1 ; ExperienceUI installation |
2 Name "ExperienceUI SDK" |
3 |
4 SetCompressor /final /solid lzma |
5 |
6 !define XPUI_SYSDIR ".\Contrib\ExperienceUI" |
7 !include "${XPUI_SYSDIR}\XPUI.nsh" |
8 OutFile "experienceui-${XPUI_VERSION}.exe" |
9 InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\NSIS\ExperienceUI" |
10 InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\NSIS\ExperienceUI" "" |
11 RequestExecutionLevel admin |
12 |
13 ${Page} Welcome2 |
14 ${LicensePage} "Contrib\ExperienceUI\License.rtf" |
15 ${Page} Directory |
16 ${Page} InstConfirm |
17 ${Page} InstFiles |
18 |
19 ${UnPage} Welcome2 |
20 ${UnPage} UnConfirm |
21 ${UnPage} InstFiles |
22 ${UnPage} Finish |
23 |
24 ${Language} English |
25 |
26 Function .onInit |
27 ClearErrors |
28 ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\NSIS" "" |
29 IfErrors 0 +2 |
30 Return |
31 |
32 ; Set installation dir only if the ExUI is not installed |
33 ClearErrors |
34 ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM "Software\NSIS\ExperienceUI" "" |
35 IfErrors +2 |
36 Return |
37 |
38 StrCpy $INSTDIR "$0\ExperienceUI" |
39 FunctionEnd |
40 |
41 Section |
42 SetOutPath $INSTDIR |
43 File /r Contrib |
44 File /r Docs |
45 File /r Examples |
46 File /r Include |
47 File /r Plugins |
48 |
49 ; Write install dir |
50 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\NSIS\ExperienceUI" "" "$INSTDIR" |
51 |
52 ; Write uninstaller |
53 WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall-exui.exe" |
54 |
55 ; Registry stuff |
56 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$(^Name)" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)" |
57 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$(^Name)" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninstall-exui.exe" |
58 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$(^Name)" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\XPUI-install.ico" |
59 |
60 ; Register with NSIS |
61 ClearErrors |
62 ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\NSIS" "" |
63 IfErrors 0 +3 |
64 ; NSIS not found |
65 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Setup did not detect NSIS on your system. Integrating the ExperienceUI with NSIS will be your job once you install NSIS." |
66 Return |
67 |
68 MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Found NSIS installation at $0. Do you want to register the ExperienceUI SDK with this copy of NSIS?$\n$\n(If you don't, you'll have to specify the full path to XPUI.nsh in your scripts.)" IDYES +2 |
69 Return |
70 |
71 ; Write in .nsh |
72 ; $0 = NSIS installation dir |
73 ClearErrors |
74 FileOpen $1 "$0\Include\XPUI.nsh" "w" |
75 FileWrite $1 "!define XPUI_SYSDIR $\"$INSTDIR\Contrib\ExperienceUI$\"$\r$\n" |
76 FileWrite $1 "!include $\"$$" |
77 ; stupid compiler bugs... |
78 FileWrite $1 "{XPUI_SYSDIR}\XPUI.nsh$\"$\r$\n" |
79 FileClose $0 |
80 SectionEnd |
81 |
82 Section "Uninstall" |
83 Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall-exui.exe" |
84 DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$(^Name)" |
85 DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\NSIS\ExperienceUI" |
86 |
87 ; The goal here: completely clean up the ExperienceUI, but if |
88 ; there's other stuff, don't touch it |
89 |
90 ; Remember, only RmDir /r removes directories with files. |
91 ; Otherwise, it only removes fully empty directories. |
92 |
93 ; Contrib |
94 RmDir /r "$INSTDIR\Contrib\ExperienceUI" |
95 Delete "$INSTDIR\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\XPUI-install.ico" |
96 Delete "$INSTDIR\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\XPUI-uninstall.ico" |
97 RmDir "$INSTDIR\Contrib\Graphics\Icons" |
98 RmDir "$INSTDIR\Contrib\Graphics" |
99 RmDir "$INSTDIR\Contrib" |
100 |
101 ; Docs |
102 RmDir /r "$INSTDIR\Docs\ExperienceUI" |
103 RmDir "$INSTDIR\Docs" |
104 |
105 ; Examples |
106 RmDir /r "$INSTDIR\Examples\ExperienceUI" |
107 RmDir "$INSTDIR\Examples" |
108 |
109 ; Include |
110 Delete "$INSTDIR\Include\NSISArray.nsh" |
111 Delete "$INSTDIR\Include\RecFind.nsh" |
112 Delete "$INSTDIR\Include\system.nsh" |
113 Delete "$INSTDIR\Include\XPUI.nsh" |
114 RmDir "$INSTDIR\Include" |
115 |
116 ; Plugins |
117 Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\DcryptDll.dll" |
118 Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\messagebox.dll" |
119 Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\newadvsplash.dll" |
120 Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\NSISArray.dll" |
121 Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\WAnsis.dll" |
122 Delete "$INSTDIR\Plugins\ZipDLL.dll" |
123 RmDir "$INSTDIR\Plugins" |
124 |
125 RmDir "$INSTDIR" |
126 |
127 ClearErrors |
128 ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\NSIS" "" |
129 IfErrors +2 |
130 Return |
131 |
132 Delete "$0\Include\XPUI.nsh" |
133 |
134 SectionEnd |