changeset 0 441963e5b07a
child 2 9e3258dfae15
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:441963e5b07a
     1 <?php
     2 /*************************************************************************************
     3  * delphi.php
     4  * ----------
     5  * Author: Járja Norbert (
     6  * Copyright: (c) 2004 Járja Norbert, Nigel McNie (
     7  * Release Version:
     8  * Date Started: 2004/07/26
     9  *
    10  * Delphi (Object Pascal) language file for GeSHi.
    11  *
    12  * CHANGES
    13  * -------
    14  * 2005/11/19 (1.0.3)
    15  *   -  Updated the very incomplete keyword and type lists
    16  * 2005/09/03 (1.0.2)
    17  *   -  Added support for hex numbers and string entities
    18  * 2004/11/27 (1.0.1)
    19  *   -  Added support for multiple object splitters
    20  * 2004/10/27 (1.0.0)
    21  *   -  First Release
    22  *
    23  * TODO (updated 2004/11/27)
    24  * -------------------------
    25  *
    26  *************************************************************************************
    27  *
    28  *   This file is part of GeSHi.
    29  *
    30  *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    31  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    32  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    33  *   (at your option) any later version.
    34  *
    35  *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    36  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    38  *   GNU General Public License for more details.
    39  *
    40  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    41  *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
    42  *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    43  *
    44  ************************************************************************************/
    46 $language_data = array (
    47     'LANG_NAME' => 'Delphi',
    48     'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//'),
    49     'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('(*' => '*)', '{' => '}'),
    50     'CASE_KEYWORDS' => 0,
    51     'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'", '"'),
    52     'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '',
    53     'KEYWORDS' => array(
    54         1 => array(
    55             'Abstract', 'And', 'Array', 'As', 'Asm', 'At', 'Begin', 'Case', 'Class',
    56             'Const', 'Constructor', 'Contains', 'Destructor', 'DispInterface', 'Div',
    57             'Do', 'DownTo', 'Else', 'End', 'Except', 'File', 'Finalization',
    58             'Finally', 'For', 'Function', 'Goto', 'If', 'Implementation', 'In',
    59             'Inherited', 'Initialization', 'Inline', 'Interface', 'Is', 'Label',
    60             'Mod', 'Not', 'Object', 'Of', 'On', 'Or', 'Overload', 'Override',
    61             'Package', 'Packed', 'Private', 'Procedure', 'Program', 'Property',
    62             'Protected', 'Public', 'Published', 'Raise', 'Record', 'Repeat',
    63             'Requires', 'Resourcestring', 'Set', 'Shl', 'Shr', 'Then', 'ThreadVar',
    64             'To', 'Try', 'Type', 'Unit', 'Until', 'Uses', 'Var', 'Virtual', 'While',
    65             'With', 'Xor', 'assembler', 'cdecl', 'far', 'near', 'pascal', 'register',
    66             'safecall', 'stdcall', 'varargs'
    67             ),
    68         2 => array(
    69             'nil', 'false', 'self', 'true', 'var', 'type', 'const'
    70             ),
    71         3 => array(
    72             'Abs', 'AcquireExceptionObject', 'Addr', 'AnsiToUtf8', 'Append', 'ArcTan',
    73             'Assert', 'AssignFile', 'Assigned', 'BeginThread', 'BlockRead',
    74             'BlockWrite', 'Break', 'ChDir', 'Chr', 'Close', 'CloseFile',
    75             'CompToCurrency', 'CompToDouble', 'Concat', 'Continue', 'Copy', 'Cos',
    76             'Dec', 'Delete', 'Dispose', 'DoubleToComp', 'EndThread', 'EnumModules',
    77             'EnumResourceModules', 'Eof', 'Eoln', 'Erase', 'ExceptAddr',
    78             'ExceptObject', 'Exclude', 'Exit', 'Exp', 'FilePos', 'FileSize',
    79             'FillChar', 'Finalize', 'FindClassHInstance', 'FindHInstance',
