Oops! Forgot to add the DBAL.
eb_hook('event_channel_msg', 'snippets_event_privmsg($chan, $message);');
function snippets_event_privmsg(&$chan, &$message)
if ( preg_match('/^\![\s]*([a-z0-9_-]+)([\s]*\|[\s]*([^ ]+))?$/', $message['message'], $match) )
$snippet =& $match[1];
if ( @$match[3] === 'me' )
$match[3] = $message['nick'];
$target_nick = ( !empty($match[3]) ) ? "{$match[3]}, " : "{$message['nick']}, ";
if ( $snippet == 'snippets' )
// list available snippets
$m_et = false;
$q = eb_mysql_query('SELECT snippet_code, snippet_channels FROM snippets;');
if ( mysql_num_rows($q) < 1 )
// $chan->msg(eb_censor_words("{$message['nick']}, I couldn't find that snippet (\"$snippet\") in the database."), true);
$snippets = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q) )
$channels = explode('|', $row['snippet_channels']);
if ( in_array($chan->get_channel_name(), $channels) )
$snippets[] = $row['snippet_code'];
$snippets = implode(', ', $snippets);
$chan->msg(eb_censor_words("{$message['nick']}, the following snippets are available: $snippets"), true);
if ( eval(eb_fetch_hook('snippet_dynamic')) )
return true;
// Look for the snippet...
$q = eb_mysql_query('SELECT snippet_text, snippet_channels FROM snippets WHERE snippet_code = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($snippet) . '\';');
if ( mysql_num_rows($q) < 1 )
// $chan->msg(eb_censor_words("{$message['nick']}, I couldn't find that snippet (\"$snippet\") in the database."), true);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
$channels = explode('|', $row['snippet_channels']);
if ( in_array($chan->get_channel_name(), $channels) )
$chan->msg(eb_censor_words("{$target_nick}{$row['snippet_text']}"), true);
// $chan->msg(eb_censor_words("{$message['nick']}, I couldn't find that snippet (\"$snippet\") in the database."), true);