More optimization work. Moved special page init functions to common instead of common_post hook. Allowed paths to cache page metadata on filesystem. Phased out the redundancy in $paths->pages that paired a number with every urlname as foreach loops are allowed now (and have been for some time). Fixed missing includes for several functions. Rewrote str_replace_once to be a lot more efficient.
/* * Expandable fieldsets */var expander_onload = function(){ var sets = document.getElementsByTagName('fieldset'); if ( sets.length < 1 ) return false; var init_us = []; for ( var index = 0; index < sets.length; index++ ) { var mode = sets[index].getAttribute('enano:expand'); if ( mode == 'closed' || mode == 'open' ) { init_us.push(sets[index]); } } for ( var k = 0; k < init_us.length; k++ ) { expander_init_element(init_us[k]); }}function expander_init_element(el){ // get the legend tag var legend = el.getElementsByTagName('legend')[0]; if ( !legend ) return false; // existing content var existing_inner = legend.innerHTML; // blank the innerHTML and replace it with a link legend.innerHTML = ''; var button = document.createElement('a'); button.className = 'expander expander-open'; button.innerHTML = existing_inner; button.href = '#'; legend.appendChild(button); button.onclick = function() { try { expander_handle_click(this); } catch(e) { console.debug('Exception caught: ', e); } return false; } if ( el.getAttribute('enano:expand') == 'closed' ) { expander_close(el); }}function expander_handle_click(el){ if ( el.parentNode.parentNode.tagName != 'FIELDSET' ) return false; var parent = el.parentNode.parentNode; if ( parent.getAttribute('enano:expand') == 'closed' ) { expander_open(parent); } else { expander_close(parent); }}function expander_close(el){ var children = el.childNodes; for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) { var child = children[i]; if ( child.tagName == 'LEGEND' ) { var a = child.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; $(a).rmClass('expander-open'); $(a).addClass('expander-closed'); continue; } if ( ) { child.expander_meta_old_state =; = 'none'; } } el.expander_meta_padbak =; el.setAttribute('enano:expand', 'closed');}function expander_open(el){ var children = el.childNodes; for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) { var child = children[i]; if ( child.tagName == 'LEGEND' ) { var a = child.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; $(a).rmClass('expander-closed'); $(a).addClass('expander-open'); continue; } if ( child.expander_meta_old_state && ) { = child.expander_meta_old_state; child.expander_meta_old_state = null; } else { if ( ) { = null; } } } if ( el.expander_meta_padbak ) { = el.expander_meta_padbak; el.expander_meta_padbak = null; } else { = null; } el.setAttribute('enano:expand', 'open');}addOnloadHook(expander_onload);