    80             'FindResourceHInstance', 'Flush', 'Frac', 'FreeMem', 'Get8087CW',
    81             'GetDir', 'GetLastError', 'GetMem', 'GetMemoryManager',
    82             'GetModuleFileName', 'GetVariantManager', 'Halt', 'Hi', 'High',
    83             'IOResult', 'Inc', 'Include', 'Initialize', 'Insert', 'Int',
    84             'IsMemoryManagerSet', 'IsVariantManagerSet', 'Length', 'Ln', 'Lo', 'Low',
    85             'MkDir', 'Move', 'New', 'Odd', 'OleStrToStrVar', 'OleStrToString', 'Ord',
    86             'PUCS4Chars', 'ParamCount', 'ParamStr', 'Pi', 'Pos', 'Pred', 'Ptr',
    87             'Random', 'Randomize', 'Read', 'ReadLn', 'ReallocMem',
    88             'ReleaseExceptionObject', 'Rename', 'Reset', 'Rewrite', 'RmDir', 'Round',
    89             'RunError', 'Seek', 'SeekEof', 'SeekEoln', 'Set8087CW', 'SetLength',
    90             'SetLineBreakStyle', 'SetMemoryManager', 'SetString', 'SetTextBuf',
    91             'SetVariantManager', 'Sin', 'SizeOf', 'Slice', 'Sqr', 'Sqrt', 'Str',
    92             'StringOfChar', 'StringToOleStr', 'StringToWideChar', 'Succ', 'Swap',
    93             'Trunc', 'Truncate', 'TypeInfo', 'UCS4StringToWideString', 'UTF8Decode',
    94             'UTF8Encode', 'UnicodeToUtf8', 'UniqueString', 'UpCase', 'Utf8ToAnsi',
    95             'Utf8ToUnicode', 'Val', 'VarArrayRedim', 'VarClear',
    96             'WideCharLenToStrVar', 'WideCharLenToString', 'WideCharToStrVar',
    97             'WideCharToString', 'WideStringToUCS4String', 'Write', 'WriteLn',
    99             'Abort', 'AddExitProc', 'AddTerminateProc', 'AdjustLineBreaks', 'AllocMem',
   100             'AnsiCompareFileName', 'AnsiCompareStr', 'AnsiCompareText',
   101             'AnsiDequotedStr', 'AnsiExtractQuotedStr', 'AnsiLastChar',
   102             'AnsiLowerCase', 'AnsiLowerCaseFileName', 'AnsiPos', 'AnsiQuotedStr',
   103             'AnsiSameStr', 'AnsiSameText', 'AnsiStrComp', 'AnsiStrIComp',
   104             'AnsiStrLComp', 'AnsiStrLIComp', 'AnsiStrLastChar', 'AnsiStrLower',
   105             'AnsiStrPos', 'AnsiStrRScan', 'AnsiStrScan', 'AnsiStrUpper',
   106             'AnsiUpperCase', 'AnsiUpperCaseFileName', 'AppendStr', 'AssignStr',
   107             'Beep', 'BoolToStr', 'ByteToCharIndex', 'ByteToCharLen', 'ByteType',
   108             'CallTerminateProcs', 'ChangeFileExt', 'CharLength', 'CharToByteIndex',
   109             'CharToByteLen', 'CompareMem', 'CompareStr', 'CompareText', 'CreateDir',
   110             'CreateGUID', 'CurrToStr', 'CurrToStrF', 'CurrentYear', 'Date',
   111             'DateTimeToFileDate', 'DateTimeToStr', 'DateTimeToString',
   112             'DateTimeToSystemTime', 'DateTimeToTimeStamp', 'DateToStr', 'DayOfWeek',
   113             'DecodeDate', 'DecodeDateFully', 'DecodeTime', 'DeleteFile',
   114             'DirectoryExists', 'DiskFree', 'DiskSize', 'DisposeStr', 'EncodeDate',
   115             'EncodeTime', 'ExceptionErrorMessage', 'ExcludeTrailingBackslash',
   116             'ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter', 'ExpandFileName', 'ExpandFileNameCase',
   117             'ExpandUNCFileName', 'ExtractFileDir', 'ExtractFileDrive',
   118             'ExtractFileExt', 'ExtractFileName', 'ExtractFilePath',
   119             'ExtractRelativePath', 'ExtractShortPathName', 'FileAge', 'FileClose',
   120             'FileCreate', 'FileDateToDateTime', 'FileExists', 'FileGetAttr',
   121             'FileGetDate', 'FileIsReadOnly', 'FileOpen', 'FileRead', 'FileSearch',
   122             'FileSeek', 'FileSetAttr', 'FileSetDate', 'FileSetReadOnly', 'FileWrite',
   123             'FinalizePackage', 'FindClose', 'FindCmdLineSwitch', 'FindFirst',
   124             'FindNext', 'FloatToCurr', 'FloatToDateTime', 'FloatToDecimal',
   125             'FloatToStr', 'FloatToStrF', 'FloatToText', 'FloatToTextFmt',
   126             'FmtLoadStr', 'FmtStr', 'ForceDirectories', 'Format', 'FormatBuf',
   127             'FormatCurr', 'FormatDateTime', 'FormatFloat', 'FreeAndNil',
   128             'GUIDToString', 'GetCurrentDir', 'GetEnvironmentVariable',
   129             'GetFileVersion', 'GetFormatSettings', 'GetLocaleFormatSettings',
