('article');
-      unselectAllButtonsMinor();
-      // if we're on a userpage, call the onload function to rebuild the tabs
-      if ( typeof(userpage_onload) == 'function' )
-      {
-        window.userpage_blocks = [];
-        userpage_onload();
-      }
-    }
-  });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	var ns_id = strToPageID(physical_title);
+	if ( ns_id[1] == 'Special' || ns_id[1] == 'Admin' )
+		return false;
+	enableUnload();
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	var redir = ( disable_redirect ) ? '&redirect=no' : '';
+	ajaxGet(append_sid(scriptPath + '/ajax.php?title=' + physical_title +'&_mode=getpage&noheaders' + redir), function(ajax) {
+		// Allow for 404 here, it's generated by the "page not found" error message
+		// (even with noheaders specified, probably should be fixed)
+		if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ( ajax.status == 200 || ajax.status == 404 ) ) {
+			unsetAjaxLoading();
+			document.getElementById('ajaxEditContainer').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
+			selectButtonMajor('article');
+			unselectAllButtonsMinor();
+			// if we're on a userpage, call the onload function to rebuild the tabs
+			if ( typeof(userpage_onload) == 'function' )
+			{
+				window.userpage_blocks = [];
+				userpage_onload();
+			}
+		}
+	});
 // Miscellaneous AJAX applets
 window.ajaxProtect = function(existing_level)
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  // touch this variable to allow it to be used in child functions
-  void(existing_level);
-  // require re-auth
-  if ( auth_level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER )
-  {
-    load_component(['login', 'fadefilter', 'flyin', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'crypto', 'messagebox']);
-    ajaxDynamicReauth(function(key)
-      {
-        ajaxProtect(existing_level);
-      }, user_level);
-    return false;
-  }
-  load_component(['messagebox', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'l10n', 'fadefilter', 'flyin']);
-  // preload language
-  $lang.get('meta_meta');
-  var mp = miniPrompt(function(parent)
-    {
-      var icon_full = gen_sprite_html(cdnPath + '/images/protect-icons.png', 22, 22, 0, 0);
-      var icon_semi = gen_sprite_html(cdnPath + '/images/protect-icons.png', 22, 22, 22, 0);
-      var icon_none = gen_sprite_html(cdnPath + '/images/protect-icons.png', 22, 22, 44, 0);
-      $(parent).append('<h3>' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_heading') + '</h3>');
-      $(parent).append('<p>' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_msg_select_level') + '</p>');
-      $(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel"><label><input type="radio" id="protect_level_1" name="protect_level" /> ' + icon_full + ' ' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_full') + '</label></div>');
-      $(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel_hint" id="protect_level_1_hint">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_full_hint') + '</div>');
-      $(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel"><label><input type="radio" id="protect_level_2" name="protect_level" /> ' + icon_semi + ' ' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_semi') + '</label></div>');
-      $(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel_hint" id="protect_level_2_hint">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_semi_hint') + '</div>');
-      $(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel"><label><input type="radio" id="protect_level_0" name="protect_level" /> ' + icon_none + ' ' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_none') + '</label></div>');
-      $(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel_hint" id="protect_level_0_hint">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_none_hint') + '</div>');
-      $(parent).append('<table class="protectreason"><tr><td valign="top">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_lbl_reason') + '</td><td><input id="protect_reason" size="30" type="text" /><br /><small>' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_lbl_reason_hint') + '</small></td></tr></table>');
-      $(parent).append('<p class="buttons"><a class="submitbutton abutton abutton_green" style="font-weight: bold;" href="#" onclick="ajaxProtectSubmit(this); return false;">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_submit') + '</a> <a class="submitbutton abutton" href="#" onclick="miniPromptDestroy(this); return false;">' + $lang.get('etc_cancel') + '</a></p>');
-      $('.protectlevel', parent).css('line-height', '22px');
-      $('h3', parent).css('text-align', 'center');
-      $('.protectlevel_hint', parent)
-        .css('font-size', 'smaller')
-        .css('margin-left', '52px')
-        .hide();
-      $('p.buttons', parent).css('margin-top', '15px').css('text-align', 'center');
-      if ( typeof(existing_level) == 'number' )
-      {
-        $('#protect_level_' + existing_level, parent).attr('checked', 'checked');
-        $('#protect_level_' + existing_level + '_hint', parent).show();
-        $('#protect_level_' + existing_level, parent).parent().append(' <small><span style="color: #050; background-color: #eee; padding: 0 4px;">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_lbl_current') + '</span></small>');
-      }
-      $('input:radio', parent).click(function()
-        {
-          var mp = miniPromptGetParent(this);
-          $('.protectlevel_hint:visible', mp).hide('blind', 150);
-          $('#' + + '_hint').show('blind', 150);
-          $('#protect_reason').focus();
-        });
-      $('input:text', parent).keyup(function(e)
-        {
-          if ( e.keyCode == 13 )
-            ajaxProtectSubmit(this);
-        });
-    });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	// touch this variable to allow it to be used in child functions
+	void(existing_level);
+	// require re-auth
+	if ( auth_level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER )
+	{
+		load_component(['login', 'fadefilter', 'flyin', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'crypto', 'messagebox']);
+		ajaxDynamicReauth(function(key)
+			{
+				ajaxProtect(existing_level);
+			}, user_level);
+		return false;
+	}
+	load_component(['messagebox', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'l10n', 'fadefilter', 'flyin']);
+	// preload language
+	$lang.get('meta_meta');
+	var mp = miniPrompt(function(parent)
+		{
+			var icon_full = gen_sprite_html(cdnPath + '/images/protect-icons.png', 22, 22, 0, 0);
+			var icon_semi = gen_sprite_html(cdnPath + '/images/protect-icons.png', 22, 22, 22, 0);
+			var icon_none = gen_sprite_html(cdnPath + '/images/protect-icons.png', 22, 22, 44, 0);
+			$(parent).append('<h3>' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_heading') + '</h3>');
+			$(parent).append('<p>' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_msg_select_level') + '</p>');
+			$(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel"><label><input type="radio" id="protect_level_1" name="protect_level" /> ' + icon_full + ' ' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_full') + '</label></div>');
+			$(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel_hint" id="protect_level_1_hint">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_full_hint') + '</div>');
+			$(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel"><label><input type="radio" id="protect_level_2" name="protect_level" /> ' + icon_semi + ' ' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_semi') + '</label></div>');
+			$(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel_hint" id="protect_level_2_hint">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_semi_hint') + '</div>');
+			$(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel"><label><input type="radio" id="protect_level_0" name="protect_level" /> ' + icon_none + ' ' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_none') + '</label></div>');
+			$(parent).append('<div class="protectlevel_hint" id="protect_level_0_hint">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_none_hint') + '</div>');
+			$(parent).append('<table class="protectreason"><tr><td valign="top">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_lbl_reason') + '</td><td><input id="protect_reason" size="30" type="text" /><br /><small>' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_lbl_reason_hint') + '</small></td></tr></table>');
+			$(parent).append('<p class="buttons"><a class="submitbutton abutton abutton_green" style="font-weight: bold;" href="#" onclick="ajaxProtectSubmit(this); return false;">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_btn_submit') + '</a> <a class="submitbutton abutton" href="#" onclick="miniPromptDestroy(this); return false;">' + $lang.get('etc_cancel') + '</a></p>');
+			$('.protectlevel', parent).css('line-height', '22px');
+			$('h3', parent).css('text-align', 'center');
+			$('.protectlevel_hint', parent)
+				.css('font-size', 'smaller')
+				.css('margin-left', '52px')
+				.hide();
+			$('p.buttons', parent).css('margin-top', '15px').css('text-align', 'center');
+			if ( typeof(existing_level) == 'number' )
+			{
+				$('#protect_level_' + existing_level, parent).attr('checked', 'checked');
+				$('#protect_level_' + existing_level + '_hint', parent).show();
+				$('#protect_level_' + existing_level, parent).parent().append(' <small><span style="color: #050; background-color: #eee; padding: 0 4px;">' + $lang.get('onpage_protect_lbl_current') + '</span></small>');
+			}
+			$('input:radio', parent).click(function()
+				{
+					var mp = miniPromptGetParent(this);
+					$('.protectlevel_hint:visible', mp).hide('blind', 150);
+					$('#' + + '_hint').show('blind', 150);
+					$('#protect_reason').focus();
+				});
+			$('input:text', parent).keyup(function(e)
+				{
+					if ( e.keyCode == 13 )
+						ajaxProtectSubmit(this);
+				});
+		});
 window.ajaxProtectSubmit = function(el)
-  var mp = miniPromptGetParent(el);
-  var reason = trim($('#protect_reason', mp).attr('value'));
-  if ( reason == '' )
-  {
-    var oldbg = $('#protect_reason').css('background-color');
-    if ( )
-    {
-      $('#protect_reason').css('background-color', '#a00');
-      setTimeout(function()
-        {
-          $('#protect_reason').css('background-color', oldbg);
-        }, 1000);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      $('#protect_reason').css('background-color', '#a00').animate({ backgroundColor: oldbg }, 1000);
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  var level = 0;
-  if ( $('#protect_level_1', mp).attr('checked') )
-    level = 1;
-  if ( $('#protect_level_2', mp).attr('checked') )
-    level = 2;
-  var whitey = whiteOutMiniPrompt(mp);
-  $.post(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=protect', { level: level, reason: reason }, function(response, statustext)
-    {
-      if ( response.success )
-      {
-        whiteOutReportSuccess(whitey);
-        // update protect button
-        var btn = $('#tb_ajax_protect_btn').get(0);
-        btn.level = level;
-        btn.setAttribute('onclick', null);
-        btn.onclick = null;
-        $(btn).click(function()
-          {
-            ajaxProtect(this.level);
-            return false;
-          });
-        var status = '';
-        switch(level)
-        {
-          case 1: status = $lang.get('onpage_btn_protect_on'); break;
-          case 0: status = $lang.get('onpage_btn_protect_off'); break;
-          case 2: status = $lang.get('onpage_btn_protect_semi'); break;
-        }
-        $('#tb_ajax_protect_status').text(status);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        whiteOutReportFailure(whitey);
-        alert($lang.get('page_err_' + response.error));
-      }
-    }, 'json');
+	var mp = miniPromptGetParent(el);
+	var reason = trim($('#protect_reason', mp).attr('value'));
+	if ( reason == '' )
+	{
+		var oldbg = $('#protect_reason').css('background-color');
+		if ( )
+		{
+			$('#protect_reason').css('background-color', '#a00');
+			setTimeout(function()
+				{
+					$('#protect_reason').css('background-color', oldbg);
+				}, 1000);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$('#protect_reason').css('background-color', '#a00').animate({ backgroundColor: oldbg }, 1000);
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	var level = 0;
+	if ( $('#protect_level_1', mp).attr('checked') )
+		level = 1;
+	if ( $('#protect_level_2', mp).attr('checked') )
+		level = 2;
+	var whitey = whiteOutMiniPrompt(mp);
+	$.post(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=protect', { level: level, reason: reason }, function(response, statustext)
+		{
+			if ( response.success )
+			{
+				whiteOutReportSuccess(whitey);
+				// update protect button
+				var btn = $('#tb_ajax_protect_btn').get(0);
+				btn.level = level;
+				btn.setAttribute('onclick', null);
+				btn.onclick = null;
+				$(btn).click(function()
+					{
+						ajaxProtect(this.level);
+						return false;
+					});
+				var status = '';
+				switch(level)
+				{
+					case 1: status = $lang.get('onpage_btn_protect_on'); break;
+					case 0: status = $lang.get('onpage_btn_protect_off'); break;
+					case 2: status = $lang.get('onpage_btn_protect_semi'); break;
+				}
+				$('#tb_ajax_protect_status').text(status);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				whiteOutReportFailure(whitey);
+				alert($lang.get('page_err_' + response.error));
+			}
+		}, 'json');
 window.ajaxRename = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  // updated - 1.1.4 to use miniPrompt
-  load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'flyin', 'fadefilter']);
-  miniPrompt(ajaxRenameConstructDialog);
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	// updated - 1.1.4 to use miniPrompt
+	load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'flyin', 'fadefilter']);
+	miniPrompt(ajaxRenameConstructDialog);
 var ajaxRenameConstructDialog = function(div)
-  // title
-  var heading = document.createElement('h3');
-  heading.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_rename_prompt_short')));
-  div.appendChild(heading);
-  // form
-  var form = document.createElement('form');
-  form.action = 'javascript:void(0);';
-  // box
-  var box = document.createElement('input');
-  box.size = '43';
- = '100%';
-  form.appendChild(box);
-  div.appendChild(form);
-  // notice
-  var notice = document.createElement('small');
-  notice.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_rename_notice')));
