author Dan
Mon, 03 Aug 2009 21:12:44 -0400
changeset 7 4b8e729b72fc
parent 0 d5ce4c64ef88
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Made XPUI.nsh add the Plugin and Include directories relative to XPUI_SYSDIR to make detached installations work better.

# NSISArray.nsh by Afrow UK
# Array script header for NSISArray plugin by Afrow UK
# For usage, see Docs\NSISArray\Readme.html
# Script header v1.3 (RC3)
# Only for use with the same plugin version.
# Last modified: 28th April 2005

!ifndef NSISArray
!define NSISArray

!macro Array Name Size StrLen

 !ifndef Array_ScriptHeaderInited

  !ifdef ArrayCallInstDLL
   !define ArrayPluginDLL `${ArrayCallInstDLL}`
  !else ifndef ArrayPluginDLL
   !define ArrayPluginDLL `NSISArray`

  !ifndef ArrayValVar
   Var ArrayVal
   !define ArrayValVar $ArrayVal

  !ifndef ArrayErrVar
   Var ArrayErr
   !define ArrayErrVar $ArrayErr

 !define Array_ScriptHeaderInited

 !ifndef `Array_${Name}_Declared`

 !ifdef Array_Obj
  !undef Array_Obj
 !define Array_Obj `->`

 !ifdef ArrayObj
  !undef ArrayObj
 !define ArrayObj `!insertmacro ArrayObj`

 !ifdef Array_Name
  !undef Array_Name
 !define Array_Name "${Name}"

 !ifdef Array_Size
  !undef Array_Size
 !define Array_Size "${Size}"

 !ifdef Array_StrLen
  !undef Array_StrLen
 !define Array_StrLen "${StrLen}"

 !define `Array_${Name}_Declared`
  !error "NSISArray: You cannot declare more than one array with the same name."
!define Array `!insertmacro Array`

!macro ArrayObj Obj
 !ifdef Array_Obj
  !undef Array_Obj
 !define Array_Obj `${Obj}`

!macro Array_ObjErr Null
 !error "NSISArray: You can only set the array object style once."

!macro ArrayFunc Func

 !define `Func_${Func}`
 !ifdef Func_Inited \
      | Func_Print \
      | Func_Write \
      | Func_WriteList \
      | Func_WriteListC \
      | Func_Put \
      | Func_Read \
      | Func_ReadToStack \
      | Func_Cut \
      | Func_Push \
      | Func_Pop \
      | Func_Shift \
      | Func_Unshift \
      | Func_Reverse \
      | Func_Sort \
      | Func_Clear \
      | Func_Splice \
      | Func_Swap \
      | Func_Copy \
      | Func_Join \
      | Func_Concat \
      | Func_Exists \
      | Func_ExistsI \
      | Func_Search \
      | Func_SearchI \
      | Func_SizeOf \
      | Func_ReadFirst \
      | Func_ReadNext \
      | Func_ReadClose \
      | Func_Debug \
      | Func_SetSize \
      | Func_ReDim \
      | Func_FreeUnusedMem

  !ifndef Array_Name
   !error "NSISArray: Please declare an array before declaring functions."

   !ifndef `Array_FuncDefined_${Array_Name}${Func}`
    !define `Array_FuncDefined_${Array_Name}${Func}`
    !error "NSISArray: You cannot declare a function more than once."

   !ifdef ArrayObj
    !undef ArrayObj
   !define ArrayObj `!insertmacro Array_ObjErr`

   !ifndef "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}Init"
    !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}Init" `!insertmacro Array_Init "${Array_Name}" "${Array_Size}" "${Array_StrLen}"`
   !ifndef "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}Delete"
    !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}Delete" `!insertmacro Array_Delete "${Array_Name}"`

   !ifdef ArrayCallInstDLL
    !ifdef Func_WriteList
     !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}WriteListBegin" `!insertmacro Array_WriteListBegin `
     !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}WriteListItem"  `!insertmacro Array_WriteListItem`
     !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}WriteListEnd"   `!insertmacro Array_WriteListEnd "${Array_Name}"`
    !else \
     ifdef Func_Splice
     !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}SpliceBegin" `!insertmacro Array_SpliceBegin `
     !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}SpliceItem"  `!insertmacro Array_SpliceItem`
     !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}SpliceEnd"   `!insertmacro Array_SpliceEnd "${Array_Name}"`
     !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}${Func}" `!insertmacro Array_${Func} "${Array_Name}"`
    !define "${Array_Name}${Array_Obj}${Func}" `!insertmacro Array_${Func} "${Array_Name}"`


