changeset 0 67e1cc6cd929
child 1 ac5bcb4e5284
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/enano-bundle.nsi	Wed May 27 01:05:23 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+; Script generated by the HM NIS Edit Script Wizard.
+; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines
+!define PRODUCT_NAME "Enano CMS"
+!define PRODUCT_VERSION "1.1.6"
+!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "Enano CMS Project"
+!define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "http://enanocms.org"
+!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
+!define PRODUCT_SHORTNAME "enanocms"
+!ifndef ENANO_ROOT
+!define ENANO_ROOT "Q:\enano-1.1\repo"
+SetCompressor /FINAL /SOLID lzma
+CRCCheck force
+Var wampstack_installed
+Var wappstack_installed
+Var stack_type
+Var stack_instdir
+Var stack_portbit
+Var db_dbmsname
+Var db_rootuser
+Var db_rootpass
+Var db_needroot
+Var db_driver
+Var db_port
+Var db_user
+Var db_password
+Var db_name
+Var enano_user
+Var enano_password
+Var admin_email
+Var site_name
+Var site_desc
+Var site_copyright
+Var url_scheme
+Var start_with
+!include "inst-resources\bitnamiutils.nsh"
+!include "inst-resources\dbal.nsh"
+!include "inst-resources\mysql.nsh"
+!include "inst-resources\postgresql.nsh"
+!include "inst-resources\str_replace.nsh"
+!include "inst-resources\kickstart.nsh"
+!include "inst-resources\apacheconfig.nsh"
+!include "inst-resources\applist.nsh"
+Function .onInit
+  Call BNSetWAMPInstalledFlag
+  Call BNSetWAPPInstalledFlag
+  ; If neither WAMP nor WAPP is installed, die
+  StrCmp $wampstack_installed 0 "" FoundStack
+  StrCmp $wampstack_installed 0 "" FoundStack
+    MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Setup could not find any BitNami stacks on your server.$\r$\n\
+                                         $\r$\n\
+                                         Please install a BitNami stack and re-run setup. You can download a BitNami stack for free from http://www.bitnami.org."
+    Abort
+  FoundStack:
+; ExperienceUI GUI parameters
+!define XPUI_BGIMAGE_BMP "gfx\enano-bg.bmp"
+!define XPUI_TEXT_COLOR "F2F2F2"
+!define XPUI_TEXT_BGCOLOR "202020" ; irrelevant but still
+; MUI 1.67 compatible / XPUI 1.11 (2.0pre) compatible ------
+!ifndef XPUI_SYSDIR
+  !define XPUI_SYSDIR "C:\ExperienceUI\Contrib\ExperienceUI"
+!include "${XPUI_SYSDIR}\..\..\Include\XPUI.nsh"
+; MUI Settings
+!define MUI_ICON "inst-resources\generic-install.ico"
+!define MUI_UNICON "inst-resources\generic-uninstall.ico"
+!include "WinMessages.nsh"
+; Welcome page
+!insertmacro XPUI_PAGE_WELCOME2
+; License page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "licenses\GPL.txt"
+; Stack selection - automatic unless both stacks are installed
+!include "pages\StackSelect.nsi"
+; Database credentials entry
+!include "pages\DatabaseConfig.nsi"
+; Site config page
+!include "pages\SiteConfig.nsi"
+; User credentials page
+!include "pages\Login.nsi"
+; Components page
+; Instfiles page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
+; Finish page
+!define XPUI_FINISHPAGE_CHECKBOX_RUN "Go to my new $(^Name) website now"
+!define XPUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_FUNCTION OpenBitnamiWebsite
+Function OpenBitnamiWebsite
+  ExecShell open "http://localhost$stack_portbit/${PRODUCT_SHORTNAME}/"
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
+!insertmacro XPUI_PAGE_ABORT
+; Uninstaller pages
+; Language files
+!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
+; Reserve files
+; MUI end ------
+; File lists
+!include "inst-resources\core-files.nsh"
+; End file lists
+Caption "${PRODUCT_NAME} ${PRODUCT_VERSION} Bitnami installer"
+OutFile "enano-1.1.6-bitnami-setup.exe"
+InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Enano CMS"
+ShowInstDetails show
+ShowUnInstDetails show
+Section "-pre"
+  StrCpy $INSTDIR "$stack_instdir"
+  IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\apps\${PRODUCT_SHORTNAME}\htdocs\config.php" 0 +2
+    Delete "$INSTDIR\apps\${PRODUCT_SHORTNAME}\htdocs\config.php"
+Section "-DatabaseSetup"
+  StrCmp $db_needroot 1 +2
+    Return
+  ; Create database
+  ${db_create} $R0 "$db_rootuser" "$db_rootpass" "$db_name" "$db_user" "$db_password"
+  IntCmp $R0 0 DatabaseCreateSuccess
+    !insertmacro XPUI_HEADER_TEXT "Installation failed" "Could not create the database."
