Added page-titling functionality that changes document.title to match the current track; made position slider reset to zero on stop or playlist end
<?php/** * Smarty plugin * @package Smarty * @subpackage plugins *//** * Smarty {popup} function plugin * * Type: function<br> * Name: popup<br> * Purpose: make text pop up in windows via overlib * @link {popup} * (Smarty online manual) * @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com> * @param array * @param Smarty * @return string */function smarty_function_popup($params, &$smarty){ $append = ''; foreach ($params as $_key=>$_value) { switch ($_key) { case 'text': case 'trigger': case 'function': case 'inarray': $$_key = (string)$_value; if ($_key == 'function' || $_key == 'inarray') $append .= ',' . strtoupper($_key) . ",'$_value'"; break; case 'caption': case 'closetext': case 'status': $append .= ',' . strtoupper($_key) . ",'" . str_replace("'","\'",$_value) . "'"; break; case 'fgcolor': case 'bgcolor': case 'textcolor': case 'capcolor': case 'closecolor': case 'textfont': case 'captionfont': case 'closefont': case 'fgbackground': case 'bgbackground': case 'caparray': case 'capicon': case 'background': case 'frame': $append .= ',' . strtoupper($_key) . ",'$_value'"; break; case 'textsize': case 'captionsize': case 'closesize': case 'width': case 'height': case 'border': case 'offsetx': case 'offsety': case 'snapx': case 'snapy': case 'fixx': case 'fixy': case 'padx': case 'pady': case 'timeout': case 'delay': $append .= ',' . strtoupper($_key) . ",$_value"; break; case 'sticky': case 'left': case 'right': case 'center': case 'above': case 'below': case 'noclose': case 'autostatus': case 'autostatuscap': case 'fullhtml': case 'hauto': case 'vauto': case 'mouseoff': case 'followmouse': case 'closeclick': if ($_value) $append .= ',' . strtoupper($_key); break; default: $smarty->trigger_error("[popup] unknown parameter $_key", E_USER_WARNING); } } if (empty($text) && !isset($inarray) && empty($function)) { $smarty->trigger_error("overlib: attribute 'text' or 'inarray' or 'function' required"); return false; } if (empty($trigger)) { $trigger = "onmouseover"; } $retval = $trigger . '="return overlib(\''.preg_replace(array("!'!","![\r\n]!"),array("\'",'\r'),$text).'\''; $retval .= $append . ');"'; if ($trigger == 'onmouseover') $retval .= ' onmouseout="nd();"'; return $retval;}/* vim: set expandtab: */?>