-  div.appendChild(notice);
-  // button area
-  var btndiv = document.createElement('div');
-  btndiv.className = 'mp-buttons';
-  // buttons
-  var btn_submit = document.createElement('a');
-  btn_submit.href = '#';
-  btn_submit.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_go')));
-  btn_submit.className = 'abutton abutton_green';
-  var btn_cancel = document.createElement('a');
-  btn_cancel.href = '#';
-  btn_cancel.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_cancel')));
-  btn_cancel.className = 'abutton';
-  btndiv.appendChild(btn_submit);
-  btndiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' | '));
-  btndiv.appendChild(btn_cancel);
-  div.appendChild(btndiv);
-  // events
-  btn_submit.onclick = function()
-  {
-    ajaxRenameSubmit(this);
-    return false;
-  }
-  btn_cancel.onclick = function()
-  {
-    miniPromptDestroy(this);
-    return false;
-  }
-  form.onsubmit = function()
-  {
-    ajaxRenameSubmit(this);
-    return false;
-  }
-  setTimeout(function()
-    {
-      box.focus();
-    }, ( aclDisableTransitionFX ? 200 : 750 ));
+	// title
+	var heading = document.createElement('h3');
+	heading.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_rename_prompt_short')));
+	div.appendChild(heading);
+	// form
+	var form = document.createElement('form');
+	form.action = 'javascript:void(0);';
+	// box
+	var box = document.createElement('input');
+	box.size = '43';
+ = '100%';
+	form.appendChild(box);
+	div.appendChild(form);
+	// notice
+	var notice = document.createElement('small');
+	notice.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_rename_notice')));
+	div.appendChild(notice);
+	// button area
+	var btndiv = document.createElement('div');
+	btndiv.className = 'mp-buttons';
+	// buttons
+	var btn_submit = document.createElement('a');
+	btn_submit.href = '#';
+	btn_submit.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_go')));
+	btn_submit.className = 'abutton abutton_green';
+	var btn_cancel = document.createElement('a');
+	btn_cancel.href = '#';
+	btn_cancel.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_cancel')));
+	btn_cancel.className = 'abutton';
+	btndiv.appendChild(btn_submit);
+	btndiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' | '));
+	btndiv.appendChild(btn_cancel);
+	div.appendChild(btndiv);
+	// events
+	btn_submit.onclick = function()
+	{
+		ajaxRenameSubmit(this);
+		return false;
+	}
+	btn_cancel.onclick = function()
+	{
+		miniPromptDestroy(this);
+		return false;
+	}
+	form.onsubmit = function()
+	{
+		ajaxRenameSubmit(this);
+		return false;
+	}
+	setTimeout(function()
+		{
+			box.focus();
+		}, ( aclDisableTransitionFX ? 200 : 750 ));
 window.ajaxRenameSubmit = function(obj)
-  var box = miniPromptGetParent(obj);
-  if ( !box )
-    return false;
-  var input = box.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
-  if ( !input )
-    return false;
-  var newname = input.value;
-  newname = trim(newname);
-  if ( newname.length < 1 )
-  {
-    alert($lang.get('ajax_rename_too_short'));
-    return false;
-  }
-  if ( !newname )
-  {
-    return false;
-  }
-  var innerBox = getElementsByClassName(box, 'div', 'mp-body')[0];
-  var whiteout = whiteOutElement(innerBox);
- = ( $dynano(whiteout).Width() - 78 ) + 'px';
- = ( $dynano(whiteout).Left() + 44 ) + 'px';
-  ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=rename', 'newtitle=' + ajaxEscape(newname), function(ajax)
-    {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        whiteout.parentNode.removeChild(whiteout);
-        var response = String(ajax.responseText);
-        if ( !check_json_response(response) )
-        {
-          handle_invalid_json(response);
-          return false;
-        }
-        response = parseJSON(response);
-        if ( response.success )
-        {
-          miniPromptDestroy(box, true);
-          ajaxRenameDoClientTransform(newname);
-          new MessageBox( MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, $lang.get('ajax_rename_success_title'), $lang.get('ajax_rename_success_body', { page_name_new: newname }) );
-          mb_previously_had_darkener = false;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          var errmsg = $lang.get('page_err_' + response.error);
-          alert(errmsg);
-        }
-      }
-    }, true);
+	var box = miniPromptGetParent(obj);
+	if ( !box )
+		return false;
+	var input = box.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
+	if ( !input )
+		return false;
+	var newname = input.value;
+	newname = trim(newname);
+	if ( newname.length < 1 )
+	{
+		alert($lang.get('ajax_rename_too_short'));
+		return false;
+	}
+	if ( !newname )
+	{
+		return false;
+	}
+	var innerBox = getElementsByClassName(box, 'div', 'mp-body')[0];
+	var whiteout = whiteOutElement(innerBox);
+ = ( $dynano(whiteout).Width() - 78 ) + 'px';
+ = ( $dynano(whiteout).Left() + 44 ) + 'px';
+	ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=rename', 'newtitle=' + ajaxEscape(newname), function(ajax)
+		{
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				whiteout.parentNode.removeChild(whiteout);
+				var response = String(ajax.responseText);
+				if ( !check_json_response(response) )
+				{
+					handle_invalid_json(response);
+					return false;
+				}
+				response = parseJSON(response);
+				if ( response.success )
+				{
+					miniPromptDestroy(box, true);
+					ajaxRenameDoClientTransform(newname);
+					new MessageBox( MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, $lang.get('ajax_rename_success_title'), $lang.get('ajax_rename_success_body', { page_name_new: newname }) );
+					mb_previously_had_darkener = false;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					var errmsg = $lang.get('page_err_' + response.error);
+					alert(errmsg);
+				}
+			}
+		}, true);
 window.ajaxRenameDoClientTransform = function(newname)
-  var obj = document.getElementById('h2PageName');
-  if ( obj )
-  {
-    obj.firstChild.nodeValue = newname;
-  }
-  document.title = newname;
+	var obj = document.getElementById('h2PageName');
+	if ( obj )
+	{
+		obj.firstChild.nodeValue = newname;
+	}
+	document.title = newname;
 window.ajaxDeletePage = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  // require re-auth
-  if ( auth_level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER )
-  {
-    load_component(['login', 'fadefilter', 'flyin', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'crypto', 'messagebox']);
-    ajaxDynamicReauth(function(key)
-      {
-        ajaxDeletePage();
-      }, user_level);
-    return false;
-  }
-  load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'fadefilter', 'flyin']);
-  // stage 1: prompt for reason and confirmation
-  miniPrompt(function(parent)
-    {
-      // heading/title
-      var h3 = document.createElement('h3');
-      h3.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_header')));
-      parent.appendChild(h3);
-      // "please enter your reason"
-      var p1 = document.createElement('p');
-      p1.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_prompt_reason')));
-      parent.appendChild(p1);
-      // textbox + label thereof
-      var p2 = document.createElement('p');
-      var tb = document.createElement('input');
-      var dl = document.createElement('label');
-      tb.type = 'text';
-      tb.size = '30';
-      tb.onkeyup = function(e)
-      {
-        if ( e )
-        if ( e.keyCode )
-        if ( e.keyCode == 13 )
-        {
-          if ( ajaxDeletePageSubmit(this) )
-          {
-            miniPromptDestroy(this);
-          }
-        }
-        else if ( e.keyCode == 27 )
-        {
-          miniPromptDestroy(this);
-        }
-      }
-      dl.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_lbl_reason') + ' '));
-      dl.appendChild(tb);
-      p2.appendChild(dl);
-      parent.appendChild(p2);
-      // notice underneath
-      var p3 = document.createElement('p');
- = 'smaller';
-      p3.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_msg_confirm')));
-      parent.appendChild(p3);
-      // confirmation + submit/cancel (structure)
-      var divleft  = document.createElement('div');
-      var divright = document.createElement('div');
-      var divclear = document.createElement('div');
- = 'left';
- = 'left';
- = 'right';
- = 'right';
- = 'both';
-      parent.appendChild(divleft);
-      parent.appendChild(divright);
-      parent.appendChild(divclear);
-      // confirmation + submit/cancel (controls)
-      var cb = document.createElement('input');
-      var cl = document.createElement('label');
-      cb.type = 'checkbox';
-      cb.checked = false;
-      // a bit of a hack here, doesn't seem to work in fx3
-      cb.onblur = function(e)
-      {
-        var parent = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
-        var submitter = parent.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
-        if ( submitter )
-          submitter.focus();
-      }
-      cl.appendChild(cb);
-      cl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + $lang.get('ajax_delete_lbl_confirm')));
-      divleft.appendChild(cl);
-      var btn_submit = document.createElement('a');
-      btn_submit.className = 'abutton abutton_red';
-      btn_submit.href = '#';
-      btn_submit.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_btn_delete')));
-      btn_submit.onclick = function()
-      {
-        if ( ajaxDeletePageSubmit(this) )
-        {
-          miniPromptDestroy(this);
-        }
-        return false;
-      }
-      var btn_cancel = document.createElement('a');
-      btn_cancel.className = 'abutton';
-      btn_cancel.href = '#';
-      btn_cancel.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_cancel')));
-      btn_cancel.onclick = function()
-      {
-        miniPromptDestroy(this);
-        return false;
-      }
-      divright.appendChild(btn_submit);
-      divright.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
-      divright.appendChild(btn_cancel);
-      var timeout = ( aclDisableTransitionFX ) ? 10 : 1000;
-      setTimeout(function()
-        {
-          tb.focus();
-        }, timeout);
-    });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	// require re-auth
+	if ( auth_level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER )
+	{
+		load_component(['login', 'fadefilter', 'flyin', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'crypto', 'messagebox']);
+		ajaxDynamicReauth(function(key)
+			{
+				ajaxDeletePage();
+			}, user_level);
+		return false;
+	}
+	load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'fadefilter', 'flyin']);
+	// stage 1: prompt for reason and confirmation
+	miniPrompt(function(parent)
+		{
+			// heading/title
+			var h3 = document.createElement('h3');
+			h3.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_header')));
+			parent.appendChild(h3);
+			// "please enter your reason"
+			var p1 = document.createElement('p');
+			p1.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_prompt_reason')));
+			parent.appendChild(p1);
+			// textbox + label thereof
+			var p2 = document.createElement('p');
+			var tb = document.createElement('input');
+			var dl = document.createElement('label');
+			tb.type = 'text';
+			tb.size = '30';
+			tb.onkeyup = function(e)
+			{
+				if ( e )
+				if ( e.keyCode )
+				if ( e.keyCode == 13 )
+				{
+					if ( ajaxDeletePageSubmit(this) )
+					{
+						miniPromptDestroy(this);
+					}
+				}
+				else if ( e.keyCode == 27 )
+				{
+					miniPromptDestroy(this);
+				}
+			}
+			dl.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_lbl_reason') + ' '));
+			dl.appendChild(tb);
+			p2.appendChild(dl);
+			parent.appendChild(p2);
+			// notice underneath
+			var p3 = document.createElement('p');
+ = 'smaller';
+			p3.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_msg_confirm')));
+			parent.appendChild(p3);
+			// confirmation + submit/cancel (structure)
+			var divleft  = document.createElement('div');
+			var divright = document.createElement('div');
+			var divclear = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'left';
+ = 'left';
+ = 'right';
+ = 'right';
+ = 'both';
+			parent.appendChild(divleft);
+			parent.appendChild(divright);
+			parent.appendChild(divclear);
+			// confirmation + submit/cancel (controls)
+			var cb = document.createElement('input');
+			var cl = document.createElement('label');
+			cb.type = 'checkbox';
+			cb.checked = false;
+			// a bit of a hack here, doesn't seem to work in fx3
+			cb.onblur = function(e)
+			{
+				var parent = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
+				var submitter = parent.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
+				if ( submitter )
+					submitter.focus();
+			}
+			cl.appendChild(cb);
+			cl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + $lang.get('ajax_delete_lbl_confirm')));
+			divleft.appendChild(cl);
+			var btn_submit = document.createElement('a');
+			btn_submit.className = 'abutton abutton_red';
+			btn_submit.href = '#';
+			btn_submit.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('ajax_delete_btn_delete')));
+			btn_submit.onclick = function()
+			{
+				if ( ajaxDeletePageSubmit(this) )
+				{
+					miniPromptDestroy(this);
+				}
+				return false;
+			}
+			var btn_cancel = document.createElement('a');
+			btn_cancel.className = 'abutton';
+			btn_cancel.href = '#';
+			btn_cancel.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_cancel')));
+			btn_cancel.onclick = function()
+			{
+				miniPromptDestroy(this);
+				return false;
+			}
+			divright.appendChild(btn_submit);
+			divright.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
+			divright.appendChild(btn_cancel);
+			var timeout = ( aclDisableTransitionFX ) ? 10 : 1000;
+			setTimeout(function()
+				{
+					tb.focus();
+				}, timeout);
+		});
 window.ajaxDeletePageSubmit = function(prompt_obj)
-  prompt_obj = miniPromptGetParent(prompt_obj).childNodes[1];
-  var inputs = prompt_obj.getElementsByTagName('input');
-  var reason = inputs[0];
-  var confirm = inputs[1];
-  if ( trim(reason.value) == '' )
-  {
-    // flash the background of the reason entry
-    $(reason.parentNode).effect("highlight", {}, 1000);
-    return false;
-  }
-  if ( !confirm.checked )
-  {
-    // flash the background of the confirm checkbox
-    $(confirm.parentNode).effect("highlight", {}, 1000);
-    return false;
-  }
-  prompt_obj.innerHTML = '<img alt="loading" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" src="' + cdnPath + '/images/loading-big.gif" />';
-  // tenemos la confirmación y la razón - borre la página.
