Fixed "unapproved" status taking precedence over "spam" flag in comment submit and some display related bugs in comments.js
Enano CMSVersion 1.1.7-----------------------------Thanks for downloading Enano! If you're looking for an installation guide,you can find it at <>.COPYRIGHT-----------------------------Enano CMSCopyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry. All rights except those explicitly grantedby the included license agreement reserved.PHILOSOPHY-----------------------------We strongly believe in the idea of Free Software. Enano is released under theGNU General Public License; see the file GPL included with this release fordetails.LICENSING-----------------------------This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it underthe terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free SoftwareFoundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any laterversion.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along withthis program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA-----------------------------Most of the PHP code in Enano was written by Dan Fuhry. Some parts were borrowedfrom other projects that are also released under Free licenses; see the variousfiles under the licenses/ directory included with this release for details.CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE-----------------------------Please see <> for a list of changes inthis release.UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS RELEASES-----------------------------This archive includes a script that can migrate an Enano 1.0.x installation toEnano 1.2. Before running the migration script, you should always be sure toupgrade to the latest version of Enano 1.0.x (1.0.7 "FIXME" at the time ofthis writing). Migration is NOT REVERSIBLE. This is beta-quality code. DO NOTUNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES UPGRADE A PRODUCTION SITE.Upgrades from any 1.1.x version are fully supported and generally more stablethan upgrades from 1.0 because of all the API changes. If you experiencetrouble upgrading from a 1.0 version to 1.2, try upgrading first to version1.1.6 or so.TRANSLATING ENANO-----------------------------There have been quite a few changes to strings in the 1.2 series. Since thisis a beta, you probably don't want to do a lot of translation because you'llbe doing a TON more strings at every release. HOWEVER, we're looking forpeople to sign up and volunteer for translation efforts later on. If you havea native or very good knowledge of a language, drop us an e-mail and we'll getyou onto the translator list and eventually onto a mailing list specificallyfor l10n if that effort becomes big enough.PLUG-INS-----------------------------Most Enano features you see are actually the work of plugins. You can see agallery of plugins at <>. Most of theplugins there work under Enano 1.2, but some don't. Plugins with knowncompatibility problems are marked; if you don't see any notes to thecontrary, it's probably compatible with Enano 1.2.THEMES-----------------------------You can find more themes for Enano at <>.We're not doing too great with developing themes, and what we have developedoften doesn't make it up to the website. :) So your choices on the websitelook a little bit more limited than they really are.Unlike plugins, themes are generally very easy to port from 1.0 to 1.2. Copyover acledit.tpl, comment.tpl, and toolbar.tpl from a 1.2 theme and removethe <script> tag that includes jsres.php, replacing it with {JS_HEADER} inheader.tpl. Then put {JS_FOOTER} right before </body> in footer.tpl. Do thesame in simple_header.tpl and simple_footer.tpl. That's pretty much it.PLUGIN DEVELOPMENT-----------------------------The plugin API in Enano 1.1 has been dramatically revamped from 1.0. Someeffort has been made to allow 1.0.x plugins that don't hook very deeply tocontinue to work; however with all of the new functionality (localizationespecially) we recommend that developers take the time to learn how to use thenewer parts of the Enano platform. Enano tries to be very developer-friendly;our full API documentation is at <>.GETTING SUPPORT-----------------------------This is a beta release. No support of any kind will be provided, but proper bugreports are appreciated. See the Enano forums at <>for more information.Have fun with Enano!