Changed behavior of the entire database selection process. A real "upgrade"/"don't touch the database" option was added, and the old options unconditionally delete the database.
+ − <?php
+ −
+ − // PostgreSQL utility script.
+ −
+ − if ( $argc < 2 )
+ − die("Usage: {$argv[0]} username password");
+ −
+ − $user = addslashes($argv[1]);
+ − $pass = addslashes($argv[2]);
+ − $handle = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 user='$user' password='$pass'");
+ − if ( !$handle )
+ − {
+ − echo "PostgreSQL authentication failed.";
+ − exit(1);
+ − }
+ −
+ − if ( !empty($argv[3]) )
+ − {
+ − $queries = explode(';', $argv[3]);
+ − foreach ( $queries as $query )
+ − {
+ − $query = trim($query);
+ − if ( empty($query) )
+ − continue;
+ − echo "$query;\n";
+ − if ( !pg_query("$query;") )
+ − exit(1);
+ − }
+ − }
+ −
+ − exit(0);