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=deletepage', 'reason=' + ajaxEscape(trim(reason.value)), function(ajax)
-    {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        unsetAjaxLoading();
-        // show the response in the same prompt window
- = 'center';
-        prompt_obj.innerHTML = '';
-        var p1 = document.createElement('div');
- = '15px';
-        p1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ajax.responseText));
-        prompt_obj.appendChild(p1);
-        var p2 = document.createElement('p');
-        var a = document.createElement('a');
-        a.className = 'abutton';
-        a.href = '#';
-        a.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_close')));
-        a.onclick = function()
-        {
-          miniPromptDestroy(this);
-          window.location.reload();
-          return false;
-        }
-        p2.appendChild(a);
-        prompt_obj.appendChild(a);
-        a.focus();
-      }
-    });
-  return true;
+	prompt_obj = miniPromptGetParent(prompt_obj).childNodes[1];
+	var inputs = prompt_obj.getElementsByTagName('input');
+	var reason = inputs[0];
+	var confirm = inputs[1];
+	if ( trim(reason.value) == '' )
+	{
+		// flash the background of the reason entry
+		$(reason.parentNode).effect("highlight", {}, 1000);
+		return false;
+	}
+	if ( !confirm.checked )
+	{
+		// flash the background of the confirm checkbox
+		$(confirm.parentNode).effect("highlight", {}, 1000);
+		return false;
+	}
+	prompt_obj.innerHTML = '<img alt="loading" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" src="' + cdnPath + '/images/loading-big.gif" />';
+	// tenemos la confirmación y la razón - borre la página.
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=deletepage', 'reason=' + ajaxEscape(trim(reason.value)), function(ajax)
+		{
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				unsetAjaxLoading();
+				// show the response in the same prompt window
+ = 'center';
+				prompt_obj.innerHTML = '';
+				var p1 = document.createElement('div');
+ = '15px';
+				p1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(ajax.responseText));
+				prompt_obj.appendChild(p1);
+				var p2 = document.createElement('p');
+				var a = document.createElement('a');
+				a.className = 'abutton';
+				a.href = '#';
+				a.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_close')));
+				a.onclick = function()
+				{
+					miniPromptDestroy(this);
+					window.location.reload();
+					return false;
+				}
+				p2.appendChild(a);
+				prompt_obj.appendChild(a);
+				a.focus();
+			}
+		});
+	return true;
 window.ajaxDelVote = function()
-  load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'flyin', 'fadefilter']);
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  miniPromptMessage({
-      title: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_confirm_title'),
-      message: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_confirm_body'),
-      buttons: [
-        {
-          text: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_btn_submit'),
-          color: 'red',
-          style: {
-            fontWeight: 'bold'
-          },
-          onclick: function(e)
-          {
-            miniPromptDestroy(this);
-            setAjaxLoading();
-            ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=delvote', function(ajax) {
-              if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
-                unsetAjaxLoading();
-                alert(ajax.responseText);
-              }
-            }, true);
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'),
-          onclick: function(e)
-          {
-            miniPromptDestroy(this);
-          }
-        }
-      ]
-    });
+	load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'flyin', 'fadefilter']);
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	miniPromptMessage({
+			title: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_confirm_title'),
+			message: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_confirm_body'),
+			buttons: [
+				{
+					text: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_btn_submit'),
+					color: 'red',
+					style: {
+						fontWeight: 'bold'
+					},
+					onclick: function(e)
+					{
+						miniPromptDestroy(this);
+						setAjaxLoading();
+						ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=delvote', function(ajax) {
+							if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
+								unsetAjaxLoading();
+								alert(ajax.responseText);
+							}
+						}, true);
+					}
+				},
+				{
+					text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'),
+					onclick: function(e)
+					{
+						miniPromptDestroy(this);
+					}
+				}
+			]
+		});
 window.ajaxResetDelVotes = function()
-  load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'flyin', 'fadefilter']);
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  miniPromptMessage({
-      title: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_reset_confirm_title'),
-      message: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_reset_confirm_body'),
-      buttons: [
-        {
-          text: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_reset_btn_submit'),
-          color: 'red',
-          style: {
-            fontWeight: 'bold'
-          },
-          onclick: function(e)
-          {
-            var box = miniPromptGetParent(this);
-            var whitey = whiteOutMiniPrompt(box);
-            ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=resetdelvotes', function(ajax) {
-              if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
-                whiteOutReportSuccess(whitey);
-                item = document.getElementById('mdgDeleteVoteNoticeBox');
-                if(item)
-                {
-                  opacity('mdgDeleteVoteNoticeBox', 100, 0, 1000);
-                  setTimeout("document.getElementById('mdgDeleteVoteNoticeBox').style.display = 'none';", 1000);
-                }
-              }
-            }, true);
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'),
-          onclick: function(e)
-          {
-            miniPromptDestroy(this);
-          }
-        }
-      ]
-    });
+	load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'flyin', 'fadefilter']);
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	miniPromptMessage({
+			title: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_reset_confirm_title'),
+			message: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_reset_confirm_body'),
+			buttons: [
+				{
+					text: $lang.get('ajax_delvote_reset_btn_submit'),
+					color: 'red',
+					style: {
+						fontWeight: 'bold'
+					},
+					onclick: function(e)
+					{
+						var box = miniPromptGetParent(this);
+						var whitey = whiteOutMiniPrompt(box);
+						ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=resetdelvotes', function(ajax) {
+							if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
+								whiteOutReportSuccess(whitey);
+								item = document.getElementById('mdgDeleteVoteNoticeBox');
+								if(item)
+								{
+									opacity('mdgDeleteVoteNoticeBox', 100, 0, 1000);
+									setTimeout("document.getElementById('mdgDeleteVoteNoticeBox').style.display = 'none';", 1000);
+								}
+							}
+						}, true);
+					}
+				},
+				{
+					text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'),
+					onclick: function(e)
+					{
+						miniPromptDestroy(this);
+					}
+				}
+			]
+		});
 // Editing/saving category information
@@ -608,1181 +608,1181 @@
 window.ajaxCatEdit = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=catedit', function(ajax) {
-    if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
-      unsetAjaxLoading();
-      edit_open = false;
-      eval(ajax.responseText);
-    }
-  });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=catedit', function(ajax) {
+		if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
+			unsetAjaxLoading();
+			edit_open = false;
+			eval(ajax.responseText);
+		}
+	});
 window.ajaxCatSave = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  if(!catlist)
-  {
-    alert('Var catlist has no properties');
-    return;
-  }
-  query='';
-  for(i=0;i<catlist.length;i++)
-  {
-    var s = ( document.forms.mdgCatForm['mdgCat_' + catlist[i]]['checked'] ) ? true : false;
-    if(s) query = query + '&' + catlist[i] + '=true';
-  }
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  query = query.substring(1, query.length);
-  ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=catsave', query, function(ajax) {
-    if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
-      unsetAjaxLoading();
-      edit_open = false;
-      if(ajax.responseText != 'GOOD') alert(ajax.responseText);
-      ajaxReset();
-    }
-  });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	if(!catlist)
+	{
+		alert('Var catlist has no properties');
+		return;
+	}
+	query='';
+	for(i=0;i<catlist.length;i++)
+	{
+		var s = ( document.forms.mdgCatForm['mdgCat_' + catlist[i]]['checked'] ) ? true : false;
+		if(s) query = query + '&' + catlist[i] + '=true';
+	}
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	query = query.substring(1, query.length);
+	ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=catsave', query, function(ajax) {
+		if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
+			unsetAjaxLoading();
+			edit_open = false;
+			if(ajax.responseText != 'GOOD') alert(ajax.responseText);
+			ajaxReset();
+		}
+	});
 // History stuff
 window.ajaxHistory = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=histlist', function(ajax) {
-    if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
-      unsetAjaxLoading();
-      edit_open = false;
-      selectButtonMajor('article');
-      selectButtonMinor('history');
-      document.getElementById('ajaxEditContainer').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
-      buildDiffList();
-    }
-  });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=histlist', function(ajax) {
+		if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
+			unsetAjaxLoading();
+			edit_open = false;
+			selectButtonMajor('article');
+			selectButtonMinor('history');
+			document.getElementById('ajaxEditContainer').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
+			buildDiffList();
+		}
+	});
 window.ajaxHistView = function(oldid, ttl) {
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  if(!ttl) ttl=title;
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  ajaxGet(append_sid(scriptPath+'/ajax.php?title='+ttl+'&_mode=getpage&oldid='+oldid), function(ajax) {
-    if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
-      unsetAjaxLoading();
-      edit_open = false;
-      document.getElementById('ajaxEditContainer').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
-    }
-  });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	if(!ttl) ttl=title;
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	ajaxGet(append_sid(scriptPath+'/ajax.php?title='+ttl+'&_mode=getpage&oldid='+oldid), function(ajax) {
+		if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
+			unsetAjaxLoading();
+			edit_open = false;
+			document.getElementById('ajaxEditContainer').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
+		}
+	});
 window.ajaxRollback = function(id) {
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=rollback&id='+id, function(ajax) {
-    if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
-      unsetAjaxLoading();
-      var response = String(ajax.responseText + '');
-      if ( !check_json_response(response) )
-      {
-        handle_invalid_json(response);
-        return false;
-      }
-      response = parseJSON(response);
-      if ( response.success )
-      {
-        alert( $lang.get('page_msg_rb_success_' + response.action, { dateline: response.dateline }) )
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        if ( response.action )
-        {
-          alert( $lang.get('page_err_' + response.error, { action: response.action }) );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          alert( $lang.get('page_err_' + response.error) );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=rollback&id='+id, function(ajax) {
+		if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
+			unsetAjaxLoading();
+			var response = String(ajax.responseText + '');
+			if ( !check_json_response(response) )
+			{
+				handle_invalid_json(response);
+				return false;
+			}
+			response = parseJSON(response);
+			if ( response.success )
+			{
+				alert( $lang.get('page_msg_rb_success_' + response.action, { dateline: response.dateline }) )
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if ( response.action )
+				{
+					alert( $lang.get('page_err_' + response.error, { action: response.action }) );
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					alert( $lang.get('page_err_' + response.error) );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	});
 window.ajaxClearLogs = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  // require re-auth
-  if ( auth_level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER )
-  {
-    load_component(['login', 'fadefilter', 'flyin', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'crypto', 'messagebox']);
