author Dan
Fri, 05 Oct 2007 01:57:00 -0400
changeset 162 e1a22031b5bd
parent 142 ca9118d9c0f2
child 166 d53cc29308f4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Major revamps to the template parser. Fixed a few security holes that could allow PHP to be injected in untimely places in TPL code. Improved Ux for XSS attempt in tplWikiFormat. Documented many functions. Backported much cleaner parser from 2.0 branch. Beautified a lot of code in the depths of the template class. Pretty much a small-scale Extreme Makeover.


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Version 1.0.2 (Coblynau)
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

// BarGraph for PHP
// Source:
// License: PHP license, see licenses/phplic.html included with this package

class GraphMaker {
   * GraphMaker::bar_width
   * Width of bars
  var $bar_width = 32;
   * GraphMaker::bar_height
   * Height of bars
  var $bar_height = 8;
   * GraphMaker::bar_data
   * Data of all bars
  var $bar_data = array('a' => 7, 'b' => 3, 'c' => 6, 'd' => 0, 'e' => 2);
   * GraphMaker::bar_padding
   * Padding of bars
  var $bar_padding = 5;
   * GraphMaker::bar_bordercolor
   * Border color of bars
  var $bar_bordercolor = array(39, 78, 120);
   * GraphMaker::bar_bgcolor
   * Background color of bars
  var $bar_bgcolor = array(69, 129, 194);
   * GraphMaker::graph_areaheight
   * Height of graphic area
  var $graph_areaheight = 100;
   * GraphMaker::graph_padding
   * Paddings of graph
  var $graph_padding = array('left' => 50, 'top' => 20, 'right'  => 20, 'bottom' => 20);
   * GraphMaker::graph_title
   * Title text of graph
  var $graph_title = "";
   * GraphMaker::graph_bgcolor
   * Background color of graph
  var $graph_bgcolor = array(255, 255, 255);
   * GraphMaker::graph_bgtransparent
   * Boolean for background transparency
  var $graph_bgtransparent = 0;
   * GraphMaker::graph_transparencylevel
   * Transparency level (0=opaque, 127=transparent)
  var $graph_transparencylevel = 0;
   * GraphMaker::graph_borderwidth
   * Width of graph border
  var $graph_borderwidth = 1;
   * GraphMaker::graph_bordercolor
   * Border color of graph
  var $graph_bordercolor = array(218, 218, 239);
   * GraphMaker::graph_titlecolor
   * Color of title text of graph
  var $graph_titlecolor = array(99, 88, 78);
   * GraphMaker::axis_step
   * Scale step of axis
  var $axis_step = 2;
   * GraphMaker::axis_bordercolor
   * Border color of axis
  var $axis_bordercolor = array(99, 88, 78);
   * GraphMaker::axis_bgcolor
   * Background color of axis
  var $axis_bgcolor = array(152, 137, 124);


   * GraphMaker::SetGraphAreaHeight()
   * Sets graph height (not counting top and bottom margins)
  function SetGraphAreaHeight($height) {
    if ($height > 0) $this->graph_areaheight = $height;

   * GraphMaker::SetGraphPadding()
   * Sets graph padding (margins)
  function SetGraphPadding($left, $top, $right, $bottom) {
    $this->graph_padding = array('left'   => (int) $left,
                                 'top'    => (int) $top,
                                 'right'  => (int) $right,
                                 'bottom' => (int) $bottom);

   * GraphMaker::SetGraphTitle()
   * Set title text
  function SetGraphTitle($title) {
    $this->graph_title = $title;

   * GraphMaker::SetGraphBorderColor()
   * Sets border color for graph
  function SetGraphBorderColor($red, $green, $blue) {
    $this->graph_bordercolor = array($red, $green, $blue);

   * GraphMaker::SetGraphBorderWidth()
   * Set width of border. 0 disables border
  function SetGraphBorderWidth($width = 0) {
    $this->graph_borderwidth = $width;

   * GraphMaker::SetGraphBackgroundColor()
   * Sets background color for graph
  function SetGraphBackgroundColor($red, $green, $blue) {
    $this->graph_bgcolor = array($red, $green, $blue);

   * GraphMaker::SetGraphBackgroundTransparent()
   * Sets background color for graph (and set it transparent)
  function SetGraphBackgroundTransparent($red, $green, $blue, $addtransparency = 1) {
    $this->graph_bgcolor = array($red, $green, $blue);
    $this->graph_bgtransparent = ($addtransparency ? 1 : 0);

