author Dan
Sat, 30 May 2009 02:52:13 -0400 (2009-05-30)
changeset 0 cac93de16379
child 1 f2ceea4fabe8
permissions -rw-r--r--
First commit. Works great. TODO: add ability to reply to other pastes and provide some primitive threaded structure.
  "Plugin Name"  : "Gorilla Paste",
  "Plugin URI"   : "http://enanocms.org/plugin/gorilla",
  "Description"  : "For The Toughest Pasting Jobs On Earth.&trade; The pastebin, Enano style. <a href=\"http://enanocms.org/plugin/geshi\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href); return false;\">GeSHi plugin</a> highly recommended.",
  "Author"       : "Dan Fuhry",
  "Version"      : "0.1",
  "Author URI"   : "http://enanocms.org/"

// Register namespace and ACLs
$plugins->attachHook('acl_rule_init', 'gorilla_setupcore($this, $session);');
// Add our special page
$plugins->attachHook('session_started', 'register_special_page(\'NewPaste\', \'gorilla_page_create\', true);');

// constants
define('PASTE_PRIVATE', 1);

function gorilla_setupcore(&$paths, &$session)
  // register our paste namespace
  $nssep = substr($paths->nslist['Special'], -1);
  $paths->create_namespace('Paste', 'Paste' . $nssep);
  // create our ACLs
   * @param string $acl_type An identifier for this field
   * @param int $default_perm Whether permission should be granted or not if it's not specified in the ACLs.
   * @param string $desc A human readable name for the permission type
   * @param array $deps The list of dependencies - this should be an array of ACL types
   * @param string $scope Which namespaces this field should apply to. This should be either a pipe-delimited list of namespace IDs or just "All".
  $session->acl_extend_scope('read', 'Paste', $paths);
  $session->acl_extend_scope('post_comments', 'Paste', $paths);
  $session->acl_extend_scope('edit_comments', 'Paste', $paths);
  $session->acl_extend_scope('mod_comments', 'Paste', $paths);
  $session->acl_extend_scope('create_page', 'Paste', $paths);
  $session->acl_extend_scope('mod_misc', 'Paste', $paths);
  $session->register_acl_type('delete_paste_own', AUTH_ALLOW, 'gorilla_acl_delete_paste_own', array(), 'Paste');
  $session->register_acl_type('delete_paste_others', AUTH_DISALLOW, 'gorilla_acl_delete_paste_others', array(), 'Paste');