   130             'GetModuleName', 'GetPackageDescription', 'GetPackageInfo', 'GetTime',
   131             'IncAMonth', 'IncMonth', 'IncludeTrailingBackslash',
   132             'IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter', 'InitializePackage', 'IntToHex',
   133             'IntToStr', 'InterlockedDecrement', 'InterlockedExchange',
   134             'InterlockedExchangeAdd', 'InterlockedIncrement', 'IsDelimiter',
   135             'IsEqualGUID', 'IsLeapYear', 'IsPathDelimiter', 'IsValidIdent',
   136             'Languages', 'LastDelimiter', 'LoadPackage', 'LoadStr', 'LowerCase',
   137             'MSecsToTimeStamp', 'NewStr', 'NextCharIndex', 'Now', 'OutOfMemoryError',
   138             'QuotedStr', 'RaiseLastOSError', 'RaiseLastWin32Error', 'RemoveDir',
   139             'RenameFile', 'ReplaceDate', 'ReplaceTime', 'SafeLoadLibrary',
   140             'SameFileName', 'SameText', 'SetCurrentDir', 'ShowException', 'Sleep',
   141             'StrAlloc', 'StrBufSize', 'StrByteType', 'StrCat', 'StrCharLength',
   142             'StrComp', 'StrCopy', 'StrDispose', 'StrECopy', 'StrEnd', 'StrFmt',
   143             'StrIComp', 'StrLCat', 'StrLComp', 'StrLCopy', 'StrLFmt', 'StrLIComp',
   144             'StrLen', 'StrLower', 'StrMove', 'StrNew', 'StrNextChar', 'StrPCopy',
   145             'StrPLCopy', 'StrPas', 'StrPos', 'StrRScan', 'StrScan', 'StrToBool',
   146             'StrToBoolDef', 'StrToCurr', 'StrToCurrDef', 'StrToDate', 'StrToDateDef',
   147             'StrToDateTime', 'StrToDateTimeDef', 'StrToFloat', 'StrToFloatDef',
   148             'StrToInt', 'StrToInt64', 'StrToInt64Def', 'StrToIntDef', 'StrToTime',
   149             'StrToTimeDef', 'StrUpper', 'StringReplace', 'StringToGUID', 'Supports',
   150             'SysErrorMessage', 'SystemTimeToDateTime', 'TextToFloat', 'Time',
   151             'TimeStampToDateTime', 'TimeStampToMSecs', 'TimeToStr', 'Trim',
   152             'TrimLeft', 'TrimRight', 'TryEncodeDate', 'TryEncodeTime',
   153             'TryFloatToCurr', 'TryFloatToDateTime', 'TryStrToBool', 'TryStrToCurr',
   154             'TryStrToDate', 'TryStrToDateTime', 'TryStrToFloat', 'TryStrToInt',
   155             'TryStrToInt64', 'TryStrToTime', 'UnloadPackage', 'UpperCase',
   156             'WideCompareStr', 'WideCompareText', 'WideFmtStr', 'WideFormat',
   157             'WideFormatBuf', 'WideLowerCase', 'WideSameStr', 'WideSameText',
   158             'WideUpperCase', 'Win32Check', 'WrapText',
   160             'ActivateClassGroup', 'AllocateHwnd', 'BinToHex', 'CheckSynchronize',
   161             'CollectionsEqual', 'CountGenerations', 'DeallocateHwnd', 'EqualRect',
   162             'ExtractStrings', 'FindClass', 'FindGlobalComponent', 'GetClass',
   163             'GroupDescendantsWith', 'HexToBin', 'IdentToInt',
   164             'InitInheritedComponent', 'IntToIdent', 'InvalidPoint',
   165             'IsUniqueGlobalComponentName', 'LineStart', 'ObjectBinaryToText',
   166             'ObjectResourceToText', 'ObjectTextToBinary', 'ObjectTextToResource',
   167             'PointsEqual', 'ReadComponentRes', 'ReadComponentResEx',
   168             'ReadComponentResFile', 'Rect', 'RegisterClass', 'RegisterClassAlias',
   169             'RegisterClasses', 'RegisterComponents', 'RegisterIntegerConsts',
   170             'RegisterNoIcon', 'RegisterNonActiveX', 'SmallPoint', 'StartClassGroup',
   171             'TestStreamFormat', 'UnregisterClass', 'UnregisterClasses',
   172             'UnregisterIntegerConsts', 'UnregisterModuleClasses',
   173             'WriteComponentResFile',
   175             'ArcCos', 'ArcCosh', 'ArcCot', 'ArcCotH', 'ArcCsc', 'ArcCscH', 'ArcSec',
   176             'ArcSecH', 'ArcSin', 'ArcSinh', 'ArcTan2', 'ArcTanh', 'Ceil',
   177             'CompareValue', 'Cosecant', 'Cosh', 'Cot', 'CotH', 'Cotan', 'Csc', 'CscH',
   178             'CycleToDeg', 'CycleToGrad', 'CycleToRad', 'DegToCycle', 'DegToGrad',
   179             'DegToRad', 'DivMod', 'DoubleDecliningBalance', 'EnsureRange', 'Floor',
   180             'Frexp', 'FutureValue', 'GetExceptionMask', 'GetPrecisionMode',
   181             'GetRoundMode', 'GradToCycle', 'GradToDeg', 'GradToRad', 'Hypot',