 !else \
  ifdef Func_Init \
      | Func_Delete
  !error "NSISArray: You do not need to declare the Init and Delete functions."
  !error "NSISArray: An invalid function Name has been declared."
 !undef `Func_${Func}`

!define ArrayFunc `!insertmacro ArrayFunc`

!macro Array_ErrorStyle ErrorStyle
 !define `ErrorStyle_${ErrorStyle}`
 !ifdef ErrorStyle_logwin
  !define ErrorStyleNum 5
 !else ifdef ErrorStyle_msgbox
  !define ErrorStyleNum 3
  !define ErrorStyleNum 1
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::ErrorStyle /NOUNLOAD "${ErrorStyleNum}"
  Push "${ErrorStyleNum}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD ErrorStyle
 !undef ErrorStyleNum
 !undef `ErrorStyle_${ErrorStyle}`
!define ArrayErrorStyle `!insertmacro Array_ErrorStyle`

!macro Array_PopErrVar
 Pop "${ArrayErrVar}"
 !ifdef ArraySetErrors
  StrCmp "${ArrayErrVar}" 0 +2
!define Array_PopErrVar `!insertmacro Array_PopErrVar`

!macro Array_Init Name Size StrLen
 !ifndef `Array_${Name}_Inited`
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::ErrorStyle /NOUNLOAD ""
  Pop "${ArrayErrVar}"
  StrCmp "${ArrayErrVar}" 3 +3
  StrCmp "${ArrayErrVar}" 5 +2
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::ErrorStyle /NOUNLOAD "1"
  Push ""
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD ErrorStyle
  Pop "${ArrayErrVar}"
  StrCmp "${ArrayErrVar}" 3 +4
  StrCmp "${ArrayErrVar}" 5 +3
  Push "1"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD ErrorStyle
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::New /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Size}" "${StrLen}"
  Push "${StrLen}"
  Push "${Size}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD New
 !define `Array_${Name}_Inited`
  !error "NSISArray: An array can only be initialised once."

!macro Array_Delete Name
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Delete /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::ArrayCount /NOUNLOAD
   Pop "${ArrayValVar}"
  StrCmp "${ArrayValVar}" 0 0 +2
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Delete
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD ArrayCount
   Pop "${ArrayValVar}"
  StrCmp "${ArrayValVar}" 0 0 +2
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` Unload

!macro Array_ReDim Name Size StrLen
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::ReDim /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Size}" "${StrLen}"
  Push "${StrLen}"
  Push "${Size}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD ReDim

!macro Array_FreeUnusedMem Name
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::FreeUnusedMem /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD FreeUnusedMem

!macro Array_Inited Name JumpInited JumpNotInited
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::ArrayExists /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD ArrayExists
  Pop "${ArrayValVar}"
 StrCmp "${ArrayValVar}" 1 "${JumpInited}" "${JumpNotInited}"

!macro Array_Write Name Index Value
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Write /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Index}" "${Value}"
  Push "${Value}"
  Push "${Index}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Write

!ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
!macro Array_WriteList Name List
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::WriteList /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" ${List} "/END"
!macro Array_WriteListBegin
  Push "/END"
!macro Array_WriteListItem Item
  Push `${Item}`
!macro Array_WriteListEnd Name
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD WriteList

!macro Array_WriteListC Name List Char
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::WriteListC /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${List}" "${Char}"
  Push "${Char}"
  Push "${List}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD WriteListC

!macro Array_Put Name Index Value
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Put /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Index}" "${Value}"
  Push "${Value}"
  Push "${Index}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Put

!macro Array_Read Name Var Index
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Read /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Index}"
  Push "${Index}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Read
  Pop "${Var}"

!macro Array_ReadToStack Name IndexA IndexB
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::ReadToStack /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${IndexA}" "${IndexB}"
  Push "${IndexB}"
  Push "${IndexA}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD ReadToStack

!macro Array_Cut Name Var Index
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Cut /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Index}"
  Push "${Index}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Cut
  Pop "${Var}"

!macro Array_Push Name Value
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Push /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Value}"
  Push "${Value}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Push

!macro Array_Pop Name Var
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Pop /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Pop
  Pop "${Var}"