-    ajaxDynamicReauth(function(key)
-      {
-        ajaxClearLogs();
-      }, user_level);
-    return false;
-  }
-  load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'flyin', 'fadefilter']);
-  miniPromptMessage({
-      title: $lang.get('ajax_clearlogs_confirm_title'),
-      message: $lang.get('ajax_clearlogs_confirm_body'),
-      buttons: [
-        {
-          text: $lang.get('ajax_clearlogs_btn_submit'),
-          color: 'red',
-          style: {
-            fontWeight: 'bold'
-          },
-          onclick: function(e)
-          {
-            miniPromptDestroy(this);
-            setAjaxLoading();
-            ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=flushlogs', function(ajax) {
-              if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
-                unsetAjaxLoading();
-                alert(ajax.responseText);
-                window.location.reload();
-              }
-            });
-          }
-        },
-        {
-          text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'),
-          onclick: function(e)
-          {
-            miniPromptDestroy(this);
-          }
-        }
-      ]
-    });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	// require re-auth
+	if ( auth_level <= USER_LEVEL_MEMBER )
+	{
+		load_component(['login', 'fadefilter', 'flyin', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui', 'crypto', 'messagebox']);
+		ajaxDynamicReauth(function(key)
+			{
+				ajaxClearLogs();
+			}, user_level);
+		return false;
+	}
+	load_component(['l10n', 'messagebox', 'flyin', 'fadefilter']);
+	miniPromptMessage({
+			title: $lang.get('ajax_clearlogs_confirm_title'),
+			message: $lang.get('ajax_clearlogs_confirm_body'),
+			buttons: [
+				{
+					text: $lang.get('ajax_clearlogs_btn_submit'),
+					color: 'red',
+					style: {
+						fontWeight: 'bold'
+					},
+					onclick: function(e)
+					{
+						miniPromptDestroy(this);
+						setAjaxLoading();
+						ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=flushlogs', function(ajax) {
+							if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 ) {
+								unsetAjaxLoading();
+								alert(ajax.responseText);
+								window.location.reload();
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				},
+				{
+					text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'),
+					onclick: function(e)
+					{
+						miniPromptDestroy(this);
+					}
+				}
+			]
+		});
 window.buildDiffList = function()
-  arrDiff1Buttons = getElementsByClassName(document, 'input', 'clsDiff1Radio');
-  arrDiff2Buttons = getElementsByClassName(document, 'input', 'clsDiff2Radio');
-  var len = arrDiff1Buttons.length;
-  if ( len < 1 )
-    return false;
-  timelist = new Array();
-  for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ )
-  {
-    timelist.push( arrDiff2Buttons[i].id.substr(6) );
-  }
-  timelist.push( arrDiff1Buttons[len-1].id.substr(6) );
-  delete(timelist.toJSONString);
-  for ( var i = 1; i < timelist.length-1; i++ )
-  {
-    if ( i >= timelist.length ) break;
-    arrDiff2Buttons[i].style.display = 'none';
-  }
+	arrDiff1Buttons = getElementsByClassName(document, 'input', 'clsDiff1Radio');
+	arrDiff2Buttons = getElementsByClassName(document, 'input', 'clsDiff2Radio');
+	var len = arrDiff1Buttons.length;
+	if ( len < 1 )
+		return false;
+	timelist = new Array();
+	for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ )
+	{
+		timelist.push( arrDiff2Buttons[i].id.substr(6) );
+	}
+	timelist.push( arrDiff1Buttons[len-1].id.substr(6) );
+	delete(timelist.toJSONString);
+	for ( var i = 1; i < timelist.length-1; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( i >= timelist.length ) break;
+		arrDiff2Buttons[i].style.display = 'none';
+	}
 window.selectDiff1Button = function(obj)
-  var this_time =;
-  var index = parseInt(in_array(this_time, timelist));
-  for ( var i = 0; i < timelist.length - 1; i++ )
-  {
-    if ( i < timelist.length - 1 )
-    {
-      var state = ( i < index ) ? 'inline' : 'none';
-      var id = 'diff2_' + timelist[i];
-      document.getElementById(id).style.display = state;
-      // alert("Debug:\nIndex: "+index+"\nState: "+state+"\ni: "+i);
-    }
-  }
+	var this_time =;
+	var index = parseInt(in_array(this_time, timelist));
+	for ( var i = 0; i < timelist.length - 1; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( i < timelist.length - 1 )
+		{
+			var state = ( i < index ) ? 'inline' : 'none';
+			var id = 'diff2_' + timelist[i];
+			document.getElementById(id).style.display = state;
+			// alert("Debug:\nIndex: "+index+"\nState: "+state+"\ni: "+i);
+		}
+	}
 window.selectDiff2Button = function(obj)
-  var this_time =;
-  var index = parseInt(in_array(this_time, timelist));
-  for ( var i = 1; i < timelist.length; i++ )
-  {
-    if ( i < timelist.length - 1 )
-    {
-      var state = ( i > index ) ? 'inline' : 'none';
-      var id = 'diff1_' + timelist[i];
-      document.getElementById(id).style.display = state;
-      // alert("Debug:\nIndex: "+index+"\nState: "+state+"\ni: "+i);
-    }
-  }
+	var this_time =;
+	var index = parseInt(in_array(this_time, timelist));
+	for ( var i = 1; i < timelist.length; i++ )
+	{
+		if ( i < timelist.length - 1 )
+		{
+			var state = ( i > index ) ? 'inline' : 'none';
+			var id = 'diff1_' + timelist[i];
+			document.getElementById(id).style.display = state;
+			// alert("Debug:\nIndex: "+index+"\nState: "+state+"\ni: "+i);
+		}
+	}
 window.ajaxHistDiff = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  var id1=false;
-  var id2=false;
-  for ( i = 0; i < arrDiff1Buttons.length; i++ )
-  {
-    k = i + '';
-    kpp = i + 1;
-    kpp = kpp + '';
-    if(arrDiff1Buttons[k].checked) id1 = arrDiff1Buttons[k].id.substr(6);
-    if(arrDiff2Buttons[k].checked) id2 = arrDiff2Buttons[k].id.substr(6);
-  }
-  if(!id1 || !id2) { alert('BUG: Couldn\'t get checked radiobutton state'); return; }
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=pagediff&diff1='+id1+'&diff2='+id2, function(ajax)
-    {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        unsetAjaxLoading();
-        document.getElementById('ajaxEditContainer').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
-      }
-    });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	var id1=false;
+	var id2=false;
+	for ( i = 0; i < arrDiff1Buttons.length; i++ )
+	{
+		k = i + '';
+		kpp = i + 1;
+		kpp = kpp + '';
+		if(arrDiff1Buttons[k].checked) id1 = arrDiff1Buttons[k].id.substr(6);
+		if(arrDiff2Buttons[k].checked) id2 = arrDiff2Buttons[k].id.substr(6);
+	}
+	if(!id1 || !id2) { alert('BUG: Couldn\'t get checked radiobutton state'); return; }
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=pagediff&diff1='+id1+'&diff2='+id2, function(ajax)
+		{
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				unsetAjaxLoading();
+				document.getElementById('ajaxEditContainer').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
+			}
+		});
 // Change the user's preferred style/theme
 window.ajaxChangeStyle = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  load_component(['l10n', 'fadefilter', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui']);
-  // force string fetch
-  $lang.get('etc_cancel');
-  // preload some images
-  var i1 = new Image();
-  i1.src = cdnPath + '/images/loading-big.gif';
-  var i2 = new Image();
-  i2.src = cdnPath + '/images/check-large.png';
-  darken(true, 70, 'theme-selector-shade');
-  $('body').append('<div id="theme-selector-wrapper"><div id="theme-selector-body"><div id="theme-selector-inner"><div class="theme-selector-spinner"></div></div></div></div>');
-  $('#theme-selector-wrapper')
-    .css('top', String(getScrollOffset()) + 'px')
-    .css('left', 0)
-    .css('z-index', String( getHighestZ() + 20 ));
-  $.get(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=theme_list', {}, function(data, status)
-    {
-      $('#theme-selector-inner .theme-selector-spinner').fadeOut(650);
-      $('#theme-selector-body').animate({ width: 728 }, 600, function()
-        {
-          // avoiding jQuery's fade functions because they insist on toggling display as well
-          if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
-            changeOpac(0, 'theme-selector-inner');
-          $('#theme-selector-inner').html('<h3></h3>');
-          $('#theme-selector-inner > h3').text($lang.get('ajax_thmsel_lbl_choosetheme'));
-          $('#theme-selector-inner').append('<ul></ul>');
-          for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ )
-          {
-            var bgi = data[i].have_thumb ? cdnPath + '/themes/' + data[i].theme_id + '/preview.png' : cdnPath + '/images/themepreview.png';
-            var maxheight = getHeight() - 325;
-            $('#theme-selector-inner > ul')
-              .css('clip', 'rect(0px, auto, auto, 0px)')
-              .css('overflow', 'auto')
-              .css('max-height', maxheight)
-              .append('<li id="theme_' + i + '"><a href="#"><span></span></a></li>');
-            $('#theme-selector-inner li#theme_' + i + ' > a')
-              .css('background-image', 'url(' + bgi + ')')
-              .attr('enano:theme_id', data[i].theme_id);
-            $('#theme-selector-inner li#theme_' + i + ' > a > span')
-              .text(data[i].theme_name);
-          }
-          $('#theme-selector-inner').append('<span class="menuclear"></span>');
-          $('#theme-selector-inner').append('<div style="padding-top: 40px;"><a class="abutton abutton_green" style="font-size: larger;" href="#" onclick="ajaxChangeStyleClose(); return false;">' + $lang.get('etc_cancel') + '</a></div>');
-          $('#theme-selector-body').animate({ height: $('#theme-selector-inner').height() + 30 }, 600, function()
-            {
-              if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
-                opacity('theme-selector-inner', 0, 100, 750);
-            });
-          $('#theme-selector-inner li a').click(function()
-            {
-              var theme_id = $(this).attr('enano:theme_id');
-              $('span', this).html('&nbsp;').addClass('loading').fadeTo('fast', 0.6)
-              $.get(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=get_styles', { theme_id: theme_id }, function(data, status)
-                {
-                  if ( data.length > 1 )
-                  {
-                    $('#theme-selector-inner').css('height', $('#theme-selector-inner').height()).fadeOut(600, function()
-                    {
-                      var div = document.createElement('div');
-                      if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
-                        domObjChangeOpac(0, div);
-                      $(div).attr('id', 'theme-selector-style-list').append('<h3></h3>');
-                      $('h3', div).text($lang.get('ajax_thmsel_lbl_choosestyle'));
-                      for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ )
-                      {
-                        $(div).append('<a class="abutton block stylebtn" id="stylebtn_' + i + '" enano:style_id="' + data[i] + '">' + themeid_to_title(data[i]) + '</a>');
-                      }
-                      $(div).append('<div style="padding-top: 40px;"><a class="abutton abutton_green" style="font-size: larger;" href="#" onclick="ajaxChangeStyleClose(); return false;">' + $lang.get('etc_cancel') + '</a></div>');
-                      if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
-                        changeOpac(0, 'theme-selector-style-list');
-                      $(this).html(div).show();
-                      $('#theme-selector-body').animate({width: 300, height: $('#theme-selector-style-list').height() + 30}, 300, function()
-                        {
-                          if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
-                            opacity('theme-selector-style-list', 0, 100, 500);
-                        });
-                      $('.stylebtn').click(function()
-                        {
-                          ajaxChangeThemeSetLoading();
-                          $.post(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=change_theme', { theme_id: theme_id, style_id: $(this).attr('enano:style_id') }, function(data, status)
-                            {
-                              if ( data.error )
-                              {
-                                alert(data.error);
-                                ajaxChangeStyleClose();
-                                return false;
-                              }
-                              ajaxChangeThemeShowSuccess();
-                            }, 2000);
-                          return false;
-                        });
-                    });
-                  }
-                  else
-                  {
-                    if ( !data[0] )
-                    {
-                      alert('Didn\'t find any CSS files. :-/');
-                      ajaxChangeStyleClose();
-                    }
-                    $.post(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=change_theme', { theme_id: theme_id, style_id: data[0] }, function(data, status)
-                      {
-                        if ( data.error )
-                        {