+    DetailPrint "Database creation failed."
+    MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Setup failed to create the database for $(^Name).$\r$\n\
+                                         $\r$\n\
+                                         It's possible that your authentication details were rejected or that there \
+                                         is a bug in the installer. Try removing any special characters (especially \
+                                         quote symbols and backslashes) from your password. Make sure to use only \
+                                         letters, numbers, and underscores in the database name and username."
+    Abort
+  DatabaseCreateSuccess:
+Section "Enano Core" SEC01
+  SectionIn RO
+  !insertmacro Core_Install
+Section "Enable GMP in PHP" SecGMP
+  ClearErrors
+  WriteINIStr "$stack_instdir\php\php.ini" "GMP" "extension" "php_gmp.dll"
+  IfErrors 0 +2
+    MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "GMP was not automatically enabled in PHP. Logins will be several seconds slower."
+Section "YubiKey auth plugin" SEC02
+Section "AjIM2" SEC03
+Section "Admin Alerts" SEC04
+Section "RSS Feeds" SEC06
+Section "News Portal" SEC08
+Section "Code syntax highlighting" SEC11
+Section "Wiki functionality extensions" SEC12
+Section -ConfigureApache
+  DetailPrint "Configuring Apache web server"
+  Call write_apache_config
+  DetailPrint "Restarting Apache"
+  nsExec::Exec '"$SYSDIR\net.exe" stop "$stack_typestackApache"'
+  nsExec::Exec '"$SYSDIR\net.exe" start "$stack_typestackApache"'
+Section -WriteKickStart
+  Call enano_write_kickstart_script
+Section -DoEnanoDBSetup
+  Call enano_run_kickstart_script
+Section -InsertApplistEntry
+  Call enano_add_to_applist
+Section -AdditionalIcons
+  WriteIniStr "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${PRODUCT_WEB_SITE}"
+  CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\Enano CMS"
+  CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Enano CMS\Website.lnk" "$INSTDIR\${PRODUCT_NAME}.url"
+  CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Enano CMS\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\apps\${PRODUCT_SHORTNAME}\uninst.exe"
+Section -Post
+  WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
+  WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)"
+  WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"
+; Section descriptions
+  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC01} "Core components of Enano CMS, necessary to run Enano"
+  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC02} "Adds support for Yubikey authentication"
+  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC03} "An AJAX chatbox sidebar gadget for Enano"
+  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC04} "Provides a sidebar block that alerts you about unapproved comments, inactive users, and pages with requested deletion."
+  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC06} "Provides the ability to generate RSS feeds based on the latest page edits and comments. It also has a plugin API so plugins can add their own feeds."
+  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC08} "Provides a portal with news and static content combined onto one page."
+  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC11} "Parser extension that adds syntax highlighting support using the GeSHi highlighting engine."
+  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SEC12} "Adds several parser extensions that provide MediaWiki-like behavior, including references (footnotes) and Table of Contents support."
+  !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecGMP} "Enables PHP's GMP extension, which speeds up cryptographic operations."
+Function un.onUninstSuccess
+  HideWindow
+  MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "$(^Name) was successfully removed from your computer."
+Function un.onInit
+  MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Are you sure you want to completely remove $(^Name) and all of its components?" IDYES +2
+  Abort
+Section Uninstall
+  !insertmacro Core_Uninstall
+  SetAutoClose true
+; Version Information
+VIProductVersion ""
+VIAddVersionKey /LANG=1033 "ProductName" "Enano CMS"
+VIAddVersionKey /LANG=1033 "Setup Information" "Enano CMS installer module for Windows Apache stacks"
+VIAddVersionKey /LANG=1033 "Comments" "This installer contains a beta build of Enano CMS, use with caution!"
+VIAddVersionKey /LANG=1033 "Publisher Name" "Neal Gompa (King InuYasha), Enano CMS Project"
+VIAddVersionKey /LANG=1033 "LegalCopyright" "©2009 Enano CMS Project"
+VIAddVersionKey /LANG=1033 "FileDescription" "Enano - The CMS that focuses on what matters most: content."
+VIAddVersionKey /LANG=1033 "FileVersion" "${PRODUCT_VERSION}"