Two big commits in one day I know, but redid password storage to use HMAC-SHA1. Consolidated much AES processing to three core methods in session that should handle everything automagically. Installation works; upgrades should. Rebranded as 1.1.6.
<?php/* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between * Version 1.1.6 (Caoineag beta 1) * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dan Fuhry * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. */// BarGraph for PHP// Source: License: PHP license, see licenses/phplic.html included with this packageclass GraphMaker { /** * GraphMaker::bar_width * Width of bars */ var $bar_width = 32; /** * GraphMaker::bar_height * Height of bars */ var $bar_height = 8; /** * GraphMaker::bar_data * Data of all bars */ var $bar_data = array('a' => 7, 'b' => 3, 'c' => 6, 'd' => 0, 'e' => 2); /** * GraphMaker::bar_padding * Padding of bars */ var $bar_padding = 5; /** * GraphMaker::bar_bordercolor * Border color of bars */ var $bar_bordercolor = array(39, 78, 120); /** * GraphMaker::bar_bgcolor * Background color of bars */ var $bar_bgcolor = array(69, 129, 194); //--------------------------------------------- /** * GraphMaker::graph_areaheight * Height of graphic area */ var $graph_areaheight = 100; /** * GraphMaker::graph_padding * Paddings of graph */ var $graph_padding = array('left' => 50, 'top' => 20, 'right' => 20, 'bottom' => 20); /** * GraphMaker::graph_title * Title text of graph */ var $graph_title = ""; /** * GraphMaker::graph_bgcolor * Background color of graph */ var $graph_bgcolor = array(255, 255, 255); /** * GraphMaker::graph_bgtransparent * Boolean for background transparency */ var $graph_bgtransparent = 0; /** * GraphMaker::graph_transparencylevel * Transparency level (0=opaque, 127=transparent) */ var $graph_transparencylevel = 0; /** * GraphMaker::graph_borderwidth * Width of graph border */ var $graph_borderwidth = 1; /** * GraphMaker::graph_bordercolor * Border color of graph */ var $graph_bordercolor = array(218, 218, 239); /** * GraphMaker::graph_titlecolor * Color of title text of graph */ var $graph_titlecolor = array(99, 88, 78); //--------------------------------------------- /** * GraphMaker::axis_step * Scale step of axis */ var $axis_step = 2; /** * GraphMaker::axis_bordercolor * Border color of axis */ var $axis_bordercolor = array(99, 88, 78); /** * GraphMaker::axis_bgcolor * Background color of axis */ var $axis_bgcolor = array(152, 137, 124); /**************************************************************** GRAPH ****************************************************************/ /** * GraphMaker::SetGraphAreaHeight() * Sets graph height (not counting top and bottom margins) **/ function SetGraphAreaHeight($height) { if ($height > 0) $this->graph_areaheight = $height; } /** * GraphMaker::SetGraphPadding() * Sets graph padding (margins) **/ function SetGraphPadding($left, $top, $right, $bottom) { $this->graph_padding = array('left' => (int) $left, 'top' => (int) $top, 'right' => (int) $right, 'bottom' => (int) $bottom); } /** * GraphMaker::SetGraphTitle() * Set title text **/ function SetGraphTitle($title) { $this->graph_title = $title; } /** * GraphMaker::SetGraphBorderColor() * Sets border color for graph **/ function SetGraphBorderColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->graph_bordercolor = array($red, $green, $blue); } /** * GraphMaker::SetGraphBorderWidth() * Set width of border. 0 disables border **/ function SetGraphBorderWidth($width = 0) { $this->graph_borderwidth = $width; } /** * GraphMaker::SetGraphBackgroundColor() * Sets background color for graph **/ function SetGraphBackgroundColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->graph_bgcolor = array($red, $green, $blue); } /** * GraphMaker::SetGraphBackgroundTransparent() * Sets background color for graph (and set it transparent) **/ function SetGraphBackgroundTransparent($red, $green, $blue, $addtransparency = 1) { $this->graph_bgcolor = array($red, $green, $blue); $this->graph_bgtransparent = ($addtransparency ? 