// Our paste creation page
function page_Special_NewPaste()
  global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
  global $lang, $output;
  $have_geshi = isset($GLOBALS['geshi_supported_formats']);
  $perms = $session->fetch_page_acl('0', 'Paste');
  $have_permission = $perms->get_permissions('create_page');
  if ( $paths->getParam(0) === 'ajaxsubmit' )
    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    echo gorilla_process_post($have_geshi, $have_permission, true);
    return true;
  $private = false;
  $highlight = isset($_COOKIE['g_highlight']) ? $_COOKIE['g_highlight'] : 'plaintext';
  $text = '';
  $title = '';
  $ttl = 3600;
  $copy_from = false;
  if ( preg_match('/^Copy=([0-9]+)$/', $paths->getParam(0), $match) )
    $paste_id = intval($match[1]);
    $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT paste_flags, paste_language, paste_text, paste_title, paste_ttl FROM ' . table_prefix . "pastes WHERE paste_id = $paste_id;");
    if ( !$q )
    list($flags, $highlight, $text, $title, $ttl) = $db->fetchrow_num();
    $private = $flags & PASTE_PRIVATE ? true : false;
    $copy_from = $paste_id;
  <script type="text/javascript">
  var gorilla_have_permission = <?php echo $have_permission ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>;
  function gorilla_create_submit()
    if ( !window.gorilla_have_permission && user_level < USER_LEVEL_MEMBER )
      ajaxLogonInit(function(k, response)
          window.gorilla_have_permission = true;
        }, USER_LEVEL_MEMBER);
      return false;
      load_component(['jquery', 'jquery-ui']);
      var whitey = whiteOutElement(document.forms['gorilla_create']);
      var json_packet = {
        highlight: $('#gorilla_highlight').val(),
        text: $('#gorilla_create_text').val(),
        is_private: $('#gorilla_private:checked').val() ? true : false,
        nick: $('#gorilla_nick').val(),
        title: $('#gorilla_title').val(),
        ttl: parseInt($('.gorilla_ttl:checked').val())
      json_packet = ajaxEscape(toJSONString(json_packet));
      ajaxPost(makeUrlNS('Special', 'NewPaste/ajaxsubmit'), 'r=' + json_packet, function(ajax)
          if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
            var failed = parseInt((String(ajax.responseText)).substr(0, 1));
            if ( failed == 1 )
            var response = (String(ajax.responseText)).substr(2);
                window.scroll(0, 0);
                $('#gorilla_submit_result').html(response).show('blind', 150);
              }, 1250);
      return false;
    return true;
  <div id="gorilla_submit_result">
    echo substr(gorilla_process_post($have_geshi, $have_permission), 2);
  <form action="<?php echo makeUrlNS('Special', 'NewPaste'); ?>" method="post" name="gorilla_create" onsubmit="return gorilla_create_submit();">
    if ( $copy_from )
      echo '<p style="float: left;">' . $lang->get('gorilla_msg_copying_from', array('paste_id' => $copy_from, 'paste_url' => makeUrlNS('Paste', $copy_from, false, true))) . '</p>';
    <!-- private -->
    <div style="float: right; margin: 10px 1%;">
      <label title="<?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_private_hint'); ?>">
        <input type="checkbox" name="is_private" id="gorilla_private" <?php if ( $private ) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
        <img alt="<?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_private'); ?>" src="<?php echo cdnPath; ?>/images/lock16.png" />
    <!-- highlighting -->
    <div style="float: right; margin: 10px;">
    <?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_highlight'); ?>
    <?php if ( $have_geshi ): ?>
      <select name="highlight" id="gorilla_highlight">
        // print out options for each GeSHi format
        global $geshi_supported_formats;
        $formats = array_merge(array('plaintext'), $geshi_supported_formats);
        foreach ( $formats as $format )
          // $string = str_replace('-', '_', "geshi_lang_$format");
          // if ( ($_ = $lang->get($string)) !== $string )
          //   $string = $_;
          // else
            $string = $format;
          $sel = ( $format == $highlight ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
          echo '<option value="' . $format . '"' . $sel . '>' . $string . '</option>' . "\n          ";
    <?php else: ?>
      <span style="color: #808080;"><?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_msg_no_geshi'); ?></span>
      <input type="hidden" name="highlight_type" id="gorilla_highlight" value="plaintext" />
    <?php endif; ?>
    <!-- text box -->
    <textarea id="gorilla_create_text" name="text" rows="30" cols="80" style="width: 98%; display: block; margin: 10px auto; clear: both;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($text); ?></textarea>
    <fieldset enano:expand="closed" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
      <legend><?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_btn_advanced_options'); ?></legend>
      <!-- title -->
        <?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_title'); ?>
        <input type="text" name="title" id="gorilla_title" size="40" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($title); ?>" />
      <!-- nick -->
        <?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_nick'); ?>
        if ( !$have_permission && !$session->user_logged_in )
          echo '<em>' . $lang->get('gorilla_msg_using_login_nick') . '</em>';
          echo '<input type="hidden" name="nick" id="gorilla_nick" value="" />';
        else if ( $session->user_logged_in )
          $rankinfo = $session->get_user_rank($session->user_id);
          echo '<em>' . $lang->get('gorilla_msg_using_logged_in_nick') . '</em> ';
          echo '<span style="' . $rankinfo['rank_style'] . '">' . $session->username . '</span>';
          echo '<input type="hidden" name="nick" id="gorilla_nick" value="" />';
          echo '<input type="text" name="nick" id="gorilla_nick" value="' . $lang->get('gorilla_nick_anonymous') . '" />';
      <!-- ttl -->
        <?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_ttl'); ?>
        <label><input<?php if ( !in_array($ttl, array(0, 86400, 2592000)) ) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> class="gorilla_ttl" type="radio" name="ttl" value="3600" /> <?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_ttl_hour'); ?></label>
        <label><input<?php if ( $ttl == 86400                             ) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> class="gorilla_ttl" type="radio" name="ttl" value="86400" /> <?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_ttl_day'); ?></label>
        <label><input<?php if ( $ttl == 2592000                           ) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> class="gorilla_ttl" type="radio" name="ttl" value="2592000" /> <?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_ttl_month'); ?></label>
        <label><input<?php if ( $ttl == 0                                 ) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> class="gorilla_ttl" type="radio" name="ttl" value="0" /> <?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_lbl_ttl_forever'); ?></label>
    <!-- login notice -->
    <?php if ( !$have_permission && !$session->user_logged_in ): ?>
    <div class="info-box-mini">
      <?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_msg_will_prompt_for_login'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <!-- submit -->
    <input type="submit" style="font-size: x-large;" value="<?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_btn_submit'); ?>" />