   * GraphMaker::SetGraphTitleColor()
   * Sets title color for graph
  function SetGraphTitleColor($red, $green, $blue) {
    $this->graph_titlecolor = array($red, $green, $blue);

   * GraphMaker::SetGraphTransparency()
   * Sets transparency for graph
  function SetGraphTransparency($percent) {
    if ($percent < 0) $percent = 0;
    elseif ($percent > 100) $percent = 127;
    else $percent = $percent * 1.27;
    $this->graph_transparencylevel = $percent;


   * GraphMaker::SetBarBorderColor()
   * Sets border color for bars
  function SetBarBorderColor($red, $green, $blue) {
    $this->bar_bordercolor = array($red, $green, $blue);

   * GraphMaker::SetBarBackgroundColor()
   * Sets background color for bars
  function SetBarBackgroundColor($red, $green, $blue) {
    $this->bar_bgcolor = array($red, $green, $blue);

   * GraphMaker::SetBarData()
   * Sets data of graph (parameter should be an array with key
   * being the name of the bar and the value the value of the bar.
  function SetBarData($data) {
    if (is_array($data)) $this->bar_data = $data;

   * GraphMaker::SetBarDimensions()
   * Sets with and height of each bar
  function SetBarDimensions($width, $height) {
    if ($width > 0) $this->bar_width = $width;
    if ($height > 0) $this->bar_height = $height;

   * GraphMaker::SetBarPadding()
   * Sets padding (border) around each bar
  function SetBarPadding($padding) {
    if ($padding > 0) $this->bar_padding = $padding;


   * GraphMaker::SetAxisBorderColor()
   * Sets border color for axis
  function SetAxisBorderColor($red, $green, $blue) {
    $this->axis_bordercolor = array($red, $green, $blue);

   * GraphMaker::SetAxisBackgroundColor()
   * Sets background color for axis
  function SetAxisBackgroundColor($red, $green, $blue) {
    $this->axis_bgcolor = array($red, $green, $blue);

   * GraphMaker::SetAxisStep()
   * Sets axis scale step
  function SetAxisStep($step) {
    if ($step > 0) $this->axis_step = $step;

   * GraphMaker::GetFinalGraphDimensions()
   * From the values already setted, it calculates image
   * width and height
  function GetFinalGraphDimensions() {
    $w = $this->graph_padding['left'] +
         (count($this->bar_data) * ($this->bar_width + ($this->bar_padding * 2))) +
    $h = $this->graph_padding['top'] +
         $this->graph_areaheight +
    return array($w, $h);

   * GraphMaker::LoadGraph()
   * Loads definitions from a file
  function LoadGraph($path) {
    if (($fp = @fopen($path, "r")) !== false) {
      $content = "";
      while (!feof($fp)) {              // I do not use filesize() here
        $content .= fread($fp, 4096);   // because of remote files. If
      }                                 // there is no problem with them
      fclose($fp);                      // please let me know
      return true;
    } else return false;

   * GraphMaker::DrawGraph()
   * Draw all the graph: bg, axis, bars, text.. and output it
   * Optional file parameter turns output to file, and bool on success
  function DrawGraph($file = "") {
    list($w, $h) = $this->GetFinalGraphDimensions();
    $this->graph_width = $w;
    $this->graph_height = $h;

    $this->im = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
    if ($this->graph_transparencylevel) {
      imagealphablending($this->im, true);


    $p = 0;
    foreach ($this->bar_data as $name => $value) {
      $this->__DrawBarText($p, $name);
      $this->__DrawBar($p, $value);

    if (strlen($this->graph_title)) {
                        floor($this->graph_width / 2),
                        $this->graph_borderwidth + 2,

    if (strlen($file)) {
      $ret = imagepng($this->im, $file);
    } else {
      header('Content-Type: image/png');
      $ret = true;
    return $ret;

   * GraphMaker::PaintBackground()
   * Draw all the graph: bg, axis, bars, text.. and output it
   * Optional file parameter turns output to file, and bool on success
  function __PaintBackground() {
    if ($this->graph_bgtransparent) {
      imagecolortransparent($this->im, $this->im_graph_bgcolor);
    if ($this->graph_borderwidth) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < $this->graph_borderwidth; $i++) {
                       $this->graph_width - 1 - $i,
                       $this->graph_height - 1 - $i,

   * GraphMaker::__DrawAxis()
   * Draws all the axis stuff (and scale steps)
  function __DrawAxis() {
    $this->__DrawPolygon($this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'],
                         $this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_padding['top'],
                         $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_padding['top'] - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $this->im_axis_bgcolor, true);
    $this->__DrawPolygon($this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'],
                         $this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_padding['top'],
                         $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_padding['top'] - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1,