1 : 0); } /** * GraphMaker::SetGraphTitleColor() * Sets title color for graph **/ function SetGraphTitleColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->graph_titlecolor = array($red, $green, $blue); } /** * GraphMaker::SetGraphTransparency() * Sets transparency for graph **/ function SetGraphTransparency($percent) { if ($percent < 0) $percent = 0; elseif ($percent > 100) $percent = 127; else $percent = $percent * 1.27; $this->graph_transparencylevel = $percent; } /**************************************************************** BAR ****************************************************************/ /** * GraphMaker::SetBarBorderColor() * Sets border color for bars **/ function SetBarBorderColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->bar_bordercolor = array($red, $green, $blue); } /** * GraphMaker::SetBarBackgroundColor() * Sets background color for bars **/ function SetBarBackgroundColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->bar_bgcolor = array($red, $green, $blue); } /** * GraphMaker::SetBarData() * Sets data of graph (parameter should be an array with key * being the name of the bar and the value the value of the bar. **/ function SetBarData($data) { if (is_array($data)) $this->bar_data = $data; } /** * GraphMaker::SetBarDimensions() * Sets with and height of each bar **/ function SetBarDimensions($width, $height) { if ($width > 0) $this->bar_width = $width; if ($height > 0) $this->bar_height = $height; } /** * GraphMaker::SetBarPadding() * Sets padding (border) around each bar **/ function SetBarPadding($padding) { if ($padding > 0) $this->bar_padding = $padding; } /**************************************************************** AXIS ****************************************************************/ /** * GraphMaker::SetAxisBorderColor() * Sets border color for axis **/ function SetAxisBorderColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->axis_bordercolor = array($red, $green, $blue); } /** * GraphMaker::SetAxisBackgroundColor() * Sets background color for axis **/ function SetAxisBackgroundColor($red, $green, $blue) { $this->axis_bgcolor = array($red, $green, $blue); } /** * GraphMaker::SetAxisStep() * Sets axis scale step **/ function SetAxisStep($step) { if ($step > 0) $this->axis_step = $step; } /** * GraphMaker::GetFinalGraphDimensions() * From the values already setted, it calculates image * width and height **/ function GetFinalGraphDimensions() { $w = $this->graph_padding['left'] + (count($this->bar_data) * ($this->bar_width + ($this->bar_padding * 2))) + $this->graph_padding['right']; $h = $this->graph_padding['top'] + $this->graph_areaheight + $this->graph_padding['bottom']; return array($w, $h); } /** * GraphMaker::LoadGraph() * Loads definitions from a file **/ function LoadGraph($path) { if (($fp = @fopen($path, "r")) !== false) { $content = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { // I do not use filesize() here $content .= fread($fp, 4096); // because of remote files. If } // there is no problem with them fclose($fp); // please let me know $this->__LoadGraphDefinitions($content); return true; } else return false; } /** * GraphMaker::DrawGraph() * Draw all the graph: bg, axis, bars, text.. and output it * Optional file parameter turns output to file, and bool on success **/ function DrawGraph($file = "") { list($w, $h) = $this->GetFinalGraphDimensions(); $this->graph_width = $w; $this->graph_height = $h; $this->im = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); if ($this->graph_transparencylevel) { imagealphablending($this->im, true); } $this->__PaintBackground(); $this->__DrawAxis(); $p = 0; foreach ($this->bar_data as $name => $value) { $p++; $this->__DrawBarText($p, $name); $this->__DrawBar($p, $value); } if (strlen($this->graph_title)) { $this->__AllocateColor("im_graph_titlecolor", $this->graph_titlecolor, $this->graph_transparencylevel); $this->__DrawText($this->graph_title, floor($this->graph_width / 2), $this->graph_borderwidth + 2, $this->im_graph_titlecolor, 2, 1); } if (strlen($file)) { $ret = imagepng($this->im, $file); } else { header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($this->im); $ret = true; } imagedestroy($this->im); return $ret; } /** * GraphMaker::PaintBackground() * Draw all the graph: bg, axis, bars, text.. and output it * Optional file parameter turns output to file, and bool on success **/ function __PaintBackground() { $this->__AllocateColor("im_graph_bgcolor", $this->graph_bgcolor, 0); imagefilledrectangle($this->im, 