AJAX core library: possible breaking change, readystatechange functions are now called with the XHR instance as the first parameter, to allow requests to run in parallel. This means much better stability but may break some applets (compatibility hack is included)
* Images used for form field validation
* @var string img_bad: Shown on field validation failure
* @var string img_good: Shown on field validation success
* @var string img_neu: Shown when a field's value matches known good regexp but still needs testing (e.g. DB info)
var img_bad = '../images/checkbad.png';
var img_good = '../images/check.png';
var img_neu = '../images/checkunk.png';
* Highlights the background of the next-up <tr> tag.
* @param object Form field
function set_focus(item)
var hint_id = ( item.type == 'radio' ) ? 'hint_' + item.name + '_' + item.value : 'hint_' + item.name;
if ( document.getElementById(hint_id) )
var el = document.getElementById(hint_id);
el.style.zIndex = String(getHighestZ() + 2);
domObjChangeOpac(0, el);
el.style.display = 'block';
domOpacity(el, 0, 100, 400);
item = getParentTR(item);
if ( item.tagName == 'TR' )
item.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFE0';
* Clears the background of the next-up <tr> tag.
* @param object Form field
function clear_focus(item)
var hint_id = ( item.type == 'radio' ) ? 'hint_' + item.name + '_' + item.value : 'hint_' + item.name;
if ( document.getElementById(hint_id) )
var el = document.getElementById(hint_id);
// el.style.display = 'none';
domOpacity(el, 100, 0, 200);
el.style.display = 'none';
}, 250);
item = getParentTR(item);
if ( item.tagName == 'TR' )
if ( IE )
item.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
item.style.backgroundColor = null;
function getParentTR(item)
var tagName = item.tagName;
while ( tagName != 'TR' && tagName != null )
item = item.parentNode;
tagName = item.tagName;
if ( tagName == 'TR' && item.className != 'nohighlight' )
return item;
return null;
function init_hint(input, hint)
hint.className = 'fieldtip_js';
if ( input.type == 'radio' )
var tr = getParentTR(input).parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
var span_width = $(tr).Width() - 24;
var span_width = $(input).Width() - 24;
var span_top = $(input).Top() + $(input).Height();
var span_left = $(input).Left();
hint.style.top = span_top + 'px';
hint.style.left = span_left + 'px';
hint.style.width = span_width + 'px';
hint.style.display = 'none';
}, 100);
var set_inputs_to_highlight = function()
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for ( var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ )
// Highlighting
var tr = getParentTR(inputs[i]);
if ( tr )
inputs[i].onfocus = function()
inputs[i].onblur = function()
// Hints
var hint_id = ( inputs[i].type == 'radio' ) ? 'hint_' + inputs[i].name + '_' + inputs[i].value : 'hint_' + inputs[i].name;
if ( document.getElementById(hint_id) )
var el = document.getElementById(hint_id);
if ( el.tagName == 'SPAN' )
init_hint(inputs[i], el);
function install_set_ajax_loading()
var base = document.getElementById('enano-body');
var hider = document.createElement('div');
hider.style.position = 'absolute';
hider.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';
hider.style.top = $(base).Top() + 'px';
hider.style.left = $(base).Left() + 'px';
hider.style.width = $(base).Width() + 'px';
hider.style.height = $(base).Height() + 'px';
hider.style.backgroundPosition = 'center center';
hider.style.backgroundImage = 'url(../images/loading-big.gif)';
hider.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';
hider.id = 'ajax_loader';
domObjChangeOpac(0, hider);
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
opacity('ajax_loader', 0, 70, 750);
function install_unset_ajax_loading()
if ( document.getElementById('ajax_loader') )
opacity('ajax_loader', 70, 0, 750);
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
}, 1000);