author Dan
Sat, 15 Nov 2008 15:00:52 -0500 (2008-11-15)
changeset 20 e2f6e3af9959
parent 8 0acb8d9a3194
child 21 d86ea89358ec
permissions -rw-r--r--
Stats now uses MySQL backend

 * PHP IRC Client library
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Dan Fuhry. All rights reserved.

 * Version number
 * @const string

define('REQUEST_IRC_VERSION', '0.1');

 * The base class for an IRC session.

class Request_IRC
   * Hostname
   * @var string
  private $host = '';
   * Port number
   * @var int
  private $port = 6667;
   * The socket for the connection.
   * @var resource
  public $sock = false;
   * Channel objects, associative array
   * @var array
  public $channels = array();
   * The function called when a private message is received.
   * @var string
  private $privmsg_handler = false;
   * Switch to track if quitted or not. Helps avoid quitting the connection twice thus causing write errors.
   * @var bool
   * @access private
  protected $quitted = false;
   * The nickname we're connected as. Not modified once connected.
   * @var string
  public $nick = '';
   * The username we're connected as. Not modified once connected.
   * @var string
  public $user = '';
   * Constructor.
   * @param string Hostname
   * @param int Port number, defaults to 6667
  public function __construct($host, $port = 6667)
    // Check hostname
    if ( !preg_match('/^(([a-z0-9-]+\.)*?)([a-z0-9-]+)$/', $host) )
      die(__CLASS__ . ': Invalid hostname');
    $this->host = $host;
    // Check port
    if ( is_int($port) && $port >= 1 && $port <= 65535 )
      $this->port = $port;
      die(__CLASS__ . ': Invalid port');
   * Sets parameters and opens the connection.
   * @param string Nick
   * @param string User
   * @param string Real name
   * @param string NickServ password
   * @param int Flags, defaults to 0.
  public function connect($nick, $username, $realname, $pass, $flags = 0)
    // Init connection
    $this->sock = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port);
    if ( !$this->sock )
      throw new Exception('Could not make socket connection to host.');
    stream_set_timeout($this->sock, 1);
    // Send nick and username
    $this->put("NICK $nick\r\n");
    $this->put("USER $username 0 * :$realname\r\n");
    // wait for a mode +i or end of the motd
    while ( true )
      $msg = $this->get();
      if ( empty($msg) )
      if ( ( strstr($msg, 'MODE') && strstr($msg, '+i') ) || strstr(strtolower($msg), 'end of /motd') )
      if ( preg_match('/^PING :(.+?)$/', $msg, $match) )
        $this->put("PONG :{$match[1]}\r\n");
    // identify to nickserv
    $this->privmsg('NickServ', "IDENTIFY $pass");
    $this->nick = $nick;
    $this->user = $username;
   * Writes some data to the socket, abstracted for debugging purposes.
   * @param string Message to send, this should include a CRLF.
  public function put($message)
    if ( !$this->sock )
      if ( defined('LIBIRC_DEBUG') )
        echo ">>> WRITE FAILED: $message";
      return false;
    if ( defined('LIBIRC_DEBUG') )
      echo ">>> $message";
    fwrite($this->sock, $message);
   * Reads from the socket...
   * @return string
  public function get()
    if ( !$this->sock )
      if ( defined('LIBIRC_DEBUG') )
        echo "<<< READ FAILED\n";
      return false;
    $out = fgets($this->sock, 4096);
    if ( defined('LIBIRC_DEBUG') )
      if ( !empty($out) )
        echo "<<< $out";
    return $out;
   * Sends a message to a nick or channel.
   * @param string Nick or channel
   * @param string Message
  public function privmsg($nick, $message)
    $message = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $message);
    $message = explode("\n", $message);
    foreach ( $message as $line )
      $this->put("PRIVMSG $nick :$line\r\n");
   * The main event loop.
  public function event_loop()
    stream_set_timeout($this->sock, 0xFFFFFFFE);
    while ( $data = $this->get() )
      $data_trim = trim($data);
      $match = self::parse_message($data_trim);
      if ( preg_match('/^PING :(.+?)$/', $data_trim, $pmatch) )
        $this->put("PONG :{$pmatch[1]}\r\n");
      else if ( $match )
        // Received PRIVMSG or other mainstream action
        if ( $match['action'] == 'JOIN' || $match['action'] == 'PART' )
          $channel =& $match['message'];
          $channel =& $match['target'];
        if ( !preg_match('/^[#!&\+]/', $channel) )
          // Private message from user
          $result = $this->handle_privmsg($data);
          @stream_set_timeout($this->sock, 0xFFFFFFFE);
        else if ( isset($this->channels[strtolower($channel)]) )
          // Message into channel
          $chan =& $this->channels[strtolower($channel)];
          $func = $chan->get_handler();
          $result = @call_user_func($func, $data, $chan);
          @stream_set_timeout($this->sock, 0xFFFFFFFE);
        if ( $result == 'BREAK' )
   * Processor for when a private message is received.
   * @access private
  private function handle_privmsg($message)
    $message = self::parse_message($message);
    $ph = $this->privmsg_handler;
    if ( @function_exists($ph) )
      return @call_user_func($ph, $message);
   * Changes the function called upon receipt of a private message.
   * @param string Function to call, will be passed a parsed message.
  function set_privmsg_handler($func)
    if ( !function_exists($func) )
      return false;
    $this->privmsg_handler = $func;
    return true;
   * Parses a message line.
   * @param string Message text
   * @return array Associative with keys: nick, user, host, action, target, message
  public static function parse_message($message)
    // Indices:          12       3       4        5        67                         8
    $mc = preg_match('/^:(([^ ]+)!([^ ]+)@([^ ]+)) ([A-Z]+) (([#!&\+]*[A-z0-9_-]+) )?:?(.*?)$/', $message, $match);
    if ( !$mc )
      return false;
    // Indices: 0 1 2      3      4      5        6 7        8
    list(       , , $nick, $user, $host, $action, , $target, $message) = $match;
    return array(
        'nick' => $nick,
        'user' => $user,
        'host' => $host,
        'action' => $action,
        'target' => $target,
        'message' => trim($message)
   * Joins a channel, and returns a Request_IRC_Channel object.
   * @param string Channel name (remember # prefix)
   * @param string Event handler function, will be called with param 0 = socket output and param 1 = channel object
   * @return object
  function join($channel, $handler)
    $chan = new Request_IRC_Channel(strtolower($channel), $handler, $this);
    $this->channels[strtolower($channel)] = $chan;
    return $chan;
   * Closes the connection and quits.
   * @param string Optional part message
  public function close($partmsg = false)
    if ( $this->quitted )
      return true;
    $this->quitted = true;
    // Part all channels
    if ( !$partmsg )
      $partmsg = 'IRC bot powered by PHP/' . PHP_VERSION . ' libirc/' . REQUEST_IRC_VERSION;
    foreach ( $this->channels as $channel )
    while ( $msg = $this->get() )
      // Do nothing.

