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+++ b/Docs/ExperienceUI/pages/using.htm Tue Oct 16 00:07:41 2007 -0400
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+ <head>
+ <title>ExperienceUI Documentation Content Frame</title>
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+ <td valign=top style=margin:10px;padding:10px>
+<h1>Using the ExperienceUI</h1>
+<font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
+Implementing the ExperienceUI into your NSIS script is very easy. Many people that use the ExperienceUI will be creating new script files,
+but for those who are upgrading a Modern UI, UltraModernUI, or InstallSpider UI script to the ExperienceUI, all you'll need to do is change
+the include to the ExperienceUI header file.<br>
+The ExperienceUI uses a define/macro system. This allows you to define custom colors, bitmaps, and user interface files, but the defaults
+will be used if you don't define anything. You don't need to know that much about NSIS to use the ExperienceUI, because all of the code
+that controls the user interface has been written for you.
+You shouldn't use settings like Icon, CheckBitmap, or ChangeUI, because the ExperienceUI uses its own GUI settings.<br>
+If you haven't done so, I recommend that you read the <a href=syntax.htm><b>syntax</b> page</a> before diving into this.
+ <p style=margin-left:0.20in>
+ <b>If you are creating a new script</b> or upgrading a script from the standard UI<br>
+ <br>
+ <ul type=1 style=margin-left:0.40in>
+ <li><b>Include the header file.</b><br>
+ <br>
+ Include the header file with:<br><br>
+ <font face="Courier New"><font color=#008000>!include </font>XPUI.nsh</font>.<br><br>
+ This notifies NSIS that you want to use the ExperienceUI. The XPUI.nsh file is in <NSIS Folder>\Include, so you don't need
+ to specify a path.<br>
+ <br></li>
+ <li><b>GUI Settings</b><br>
+ <br>
+ Next, define any settings that apply to the entire installer, like XPUI_ICON, XPUI_TEXT_COLOR and such. Actually, while this is the best
+ place to define visual settings, you can really define settings like these anywhere before you insert the first language file.<br>
+ <br></li>
+ <li><b>Installer Pages</b><br>
+ <br>
+ Insert <a href=page_macros.htm>pages</a> into the script.
+ <a href=page_settings.htm>Read about page settings...</a><br>
+ <br></li>
+ <li><b>Your own sections and functions</b><br>
+ <br>
+ Now, insert your own code into the script. This is usually your own sections, functions, and such. For more information about
+ sections and functions, please refer to the NSIS users manual.<br>
+ <br></li>
+ <li><b>Custom code for ExperienceUI pages</b><br>
+ <br>
+ You can add your own code to the ExperienceUI page macros. For each page in the installer, you can insert three functions, one
+ before the page is initialized, one when the page is about to be shown, and one after the page is finished. <a href=custfunc.htm>More about custom functions...</a><br>
+ <br></li>
+ <li><b>Your own pages</b><br>
+ <br>
+ NSIS 2 features a plugin system that allows you to insert your own pages. Refer to the NSIS users' guide for information on how
+ to use <b>InstallOptions</b> to create custom pages.<br>
+ <br>
+ To insert a custom page, use the Page command between ExperienceUI page macros at the point where you want your page to appear.
+ Then, use the ExperienceUI's <a href=io.htm>InstallOptions Macros</a> to display the page.<br>
+ <br>
+ Here is an example custom page:<br>
+ <br>
+ <font face="Courier New">
+ <font color=#008000>!insertmacro </font>XPUI_PAGE_WELCOME<br>
+ <font color=#008000>!insertmacro </font>XPUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS<br>
+ <font color=#000080><b>; this page will be in between the Components and Install Confirm pages</b></font><br>
+ <font color=#0000FF><b>Page </b></font><font color=#FF8040>custom </font>CstmPage <font color=#008080>"" " - Custom Page!" </font><br>
+ <font color=#008000>!insertmacro </font>XPUI_PAGE_INSTCONFIRM<br>
+ <br>
+ <font color=#0000FF><b>Function </b></font>CstmPage<br>
+ <font color=#008000>!insertmacro </font>XPUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT MyPage.ini<br>
+ <font color=#008000>!insertmacro </font>XPUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_SHOW <font color=#008080>"MyPage.ini"</font><br>
+ <font color=#0000FF><b>FunctionEnd</b></font>
+ </font>
+ <br>
+ <br></li>
+ <li><b>Section Descriptions</b><br>
+ <br>
+ Now, you can insert section descriptions. If you are using a components page, you can set a description of each component to appear when the
+ user positions the mouse over an item in the list. <a href=secdesc.htm>Read more...</a><br>
+ <br></li>
+ <li><b>Language Files</b><br>
+ <br>
+ Insert languages into your installer.
+ The languages included with the ExperienceUI are English, French, German, PortugueseBR (Brazilian Portuguese), and Spanish.<br>
+ <br>
+ You must insert at least one language into your installer in order for the ExperienceUI to work properly.<br>
+ <br>
+ <font face="Courier New"><font color=#008000>!insertmacro </font>XPUI_LANGUAGE <font color=#008080>"English"</font><br>
+ <font face="Courier New"><font color=#008000>!insertmacro </font>XPUI_LANGUAGE <font color=#008080>"PortugueseBR"</font></font></font><br>
+ <br>
+ You don't need to insert XPUI_FUNCTION_GUIINIT anymore, because it is now inserted the first time you insert a language.<br>
+ <br></li>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ <p style=margin-left:0.20in><b>Converting a Modern UI, UltraModern UI, or InstallSpider UI script</b></p>
+ <p style=margin-left:0.40in>
+ You can use an existing script that uses the Modern UI, UltraModern UI, or InstallSpider UI with the ExperienceUI. The ExperienceUI
+ includes special code that converts all known Modern UI defines to ExperienceUI-compatible settings. This is much like WINE for Linux.
+ WINE is not Windows, it just can look that way because of special code. The ExperienceUI works the same way. While the ExperienceUI
+ can understand Modern UI-compatible scripts, its underlying architecture is completely different.<br>
+ <br>
+ I can do this using a feature known as dummy macros. If you insert, for example, MUI_PAGE_WELCOME, the ExperienceUI will automatically
+ <br>
+ To use the ExperienceUI in a Modern UI, UltraModern UI, or InstallSpider UI script, just change the include. Example:<br>
+ <br>
+ Old:<br>
+ <font face="Courier New"><font color=#008000>!include </font><font color=#008080>"MUI.nsh"</font> <font color=#000080><b>; or UMUI.nsh or ISUI.nsh...</b></font>
+ </font><br>
+ <br>
+ New:<br>
+ <font face="Courier New"><font color=#008000>!include </font><font color=#008080>"XPUI.nsh"</font>
+ </font><br>
+ <br>
+ </p>
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+ <td valign=bottom style=margin:0px;padding:0px>
+ <p class=footer>Copyright © 2004-2006 Dan Fuhry. All rights except those explicitly given in the <a href=license_agreement.htm style=color:#A0A0D0 onmouseover="this.style.color='#A0A0A0'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#A0A0D0'">license agreement</a> reserved.</p>
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