-                          alert(data.error);
-                          ajaxChangeStyleClose();
-                          return false;
-                        }
-                        ajaxChangeThemeShowSuccess();
-                      }, 'json');
-                  }
-                }, 'json');
-              return false;
-            }); // click function
-        }); // animate
-    }, 'json'); // get
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	load_component(['l10n', 'fadefilter', 'jquery', 'jquery-ui']);
+	// force string fetch
+	$lang.get('etc_cancel');
+	// preload some images
+	var i1 = new Image();
+	i1.src = cdnPath + '/images/loading-big.gif';
+	var i2 = new Image();
+	i2.src = cdnPath + '/images/check-large.png';
+	darken(true, 70, 'theme-selector-shade');
+	$('body').append('<div id="theme-selector-wrapper"><div id="theme-selector-body"><div id="theme-selector-inner"><div class="theme-selector-spinner"></div></div></div></div>');
+	$('#theme-selector-wrapper')
+		.css('top', String(getScrollOffset()) + 'px')
+		.css('left', 0)
+		.css('z-index', String( getHighestZ() + 20 ));
+	$.get(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=theme_list', {}, function(data, status)
+		{
+			$('#theme-selector-inner .theme-selector-spinner').fadeOut(650);
+			$('#theme-selector-body').animate({ width: 728 }, 600, function()
+				{
+					// avoiding jQuery's fade functions because they insist on toggling display as well
+					if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
+						changeOpac(0, 'theme-selector-inner');
+					$('#theme-selector-inner').html('<h3></h3>');
+					$('#theme-selector-inner > h3').text($lang.get('ajax_thmsel_lbl_choosetheme'));
+					$('#theme-selector-inner').append('<ul></ul>');
+					for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ )
+					{
+						var bgi = data[i].have_thumb ? cdnPath + '/themes/' + data[i].theme_id + '/preview.png' : cdnPath + '/images/themepreview.png';
+						var maxheight = getHeight() - 325;
+						$('#theme-selector-inner > ul')
+							.css('clip', 'rect(0px, auto, auto, 0px)')
+							.css('overflow', 'auto')
+							.css('max-height', maxheight)
+							.append('<li id="theme_' + i + '"><a href="#"><span></span></a></li>');
+						$('#theme-selector-inner li#theme_' + i + ' > a')
+							.css('background-image', 'url(' + bgi + ')')
+							.attr('enano:theme_id', data[i].theme_id);
+						$('#theme-selector-inner li#theme_' + i + ' > a > span')
+							.text(data[i].theme_name);
+					}
+					$('#theme-selector-inner').append('<span class="menuclear"></span>');
+					$('#theme-selector-inner').append('<div style="padding-top: 40px;"><a class="abutton abutton_green" style="font-size: larger;" href="#" onclick="ajaxChangeStyleClose(); return false;">' + $lang.get('etc_cancel') + '</a></div>');
+					$('#theme-selector-body').animate({ height: $('#theme-selector-inner').height() + 30 }, 600, function()
+						{
+							if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
+								opacity('theme-selector-inner', 0, 100, 750);
+						});
+					$('#theme-selector-inner li a').click(function()
+						{
+							var theme_id = $(this).attr('enano:theme_id');
+							$('span', this).html('&nbsp;').addClass('loading').fadeTo('fast', 0.6)
+							$.get(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=get_styles', { theme_id: theme_id }, function(data, status)
+								{
+									if ( data.length > 1 )
+									{
+										$('#theme-selector-inner').css('height', $('#theme-selector-inner').height()).fadeOut(600, function()
+										{
+											var div = document.createElement('div');
+											if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
+												domObjChangeOpac(0, div);
+											$(div).attr('id', 'theme-selector-style-list').append('<h3></h3>');
+											$('h3', div).text($lang.get('ajax_thmsel_lbl_choosestyle'));
+											for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ )
+											{
+												$(div).append('<a class="abutton block stylebtn" id="stylebtn_' + i + '" enano:style_id="' + data[i] + '">' + themeid_to_title(data[i]) + '</a>');
+											}
+											$(div).append('<div style="padding-top: 40px;"><a class="abutton abutton_green" style="font-size: larger;" href="#" onclick="ajaxChangeStyleClose(); return false;">' + $lang.get('etc_cancel') + '</a></div>');
+											if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
+												changeOpac(0, 'theme-selector-style-list');
+											$(this).html(div).show();
+											$('#theme-selector-body').animate({width: 300, height: $('#theme-selector-style-list').height() + 30}, 300, function()
+												{
+													if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
+														opacity('theme-selector-style-list', 0, 100, 500);
+												});
+											$('.stylebtn').click(function()
+												{
+													ajaxChangeThemeSetLoading();
+													$.post(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=change_theme', { theme_id: theme_id, style_id: $(this).attr('enano:style_id') }, function(data, status)
+														{
+															if ( data.error )
+															{
+																alert(data.error);
+																ajaxChangeStyleClose();
+																return false;
+															}
+															ajaxChangeThemeShowSuccess();
+														}, 2000);
+													return false;
+												});
+										});
+									}
+									else
+									{
+										if ( !data[0] )
+										{
+											alert('Didn\'t find any CSS files. :-/');
+											ajaxChangeStyleClose();
+										}
+										$.post(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=change_theme', { theme_id: theme_id, style_id: data[0] }, function(data, status)
+											{
+												if ( data.error )
+												{
+													alert(data.error);
+													ajaxChangeStyleClose();
+													return false;
+												}
+												ajaxChangeThemeShowSuccess();
+											}, 'json');
+									}
+								}, 'json');
+							return false;
+						}); // click function
+				}); // animate
+		}, 'json'); // get
 window.ajaxChangeThemeSetLoading = function()
-  $('#theme-selector-body').animate({width: 130, height: 130});
-  $('#theme-selector-inner').empty().html('<div class="theme-selector-spinner"></div>');
+	$('#theme-selector-body').animate({width: 130, height: 130});
+	$('#theme-selector-inner').empty().html('<div class="theme-selector-spinner"></div>');
 window.ajaxChangeThemeShowSuccess = function()
-  if ( aclDisableTransitionFX )
-  {
-    $('#theme-selector-inner').empty();
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    setTimeout(function()
-      {
-        $('#theme-selector-inner').empty();
-      }, 10);
-  }
-  $('#theme-selector-body').animate({width: 400, height: 300 }, 600, function()
-      {
-        $('#theme-selector-inner').append('<img src="' + cdnPath + '/images/check-large.png" alt=" " style="display: block; margin: 15px auto;" />');
-        $('#theme-selector-inner').append('<h3>' + $lang.get('ajax_thmsel_msg_success') + '</h3>');
-        $('#theme-selector-inner').append('<div style="padding-top: 20px;"><a class="abutton abutton_green" style="font-size: larger;" href="#" onclick="window.location.reload(); return false;">' + $lang.get('ajax_thmsel_btn_reload') + '</a></div>');
-        $('#theme-selector-inner').append('<div style="padding-top: 25px;"><a href="#" style="font-size: smaller;" onclick="ajaxChangeStyleClose(); return false;">' + $lang.get('ajax_thmsel_btn_close') + '</a><br /><small>' + $lang.get('ajax_thmsel_btn_close_hint') + '</small></div>');
-        $('#theme-selector-inner').fadeIn();
-      });
+	if ( aclDisableTransitionFX )
+	{
+		$('#theme-selector-inner').empty();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		setTimeout(function()
+			{
+				$('#theme-selector-inner').empty();
+			}, 10);
+	}
+	$('#theme-selector-body').animate({width: 400, height: 300 }, 600, function()
+			{
+				$('#theme-selector-inner').append('<img src="' + cdnPath + '/images/check-large.png" alt=" " style="display: block; margin: 15px auto;" />');
+				$('#theme-selector-inner').append('<h3>' + $lang.get('ajax_thmsel_msg_success') + '</h3>');
+				$('#theme-selector-inner').append('<div style="padding-top: 20px;"><a class="abutton abutton_green" style="font-size: larger;" href="#" onclick="window.location.reload(); return false;">' + $lang.get('ajax_thmsel_btn_reload') + '</a></div>');
+				$('#theme-selector-inner').append('<div style="padding-top: 25px;"><a href="#" style="font-size: smaller;" onclick="ajaxChangeStyleClose(); return false;">' + $lang.get('ajax_thmsel_btn_close') + '</a><br /><small>' + $lang.get('ajax_thmsel_btn_close_hint') + '</small></div>');
+				$('#theme-selector-inner').fadeIn();
+			});
 window.ajaxChangeStyleClose = function()
-  setTimeout(function()
-    {
-      enlighten(false, 'theme-selector-shade');
-      $('#theme-selector-wrapper').fadeOut(500, function()
-        {
-          $(this).remove();
-        });
-    }, ( aclDisableTransitionFX ? 0 : 300));
-  if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
-    opacity('theme-selector-inner', 100, 0, 250);
+	setTimeout(function()
+		{
+			enlighten(false, 'theme-selector-shade');
+			$('#theme-selector-wrapper').fadeOut(500, function()
+				{
+					$(this).remove();
+				});
+		}, ( aclDisableTransitionFX ? 0 : 300));
+	if ( !aclDisableTransitionFX )
+		opacity('theme-selector-inner', 100, 0, 250);
 function themeid_to_title(id)
-  if ( typeof(id) != 'string' )
-    return false;
-  id = id.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + id.substr(1);
-  id = id.replace(/_/g, ' ');
-  id = id.replace(/-/g, ' ');
-  return id;
+	if ( typeof(id) != 'string' )
+		return false;
+	id = id.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + id.substr(1);
+	id = id.replace(/_/g, ' ');
+	id = id.replace(/-/g, ' ');
+	return id;
 window.ajaxSetPassword = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  load_component('crypto');
-  pass = hex_sha1(document.getElementById('mdgPassSetField').value);
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=setpass', 'password='+pass, function(ajax)
-    {
-      unsetAjaxLoading();
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        alert(ajax.responseText);
-      }
-    }, true);
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	load_component('crypto');
+	pass = hex_sha1(document.getElementById('mdgPassSetField').value);
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=setpass', 'password='+pass, function(ajax)
+		{
+			unsetAjaxLoading();
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				alert(ajax.responseText);
+			}
+		}, true);
 window.ajaxDisableEmbeddedPHP = function()
-  // IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return true;
-  if ( !confirm($lang.get('ajax_killphp_confirm')) )
-    return false;
-  var $killdiv = $dynano('php_killer');
-  if ( !$killdiv.object )
-  {
-    alert('Can\'t get kill div object');
-    return false;
-  }
-  $killdiv.object.innerHTML = '<img alt="Loading..." src="' + scriptPath + '/images/loading-big.gif" /><br />Making request...';
-  var url = makeUrlNS('Admin', 'Home', 'src=ajax');
-  ajaxPost(url, 'act=kill_php', function(ajax) {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        if ( ajax.responseText == '1' )
-        {
-          var $killdiv = $dynano('php_killer');
-          //$killdiv.object.innerHTML = '<img alt="Success" src="' + scriptPath + '/images/error.png" /><br />Embedded PHP in pages has been disabled.';
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-          // = $;
-          newdiv.className = $killdiv.object.className;
-          newdiv.innerHTML = '<img alt="Success" src="' + scriptPath + '/images/error.png" /><br />' + $lang.get('ajax_killphp_success');
-          $killdiv.object.parentNode.appendChild(newdiv);
-          $killdiv.object.parentNode.removeChild($killdiv.object);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          var $killdiv = $dynano('php_killer');
-          $killdiv.object.innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
-        }
-      }
-    });
+	// IE <6 pseudo-compatibility
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return true;
+	if ( !confirm($lang.get('ajax_killphp_confirm')) )
+		return false;
+	var $killdiv = $dynano('php_killer');
+	if ( !$killdiv.object )
+	{
+		alert('Can\'t get kill div object');
+		return false;
+	}
+	$killdiv.object.innerHTML = '<img alt="Loading..." src="' + scriptPath + '/images/loading-big.gif" /><br />Making request...';
+	var url = makeUrlNS('Admin', 'Home', 'src=ajax');
+	ajaxPost(url, 'act=kill_php', function(ajax) {
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				if ( ajax.responseText == '1' )
+				{
+					var $killdiv = $dynano('php_killer');
+					//$killdiv.object.innerHTML = '<img alt="Success" src="' + scriptPath + '/images/error.png" /><br />Embedded PHP in pages has been disabled.';
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+					// = $;
+					newdiv.className = $killdiv.object.className;
+					newdiv.innerHTML = '<img alt="Success" src="' + scriptPath + '/images/error.png" /><br />' + $lang.get('ajax_killphp_success');
+					$killdiv.object.parentNode.appendChild(newdiv);