 * Wrapper for channels.

class Request_IRC_Channel extends Request_IRC
   * The name of the channel
   * @var string
  private $channel_name = '';
   * The event handler function.
   * @var string
  private $handler = '';
   * The parent connection.
   * @var object
  public $parent = false;
   * Whether the channel has been parted or not, used to kill the destructor.
   * @var bool
  protected $parted = false;
   * Constructor.
   * @param string Channel name
   * @param string Handler function
   * @param object IRC connection (Request_IRC object)
  function __construct($channel, $handler, $parent)
    $this->parent = $parent;
    $this->parent->put("JOIN $channel\r\n");
    // stream_set_timeout($this->parent->sock, 3);
    // while ( $msg = $this->parent->get() )
    // {
    //   // Do nothing
    // }
    $this->channel_name = $channel;
    $this->handler = $handler;
   * Returns the channel name
   * @return string
  function get_channel_name()
    return $this->channel_name;
   * Returns the handler function
   * @return string
  function get_handler()
    return $this->handler;
   * Sends a message.
   * @param string message
   * @param bool If true, will fire a message event when the message is sent.
  function msg($msg, $fire_event = false)
    $this->parent->privmsg($this->channel_name, $msg);
    if ( $fire_event )
      $func = $this->get_handler();
      // format: :nick!user@host PRIVMSG #channel :msg.
      $lines = explode("\n", $msg);
      foreach ( $lines as $line )
        $data = ":{$this->parent->nick}!{$this->parent->user}@localhost PRIVMSG {$this->channel_name} :$line";
        $result = @call_user_func($func, $data, $this);
        stream_set_timeout($this->parent->sock, 0xFFFFFFFE);
   * Destructor, automatically parts the channel.
  function __destruct()
    if ( !$this->parted )
      $this->part('IRC bot powered by PHP/' . PHP_VERSION . ' libirc/' . REQUEST_IRC_VERSION);
   * Parts the channel.
   * @param string Optional message
  function part($msg = '')
    $this->parent->put("PART {$this->channel_name} :$msg\r\n");
    $this->parted = true;