0, 0, $this->graph_width, $this->graph_height, $this->im_graph_bgcolor); if ($this->graph_bgtransparent) { imagecolortransparent($this->im, $this->im_graph_bgcolor); } if ($this->graph_borderwidth) { $this->__AllocateColor("im_graph_bordercolor", $this->graph_bordercolor, $this->graph_transparencylevel); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->graph_borderwidth; $i++) { imagerectangle($this->im, $i, $i, $this->graph_width - 1 - $i, $this->graph_height - 1 - $i, $this->im_graph_bordercolor); } } } /** * GraphMaker::__DrawAxis() * Draws all the axis stuff (and scale steps) **/ function __DrawAxis() { $this->__AllocateColor("im_axis_bordercolor", $this->axis_bordercolor, $this->graph_transparencylevel); $this->__AllocateColor("im_axis_bgcolor", $this->axis_bgcolor, $this->graph_transparencylevel); $this->__DrawPolygon($this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'], $this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_padding['top'], $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_padding['top'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->im_axis_bgcolor, true); $this->__DrawPolygon($this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'], $this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_padding['top'], $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_padding['top'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->im_axis_bordercolor); $this->__DrawPolygon($this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'], $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'], $this->im_axis_bgcolor, true); $this->__DrawPolygon($this->graph_padding['left'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'], $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'], $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'], $this->im_axis_bordercolor); // draw lines that separate bars $total_bars = count($this->bar_data); for ($i = 1; $i < $total_bars; $i++) { $offset = $this->graph_padding['left'] + (($this->bar_width + ($this->bar_padding * 2)) * $i); imageline($this->im, $offset, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'], $offset + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->im_axis_bordercolor); } // draw scale steps $max_value = $this->__GetMaxGraphValue(); if (($max_value % 10) > 0) { $max_value = $max_value + (10 - ($max_value % 10)); } $this->axis_max = $max_value; $y = 0; $style = array($this->im_axis_bordercolor, $this->im_graph_bgcolor); imagesetstyle($this->im, $style); while ($y <= $max_value) { if ($max_value == 0) { $max_value=1; } // corrected by Marcelo Trenkenchu $offset = floor($this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - ($y * $this->graph_areaheight / $max_value)); imageline($this->im, $this->graph_padding['left'], $offset, $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $offset - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->im_axis_bordercolor); $this->__DrawText($y, $this->graph_padding['left'], $offset, $this->im_axis_bordercolor, 1, 2, 1); // gridline if ($y > 0) { imageline($this->im, $this->graph_padding['left'] + $this->bar_height, $offset - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $offset - $this->bar_height + 1, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } $y += $this->axis_step; } imageline($this->im, $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_padding['top'] - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->graph_width - $this->graph_padding['right'] + $this->bar_height - 1, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $this->bar_height, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } /** * GraphMaker::__DrawText() * Draws text on image with color, size and alignment options **/ function __DrawText($text, $x, $y, $color, $size = 1, $align = 0, $valign = 0) { /* * Align: 0=left | 1=center | 2=right */ if ($align == 1) $x -= floor(strlen($text) * imagefontwidth($size) / 2); elseif ($align == 2) $x -= (strlen($text) * imagefontwidth($size)); if ($valign == 1) $y -= floor(imagefontheight($size) / 2); elseif ($valign == 2) $y -= imagefontheight($size); imagestring($this->im, $size, $x, $y, $text, $color); } /** * GraphMaker::__GetMaxGraphValue() * Returns max bar value **/ function __GetMaxGraphValue() { $max_value = 