author Dan
Mon, 16 Feb 2009 16:17:25 -0500
changeset 832 7152ca0a0ce9
parent 784 72df14a56a03
child 1053 bdbb49cf6f1b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Major redesign of rendering pipeline that separates pages saved with MCE from pages saved with the plaintext editor (full description in long commit message) - Pages are now stored with an extra metadata field called page_format which is "wikitext" or "xhtml" - New $flags parameter + RENDER_* constants added that control RenderMan::render() behavior - Several other changes: * Added a sprite API for Javascript and made editor use sprites when possible * Removed a number of config options from the default install schema, replaced with second parameter to getConfig() calls * MessageBox in editor mostly replaced with miniPrompt * A few bugfixes related to password changes (registration didn't even work) * Rewrote the bitfield compression algorithm used to serialize allowed MIME types * Fixed some typos in language files and strings * Fixed a Text_Wiki bug in Heading parser

// TinyMCE support

// Check tinyMCE to make sure its init is finished
var initTinyMCE = function(e)
  if ( typeof(tinyMCE_GZ) == 'object' )
      tinyMCE_GZ.init(enano_tinymce_gz_options, function()
      tinymce_initted = true;

// editor options
if ( document.getElementById('mdgCss') )
  var css_url = document.getElementById('mdgCss').href;
  var css_url = scriptPath + '/includes/clientside/css/enano_shared.css';

var do_popups = ( is_Safari ) ? '' : ',inlinepopups';
var _skin = ( typeof(tinymce_skin) == 'string' ) ? tinymce_skin : 'default';
var tinymce_initted = false;

var enano_tinymce_options = {
  mode : "none",
  plugins : 'table,save,safari,pagebreak,style,layer,advhr,insertdatetime,searchreplace,spellchecker,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras' + do_popups,
  theme : 'advanced',
  skin : _skin,
  theme_advanced_resize_horizontal : false,
  theme_advanced_resizing : true,
  theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
  theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left",
  theme_advanced_buttons1 : "save,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,spellchecker,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,forecolor,backcolor,|,formatselect,|,fontselect,fontsizeselect",
  theme_advanced_buttons3_add_before : "tablecontrols,separator",
  theme_advanced_buttons3_add_after : "|,fullscreen",
  theme_advanced_statusbar_location : 'bottom',
  noneditable_noneditable_class : 'mce_readonly',
  content_css : css_url,
  spellchecker_rpc_url : scriptPath + '/includes/clientside/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker/rpc.php',

var enano_tinymce_gz_options = {
	plugins : 'table,save,safari,pagebreak,style,layer,advhr,insertdatetime,searchreplace,spellchecker,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras' + do_popups,
	themes : 'advanced',
	languages : 'en',
	disk_cache : true,
	debug : false

// load the script

  var uri = scriptPath + '/includes/clientside/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.js?3211';
  var sc = document.createElement('script');
  sc.src = uri;
  sc.type = 'text/javascript';
  var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];