+					$killdiv.object.parentNode.removeChild($killdiv.object);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					var $killdiv = $dynano('php_killer');
+					$killdiv.object.innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
+				}
+			}
+		});
 var catHTMLBuf = false;
 window.ajaxCatToTag = function()
-  if ( KILL_SWITCH )
-    return false;
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=get_tags', function(ajax)
-    {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        unsetAjaxLoading();
-        var resptext = String(ajax.responseText + ' ');
-        resptext = resptext.substr(0, resptext.length-1);
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-        {
-          handle_invalid_json(resptext);
-          return false;
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-          return false;
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-            a.onclick = function() { ajaxDeleteTag(this, this._js_tag_id); return false; }
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-          if ( ( i + 1 ) < json.tags.length )
-            catbox.appendChild(document.createTextNode(', '));
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-        {
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-          addlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('tags_btn_add_tag')));
-          catbox.appendChild(addlink);
-        }
-      }
-    });
+	if ( KILL_SWITCH )
+		return false;
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=get_tags', function(ajax)
+		{
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				unsetAjaxLoading();
+				var resptext = String(ajax.responseText + ' ');
+				resptext = resptext.substr(0, resptext.length-1);
+				if ( resptext.substr(0, 1) != '{' )
+				{
+					handle_invalid_json(resptext);
+					return false;
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+					return false;
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+				catbox.innerHTML = '';
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+						a.onclick = function() { ajaxDeleteTag(this, this._js_tag_id); return false; }
+						catbox.appendChild(a);
+					}
+					if ( ( i + 1 ) < json.tags.length )
+						catbox.appendChild(document.createTextNode(', '));
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+				if ( json.can_add )
+				{
+					catbox.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
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+					addlink.href = '#';
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+					addlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('tags_btn_add_tag')));
+					catbox.appendChild(addlink);
+				}
+			}
+		});
 var addtag_open = false;
 window.ajaxAddTagStage1 = function()
-  if ( addtag_open )
-    return false;
-  var catbox = document.getElementById('mdgCatBox');
-  var adddiv = document.createElement('div');
-  var text = document.createElement('input');
-  var addlink = document.createElement('a');
-  addlink.href = '#';
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-  {
-    if ( e.keyCode == 13 )
-    {
-      ajaxAddTagStage2(this.value, this.parentNode);
-    }
-  }
- = '5px 0 0 0';
-  adddiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('tags_lbl_add_tag')+' '));
-  adddiv.appendChild(text);
-  adddiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
-  adddiv.appendChild(addlink);
-  catbox.appendChild(adddiv);
-  addtag_open = true;
+	if ( addtag_open )
+		return false;
+	var catbox = document.getElementById('mdgCatBox');
+	var adddiv = document.createElement('div');
+	var text = document.createElement('input');
+	var addlink = document.createElement('a');
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+	{
+		if ( e.keyCode == 13 )
+		{
+			ajaxAddTagStage2(this.value, this.parentNode);
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+ = '5px 0 0 0';
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 var addtag_nukeme = false;
 window.ajaxAddTagStage2 = function(tag, nukeme)
-  if ( !addtag_open )
-    return false;
-  if ( addtag_nukeme )
-    return false;
-  addtag_nukeme = nukeme;
-  tag = ajaxEscape(tag);
-  setAjaxLoading();
-  ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=addtag', 'tag=' + tag, function(ajax)
-    {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        unsetAjaxLoading();
-        var nukeme = addtag_nukeme;
-        addtag_nukeme = false;
-        var resptext = String(ajax.responseText + ' ');
-        resptext = resptext.substr(0, resptext.length-1);
-        if ( resptext.substr(0, 1) != '{' )
-        {
-          handle_invalid_json(resptext);
-          return false;
-        }
-        var json = parseJSON(resptext);
-        var parent = nukeme.parentNode;
-        parent.removeChild(nukeme);
-        addtag_open = false;
-        if ( json.success )
-        {
-          var node = parent.childNodes[1];
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-          // these need to be inserted in reverse order
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-          {
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-            insertAfter(parent, document.createTextNode(' '), insertafter);
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-        else
-        {
-          alert(json.error);
-        }
-      }
-    });
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+		return false;
+	if ( addtag_nukeme )
+		return false;
+	addtag_nukeme = nukeme;
+	tag = ajaxEscape(tag);
+	setAjaxLoading();
+	ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=addtag', 'tag=' + tag, function(ajax)
+		{
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				unsetAjaxLoading();
+				var nukeme = addtag_nukeme;
+				addtag_nukeme = false;
+				var resptext = String(ajax.responseText + ' ');
+				resptext = resptext.substr(0, resptext.length-1);
+				if ( resptext.substr(0, 1) != '{' )
+				{
+					handle_invalid_json(resptext);
+					return false;
+				}
+				var json = parseJSON(resptext);
+				var parent = nukeme.parentNode;
+				parent.removeChild(nukeme);
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+				if ( json.success )
+				{
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+					if ( node.nodeValue == $lang.get('tags_lbl_no_tags') )
+					{
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+					}
+					insertafter = parent.childNodes[ parent.childNodes.length - 3 ];
+					// these need to be inserted in reverse order
+					if ( json.can_del )
+					{
+						var a = document.createElement('a');
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+						insertAfter(parent, a, insertafter);
+						insertAfter(parent, document.createTextNode(' '), insertafter);
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+					{
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+				else
+				{
+					alert(json.error);
+				}
+			}
+		});
 window.ajaxDeleteTag = function(parentobj, tag_id)
-  var arrDelete = [ parentobj, parentobj.previousSibling, parentobj.previousSibling.previousSibling ];
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-  if ( parentobj.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.nodeValue == $lang.get('tags_lbl_page_tags') + ' ' &&
-       parentobj.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild )
-    if ( parentobj.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue == $lang.get('tags_btn_add_tag'))
-      writeNoTags = true;
-  ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=deltag', 'tag_id=' + String(tag_id), function(ajax)
-    {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        if ( ajax.responseText == 'success' )
-        {
-          for ( var i = 0; i < arrDelete.length; i++ )
-          {
-            try
-            {
-              parent.removeChild(arrDelete[i]);
-            } catch(e) {}
-          }
-          if ( writeNoTags )
-          {
-            var node1 = document.createTextNode($lang.get('tags_lbl_no_tags'));
-            var node2 = document.createTextNode(' ');
-            insertAfter(parent, node1, parent.firstChild);
-            insertAfter(parent, node2, node1);
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          alert(ajax.responseText);
-        }
-      }
-    });
+	var arrDelete = [ parentobj, parentobj.previousSibling, parentobj.previousSibling.previousSibling ];
+	var parent = parentobj.parentNode;
+	var writeNoTags = false;
+	if ( parentobj.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.nodeValue == ', ' )
+		arrDelete.push(parentobj.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling);
+	else if ( parentobj.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.nodeValue == $lang.get('tags_lbl_page_tags') + ' ' )
+		arrDelete.push(parentobj.nextSibling);
+	if ( parentobj.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.nodeValue == $lang.get('tags_lbl_page_tags') + ' ' &&
+ 			parentobj.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild )
+		if ( parentobj.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue == $lang.get('tags_btn_add_tag'))
+			writeNoTags = true;
+	ajaxPost(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=deltag', 'tag_id=' + String(tag_id), function(ajax)
+		{
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				if ( ajax.responseText == 'success' )
+				{
+					for ( var i = 0; i < arrDelete.length; i++ )
+					{
+						try
+						{
+							parent.removeChild(arrDelete[i]);
+						} catch(e) {}
+					}
+					if ( writeNoTags )
+					{
+						var node1 = document.createTextNode($lang.get('tags_lbl_no_tags'));
+						var node2 = document.createTextNode(' ');
+						insertAfter(parent, node1, parent.firstChild);
+						insertAfter(parent, node2, node1);
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					alert(ajax.responseText);
+				}
+			}
+		});
 window.ajaxTagToCat = function()
-  if ( !catHTMLBuf )
-    return false;
-  var catbox = document.getElementById('mdgCatBox');
-  if ( !catbox )
-    return false;
-  addtag_open = false;
-  var linkbox = catbox.parentNode.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling;
-  linkbox.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('tags_catbox_link');
-  linkbox.onclick = function() { ajaxCatToTag(); return false; };
-  catbox.innerHTML = catHTMLBuf;
-  catHTMLBuf = false;
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+		return false;
+	var catbox = document.getElementById('mdgCatBox');
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+		return false;
+	addtag_open = false;
+	var linkbox = catbox.parentNode.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling;
+	linkbox.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('tags_catbox_link');
+	linkbox.onclick = function() { ajaxCatToTag(); return false; };
+	catbox.innerHTML = catHTMLBuf;
+	catHTMLBuf = false;
 var keepalive_interval = false;
 window.ajaxPingServer = function()
-  ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=ping', function(ajax)
-    {
-    });
+	ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix + '&_mode=ping', function(ajax)
+		{
+		});
 window.ajaxToggleKeepalive = function()
-  if ( readCookie('admin_keepalive') == '1' )
-  {
-    createCookie('admin_keepalive', '0', 3650);
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-      clearInterval(keepalive_interval);
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-    span.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('adm_btn_keepalive_off');
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-  {
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-      keepalive_interval = setInterval('ajaxPingServer();', 600000);
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-    span.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('adm_btn_keepalive_on');
-    ajaxPingServer();
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+	{
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+		span.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('adm_btn_keepalive_off');
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+	{
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+			keepalive_interval = setInterval('ajaxPingServer();', 600000);
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+		span.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('adm_btn_keepalive_on');
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 var keepalive_onload = function()
-  if ( readCookie('admin_keepalive') == '1' )
-  {
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-      keepalive_interval = setInterval('ajaxPingServer();', 600000);
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-    span.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('adm_btn_keepalive_on');
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-  {
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-      clearInterval(keepalive_interval);
-    var span = document.getElementById('keepalivestat');
-    span.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('adm_btn_keepalive_off');
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+	{
+		if ( !keepalive_interval )
+			keepalive_interval = setInterval('ajaxPingServer();', 600000);
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+		span.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('adm_btn_keepalive_on');
