2011-10-17 Dan Fuhry Fixed case sensitivity bugs
2011-10-17 Dan Fuhry Added Russian language... doesn't work right now because it's UTF8.
2010-04-18 Dan Release tagged: 1.3.2
2010-04-18 Dan Bumped docs version to 1.3.2 1.3.2
2010-04-18 Dan Added Adriano Periera's e-mail address
2010-01-20 Dan Version bump to 1.3.2, pending doc changes; fixed absence of "LockWindow off" in uninstconfirm page init
2009-12-17 Dan Added Portuguese (2070) translation. Thanks Adriano Pereira!
2009-10-09 Dan Finish page: added XPUI_FINISHPAGE_CANCEL_ENABLE, which defaults to off. (Warning, default behavior change! - per MUI compat)
2009-09-08 Dan Basic example: added XPUI_SYSDIR support for testing purposes
2009-08-04 Dan Unstable release: ExperienceUI 1.3.1
2009-08-04 Dan Version bump to 1.3.1, final testing to follow 1.3.1
2009-08-04 Dan Added a basic, but working, installer.
2009-08-04 Dan Updated all examples for detached installation compatibility
2009-08-04 Dan Fixed Start Menu page in detached XPUI installation
2009-08-04 Dan Fixed some langpage bugs
2009-08-04 Dan There shouldn't be an uninstaller in here
2009-08-04 Dan Fixed wrong variable name used in XPUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_EXTRACT
2009-08-04 Dan License says (C) 2009 now
2009-08-04 Dan Made XPUI.nsh add the Plugin and Include directories relative to XPUI_SYSDIR to make detached installations work better.
2009-08-03 Dan Removed installer script - it's crud.
2009-05-27 Dan Fixed some license page drawing issues; InstallOptions INIs are now no longer overwritten if they exist
2009-05-26 Dan Fixed artifacts in text boxes and other typable things when XPUI_BGIMAGE is enabled
2009-04-18 Dan XPUI_BGIMAGE working under UNIX now
2009-04-18 Dan Some core files converted to UTF-8; installers now compile and run under UNIX and WINE; ExUI can now be used in a detached NSIS root
2007-10-16 Dan Include/XPUI.nsh de-localized
2007-10-16 Dan Initial population with stock ExUI 1.11pre + a couple of fixes needed to compile the installer
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