    $this->__DrawPolygon($this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'],
                         $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'],
                         $this->im_axis_bgcolor, true);
    $this->__DrawPolygon($this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'],
                         $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'],

    // draw lines that separate bars
    $total_bars = count($this->bar_data);
    for ($i = 1; $i < $total_bars; $i++) {
      $offset = $this->graph_padding['left'] +
                (($this->bar_width + ($this->bar_padding * 2)) * $i);
                $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'],
                $offset + $this->bar_height - 1,
                $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1,

    // draw scale steps
    $max_value = $this->__GetMaxGraphValue();
    if (($max_value % 10) > 0) {
      $max_value = $max_value + (10 - ($max_value % 10));
    $this->axis_max = $max_value;
    $y = 0;
    $style = array($this->im_axis_bordercolor, $this->im_graph_bgcolor);
    imagesetstyle($this->im, $style);
    while ($y <= $max_value) {
      if ($max_value == 0) { $max_value=1; } // corrected by Marcelo Trenkenchu
      $offset = floor($this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] -
                ($y * $this->graph_areaheight / $max_value));
                $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1,
                $offset - $this->bar_height + 1,
      // gridline
      if ($y > 0) {
                  $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height,
                  $offset - $this->bar_height + 1,
                  $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1,
                  $offset - $this->bar_height + 1,
      $y += $this->axis_step;

              $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1,
              $this->graph_padding['top'] - $this->bar_height + 1,
              $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1,
              $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height,

   * GraphMaker::__DrawText()
   * Draws text on image with color, size and alignment options
  function __DrawText($text, $x, $y, $color, $size = 1, $align = 0, $valign = 0) {
     * Align: 0=left | 1=center | 2=right
    if ($align == 1) $x -= floor(strlen($text) * imagefontwidth($size) / 2);
    elseif ($align == 2) $x -= (strlen($text) * imagefontwidth($size));
    if ($valign == 1) $y -= floor(imagefontheight($size) / 2);
    elseif ($valign == 2) $y -= imagefontheight($size);

   * GraphMaker::__GetMaxGraphValue()
   * Returns max bar value
  function __GetMaxGraphValue() {
    $max_value = 0;
    foreach ($this->bar_data as $name => $value) {
      if ($value > $max_value) $max_value = $value;
    return $max_value;

   * GraphMaker::__DrawBarText()
   * Determines top and left to draw text to a choosen bar
  function __DrawBarText($bar, $text) {
                      $this->graph_padding['left'] + (($this->bar_width + ($this->bar_padding * 2)) * ($bar - 0.5)),
                      $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] + 1,

   * GraphMaker::__DrawBar()
   * Draws a choosen bar with it's value
  function __DrawBar($bar, $value) {
    $x = $this->graph_padding['left'] +
         (($this->bar_width + ($this->bar_padding * 2)) * ($bar - 1)) +
    if ($this->axis_max == 0) { $this->axis_max = 1; } // corrected by Marcelo Trenkenchu
    $y = $value * $this->graph_areaheight / $this->axis_max;
                       $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $y,
                       $x + $this->bar_width,
                       $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom']);

   * GraphMaker::____DrawBar()
   * Draws the actual rectangles that form a bar
  function ____DrawBar($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) {
    $this->__DrawPolygon($x1,                         $y1,
                         $x2,                         $y1,
                         $x2,                         $y2,
                         $x1,                         $y2,
                         $this->im_bar_bgcolor,       true);
    $this->__DrawPolygon($x1,                         $y1,
                         $x2,                         $y1,
                         $x2,                         $y2,
                         $x1,                         $y2,
    $this->__DrawPolygon($x1,                         $y1,
                         $x2,                         $y1,
                         $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $x1 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $this->im_bar_bgcolor,       true);
    $this->__DrawPolygon($x1,                         $y1,
                         $x2,                         $y1,
                         $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $x1 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1,
    $this->__DrawPolygon($x2,                         $y2,
                         $x2,                         $y1,
                         $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y2 - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $this->im_bar_bgcolor,       true);
    $this->__DrawPolygon($x2,                         $y2,
                         $x2,                         $y1,
                         $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1,
                         $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y2 - $this->bar_height + 1,

   * GraphMaker::__DrawPolygon()
   * Draws a (filled) (ir)regular polygon
  function __DrawPolygon($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4, $color, $filled = false) {
    if ($filled) {
      imagefilledpolygon($this->im, array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4), 4, $color);
    } else {
      imagepolygon($this->im, array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4), 4, $color);

