Removed Firebug Lite - unused, outdated, and potential licensing issue. All licensing issues should be resolved now.
* Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
* Version 1.1.6 (Caoineag beta 1)
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dan Fuhry
* log.php - Logs table parsing and displaying
* This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
* Front-end for showing page revisions and actions in the logs table.
* @package Enano
* @subpackage Frontend
* @author Dan Fuhry <>
* @license GNU General Public License
class LogDisplay
* Criteria for the search.
* Structure:
array( 'user', 'Dan' ),
array( 'within', 86400 ),
array( 'page', 'Main_Page' )
* @var array
var $criteria = array();
* Adds a criterion for the log display.
* @param string Criterion type - user, page, or within
* @param string Value - username, page ID, or (int) within # seconds or (string) number + suffix (suffix: d = day, w = week, m = month, y = year) ex: "1w"
public function add_criterion($criterion, $value)
switch ( $criterion )
case 'user':
case 'page':
case 'action':
$this->criteria[] = array($criterion, $value);
case 'minor':
$this->criteria[] = array($criterion, intval($value));
case 'within':
if ( is_int($value) )
$this->criteria[] = array($criterion, $value);
else if ( is_string($value) )
$lastchar = substr($value, -1);
$amt = intval($value);
case 'd':
$amt = $amt * 86400;
case 'w':
$amt = $amt * 604800;
case 'm':
$amt = $amt * 2592000;
case 'y':
$amt = $amt * 31536000;
$this->criteria[] = array($criterion, $amt);
throw new Exception('Invalid value type for within');
throw new Exception('Unknown criterion type');
* Build the necessary SQL query.
* @param int Optional: offset, defaults to 0
* @param int Optional: page size, defaults to 0; 0 = don't limit
public function build_sql($offset = 0, $page_size = 0, $just_page_count = false)
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
$where_extra = '';
$where_bits = array(
'user' => array(),
'page' => array(),
'action' => array()
foreach ( $this->criteria as $criterion )
list($type, $value) = $criterion;
case 'user':
$where_bits['user'][] = "author = '" . $db->escape(str_replace('_', ' ', $value)) . "'";
case 'action':
if ( $value === 'protect' )
$where_bits['action'][] = "action = 'prot'";
$where_bits['action'][] = "action = 'unprot'";
$where_bits['action'][] = "action = 'semiprot'";
$where_bits['action'][] = "action = '" . $db->escape($value) . "'";
case 'page':
list($page_id, $namespace) = RenderMan::strToPageId($value);
$where_bits['page'][] = "page_id = '" . $db->escape($page_id) . "' AND namespace = '" . $db->escape($namespace) . "'";
case 'within':
$threshold = time() - $value;
$where_extra .= "\n AND time_id > $threshold";
case 'minor':
if ( $value == 1 )
$where_extra .= "\n AND ( minor_edit = 1 OR action != 'edit' )";
$where_extra .= "\n AND minor_edit != 1";
if ( !empty($where_bits['user']) )
$where_extra .= "\n AND ( " . implode(" OR ", $where_bits['user']) . " )";
if ( !empty($where_bits['page']) )
$where_extra .= "\n AND ( (" . implode(") OR (", $where_bits['page']) . ") )";
if ( !empty($where_bits['action']) )
$where_extra .= "\n AND ( (" . implode(") OR (", $where_bits['action']) . ") )";
$limit = ( $page_size > 0 ) ? "\n LIMIT $page_size OFFSET $offset" : '';
$limit = ( $page_size > 0 ) ? "\n LIMIT $offset, $page_size" : '';
$columns = ( $just_page_count ) ? 'COUNT(*)' : 'log_id, action, page_id, namespace, CHAR_LENGTH(page_text) AS revision_size, author, time_id, edit_summary, minor_edit';
$sql = 'SELECT ' . $columns . ' FROM ' . table_prefix . "logs AS l\n"
. " WHERE log_type = 'page' AND is_draft != 1$where_extra\n"
. ( $just_page_count ? '' : " GROUP BY log_id, action, page_id, namespace, page_text, author, time_id, edit_summary, minor_edit\n" )
. " ORDER BY time_id DESC $limit;";
return $sql;
* Get data!
* @param int Offset, defaults to 0
* @param int Page size, if 0 (default) returns entire table (danger Will Robinson!)