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+	{
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+			clearInterval(keepalive_interval);
+		var span = document.getElementById('keepalivestat');
+		span.firstChild.nodeValue = $lang.get('adm_btn_keepalive_off');
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-  new MessageBox(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, $lang.get('user_keepalive_info_title'), $lang.get('user_keepalive_info_body'));
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+	new MessageBox(MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, $lang.get('user_keepalive_info_title'), $lang.get('user_keepalive_info_body'));
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-  {
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-  img.alt = 'Loading...';
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-  ajaxGet(makeUrlNS('Admin', 'Home/updates.xml'), function(ajax)
-    {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        var releases = new Array();
-        var update_available = false;
-        if ( ajax.responseXML == null )
-        {
-          alert("Error fetching updates list:\n" + ajax.responseText);
-          return false;
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-        {
-          var enanotag = ajax.responseXML.firstChild;
-          for ( var i = 0; i < enanotag.childNodes.length; i++ )
-          {
-            if ( enanotag.childNodes[i].tagName == 'error' )
-            {
-              alert(enanotag.childNodes[i].firstChild.nodeValue);
-            }
-            else if ( enanotag.childNodes[i].tagName == 'latest' )
-            {
-              // got <latest>
-              var latesttag = enanotag.childNodes[i];
-              for ( var j = 0; j < latesttag.childNodes.length; j++ )
-              {
-                var node = latesttag.childNodes[j];
-                if ( node.tagName == 'release' )
-                {
-                  var releasedata = new Object();
-                  for ( var k = 0; k < node.attributes.length; k++ )
-                  {
-                    releasedata[node.attributes[k].nodeName] = node.attributes[k].nodeValue;
-                  }
-                  releases.push(releasedata);
-                }
-                else if ( node.tagName == 'haveupdates' )
-                {
-                  update_available = true;
-                }
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          return false;
-        }
-        var thediv = document.getElementById(targetelement);
-        thediv.innerHTML = '';
-        if ( !thediv )
-        {
-          return false;
-        }
-        if ( releases.length > 0 )
-        {
-          thediv.className = 'tblholder';
-          // FIXME: l10n
-          if ( update_available )
-          {
-            var infobox = document.createElement('div');
-            infobox.className = 'info-box-mini';
-            infobox.appendChild(document.createTextNode('An update for Enano is available. The newest release is highlighted below.'));
-   = '0';
-   = '0 0 0 0';
-            thediv.appendChild(infobox);
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            var infobox = document.createElement('div');
-            infobox.className = 'info-box-mini';
-            infobox.appendChild(document.createTextNode('No new updates are available. The latest available releases are shown below.'));
-   = '0';
-   = '0 0 0 0';
-            thediv.appendChild(infobox);
-          }
-          var table = document.createElement('table');
-          table.setAttribute('border', '0');
-          table.setAttribute('cellspacing', '1');
-          table.setAttribute('cellpadding', '4');
-          var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-          var td1 = document.createElement('th');
-          var td2 = document.createElement('th');
-          var td3 = document.createElement('th');
-          var td4 = document.createElement('th');
-          // FIXME: l10n
-          td1.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Release type') );
-          td2.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Version') );
-          td3.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Code name') );
-          td4.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Release notes') );
-          tr.appendChild(td1);
-          tr.appendChild(td2);
-          tr.appendChild(td3);
-          tr.appendChild(td4);
-          table.appendChild(tr);
-          var cls = 'row2';
-          var j = 0;
-          for ( var i in releases )
-          {
-            j++;
-            if ( j > 5 )
-              break;
-            if ( update_available && j == 1 )
-              cls = 'row1_green';
-            else
-              cls = ( cls == 'row1' ) ? 'row2' : 'row1';
-            var release = releases[i];
-            var tr = document.createElement('tr');
-            var td1 = document.createElement('td');
-            var td2 = document.createElement('td');
-            var td3 = document.createElement('td');
-            var td4 = document.createElement('td');
-            td1.className = cls;
-            td2.className = cls;
-            td3.className = cls;
-            td4.className = cls;
-            if ( release.tag )
-              td1.appendChild( document.createTextNode(release.tag) );
-            if ( release.version )
-              td2.appendChild( document.createTextNode(release.version) );
-            if ( release.codename )
-              td3.appendChild( document.createTextNode(release.codename) );
-            if ( release.relnotes )
-            {
-              var a = document.createElement('a');
-              a.href = release.relnotes;
-              a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('View'));
-              td4.appendChild( a );
-            }
-            tr.appendChild(td1);
-            tr.appendChild(td2);
-            tr.appendChild(td3);
-            tr.appendChild(td4);
-            table.appendChild(tr);
-          }
-          thediv.appendChild(table);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          thediv.appendChild(document.createTextNode('No releases available.'));
-        }
-      }
-    });
+	if ( !document.getElementById(targetelement) )
+	{
+		return false;
+	}
+	var target = document.getElementById(targetelement);
+	target.innerHTML = '';
+	var img = document.createElement('img');
+	img.src = cdnPath + '/images/loading.gif';
+	img.alt = 'Loading...';
+	target.appendChild(img);
+	ajaxGet(makeUrlNS('Admin', 'Home/updates.xml'), function(ajax)
+		{
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				var releases = new Array();
+				var update_available = false;
+				if ( ajax.responseXML == null )
+				{
+					alert("Error fetching updates list:\n" + ajax.responseText);
+					return false;
+				}
+				if ( ajax.responseXML.firstChild.tagName == 'enano' )
+				{
+					var enanotag = ajax.responseXML.firstChild;
+					for ( var i = 0; i < enanotag.childNodes.length; i++ )
+					{
+						if ( enanotag.childNodes[i].tagName == 'error' )
+						{
+							alert(enanotag.childNodes[i].firstChild.nodeValue);
+						}
+						else if ( enanotag.childNodes[i].tagName == 'latest' )
+						{
+							// got <latest>
+							var latesttag = enanotag.childNodes[i];
+							for ( var j = 0; j < latesttag.childNodes.length; j++ )
+							{
+								var node = latesttag.childNodes[j];
+								if ( node.tagName == 'release' )
+								{
+									var releasedata = new Object();
+									for ( var k = 0; k < node.attributes.length; k++ )
+									{
+										releasedata[node.attributes[k].nodeName] = node.attributes[k].nodeValue;
+									}
+									releases.push(releasedata);
+								}
+								else if ( node.tagName == 'haveupdates' )
+								{
+									update_available = true;
+								}
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					return false;
+				}
+				var thediv = document.getElementById(targetelement);
+				thediv.innerHTML = '';
+				if ( !thediv )
+				{
+					return false;
+				}
+				if ( releases.length > 0 )
+				{
+					thediv.className = 'tblholder';
+					// FIXME: l10n
+					if ( update_available )
+					{
+						var infobox = document.createElement('div');
+						infobox.className = 'info-box-mini';
+						infobox.appendChild(document.createTextNode('An update for Enano is available. The newest release is highlighted below.'));
+ = '0';
+ = '0 0 0 0';
+						thediv.appendChild(infobox);
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						var infobox = document.createElement('div');
+						infobox.className = 'info-box-mini';
+						infobox.appendChild(document.createTextNode('No new updates are available. The latest available releases are shown below.'));
+ = '0';
+ = '0 0 0 0';
+						thediv.appendChild(infobox);
+					}
+					var table = document.createElement('table');
+					table.setAttribute('border', '0');
+					table.setAttribute('cellspacing', '1');
+					table.setAttribute('cellpadding', '4');
+					var tr = document.createElement('tr');
+					var td1 = document.createElement('th');
+					var td2 = document.createElement('th');
+					var td3 = document.createElement('th');
+					var td4 = document.createElement('th');
+					// FIXME: l10n
+					td1.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Release type') );
+					td2.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Version') );
+					td3.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Code name') );
+					td4.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Release notes') );
+					tr.appendChild(td1);
+					tr.appendChild(td2);
+					tr.appendChild(td3);
+					tr.appendChild(td4);
+					table.appendChild(tr);
+					var cls = 'row2';
+					var j = 0;
+					for ( var i in releases )
+					{
+						j++;
+						if ( j > 5 )
+							break;
+						if ( update_available && j == 1 )
+							cls = 'row1_green';
+						else
+							cls = ( cls == 'row1' ) ? 'row2' : 'row1';
+						var release = releases[i];
+						var tr = document.createElement('tr');
+						var td1 = document.createElement('td');
+						var td2 = document.createElement('td');
+						var td3 = document.createElement('td');
+						var td4 = document.createElement('td');
+						td1.className = cls;
+						td2.className = cls;
+						td3.className = cls;
+						td4.className = cls;
+						if ( release.tag )
+							td1.appendChild( document.createTextNode(release.tag) );
+						if ( release.version )
+							td2.appendChild( document.createTextNode(release.version) );
+						if ( release.codename )
+							td3.appendChild( document.createTextNode(release.codename) );
+						if ( release.relnotes )
+						{
+							var a = document.createElement('a');
+							a.href = release.relnotes;
+							a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('View'));
+							td4.appendChild( a );
+						}
+						tr.appendChild(td1);
+						tr.appendChild(td2);
+						tr.appendChild(td3);
+						tr.appendChild(td4);
+						table.appendChild(tr);
+					}
+					thediv.appendChild(table);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					thediv.appendChild(document.createTextNode('No releases available.'));
+				}
+			}
+		});
 window.ajaxPluginAction = function(action, plugin_filename, btnobj, send_confirm)
-  // if installing, uninstalling, or re-importing, confirm
-  if ( action == 'install' || action == 'uninstall' || action == 'reimport' )
-  {
-    var prompt = miniPrompt(function(div)
-      {
-        var txtholder = document.createElement('div');
- = 'center';
-        txtholder.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('acppl_msg_confirm_' + action)));
-        txtholder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
-        txtholder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
-        // create buttons
-        var btn_go = document.createElement('a');
-        btn_go.className = 'abutton abutton_red';
-        btn_go.href = '#';
-        btn_go._action = action;
-        btn_go._filename = plugin_filename;
-        btn_go._button = btnobj;
-        btn_go.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('acppl_btn_' + action)));
- = 'bold';
-        txtholder.appendChild(btn_go);
-        // space
-        txtholder.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
-        // cancel
-        var btn_cancel = document.createElement('a');
-        btn_cancel.className = 'abutton abutton_blue';
-        btn_cancel.href = '#';
-        btn_cancel.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_cancel')));
-        txtholder.appendChild(btn_cancel);
-        div.appendChild(txtholder);
-        btn_go.onclick = function()
-        {
-          ajaxPluginAction(this._action + '_confirm', this._filename, this._button);
-          miniPromptDestroy(this);
-          return false;
-        };
-        btn_cancel.onclick = function()
-        {
-          miniPromptDestroy(this);
-          return false;
-        };
-      });
-    return true;
-  }
-  action = action.replace(/_confirm$/, '');
-  // white-out the plugin info box
-  if ( btnobj )
-  {
-    var td = btnobj.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
-    var blackbox = whiteOutElement(td);
-  }
-  var request = {
-      mode: action,