   * GraphMaker::__LoadGraphDefinitions()
   * Loads definitions to a graph from text lines (normaly
   * they come from a file). This function is called by
   * GraphMaker::LoadGraph()
  function __LoadGraphDefinitions($text) {
    $text = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $text);
    $data = array();
    $section = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($text); $i++) {
      if (preg_match("/^\s*#/", $text[$i])) {
        //ignore.. it's just a comment
      } elseif (preg_match("/^\s*\}\s*/", $text[$i])) {
        $section = '';
      } elseif (preg_match("/^\s*(\w+)\s*\{\s*$/", $text[$i], $r)) {
        $section = $r[1];
      } else {
        $p = strpos($text[$i], "=");
        if ($p !== false) {
          $data[$section][trim(substr($text[$i], 0, $p))] = trim(substr($text[$i], $p + 1));
    if (is_array($data['graph'])) {
    if (is_array($data['bar'])) {
    if (is_array($data['axis'])) {
    if (is_array($data['data'])) {
      $this->bar_data = $data['data'];

   * GraphMaker::__LoadGraphValues()
   * Loads definitions to main graph settings
  function __LoadGraphValues($data) {
    foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
      $name = strtolower($name);
      switch ($name) {
        case 'background-color':
          $this->__SetColorToValue("graph_bgcolor", $value);
        case 'border-color':
          $this->__SetColorToValue("graph_bordercolor", $value);
        case 'title-color':
          $this->__SetColorToValue("graph_titlecolor", $value);
        case 'background-transparent':
          $this->graph_bgtransparent = ($value == 1 || $value == 'yes' ? 1 : 0);
        case 'transparency':
          $this->SetGraphTransparency(str_replace('%', '', $value));
        case 'title':
          $this->graph_title = $value;
        case 'border-width':
          $this->graph_borderwidth = (int) $value;
        case 'area-height':
          $this->graph_areaheight = (int) $value;
          if (substr($name, 0, 8) == 'padding-' && strlen($name) > 8) {
            $this->graph_padding[substr($name, 8)] = $value;

   * GraphMaker::__LoadBarValues()
   * Loads definitions to bar settings
  function __LoadBarValues($data) {
    foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
      $name = strtolower($name);
      switch ($name) {
        case 'background-color':
          $this->__SetColorToValue("bar_bgcolor", $value);
        case 'border-color':
          $this->__SetColorToValue("bar_bordercolor", $value);
        case 'padding':
          $this->bar_padding = $value;
        case 'width':
          $this->bar_width = (int) $value;
        case 'height':
          $this->bar_height = (int) $value;

   * GraphMaker::__LoadAxisValues()
   * Loads definitions to axis settings
  function __LoadAxisValues($data) {
    foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
      switch (strtolower($name)) {
        case 'step':
        case 'background-color':
          $this->__SetColorToValue("axis_bgcolor", $value);
        case 'border-color':
          $this->__SetColorToValue("axis_bordercolor", $value);

   * GraphMaker::__SetColorToValue()
   * Sets a color (rgb or in html format) to a variable
  function __SetColorToValue($varname, $color) {
    if ($color[0] == "#") { // if it's hex (html format), change to rgb array
      if (strlen($color) == 4) {
        // if only 3 hex values (I assume it's a shade of grey: #ddd)
        $color .= substr($color, -3);
      $color = array(hexdec($color[1].$color[2]),
    $this->$varname = $color;

  function __AllocateColor($varname, $color, $alpha) {
    $this->$varname = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im,

// Graph Generator for PHP
// Originally located at, but link was broken, so this file was retrieved from:
// License unknown

class GraphMaker_compat {
 var $_values;
 var $_ShowLabels;
 var $_ShowCounts;
 var $_ShowCountsMode;

 var $_BarWidth;
 var $_GraphWidth;
 var $_BarImg;
 var $_BarBorderWidth;
 var $_BarBorderColor;
 var $_RowSortMode;
 var $_TDClassHead;
 var $_TDClassLabel;
 var $_TDClassCount;
 var $_GraphTitle;

 function __construct() {
  $this->_values = array();
  $this->_ShowLabels = true;
  $this->_BarWidth = 16;
  $this->_GraphWidth = 360;
  $this->_BarImg = "NULL";
  $this->_BarBorderWidth = 0;
  $this->_BarBorderColor = "red";
  $this->_ShowCountsMode = 2;
  $this->_RowSortMode = 1;
  $this->_TDClassHead = "grphh";
  $this->_TDClassLabel = "grph";
  $this->_TDClassCount = "grphc";
  $this->_GraphTitle="Graph title";
 function GraphMaker_compat() {

 function SetBarBorderWidth($width) {
  $this->_BarBorderWidth = $width;
 function SetBorderColor($color) {
  $this->_BarBorderColor = $color;