* @return array
public function get_data($offset = 0, $page_size = 0)
global $db, $session, $paths, $session, $plugins; // Common objects
$sql = $this->build_sql($offset, $page_size);
if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )
$return = array();
$deplist = array();
$idlist = array();
while ( $row = $db->fetchrow() )
$return[ $row['log_id'] ] = $row;
if ( $row['action'] === 'edit' )
// This is a page revision; its parent needs to be found
$pagekey = serialize(array($row['page_id'], $row['namespace']));
$deplist[$pagekey] = "( page_id = '" . $db->escape($row['page_id']) . "' AND namespace = '" . $db->escape($row['namespace']) . "' AND log_id < {$row['log_id']} )";
// if we already have a revision from this page in the dataset, we've found its parent
if ( isset($idlist[$pagekey]) )
$child =& $return[ $idlist[$pagekey] ];
$child['parent_size'] = $row['revision_size'];
$child['parent_revid'] = $row['log_id'];
$child['parent_time'] = $row['time_id'];
$idlist[$pagekey] = $row['log_id'];
// Second query fetches all parent revision data
// (maybe we have no edits?? check deplist)
if ( !empty($deplist) )
// FIXME: inefficient. damn GROUP BY for not obeying ORDER BY, it means we can't group and instead have to select
// all previous revisions of page X and discard all but the first one we find.
$where_extra = implode("\n OR ", $deplist);
$sql = 'SELECT log_id, page_id, namespace, CHAR_LENGTH(page_text) AS revision_size, time_id FROM ' . table_prefix . "logs\n"
. " WHERE log_type = 'page' AND action = 'edit'\n AND ( $where_extra )\n"
// . " GROUP BY page_id, namespace\n"
. " ORDER BY log_id DESC;";
if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )
while ( $row = $db->fetchrow() )
$pagekey = serialize(array($row['page_id'], $row['namespace']));
if ( isset($idlist[$pagekey]) )
$child =& $return[ $idlist[$pagekey] ];
$child['parent_size'] = $row['revision_size'];
$child['parent_revid'] = $row['log_id'];
$child['parent_time'] = $row['time_id'];
unset($child, $idlist[$pagekey]);
// final iteration goes through all edits and if there's not info on the parent, sets to 0. It also calculates size change.
foreach ( $return as &$row )
if ( $row['action'] === 'edit' && !isset($row['parent_revid']) )
$row['parent_revid'] = 0;
$row['parent_size'] = 0;
if ( $row['action'] === 'edit' )
$row['size_delta'] = $row['revision_size'] - $row['parent_size'];
return array_values($return);
* Get the number of rows that will be in the result set.
* @return int
public function get_row_count()
global $db, $session, $paths, $session, $plugins; // Common objects
if ( !$db->sql_query( $this->build_sql(0, 0, true) ) )
list($count) = $db->fetchrow_num();
return $count;
* Returns the list of criteria
* @return array
public function get_criteria()
return $this->criteria;
* Formats a result row into pretty HTML.
* @param array dataset from LogDisplay::get_data()
* @param bool If true (default), shows action buttons.
* @param bool If true (default), shows page title; good for integrated displays
* @static
* @return string
public static function render_row($row, $show_buttons = true, $show_pagetitle = true)
global $db, $session, $paths, $session, $plugins; // Common objects
global $lang;
$html = '';
$pagekey = ( isset($paths->nslist[$row['namespace']]) ) ? $paths->nslist[$row['namespace']] . $row['page_id'] : $row['namespace'] . ':' . $row['page_id'];
$pagekey = sanitize_page_id($pagekey);
// diff button
if ( $show_buttons )
if ( $row['action'] == 'edit' && !empty($row['parent_revid']) )
$html .= '(';
$ispage = isPage($pagekey);
if ( $ispage )
$html .= '<a href="' . makeUrlNS($row['namespace'], $row['page_id'], "do=diff&diff1={$row['parent_revid']}&diff2={$row['log_id']}", true) . '">';
$html .= $lang->get('pagetools_rc_btn_diff');
if ( $ispage )
$html .= '</a>';
if ( $ispage )
$html .= ', <a href="' . makeUrlNS($row['namespace'], $row['page_id'], "oldid={$row['log_id']}", true) . '">';
$html .= $lang->get('pagetools_rc_btn_view');
if ( $ispage )
$html .= '</a>';
if ( $row['parent_revid'] > 0 && isPage($pagekey) )
$html .= ', <a href="' . makeUrlNS($row['namespace'], $row['page_id'], false, true) . '#do:edit;rev:' . $row['parent_revid'] . '">' . $lang->get('pagetools_rc_btn_undo') . '</a>';
$html .= ') ';
else if ( $row['action'] != 'edit' && ( isPage($pagekey) || $row['action'] == 'delete' ) )
$html .= '(';
$html .= '<a href="' . makeUrlNS($row['namespace'], $row['page_id'], "do=rollback&id={$row['log_id']}", true). '">' . $lang->get('pagetools_rc_btn_undo') . '</a>';
$html .= ') ';
// hist button
$html .= '(';
if ( isPage($pagekey) )
$html .= '<a href="' . makeUrlNS($row['namespace'], $row['page_id'], "do=history", true) . '">';
$html .= $lang->get('pagetools_rc_btn_hist');
if ( isPage($pagekey) )
$html .= '</a>';
$html .= ') . . ';
if ( $show_pagetitle )
// new page?