// actual processing for submitted pastes
function gorilla_process_post($have_geshi, $have_permission, $is_ajax = false)
  global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
  global $lang;
  $fields = array(
      'highlight' => 'string',
      'text' => 'string',
      'is_private' => 'boolean',
      'nick' => 'string',
      'title' => 'string',
      'ttl' => 'integer'
  $info = array();
  if ( $is_ajax )
      $request = enano_json_decode(@$_POST['r']);
    catch ( Exception $e )
      return '1;No JSON request given';
    foreach ( $fields as $field => $type )
      if ( !isset($request[$field]) )
        return "1;Field \"$field\" not provided";
      if ( ($ftype = gettype($request[$field])) !== $type )
        return "1;Field \"$field\": expected $type, got $ftype";
      $info[$field] = $request[$field];
    foreach ( $fields as $field => $type )
      if ( !isset($_POST[$field]) && $field != 'is_private' )
        return '';
    $info = array(
        'highlight' => $_POST['highlight'],
        'text' => $_POST['text'],
        'is_private' => isset($_POST['is_private']),
        'nick' => $_POST['nick'],
        'title' => $_POST['title'],
        'ttl' => intval($_POST['ttl'])
  if ( !$have_permission )
    return '1;<div class="error-box-mini">' . $lang->get('etc_access_denied') . '</div>';
  // validate highlight scheme
  global $geshi_supported_formats;
  if ( is_array($geshi_supported_formats) )
    if ( !in_array($info['highlight'], $geshi_supported_formats) )
      $info['highlight'] = 'plaintext';
    $info['highlight'] = 'plaintext';
  setcookie('g_highlight', $info['highlight'], time() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
  $info_db = $info;
  foreach ( $info_db as &$item )
    if ( is_string($item) )
      $item = "'" . $db->escape($item) . "'";
    else if ( is_bool($item) )
      $item = $item ? '1' : '0';
    else if ( is_int($item) )
      $item = strval($item);
      $item = "''";
  $now = time();
  $flags = 0;
  if ( $info['is_private'] )
    $flags |= PASTE_PRIVATE;
  $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . table_prefix . "pastes( paste_title, paste_text, paste_author, paste_author_name, paste_author_ip, paste_language, paste_timestamp, paste_ttl, paste_flags ) VALUES\n"
       . "  ( {$info_db['title']}, {$info_db['text']}, $session->user_id, {$info_db['nick']}, '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', {$info_db['highlight']}, $now, {$info_db['ttl']}, $flags );";
  if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )
    ( $is_ajax ) ? $db->die_json() : $db->_die();
  // avoid insert_id
  $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT paste_id FROM ' . table_prefix . "pastes WHERE paste_timestamp = $now ORDER BY paste_id DESC LIMIT 1;");
  if ( !$q )
    ( $is_ajax ) ? $db->die_json() : $db->_die();
  list($paste_id) = $db->fetchrow_num();
  $params = false;
  if ( $flags & PASTE_PRIVATE )
    $params = 'hash=' . hmac_sha1($paste_id, sha1($info['text']));
  $paste_url = makeUrlComplete('Paste', $paste_id, $params, true);
  return '0;'
           . '<div class="info-box-mini">' . $lang->get('gorilla_msg_created') . '</div>'
           . '<div style="font-size: larger; text-align: center; margin: 30px 0;">' . $lang->get('gorilla_msg_paste_url') . '<br /><input onfocus="this.select()" readonly="readonly" type="text" size="50" style="font-size: larger; text-align: center;" value="' . $paste_url . '" /></div>';


