changeset 0 441963e5b07a
child 2 9e3258dfae15
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:441963e5b07a
     1 <?php
     2 /*************************************************************************************
     3  * dot.php
     4  * ---------------------------------
     5  * Author: Adrien Friggeri (
     6  * Copyright: (c) 2007 Adrien Friggeri (
     7  * Release Version:
     8  * CVS Revision Version: $Revision: 958 $
     9  * Date Started: 2007/05/30
    10  * Last Modified: $Date: 2007-04-01 23:51:03 +1200 (Sun, 01 Apr 2007) $
    11  *
    12  * dot language file for GeSHi.
    13  *
    14  * CHANGES
    15  * -------
    16  * 2007/05/30 (1.0.0)
    17  *  -  First Release
    18  *
    19  * TODO (updated 2007/05/30)
    20  * -------------------------
    21  * Everything
    22  *
    23  *************************************************************************************
    24  *
    25  *     This file is part of GeSHi.
    26  *
    27  *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    28  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    29  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    30  *   (at your option) any later version.
    31  *
    32  *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    33  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    35  *   GNU General Public License for more details.
    36  *
    37  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    38  *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
    39  *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    40  *
    41  ************************************************************************************/
    43 $language_data = array (
    44     'LANG_NAME' => 'dot',
    45     'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//', 2 => '#'),
    46     'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
    48     'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"'),
    49     'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
    50     'KEYWORDS' => array(
    51         1 => array('URL', 'arrowhead', 'arrowsize', 'arrowtail', 'bb', 'bgcolor', 'bottomlabel',
    52           'center', 'clusterrank', 'color', 'comment', 'constraint', 'decorate',
    53           'dir', 'distortion', 'fillcolor', 'fixedsize', 'fontcolor',
    54           'fontname', 'fontsize', 'group', 'headclip', 'headlabel', 'headport',
    55           'height', 'id', 'label', 'labelangle', 'labeldistance', 'labelfontcolor',
    56           'labelfontname', 'labelfontsize', 'layer', 'layers', 'margin', 'mclimit',
    57           'minlen', 'nodesep', 'nslimit', 'ordering', 'orientation', 'page',
    58           'pagedir', 'peripheries', 'port_label_distance', 'quantum', 'rank', 'rankdir',
    59           'ranksep', 'ratio', 'regular', 'rotate', 'samehead', 'sametail', 'searchsize',
    60           'shape', 'shapefile', 'showboxes', 'sides', 'size', 'skew', 'style',
    61           'tailclip', 'taillabel', 'tailport', 'toplabel', 'weight', 'width' 
    62         ),
    63         2 => array('node', 'graph', 'digraph', 'strict', 'edge', 'subgraph'),
    64         3 => array('FALSE', 'Mcircle', 'Mdiamond', 'Mrecord', 'Msquare', 'TRUE', 'auto', 'back',
    65           'bold', 'both', 'box', 'circle', 'compress', 'dashed', 'diamond', 'dot',
    66           'dotted', 'doublecircle', 'doubleoctagon', 'egg', 'ellipse', 'epsf', 'false',
    67           'fill', 'filled', 'forward', 'global', 'hexagon', 'house', 'inv', 'invdot',
    68           'invhouse', 'invis', 'invodot', 'invtrapezium', 'invtriangle', 'local', 'max',
    69           'min', 'none', 'normal', 'octagon', 'odot', 'out', 'parallelogram', 'plaintext',
    70           'polygon', 'record', 'same', 'solid', 'trapezium', 'triangle', 'tripleoctagon',
    71           'true' 
    72         ),
    73         4 => array('aliceblue', 'antiquewhite', 'aquamarine', 'azure', 'beige', 'bisque', 'black',
    74           'blanchedalmond', 'blue', 'blueviolet', 'brown', 'burlywood', 'cadetblue',