if ( $row['action'] == 'edit' && empty($row['parent_revid']) )
$html .= '<b>N</b> ';
// minor edit?
if ( $row['action'] == 'edit' && $row['minor_edit'] )
$html .= '<b>m</b> ';
// link to the page
$cls = ( isPage($pagekey) ) ? '' : ' class="wikilink-nonexistent"';
$html .= '<a href="' . makeUrlNS($row['namespace'], $row['page_id']) . '"' . $cls . '>' . htmlspecialchars(get_page_title_ns($row['page_id'], $row['namespace'])) . '</a>; ';
// date
$today = time() - ( time() % 86400 );
$date = MemberlistFormatter::format_date($row['time_id']) . ' ';
$date .= date('h:i:s', $row['time_id']);
$html .= "$date . . ";
// size counter
if ( $row['action'] == 'edit' )
$css = self::get_css($row['size_delta']);
$size_change = number_format($row['size_delta']);
if ( substr($size_change, 0, 1) != '-' )
$size_change = "+$size_change";
$html .= "<span style=\"$css\">({$size_change})</span>";
$html .= ' . . ';
// link to userpage
$cls = ( isPage($paths->nslist['User'] . $row['author']) ) ? '' : ' class="wikilink-nonexistent"';
$rank_info = $session->get_user_rank($row['author']);
$html .= '<a style="' . $rank_info['rank_style'] . '" href="' . makeUrlNS('User', sanitize_page_id($row['author']), false, true) . '"' . $cls . '>' . htmlspecialchars($row['author']) . '</a> ';
$html .= '(';
$html .= '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Compose/To/' . sanitize_page_id($row['author']), false, true) . '">';
$html .= $lang->get('pagetools_rc_btn_pm');
$html .= '</a>, ';
$html .= '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('User', sanitize_page_id($row['author']), false, true) . '#do:comments">';
$html .= $lang->get('pagetools_rc_btn_usertalk');
$html .= '</a>';
$html .= ') . . ';
// Edit summary
if ( $row['action'] == 'edit' )
$html .= '<i>(';
if ( empty($row['edit_summary']) )
$html .= '<span style="color: #808080;">' . $lang->get('history_summary_none_given') . '</span>';
$html .= RenderMan::parse_internal_links(htmlspecialchars($row['edit_summary']));
$html .= ')</i>';
$html .= $row['action'];
case 'rename':
$html .= $lang->get('log_action_rename', array('old_name' => htmlspecialchars($row['edit_summary'])));
case 'create':
$html .= $lang->get('log_action_create');
case 'votereset':
$html .= $lang->get('log_action_votereset', array('num_votes' => $row['edit_summary'], 'plural' => ( intval($row['edit_summary']) == 1 ? '' : $lang->get('meta_plural'))));
case 'prot':
case 'unprot':
case 'semiprot':
case 'delete':
case 'reupload':
$stringmap = array(
'prot' => 'log_action_protect_full',
'unprot' => 'log_action_protect_none',
'semiprot' => 'log_action_protect_semi',
'delete' => 'log_action_delete',
'reupload' => 'log_action_reupload'
if ( $row['edit_summary'] === '__REVERSION__' )
$reason = '<span style="color: #808080;">' . $lang->get('log_msg_reversion') . '</span>';
else if ( $row['action'] == 'reupload' && $row['edit_summary'] === '__ROLLBACK__' )
$reason = '<span style="color: #808080;">' . $lang->get('log_msg_file_restored') . '</span>';
$reason = ( !empty($row['edit_summary']) ) ? htmlspecialchars($row['edit_summary']) : '<span style="color: #808080;">' . $lang->get('log_msg_no_reason_provided') . '</span>';
$html .= $lang->get($stringmap[$row['action']], array('reason' => $reason));
return $html;
* Return CSS blurb for size delta
* @return string
* @static
* @access private
private static function get_css($change_size)
// Hardly changed at all? Return a gray
if ( $change_size <= 5 && $change_size >= -5 )
return 'color: #808080;';
// determine saturation based on size of change (1-500 bytes)
$change_abs = abs($change_size);
$index = 0x70 * ( $change_abs / 500 );
if ( $index > 0x70 )
$index = 0x70;
$index = $index + 0x40;
$index = dechex($index);
if ( strlen($index) < 2 )
$index = "0$index";
$css = ( $change_size > 0 ) ? "color: #00{$index}00;" : "color: #{$index}0000;";
if ( $change_abs > 500 )
$css .= ' font-weight: bold;';
return $css;