   182             'InRange', 'IntPower', 'InterestPayment', 'InterestRate',
   183             'InternalRateOfReturn', 'IsInfinite', 'IsNan', 'IsZero', 'Ldexp', 'LnXP1',
   184             'Log10', 'Log2', 'LogN', 'Max', 'MaxIntValue', 'MaxValue', 'Mean',
   185             'MeanAndStdDev', 'Min', 'MinIntValue', 'MinValue', 'MomentSkewKurtosis',
   186             'NetPresentValue', 'Norm', 'NumberOfPeriods', 'Payment', 'PeriodPayment',
   187             'Poly', 'PopnStdDev', 'PopnVariance', 'Power', 'PresentValue',
   188             'RadToCycle', 'RadToDeg', 'RadToGrad', 'RandG', 'RandomRange', 'RoundTo',
   189             'SLNDepreciation', 'SYDDepreciation', 'SameValue', 'Sec', 'SecH',
   190             'Secant', 'SetExceptionMask', 'SetPrecisionMode', 'SetRoundMode', 'Sign',
   191             'SimpleRoundTo', 'SinCos', 'Sinh', 'StdDev', 'Sum', 'SumInt',
   192             'SumOfSquares', 'SumsAndSquares', 'Tan', 'Tanh', 'TotalVariance',
   193             'Variance'
   194             ),
   195         4 => array(
   196             'AnsiChar', 'AnsiString', 'Bool', 'Boolean', 'Byte', 'ByteBool', 'Cardinal', 'Char',
   197             'Comp', 'Currency', 'DWORD', 'Double', 'Extended', 'Int64', 'Integer', 'IUnknown',
   198             'LongBool', 'LongInt', 'LongWord', 'PAnsiChar', 'PAnsiString', 'PBool', 'PBoolean', 'PByte',
   199             'PByteArray', 'PCardinal', 'PChar', 'PComp', 'PCurrency', 'PDWORD', 'PDate', 'PDateTime',
   200             'PDouble', 'PExtended', 'PInt64', 'PInteger', 'PLongInt', 'PLongWord', 'Pointer', 'PPointer',
   201             'PShortInt', 'PShortString', 'PSingle', 'PSmallInt', 'PString', 'PHandle', 'PVariant', 'PWord',
   202             'PWordArray', 'PWordBool', 'PWideChar', 'PWideString', 'Real', 'Real48', 'ShortInt', 'ShortString',
   203             'Single', 'SmallInt', 'String', 'TClass', 'TDate', 'TDateTime', 'TextFile', 'THandle',
   204             'TObject', 'TTime', 'Variant', 'WideChar', 'WideString', 'Word', 'WordBool'
   205             ),
   206         ),
   207     'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
   208         GESHI_COMMENTS => true,
   209         1 => false,
   210         2 => false,
   211         3 => false,
   212         4 => false,
   213         ),
   214     'STYLES' => array(
   215         'KEYWORDS' => array(
   216             1 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;',
   217             2 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;',
   218             3 => 'color: #000066;',
   219             4 => 'color: #993333;'
   220             ),
   221         'COMMENTS' => array(
   222             1 => 'color: #808080; font-style: italic;',
   223             'MULTI' => 'color: #808080; font-style: italic;'
   224             ),
   225         'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
   226             ),
   227         'BRACKETS' => array(
   228             0 => 'color: #66cc66;'
   229             ),
   230         'STRINGS' => array(
   231             0 => 'color: #ff0000;'
   232             ),
   233         'NUMBERS' => array(
   234             0 => 'color: #cc66cc;'
   235             ),
   236         'METHODS' => array(
   237             1 => 'color: #006600;'
   238             ),
   239         'REGEXPS' => array(
   240             0 => 'color: #9ac;',
   241             1 => 'color: #ff0000;'
   242             ),
   243         'SYMBOLS' => array(
   244             0 => 'color: #66cc66;'
   245             ),
   246         'SCRIPT' => array(
   247             )
   248         ),
   249     'URLS' => array(
   250         1 => '',
   251         2 => '',
   252         3 => '',
   253         4 => ''
   254         ),
   255     'OOLANG' => true,
   256     'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
   257         1 => '.'
   258         ),
   259     'REGEXPS' => array(
   260         0 => '\$[0-9a-fA-F]+',
   261         1 => '\#\$?[0-9]{1,3}'
   262         ),
   264     'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
   265         ),
   266     'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
   267         ),
   268     'TAB_WIDTH' => 2
   269 );
   271 ?>