Added extern script to allow exporting some stats through a JSON or XML API. WiP.
<?php$doctor = array();require('eliza.php');eb_hook('event_channel_msg', 'doctor_listen($chan, $message);');eb_hook('snippet_dynamic', 'if ( $snippet === "doctor" ) return doctor_go($chan, $message, $snippet);');eb_hook('event_greeting', 'doctor_greet($append);');function doctor_go(&$chan, &$message, &$snippet){ global $doctor; if ( $snippet == 'doctor' ) { if ( isset($doctor[$message['nick']]) ) { unset($doctor[$message['nick']]); $chan->msg(eb_censor_words("{$message['nick']}, thank you for visiting the psychotherapist. Come again soon!"), true); } else { $doctor[$message['nick']] = new Psychotherapist(); $chan->msg(eb_censor_words("{$message['nick']}, I am the psychotherapist. Please explain your problems to me. When you are finished talking with me, type !doctor again."), true); } return true; }}function doctor_listen(&$chan, &$message){ global $doctor; if ( isset($doctor[$message['nick']]) && $message['message'] != '!doctor' ) { $chan->msg(eb_censor_words($doctor[$message['nick']]->listen($message['message']))); }}function doctor_greet(&$append){ $append .= ' Type !doctor for the psychotherapist.';}