class Namespace_Paste extends Namespace_Default
  protected $paste_data = false;
  public function __construct($page_id, $namespace, $revid = 0)
    $this->page_id = $page_id;
    $this->namespace = $namespace;
    $this->revision_id = 0;
  public function build_cdata()
    global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
    global $lang;
    $this->exists = false;
    if ( ctype_digit($this->page_id) )
      $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT p.*, u.username FROM ' . table_prefix . "pastes AS p\n"
                        . "  LEFT JOIN " . table_prefix . "users AS u\n"
                        . "    ON ( u.user_id = p.paste_author )\n"
                        . "  WHERE p.paste_id = $this->page_id;");
      if ( $db->numrows() > 0 )
        $this->exists = true;
        $this->paste_data = $db->fetchrow();
    if ( $this->exists )
      $this->cdata = array(
        'name' => empty($this->paste_data['paste_title']) ? $lang->get('gorilla_untitled_paste') : $this->paste_data['paste_title'],
        'urlname' => $this->page_id,
        'namespace' => $this->namespace,
        'special' => 0,
        'visible' => 0,
        'comments_on' => 1,
        'protected' => 0,
        'delvotes' => 0,
        'delvote_ips' => '',
        'wiki_mode' => 2,
        'page_exists' => true,
        'page_format' => getConfig('default_page_format', 'wikitext')
      $this->cdata = array(
        'name' => $lang->get('gorilla_title_404'),
        'urlname' => $this->page_id,
        'namespace' => $this->namespace,
        'special' => 0,
        'visible' => 0,
        'comments_on' => 0,
        'protected' => 0,
        'delvotes' => 0,
        'delvote_ips' => '',
        'wiki_mode' => 2,
        'page_exists' => false,
        'page_format' => getConfig('default_page_format', 'wikitext')
    $this->cdata = Namespace_Default::bake_cdata($this->cdata);
  public function send()
    global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
    global $output, $lang;
    $plugins->attachHook('page_type_string_set', '$this->namespace_string = $lang->get(\'gorilla_template_ns_string\');');
    $template->add_header('<style type="text/css">
      .geshi_highlighted a {
        background-image: none !important;
        padding-right: 0 !important;
    if ( $this->exists )
  public function error_404()
    global $lang;
    echo '<p>' . $lang->get('gorilla_msg_paste_not_found', array('create_link' => makeUrlNS('Special', 'NewPaste'))) . '</p>';