0; foreach ($this->bar_data as $name => $value) { if ($value > $max_value) $max_value = $value; } return $max_value; } /** * GraphMaker::__DrawBarText() * Determines top and left to draw text to a choosen bar **/ function __DrawBarText($bar, $text) { $this->__DrawText($text, $this->graph_padding['left'] + (($this->bar_width + ($this->bar_padding * 2)) * ($bar - 0.5)), $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] + 1, $this->axis_bordercolor, 1, 1); } /** * GraphMaker::__DrawBar() * Draws a choosen bar with it's value **/ function __DrawBar($bar, $value) { $x = $this->graph_padding['left'] + (($this->bar_width + ($this->bar_padding * 2)) * ($bar - 1)) + $this->bar_padding; if ($this->axis_max == 0) { $this->axis_max = 1; } // corrected by Marcelo Trenkenchu $y = $value * $this->graph_areaheight / $this->axis_max; $this->____DrawBar($x, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom'] - $y, $x + $this->bar_width, $this->graph_height - $this->graph_padding['bottom']); } /** * GraphMaker::____DrawBar() * Draws the actual rectangles that form a bar **/ function ____DrawBar($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) { $this->__AllocateColor("im_bar_bordercolor", $this->bar_bordercolor, $this->graph_transparencylevel); $this->__AllocateColor("im_bar_bgcolor", $this->bar_bgcolor, $this->graph_transparencylevel); $this->__DrawPolygon($x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x1, $y2, $this->im_bar_bgcolor, true); $this->__DrawPolygon($x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x1, $y2, $this->im_bar_bordercolor); $this->__DrawPolygon($x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1, $x1 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->im_bar_bgcolor, true); $this->__DrawPolygon($x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1, $x1 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->im_bar_bordercolor); $this->__DrawPolygon($x2, $y2, $x2, $y1, $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1, $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y2 - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->im_bar_bgcolor, true); $this->__DrawPolygon($x2, $y2, $x2, $y1, $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y1 - $this->bar_height + 1, $x2 + $this->bar_height - 1, $y2 - $this->bar_height + 1, $this->im_bar_bordercolor); } /** * GraphMaker::__DrawPolygon() * Draws a (filled) (ir)regular polygon **/ function __DrawPolygon($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4, $color, $filled = false) { if ($filled) { imagefilledpolygon($this->im, array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4), 4, $color); } else { imagepolygon($this->im, array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3, $x4, $y4), 4, $color); } } /** * GraphMaker::__LoadGraphDefinitions() * Loads definitions to a graph from text lines (normaly * they come from a file). This function is called by * GraphMaker::LoadGraph() **/ function __LoadGraphDefinitions($text) { $text = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $text); $data = array(); $section = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($text); $i++) { if (preg_match("/^\s*#/", $text[$i])) { //ignore.. it's just a comment } elseif (preg_match("/^\s*\}\s*/", $text[$i])) { $section = ''; } elseif (preg_match("/^\s*(\w+)\s*\{\s*$/", $text[$i], $r)) { $section = $r[1]; } else { $p = strpos($text[$i], "="); if ($p !== false) { $data[$section][trim(substr($text[$i], 0, $p))] = trim(substr($text[$i], $p + 1)); } } } if (is_array($data['graph'])) { $this->__LoadGraphValues($data['graph']); } if (is_array($data['bar'])) { $this->__LoadBarValues($data['bar']); } if (is_array($data['axis'])) { $this->__LoadAxisValues($data['axis']); } if (is_array($data['data'])) { $this->bar_data = $data['data']; } } /** * GraphMaker::__LoadGraphValues() * Loads definitions to main graph settings **/ function __LoadGraphValues($data) { foreach ($data as $name => $value) { $name = strtolower($name); switch ($name) { case 'background-color': $this->__SetColorToValue("graph_bgcolor", $value); break; case 'border-color': $this->__SetColorToValue("graph_bordercolor", $value); break; case 'title-color': $this->__SetColorToValue("graph_titlecolor", $value); break; case 'background-transparent': $this->graph_bgtransparent = ($value == 1 || $value == 'yes' ? 