!macro Array_Shift Name Value
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Shift /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Value}"
  Push "${Value}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Shift

!macro Array_Unshift Name Var
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Unshift /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Unshift
  Pop "${Var}"

!macro Array_Reverse Name
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Reverse /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Reverse

!macro Array_Sort NameA NameB
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Sort /NOUNLOAD "${NameA}" "${NameB}"
  Push "${NameB}"
  Push "${NameA}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Sort

!macro Array_Clear Name
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Clear /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Clear

!ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
!macro Array_Splice Name IndexA IndexB List
 ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Splice /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${IndexA}" "${IndexB}" ${List} "/END"
!macro Array_SpliceBegin IndexA IndexB
 !define Array_Splice_IndexA `${IndexA}`
 !define Array_Splice_IndexB `${IndexB}`
  Push "/END"
!macro Array_SpliceItem Item
  Push `${Item}`
!macro Array_SpliceEnd Name
  Push "${Array_Splice_IndexB}"
  Push "${Array_Splice_IndexA}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Splice
  !undef Array_Splice_IndexB
  !undef Array_Splice_IndexA

!macro Array_Swap Name IndexA IndexB
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Swap /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${IndexA}" "${IndexB}"
  Push "${IndexB}"
  Push "${IndexA}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Swap

!macro Array_Copy Name ToArray
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Copy /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${ToArray}"
  Push "${ToArray}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Copy

!macro Array_Join Name ToArray
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Join /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${ToArray}"
  Push "${ToArray}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Join

!macro Array_Concat Name Var Chars
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Concat /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Chars}"
  Push "${Chars}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Concat
  Pop "${Var}"

!macro Array_Exists Name Var Value Index
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Exists /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Value}" "${Index}"
  Push "${Index}"
  Push "${Value}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Exists
  Pop "${Var}"

!macro Array_ExistsI Name Var Value Index
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::ExistsI /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Value}" "${Index}"
  Push "${Index}"
  Push "${Value}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD ExistsI
  Pop "${Var}"

!macro Array_Search Name Var Value Index
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Search /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Value}" "${Index}"
  Push "${Index}"
  Push "${Value}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Search
  Pop "${Var}"

!macro Array_SearchI Name Var Value Index
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::SearchI /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Value}" "${Index}"
  Push "${Index}"
  Push "${Value}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD SearchI
  Pop "${Var}"

!macro Array_SizeOf Name VarItems VarSize VarStrLen
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::SizeOf /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD SizeOf
  Pop "${VarStrLen}"
  Pop "${VarSize}"
  Pop "${VarItems}"

!macro Array_Debug Name
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Debug /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Debug

!macro Array_SetSize Name Size
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::SetSize /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Size}"
  Push "${Size}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD SetSize

!macro Array_ReadFirst Name Handle Var
 !tempfile F
 !delfile ${F}
 !define Local ${__LINE__}-${F}
 !undef F
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::SizeOf /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD SizeOf
  Pop "${Var}"
  Pop "${Var}"
  Pop "${Var}"
  StrCmp "${Var}" 0 0 +4
   StrCpy "${Var}" ""
   Goto Done_${Local}
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Read /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "0"
  Push "0"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Read
  Pop "${Var}"
  StrCpy "${Handle}" 1
 !undef Local

!macro Array_ReadNext Name Handle Var
 !tempfile F
 !delfile ${F}
 !define Local ${__LINE__}-${F}
 !undef F
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::SizeOf /NOUNLOAD "${Name}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD SizeOf
  Pop "${Var}"
  Pop "${Var}"
  Pop "${Var}"
  StrCmp "${Var}" "${Handle}" 0 +4
   StrCpy "${Var}" ""
   Goto Done_${Local}
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Read /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Handle}"
  Push "${Handle}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Read
  Pop "${Var}"
  IntOp "${Handle}" "${Handle}" + 1
 !undef Local

!macro Array_ReadClose Name Handle
 StrCpy "${Handle}" ""

!macro Array_Print Name Index
 !ifndef ArrayCallInstDLL
  ${ArrayPluginDLL}::Read /NOUNLOAD "${Name}" "${Index}"
  Push "${Index}"
  Push "${Name}"
  CallInstDLL `${ArrayPluginDLL}` /NOUNLOAD Read
  Pop "${ArrayValVar}"
  DetailPrint "${ArrayValVar}"