function gorilla_display_paste($data)
  global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
  global $lang;
  global $output;
  $perms = $session->fetch_page_acl($paste_id, 'Paste');
  if ( isset($_GET['format']) )
      case 'text':
      case 'plain':
        header('Content-type: text/plain');
        echo $paste_text;
        return true;
      case 'download':
        header('Content-type: text/plain');
        header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="paste' . $paste_id . '.txt"');
        header('Content-length: ' . strlen($paste_text));
        echo $paste_text;
        return true;
  if ( $paste_flags & PASTE_PRIVATE || isset($_GET['delete']) )
    if ( @$_GET['hash'] !== hmac_sha1($paste_id, sha1($paste_text)) )
      die_friendly($lang->get('etc_access_denied_short'), '<p>' . $lang->get('gorilla_msg_wrong_hash') . '</p>');
  $perm = $paste_author == $session->user_id ? 'delete_paste_own' : 'delete_paste_others';
  if ( isset($_GET['delete']) && !isset($_POST['cancel']) )
    if ( isset($_POST['delete_confirm']) )
      $q = $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . table_prefix . "pastes WHERE paste_id = $paste_id;");
      if ( !$q )
      echo '<p>' . $lang->get('gorilla_msg_paste_deleted') . '</p>';
      $submit_url = makeUrlNS('Paste', $paste_id, 'delete&hash=' . hmac_sha1($paste_id, sha1($paste_text)), true);
      <form action="<?php echo $submit_url; ?>" method="post">
        <p><?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_msg_delete_confirm'); ?></p>
          <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang->get('gorilla_btn_delete_confirm'); ?>" name="delete_confirm" style="font-weight: bold;" />
          <input type="submit" value="<?php echo $lang->get('etc_cancel'); ?>" name="cancel" />
    return true;
  if ( $paste_author > 1 )
    // logged-in user
    $rank_info = $session->get_user_rank($paste_author);
    $user_link = '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('User', $username, false, true) . '" style="' . $rank_info['rank_style'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($username) . '</a>';
    // anonymous
    $user_link = '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($paste_author_name) . '</b>';
  $date = enano_date('D, j M Y H:i:s', $paste_timestamp);
  $pasteinfo = $lang->get('gorilla_msg_paste_info', array('user_link' => $user_link, 'date' => $date));
  echo '<div class="mdg-infobox" style="margin: 10px 0;">';
  echo '<div style="float: right;">
          ' . $lang->get('gorilla_msg_other_formats', array('plain_link' => makeUrlNS('Paste', $paste_id, 'format=text', true), 'download_link' => makeUrlNS('Paste', $paste_id, 'format=download', true))) . '
          <a title="' . $lang->get('gorilla_tip_new_paste') . '" href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'NewPaste') . '">' . $lang->get('gorilla_btn_new_paste') . '</a>
          <a title="' . $lang->get('gorilla_tip_copy_from_this') . '" href="' . makeUrlNS('Special', 'NewPaste/Copy=' . $paste_id) . '">' . $lang->get('gorilla_btn_copy_from_this') . '</a>';
  if ( $perms->get_permissions($perm) && $session->user_logged_in )
    echo ' / <a title="' . $lang->get('gorilla_tip_delete') . '" href="' . makeUrlNS('Paste', $paste_id, 'delete&hash=' . hmac_sha1($paste_id, sha1($paste_text)), true) . '">' . $lang->get('gorilla_btn_delete') . '</a>';
  if ( $perms->get_permissions('mod_misc') )
    echo ' / <span title="' . $lang->get('gorilla_tip_paste_ip') . '">' . $paste_author_ip . '</span>';
  echo '</div>';
  echo $pasteinfo;
  echo '</div>';
  if ( preg_match('/^## /m', $paste_text) )
    gorilla_show_text_multi($paste_text, $paste_language);
    gorilla_show_text($paste_text, $paste_language);

function gorilla_show_text($text, $lang)
  $have_geshi = isset($GLOBALS['geshi_supported_formats']);
  if ( $have_geshi )
    if ( $lang == 'plaintext' )
      $lang = 'text';
    if ( !defined('GESHI_ROOT') )
    define('GESHI_ROOT', ENANO_ROOT . '/plugins/geshi/');
    require_once ( GESHI_ROOT . 'base.php' );
    $geshi = new GeSHi($text, $lang, null);
    $geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS, 2);
    $parsed = $geshi->parse_code();
    echo $parsed;
    echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($text) . '</pre>';

function gorilla_show_text_multi($text, $lang)
  $sections = preg_split('/^## .*$/m', $text);
  $headingcount = preg_match_all('/^## (.+?)(?: \[([a-z_-]+)\])? *$/m', $text, $matches);
  // if we have one heading less than the number of sections, print the first section
  while ( count($sections) > $headingcount )
    gorilla_show_text(trim($sections[0], "\r\n"), $lang);
    $sections = array_values($sections);
  foreach ( $matches[0] as $i => $_ )
    $clang = !empty($matches[2][$i]) ? $matches[2][$i] : $lang;
    echo '<h2>' . htmlspecialchars(trim($matches[1][$i])) . '</h2>';
    gorilla_show_text(trim($sections[$i], "\r\n"), $clang);