1 : 0); break; case 'transparency': $this->SetGraphTransparency(str_replace('%', '', $value)); break; case 'title': $this->graph_title = $value; break; case 'border-width': $this->graph_borderwidth = (int) $value; break; case 'area-height': $this->graph_areaheight = (int) $value; break; default: if (substr($name, 0, 8) == 'padding-' && strlen($name) > 8) { $this->graph_padding[substr($name, 8)] = $value; } } } } /** * GraphMaker::__LoadBarValues() * Loads definitions to bar settings **/ function __LoadBarValues($data) { foreach ($data as $name => $value) { $name = strtolower($name); switch ($name) { case 'background-color': $this->__SetColorToValue("bar_bgcolor", $value); break; case 'border-color': $this->__SetColorToValue("bar_bordercolor", $value); break; case 'padding': $this->bar_padding = $value; break; case 'width': $this->bar_width = (int) $value; break; case 'height': $this->bar_height = (int) $value; break; } } } /** * GraphMaker::__LoadAxisValues() * Loads definitions to axis settings **/ function __LoadAxisValues($data) { foreach ($data as $name => $value) { switch (strtolower($name)) { case 'step': $this->SetAxisStep($value); break; case 'background-color': $this->__SetColorToValue("axis_bgcolor", $value); break; case 'border-color': $this->__SetColorToValue("axis_bordercolor", $value); } } } /** * GraphMaker::__SetColorToValue() * Sets a color (rgb or in html format) to a variable **/ function __SetColorToValue($varname, $color) { if ($color[0] == "#") { // if it's hex (html format), change to rgb array if (strlen($color) == 4) { // if only 3 hex values (I assume it's a shade of grey: #ddd) $color .= substr($color, -3); } $color = array(hexdec($color[1].$color[2]), hexdec($color[3].$color[4]), hexdec($color[5].$color[6])); } $this->$varname = $color; } function __AllocateColor($varname, $color, $alpha) { $this->$varname = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], $alpha); }}// Graph Generator for PHP// Originally located at, but link was broken, so this file was retrieved from:// License unknown, however sources on the web have shown this to be either GPL or public domain.// At this point this class has been very nearly rewritten for Enano.class GraphMaker_compat { var $_values; var $_ShowLabels; var $_ShowCounts; var $_ShowCountsMode; var $_BarWidth; var $_GraphWidth; var $_BarImg; var $_BarBorderWidth; var $_BarBorderColor; var $_BarBackgroundColor; var $_RowSortMode; var $_TDClassHead; var $_TDClassLabel; var $_TDClassCount; var $_GraphTitle; function __construct() { $this->_values = array(); $this->_ShowLabels = true; $this->_BarWidth = 32; $this->_GraphWidth = 360; $this->_BarImg = scriptPath . "/images/graphbit.png"; $this->_BarBorderWidth = 0; $this->_BarBorderColor = "red"; $this->_ShowCountsMode = 2; $this->_RowSortMode = 1; $this->_TDClassHead = "graph-title"; $this->_TDClassLabel = "graph-label"; $this->_TDClassCount = "graph-count"; $this->_GraphTitle="Graph title"; $this->_BarBackgroundColor = "#456798"; } function GraphMaker_compat() { $this->__construct(); } function SetBarBorderWidth($width) { $this->_BarBorderWidth = $width; } function SetBorderColor($color) { $this->_BarBorderColor = $color; } function SetBarBackgroundColor($color) { $this->_BarBackgroundColor = $color; }// mode = 1 labels asc, 2 label desc function SetSortMode($mode) { switch ($mode) { case 1: asort($this->_values); break; case 2: arsort($this->_values); break; default: break; } } function AddValue($labelName, $theValue) { array_push($this->_values, array("label" => $labelName, "value" => $theValue)); } function SetBarData($data) { foreach ( $data as $name => $value ) { $this->AddValue($name, $value); } } function DrawGraph() { $this->BarGraphVert(); } function SetBarWidth($width) { $this->_BarWidth = $width; } function SetBarImg($img) { $this->_BarImg = $img; } function SetShowLabels($lables) { $this->_ShowLabels = $labels; } function SetGraphWidth($width) { $this->_GraphWidth = $width; } function SetGraphTitle($title) { $this->_GraphTitle = $title; } //mode = percentage or counts function SetShowCountsMode($mode) { $this->_ShowCountsMode = $mode; } //mode = none(0) label(1) or count(2) function SetRowSortMode($sortmode) { $this->_RowSortMode = $sortmode; } function SetTDClassHead($class) { $this->_TDClassHead = $class; } function SetTDClassLabel($class) { $this->_TDClassLabel = $class; } function SetTDClassCount($class) { $this->_TDClassCount = $class; } function GetMaxVal() { $maxval = 0; foreach ( $this->_values as $value ) { if ( $maxval < $value["value"] ) { $maxval = $value["value"]; } } return $maxval; } function BarGraphVert() { $maxval = $this->GetMaxVal(); foreach($this->_values as $value) { $sumval += $value["value"]; } $this->SetSortMode($this->_RowSortMode); echo "\n<!