    75           'chartreuse', 'chocolate', 'coral', 'cornflowerblue', 'cornsilk', 'crimson',
    76           'cyan', 'darkgoldenrod', 'darkgreen', 'darkkhaki', 'darkolivegreen',
    77           'darkorange', 'darkorchid', 'darksalmon', 'darkseagreen', 'darkslateblue',
    78           'darkslategray', 'darkturquoise', 'darkviolet', 'deeppink', 'deepskyblue',
    79           'dimgray', 'dodgerblue', 'firebrick', 'forestgreen', 'gainsboro', 'ghostwhite',
    80           'gold', 'goldenrod', 'gray', 'green', 'greenyellow', 'honeydew', 'hotpink',
    81           'indianred', 'indigo', 'ivory', 'khaki', 'lavender', 'lavenderblush',
    82           'lawngreen', 'lemonchiffon', 'lightblue', 'lightcyan', 'lightgoldenrod',
    83           'lightgoldenrodyellow', 'lightgray', 'lightpink', 'lightsalmon',
    84           'lightseagreen', 'lightskyblue', 'lightslateblue', 'lightslategray',
    85           'lightyellow', 'limegreen', 'linen', 'magenta', 'maroon', 'mediumaquamarine',
    86           'mediumblue', 'mediumorchid', 'mediumpurple', 'mediumseagreen',
    87           'mediumslateblue', 'mediumspringgreen', 'mediumturquoise', 'mediumvioletred',
    88           'midnightblue', 'mintcream', 'mistyrose', 'moccasin', 'navajowhite', 'navy',
    89           'navyblue', 'oldlace', 'olivedrab', 'oralwhite', 'orange', 'orangered',
    90           'orchid', 'palegoldenrod', 'palegreen', 'paleturquoise', 'palevioletred',
    91           'papayawhip', 'peachpuff', 'peru', 'pink', 'plum', 'powderblue', 'purple',
    92           'red', 'rosybrown', 'royalblue', 'saddlebrown', 'salmon', 'salmon2', 'sandybrown',
    93           'seagreen', 'seashell', 'sienna', 'skyblue', 'slateblue', 'slategray', 'snow',
    94           'springgreen', 'steelblue', 'tan', 'thistle', 'tomato', 'turquoise', 'violet',
    95           'violetred', 'wheat', 'white', 'whitesmoke', 'yellow', 'yellowgreen' 
    96         )
    97       ),
    98     'SYMBOLS' => array(
    99         '[', ']', '{', '}', '-', '+', '*', '/', '<', '>', '!', '~', '%', '&', '|', '='
   100     ),
   101     'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
   102         GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
   103         1 => false,
   104         2 => false,
   105         3 => false,
   106         4 => false,
   107     ),
   108     'STYLES' => array(
   109         'KEYWORDS' => array(
   110             1 => 'color: #000066;',
   111             2 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;',
   112             3 => 'color: #993333;',
   113             4 => 'color: #b1b100;'
   114         ),
   115         'COMMENTS' => array(
   116             1 => 'color: #808080; font-style: italic;',
   117             2 => 'color: #339933;',
   118             'MULTI' => 'color: #808080; font-style: italic;'
   119         ),
   120         'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
   121             0 => 'color: #af624d; font-weight: bold;'
   122         ),
   123         'BRACKETS' => array(
   124             0 => 'color: #66cc66;'
   125         ),
   126         'STRINGS' => array(
   127             0 => 'color: #ff0000;'
   128         ),
   129         'NUMBERS' => array(
   130             0 => 'color: #cc66cc;'
   131         ),
   132         'SYMBOLS' => array(
   133             0 => 'color: #66cc66;'
   134         ),
   135         'METHODS' => array(
   136             ),
   137         'SCRIPT' => array(
   138             ),
   139         'REGEXPS' => array(
   140             ),
   141     ),
   142     'URLS' => array(
   143         1 => '',
   144         2 => '',
   145         3 => ''
   146     ),
   147     'OOLANG' => false,
   148     'OBJECT_SPLITTER' => '',    
   149     'REGEXPS' => array(),
   151     'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(),
   152     'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
   153         0 => true,
   154         1 => true,
   155         2 => true,
   156         3 => true
   157     )
   158 );
   160 ?>