-      plugin: plugin_filename
-    };
-  if ( send_confirm )
-  {
-    request.install_confirmed = true;
-  }
-  request = toJSONString(request);
-  ajaxPost(makeUrlNS('Admin', 'PluginManager/action.json'), 'r=' + ajaxEscape(request), function(ajax)
-    {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        var response = String(ajax.responseText + '');
-        if ( !check_json_response(response) )
-        {
-          handle_invalid_json(response);
-          return false;
-        }
-        response = parseJSON(response);
-        if ( blackbox )
-        {
-          blackbox.parentNode.removeChild(blackbox);
-        }
-        if ( response.success )
-        {
-          ajaxPage( namespace_list['Admin'] + 'PluginManager' );
-          return true;
-        }
-        if ( response.need_confirm )
-        {
-          miniPromptMessage({
-              title: $lang.get(response.confirm_title),
-              message: $lang.get(response.confirm_body),
-              buttons: [
-                {
-                  text: $lang.get('acppl_btn_install'),
-                  color: 'red',
-                  style: {
-                    fontWeight: 'bold'
-                  },
-                  onclick: function() {
-                    ajaxPluginAction(action + '_confirm', plugin_filename, btnobj, true);
-                    miniPromptDestroy(this);
-                  }
-                },
-                {
-                  text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'),
-                  color: 'blue',
-                  onclick: function() {
-                    miniPromptDestroy(this);
-                  }
-                }
-              ]
-            });
-          return true;
-        }
-        // wait for fade effect to finish its run
-        setTimeout(function()
-          {
-            miniPrompt(function(div)
-              {
-                if ( blackbox )
-                {
-                  blackbox.parentNode.removeChild(blackbox);
-                }
-                var txtholder = document.createElement('div');
-       = 'center';
-                txtholder.appendChild(document.createTextNode(response.error));
-                txtholder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
-                txtholder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
-                // close button
-                var btn_cancel = document.createElement('a');
-                btn_cancel.className = 'abutton abutton_red';
-                btn_cancel.href = '#';
-                btn_cancel.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_ok')));
-                txtholder.appendChild(btn_cancel);
-                div.appendChild(txtholder);
-                btn_cancel.onclick = function()
-                {
-                  miniPromptDestroy(this);
-                  return false;
-                }
-              });
-          }, 750);
-      }
-    });
+	// if installing, uninstalling, or re-importing, confirm
+	if ( action == 'install' || action == 'uninstall' || action == 'reimport' )
+	{
+		var prompt = miniPrompt(function(div)
+			{
+				var txtholder = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'center';
+				txtholder.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('acppl_msg_confirm_' + action)));
+				txtholder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
+				txtholder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
+				// create buttons
+				var btn_go = document.createElement('a');
+				btn_go.className = 'abutton abutton_red';
+				btn_go.href = '#';
+				btn_go._action = action;
+				btn_go._filename = plugin_filename;
+				btn_go._button = btnobj;
+				btn_go.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('acppl_btn_' + action)));
+ = 'bold';
+				txtholder.appendChild(btn_go);
+				// space
+				txtholder.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
+				// cancel
+				var btn_cancel = document.createElement('a');
+				btn_cancel.className = 'abutton abutton_blue';
+				btn_cancel.href = '#';
+				btn_cancel.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_cancel')));
+				txtholder.appendChild(btn_cancel);
+				div.appendChild(txtholder);
+				btn_go.onclick = function()
+				{
+					ajaxPluginAction(this._action + '_confirm', this._filename, this._button);
+					miniPromptDestroy(this);
+					return false;
+				};
+				btn_cancel.onclick = function()
+				{
+					miniPromptDestroy(this);
+					return false;
+				};
+			});
+		return true;
+	}
+	action = action.replace(/_confirm$/, '');
+	// white-out the plugin info box
+	if ( btnobj )
+	{
+		var td = btnobj.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
+		var blackbox = whiteOutElement(td);
+	}
+	var request = {
+			mode: action,
+			plugin: plugin_filename
+		};
+	if ( send_confirm )
+	{
+		request.install_confirmed = true;
+	}
+	request = toJSONString(request);
+	ajaxPost(makeUrlNS('Admin', 'PluginManager/action.json'), 'r=' + ajaxEscape(request), function(ajax)
+		{
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				var response = String(ajax.responseText + '');
+				if ( !check_json_response(response) )
+				{
+					handle_invalid_json(response);
+					return false;
+				}
+				response = parseJSON(response);
+				if ( blackbox )
+				{
+					blackbox.parentNode.removeChild(blackbox);
+				}
+				if ( response.success )
+				{
+					ajaxPage( namespace_list['Admin'] + 'PluginManager' );
+					return true;
+				}
+				if ( response.need_confirm )
+				{
+					miniPromptMessage({
+							title: $lang.get(response.confirm_title),
+							message: $lang.get(response.confirm_body),
+							buttons: [
+								{
+									text: $lang.get('acppl_btn_install'),
+									color: 'red',
+									style: {
+										fontWeight: 'bold'
+									},
+									onclick: function() {
+										ajaxPluginAction(action + '_confirm', plugin_filename, btnobj, true);
+										miniPromptDestroy(this);
+									}
+								},
+								{
+									text: $lang.get('etc_cancel'),
+									color: 'blue',
+									onclick: function() {
+										miniPromptDestroy(this);
+									}
+								}
+							]
+						});
+					return true;
+				}
+				// wait for fade effect to finish its run
+				setTimeout(function()
+					{
+						miniPrompt(function(div)
+							{
+								if ( blackbox )
+								{
+									blackbox.parentNode.removeChild(blackbox);
+								}
+								var txtholder = document.createElement('div');
+ = 'center';
+								txtholder.appendChild(document.createTextNode(response.error));
+								txtholder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
+								txtholder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
+								// close button
+								var btn_cancel = document.createElement('a');
+								btn_cancel.className = 'abutton abutton_red';
+								btn_cancel.href = '#';
+								btn_cancel.appendChild(document.createTextNode($lang.get('etc_ok')));
+								txtholder.appendChild(btn_cancel);
+								div.appendChild(txtholder);
+								btn_cancel.onclick = function()
+								{
+									miniPromptDestroy(this);
+									return false;
+								}
+							});
+					}, 750);
+			}
+		});
 window.ajaxReverseDNS = function(o, text)
-  if(text) var ipaddr = text;
-  else var ipaddr = o.innerHTML;
-  rDnsObj = o;
-  rDnsBannerObj = bannerOn('Retrieving reverse DNS info...');
-  ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=rdns&ip='+ipaddr, function(ajax) {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        off = fetch_offset(rDnsObj);
-        dim = fetch_dimensions(rDnsObj);
-        right = off['left'] + dim['w'];
-        top = off['top'] + dim['h'];
-        var thediv = document.createElement('div');
-        thediv.className = 'info-box';
- = '0';
- = 'absolute';
-  = top  + 'px';
- = 'none';
- = getHighestZ() + 2;
- = 'mdgDynamic_rDnsInfoDiv_'+Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
-        // FIXME: l10n
-        thediv.innerHTML = '<b>Reverse DNS:</b><br />'+ajax.responseText+' <a href="#" onclick="elem = document.getElementById(\'''\'); elem.innerHTML = \'\'; = \'none\';return false;">Close</a>';
-        var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body');
-        body = body[0];
-        bannerOff(rDnsBannerObj);
-        body.appendChild(thediv);
- = 'block';
-        left = fetch_dimensions(thediv);
- = 'none';
-        left = right - left['w'];
- = left + 'px';
- = 'block';
-        fadeInfoBoxes();
-      }
-    });
+	if(text) var ipaddr = text;
+	else var ipaddr = o.innerHTML;
+	rDnsObj = o;
+	rDnsBannerObj = bannerOn('Retrieving reverse DNS info...');
+	ajaxGet(stdAjaxPrefix+'&_mode=rdns&ip='+ipaddr, function(ajax) {
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				off = fetch_offset(rDnsObj);
+				dim = fetch_dimensions(rDnsObj);
+				right = off['left'] + dim['w'];
+				top = off['top'] + dim['h'];
+				var thediv = document.createElement('div');
+				thediv.className = 'info-box';
+ = '0';
+ = 'absolute';
+  = top  + 'px';
+ = 'none';
+ = getHighestZ() + 2;
+ = 'mdgDynamic_rDnsInfoDiv_'+Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
+				// FIXME: l10n
+				thediv.innerHTML = '<b>Reverse DNS:</b><br />'+ajax.responseText+' <a href="#" onclick="elem = document.getElementById(\'''\'); elem.innerHTML = \'\'; = \'none\';return false;">Close</a>';
+				var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body');
+				body = body[0];
+				bannerOff(rDnsBannerObj);
+				body.appendChild(thediv);
+ = 'block';
+				left = fetch_dimensions(thediv);
+ = 'none';
+				left = right - left['w'];
+ = left + 'px';
+ = 'block';
+				fadeInfoBoxes();
+			}
+		});
 window.ajaxGzipCheck = function()
-  var resultdiv = document.getElementById('gzip_check_result');
-  if ( !resultdiv )
-    return false;
-  resultdiv.innerHTML = '<img alt="Loading..." src="' + cdnPath + '/images/loading.gif" />';
-  ajaxPost(makeUrlNS('Admin', 'GeneralConfig'), 'act=gzip_check', function(ajax)
-    {
-      if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
-      {
-        resultdiv.innerHTML = '';
-        var response = String(ajax.responseText + '');
-        if ( !check_json_response(response) )
-        {
-          handle_invalid_json(response);
-          return false;
-        }
-        response = parseJSON(response);
-        if ( response.error )
-        {
-          resultdiv.innerHTML = '<div class="error-box-mini">' + response.error + '</div>';
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          // probably success.
-          resultdiv.innerHTML += response.server_does_it ?
-            '<div class="error-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_server_does_it') + '</div>' :
-            '<div class="info-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_server_good') + '</div>';
-          resultdiv.innerHTML += response.php_supports_gzip ?
-            '<div class="info-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_php_good') + '</div>' :
-            '<div class="error-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_php_bad') + '</div>';
-          if ( response.php_supports_gzip && !response.server_does_it )
-          {
-            resultdiv.innerHTML += '<div class="success-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_success') + '</div>';
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            resultdiv.innerHTML += '<div class="error-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_failure') + '</div>';
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    });
+	var resultdiv = document.getElementById('gzip_check_result');
+	if ( !resultdiv )
+		return false;
+	resultdiv.innerHTML = '<img alt="Loading..." src="' + cdnPath + '/images/loading.gif" />';
+	ajaxPost(makeUrlNS('Admin', 'GeneralConfig'), 'act=gzip_check', function(ajax)
+		{
+			if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
+			{
+				resultdiv.innerHTML = '';
+				var response = String(ajax.responseText + '');
+				if ( !check_json_response(response) )
+				{
+					handle_invalid_json(response);
+					return false;
+				}
+				response = parseJSON(response);
+				if ( response.error )
+				{
+					resultdiv.innerHTML = '<div class="error-box-mini">' + response.error + '</div>';
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// probably success.
+					resultdiv.innerHTML += response.server_does_it ?
+						'<div class="error-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_server_does_it') + '</div>' :
+						'<div class="info-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_server_good') + '</div>';
+					resultdiv.innerHTML += response.php_supports_gzip ?
+						'<div class="info-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_php_good') + '</div>' :
+						'<div class="error-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_php_bad') + '</div>';
+					if ( response.php_supports_gzip && !response.server_does_it )
+					{
+						resultdiv.innerHTML += '<div class="success-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_success') + '</div>';
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						resultdiv.innerHTML += '<div class="error-box-mini">' + $lang.get('acpgc_field_gzip_check_msg_failure') + '</div>';
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		});