// make sure pastes are pruned on a regular basis
function gorilla_prune_expired()
  global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
  $now = time();
  $q = $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . table_prefix . "pastes WHERE paste_timestamp + paste_ttl < $now AND paste_ttl > 0;");

register_cron_task('gorilla_prune_expired', 1);

/**!install dbms="mysql"; **
  paste_id int(18) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  paste_title text DEFAULT NULL,
  paste_text text NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  paste_author int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
  paste_author_name varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Anonymous',
  paste_author_ip varchar(39) NOT NULL,
  paste_language varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'plaintext',
  paste_timestamp int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  paste_ttl int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 86400,
  paste_flags int(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  PRIMARY KEY ( paste_id )


/**!uninstall **

  eng: {
    categories: ['meta', 'gorilla'],
    strings: {
      meta: {
        gorilla: 'Gorilla',
      gorilla: {
        acl_delete_paste_own: 'Delete own pastes',
        acl_delete_paste_others: 'Delete others\' pastes',
        page_create: 'Create paste',
        msg_copying_from: 'Copying from <a href="%paste_url%">paste #%paste_id%</a>.',
        lbl_highlight: 'Language:',
        msg_no_geshi: 'Not supported',
        btn_advanced_options: 'Advanced options',
        lbl_private: 'Private paste',
        lbl_private_hint: 'Don\'t list this paste or allow it to be included in searches',
        lbl_title: 'Title:',
        lbl_nick: 'Nickname:',
        nick_anonymous: 'Anonymous',
        msg_using_login_nick: 'Using username provided during login',
        msg_using_logged_in_nick: 'Logged in; using nickname:',
        lbl_ttl: 'Keep it for:',
        lbl_ttl_hour: '1 hour',
        lbl_ttl_day: '1 day',
        lbl_ttl_month: '1 month',
        lbl_ttl_forever: 'forever',
        msg_will_prompt_for_login: 'You are not logged in. You will be asked to log in when you click the submit button below.',
        btn_submit: 'Paste it!',
        msg_created: 'Paste created.',
        msg_paste_url: 'Share this paste using the following URL:',
        untitled_paste: 'Untitled paste',
        title_404: 'Paste not found',
        msg_paste_not_found: 'This paste cannot be found or has been deleted. <a href="%create_link%">Create a new paste</a>',
        msg_wrong_hash: 'Either you are trying to view a private paste which requires a hash in the URL or you were linked to this page from an outside source and the CSRF protection kicked in.',
        msg_paste_info: 'By %user_link%, pasted on %date%',
        msg_other_formats: '<a title="View as plain text" href="%plain_link%" onclick="window.open(this.href, \'gorillaplaintext\', \'address=no,status=no,toolbar=no,menus=no,scroll=yes,width=640,height=480\'); return false;">raw</a> / <a title="Download paste" href="%download_link%">dl</a>',
        btn_new_paste: 'new',
        tip_new_paste: 'Create a new paste',
        btn_copy_from_this: 'cp',
        tip_copy_from_this: 'Create a new paste, copying this one into the form',
        btn_delete: 'rm',
        tip_delete: 'Delete this paste',
        tip_paste_ip: 'IP address of paste author',
        template_ns_string: 'paste',
        msg_paste_deleted: 'Paste deleted.',
        msg_delete_confirm: 'Really delete this paste?',
        btn_delete_confirm: 'Delete',