author Dan
Wed, 26 Mar 2008 02:56:23 -0400
changeset 509 175df10e0b56
parent 507 586fd7d3202d
child 519 94214ec0871c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added a copy of Firebug Lite for debugging purposes. License is uncertain but being treated as MPL. (If is is not MPL then it is under something more permissive that permits relicensing anyway)


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Version 1.1.3 (Caoineag alpha 3)
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
 * Class used to handle and process plugin requests and loading. Singleton.
 * @package Enano
 * @author Dan Fuhry <>
 * @copyright (C) 2006-2008 Enano Project
 * @license GNU General Public License <>

class pluginLoader {
   * The list of hooks registered.
   * @var array
   * @access private
  var $hook_list;
   * The list of plugins that should be loaded. Used only by common.php.
   * @var array
   * @access private
  var $load_list;
   * The list of plugins that are loaded currently. This is only used by the loaded() method which in turn is
   * used by template files with the <!-- IFPLUGIN --> special tag.
   * @var array
   * @access private
  var $loaded_plugins;
   * The list of plugins that are always loaded because they're part of the Enano core. This cannot be modified
   * by any external code because user plugins are loaded after the load_list is calculated. Can be useful in
   * alternative administration panel frameworks that need the list of system plugins.
   * @var array
  var $system_plugins = Array('SpecialUserFuncs.php','SpecialUserPrefs.php','SpecialPageFuncs.php','SpecialAdmin.php','SpecialCSS.php','SpecialUpdownload.php','SpecialSearch.php','PrivateMessages.php','SpecialGroups.php', 'SpecialRecentChanges.php');
   * Name kept for compatibility. Effectively a constructor. Calculates the list of plugins that should be loaded
   * and puts that list in the $load_list property. Plugin developers have absolutely no use for this whatsoever.
  function loadAll() 
    $dir = ENANO_ROOT.'/plugins/';
    $this->load_list = Array();
    $plugins = Array();
    // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents
    if (is_dir($dir))
      if ($dh = opendir($dir))
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
          if(preg_match('#^(.*?)\.php$#is', $file))
            if(getConfig('plugin_'.$file) == '1' || in_array($file, $this->system_plugins))
              $this->load_list[] = $dir . $file;
              $plugid = substr($file, 0, strlen($file)-4);
              $f = @file_get_contents($dir . $file);
              if ( empty($f) )
              $f = explode("\n", $f);
              $f = array_slice($f, 2, 7);
              $f[0] = substr($f[0], 13);
              $f[1] = substr($f[1], 12);
              $f[2] = substr($f[2], 13);
              $f[3] = substr($f[3], 8 );
              $f[4] = substr($f[4], 9 );
              $f[5] = substr($f[5], 12);
              $plugins[$plugid] = Array();
              $plugins[$plugid]['name'] = $f[0];
              $plugins[$plugid]['uri']  = $f[1];
              $plugins[$plugid]['desc'] = $f[2];
              $plugins[$plugid]['auth'] = $f[3];
              $plugins[$plugid]['vers'] = $f[4];
              $plugins[$plugid]['aweb'] = $f[5];
    $this->loaded_plugins = $plugins;
    //die('<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($plugins, true)).'</pre>');
   * Name kept for compatibility. This method is used to add a new hook into the code somewhere. Plugins are encouraged
   * to set hooks and hook into other plugins in a fail-safe way, this encourages reuse of code. Returns an array, whose
   * values should be eval'ed.
   * @example <code>
   $code = $plugins->setHook('my_hook_name');
   foreach ( $code as $cmd )
   * @param string The name of the hook.
   * @param array Deprecated.
  function setHook($name, $opts = Array()) {
    if(isset($this->hook_list[$name]) && is_array($this->hook_list[$name]))
      return array(implode("\n", $this->hook_list[$name]));
      return Array();
   * Attaches to a hook effectively scheduling some code to be run at that point. You should try to keep hooks clean by
   * making a function that has variables that need to be modified passed by reference.
   * @example Simple example: <code>
   $plugins->attachHook('render_wikiformat_pre', '$text = str_replace("Goodbye, Mr. Chips", "Hello, Mr. Carrots", $text);');
   * @example More complicated example: <code>
   $plugins->attachHook('render_wikiformat_pre', 'myplugin_parser_ext($text);');
   // Notice that $text is passed by reference.
   function myplugin_parser_ext(&$text)
     $text = str_replace("Goodbye, Mr. Chips", "Hello, Mr. Carrots", $text);
  function attachHook($name, $code) {
      $this->hook_list[$name] = Array();
    $this->hook_list[$name][] = $code;
   * Tell whether a plugin is loaded or not.
   * @param string The filename of the plugin
   * @return bool
  function loaded($plugid)
    return isset( $this->loaded_plugins[$plugid] );
   * Parses all special comment blocks in a plugin and returns an array in the format:
       0 => array(
           'block' => 'upgrade',
           // parsed from the block's parameters section
             'release_from' => '1.0b1',
             'release_to' => '1.0b2',
           'value' => 'foo'
       1 => array(
   * @param string Path to plugin file
   * @param string Optional. The type of block to fetch. If this is specified, only the block type specified will be read, all others will be discarded.
   * @return array
  public static function parse_plugin_blocks($file, $type = false)
    if ( !file_exists($file) )
      return array();
    $blocks = array();
    $contents = @file_get_contents($file);
    if ( empty($contents) )
      return array();
    $regexp = '#^/\*\*!([a-z0-9_]+)'  // block header and type
            . '(([\s]+[a-z0-9_]+[\s]*=[\s]*".+?"[\s]*;)*)' // parameters
            . '[\s]*\*\*' . "\n"      // spacing and header close
            . '([\w\W]+?)' . "\n"     // value
            . '\*\*!\*/'              // closing comment
            . '#m';
    // Match out all blocks
    $results = preg_match_all($regexp, $contents, $blocks);
    $return = array();
    foreach ( $blocks[0] as $i => $_ )
      if ( is_string($type) && $blocks[1][$i] !== $type )
      $el = self::parse_vars($blocks[2][$i]);
      $el['block'] = $blocks[1][$i];
      $el['value'] = $blocks[4][$i];
      $return[] = $el;
    return $return;
  private static function parse_vars($var_block)
    preg_match_all('/[\s]+([a-z0-9_]+)[\s]*=[\s]*"(.+?)";/', $var_block, $matches);
    $return = array();
    foreach ( $matches[0] as $i => $_ )
      $return[ $matches[1][$i] ] = $matches[2][$i];
    return $return;