-- ----------------------------------------- -->\n<div class=\"tblholder\" style=\"width: 100%; clip: rect(0px,auto,auto,0px); overflow: auto;\">\n<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\">\n "; if ( strlen($this->_GraphTitle) > 0 ) { echo "<tr>\n <th colspan=\"".count($this->_values)."\" class=\"".$this->_TDClassHead."\">".$this->_GraphTitle."</th>\n </tr>\n "; } echo "<tr>\n "; $css_class = 'row1'; foreach($this->_values as $value) { $css_class = ( $css_class == 'row1' ) ? 'row3' : 'row1'; echo " <td valign=\"bottom\" align=\"center\" class=\"$css_class\">\n "; $width = $this->_BarWidth; $height = ceil( $value["value"] * $this->_GraphWidth / $maxval ); echo "<div style=\"width: {$width}px; height: {$height}px; background-color: {$this->_BarBackgroundColor}; border: ".$this->_BarBorderWidth."px solid ".$this->_BarBorderColor."\">\n "; echo "</div>\n "; // echo "<img src=\"".$this->_BarImg."\" height=\"$width\" width=\"$height\" "; // echo " style=\"border: ".$this->_BarBorderWidth."px solid ".$this->_BarBorderColor."\""; // echo ">"; echo "</td>\n "; } echo "</tr>\n "; if ( $this->_ShowCountsMode > 0 ) { $css_class = 'row1'; echo "<tr>\n "; foreach($this->_values as $value) { $css_class = ( $css_class == 'row1' ) ? 'row3' : 'row1'; switch ($this->_ShowCountsMode) { case 1: $count = round ( 100 * $value["value"] / $sumval ) . "%"; break; case 2: $count = $value["value"]; break; default: break; } echo " <td align=\"center\" class=\"$css_class ".$this->_TDClassCount."\">$count</td>\n "; } echo "</tr>\n"; } if ($this->_ShowLabels) { $css_class = 'row1'; echo " <tr>\n "; foreach($this->_values as $value) { $css_class = ( $css_class == 'row1' ) ? 'row3' : 'row1'; echo " <td align=\"center\" class=\"$css_class ".$this->_TDClassLabel."\""; echo ">".$value["label"]."</td>\n "; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>"; } function BarGraphHoriz() { $maxval = $this->GetMaxVal(); foreach($this->_values as $value) { $sumval += $value["value"]; } $this->SetSortMode($this->_RowSortMode); echo "<table border=\"0\">"; if ( strlen($this->_GraphTitle) > 0 ) { echo "<tr><td "; if ( $this->_ShowCountsMode > 0 ) { echo " colspan=\"2\""; } echo " class=\"".$this->_TDClassHead."\">".$this->_GraphTitle."</td></tr>"; } foreach($this->_values as $value) { if ($this->_ShowLabels) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td class=\"".$this->_TDClassLabel."\""; if ( $this->_ShowCountsMode > 0 ) { echo " colspan=\"2\""; } echo ">".$value["label"]."</td></tr>"; } echo "<tr>"; if ( $this->_ShowCountsMode > 0 ) { switch ($this->_ShowCountsMode) { case 1: $count = round(100 * $value["value"] / $sumval )."%"; break; case 2: $count = $value["value"]; break; /* Exit the switch and the while. */ default: break; } echo "<td class=\"".$this->_TDClassCount."\">$count</TD>"; } echo "<td>"; $height = $this->_BarWidth; $width = ceil( $value["value"] * $this->_GraphWidth / $maxval ); echo "<div style=\"width: {$width}px; height: {$height}px; background-color: #456798; border: ".$this->_BarBorderWidth."px solid ".$this->_BarBorderColor."\">\n "; echo "</div>\n "; //echo "<img SRC=\"".$this->_BarImg."\" height=$height width=$width "; //echo " style=\"border: ".$this->_BarBorderWidth."px solid ".$this->_BarBorderColor."\""; //echo ">"; echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } /** * Dummy functions for compatibility with the GD version of the class */ function SetGraphPadding($a, $b, $c, $d) { return true; } function SetBarPadding($a) { return true; } function SetAxisStep($a) { return true; } function SetGraphBackgroundTransparent($r, $g, $b, $a) { return true; } function SetGraphTransparency($a) { return true; } function SetGraphAreaHeight($a) { return true; }}