//  mode = 1 labels asc, 2 label desc
 function SetSortMode($mode) {
  switch ($mode) {
   case 1:
   case 2:


 function AddValue($labelName, $theValue) {
  array_push($this->_values, array("label" => $labelName, "value" => $theValue));

 function SetBarWidth($width) {
  $this->_BarWidth = $width;
 function SetBarImg($img) {
  $this->_BarImg = $img;
 function SetShowLabels($lables) {
  $this->_ShowLabels = $labels;
 function SetGraphWidth($width) {
  $this->_GraphWidth = $width;
 function SetGraphTitle($title) {
  $this->_GraphTitle = $title;
 //mode = percentage or counts
 function SetShowCountsMode($mode) {
  $this->_ShowCountsMode = $mode;
 //mode = none(0) label(1) or count(2)
 function SetRowSortMode($sortmode) {
  $this->_RowSortMode = $sortmode;

 function SetTDClassHead($class) {
  $this->_TDClassHead = $class;
 function SetTDClassLabel($class) {
  $this->_TDClassLabel = $class;
 function SetTDClassCount($class) {
  $this->_TDClassCount = $class;
 function GetMaxVal() {
  $maxval = 0;
  foreach($this->_values as $value) if($maxval<$value["value"]) $maxval = $value["value"];
  return $maxval;
 function BarGraphVert() {
  $maxval = $this->GetMaxVal();
  foreach($this->_values as $value) $sumval += $value["value"];
  echo "<table>";
  if (strlen($this->_GraphTitle)>0)  echo "<tr><td colspan=".count($this->_values)." class=\"".$this->_TDClassHead."\">".$this->_GraphTitle."</td></tr>";
   echo "<tr>";
   foreach($this->_values as $value) {
    echo "<td valign=bottom align=center>";
    $height = $this->_BarWidth;
    echo "<div ";
    echo "  style=\"background-color: #666666; border: ".$this->_BarBorderWidth."px solid ".$this->_BarBorderColor."\"";
    echo ">";
    echo "</td>";
   echo "</tr>";
   if ($this->_ShowCountsMode>0) {
   	echo "<tr>";
    foreach($this->_values as $value) {
     switch ($this->_ShowCountsMode) {
     case 1:
      $count = round(100*$value["value"]/$sumval)."%";
     case 2:
      $count = $value["value"];
      break;  /* Exit the switch and the while. */
     echo "<td align=center class=".$this->_TDClassCount.">$count</td>";
	echo "</tr>";

   if ($this->_ShowLabels) {
    echo "<tr>";
    foreach($this->_values as $value) {
     echo "<td align=center class=".$this->_TDClassLabel;
	 echo ">".$value["label"]."</td>";
	echo "</tr>";

  echo "</table>";

 function BarGraphHoriz() {
  $maxval = $this->GetMaxVal();
  foreach($this->_values as $value) $sumval += $value["value"];
  echo "<table border=0>";
  if (strlen($this->_GraphTitle)>0)  {
    echo "<tr><td ";
   if ($this->_ShowCountsMode>0) echo " colspan=2";
    echo " class=\"".$this->_TDClassHead."\">".$this->_GraphTitle."</TD></TR>";
  foreach($this->_values as $value) {
   if ($this->_ShowLabels) {
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td class=".$this->_TDClassLabel;
    if ($this->_ShowCountsMode>0) echo " colspan=2";
	echo ">".$value["label"]."</TD></TR>";
   echo "<tr>";
   if ($this->_ShowCountsMode>0) {
    switch ($this->_ShowCountsMode) {
    case 1:
     $count = round(100*$value["value"]/$sumval)."%";
    case 2:
     $count = $value["value"];
     break;  /* Exit the switch and the while. */
   echo "<td class=".$this->_TDClassCount.">$count</TD>";
   echo "<td>";
   $height = $this->_BarWidth;
   echo "<img SRC=\"".$this->_BarImg."\" height=$height width=$width ";
   echo "  style=\"border: ".$this->_BarBorderWidth."px solid ".$this->_BarBorderColor."\"";
   echo ">";
   echo "</TD></TR>";
  echo "</TABLE>";