Added grey theme.
Tue, 05 Aug 2008 19:13:21 -0400 (2008-08-05)
changeset 28 c15f6dcc8085
parent 27 20a36fe254c9
child 29 8210fdc7c317
Added grey theme.
Binary file themes/grey/images/ajax.gif has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/amarok.gif has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/next.png has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/pause.png has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/play.png has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/playbar-shadow.gif has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/playbar.gif has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/playhead.png has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/position-empty.png has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/position-full.png has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/prev.png has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/src/playbar-shadow.xcf has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/src/playbar.xcf has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/src/playhead.xcf has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/src/position-empty.xcf has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/src/position-full.xcf has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/stop.png has changed
Binary file themes/grey/images/volume.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/themes/grey/playlist.tpl	Tue Aug 05 19:13:21 2008 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Template file for default Funky Monkey theme
+ * Web control interface script for Amarok
+ * Written by Dan Fuhry - 2008
+ *
+ * This script is in the public domain. Use it for good, not evil.
+ *}
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
+  <head>
+    <title>AmaroK playlist</title>
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/themes/{$theme|escape}/style.css" />
+    <link rel="favorite icon" type="image/ico" href="/favicon.ico" />
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+    var img_play = '/themes/{$theme|escape}/images/play.png';
+    var img_pause = '/themes/{$theme|escape}/images/pause.png';
+    var img_ajax = '/themes/{$theme|escape}/images/ajax.gif';
+    var class_current = 'current';
+    var allow_control = {if $allow_control}true{else}false{/if};
+    </script>
+    {foreach from=$scripts item=script}
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/{$script}"></script>
+    {/foreach}
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <div id="playbar">
+      <div class="playbar-inner">
+        <div id="playhead"><div id="playhead-filler">&nbsp;</div></div>
+        <div id="playhead-button">&nbsp;</div>
+        <img alt=" " id="ajax_status" style="display: none; float: right; margin: 3px 0;" src="about:blank" />
+        <img alt="AmaroK web control" src="/themes/{$theme|escape}/images/amarok.gif" style="margin-right: 20px;" />
+        {if $allow_control}
+        <a href="#action:prev" onclick="player_action('prev'); return false;"><img alt="&laquo; PrevTrk" src="/themes/{$theme|escape}/images/prev.png" /></a>
+        <a href="#action:play" onclick="player_action('play'); return false;" id="btn_playpause"><img alt="Play" src="/themes/{$theme|escape}/images/play.png" /></a>
+        <a href="#action:stop" onclick="player_action('stop'); return false;"><img alt="Stop" src="/themes/{$theme|escape}/images/stop.png" /></a>
+        <a href="#action:next" onclick="player_action('next'); return false;"><img alt="NextTrk &raquo;" src="/themes/{$theme|escape}/images/next.png" /></a>
+        {/if}
+        <span style="margin-right: 50px;">&nbsp;</span>
+        <span id="playmeter">--:--/--:--</span>
+        {if $allow_control}
+        <span style="margin-right: 50px;">&nbsp;</span>
+        <img hspace="4" alt="Volume: " src="/themes/{$theme|escape}/images/volume.png" />
+        <span id="volume_wrap"><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:0"   onmouseover="volume_over(0);"   onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_0"   onclick="set_volume(0);   return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:10"  onmouseover="volume_over(10);"  onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_10"  onclick="set_volume(10);  return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:20"  onmouseover="volume_over(20);"  onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_20"  onclick="set_volume(20);  return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:30"  onmouseover="volume_over(30);"  onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_30"  onclick="set_volume(30);  return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:40"  onmouseover="volume_over(40);"  onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_40"  onclick="set_volume(40);  return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:50"  onmouseover="volume_over(50);"  onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_50"  onclick="set_volume(50);  return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:60"  onmouseover="volume_over(60);"  onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_60"  onclick="set_volume(60);  return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:70"  onmouseover="volume_over(70);"  onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_70"  onclick="set_volume(70);  return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:80"  onmouseover="volume_over(80);"  onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_80"  onclick="set_volume(80);  return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:90"  onmouseover="volume_over(90);"  onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_90"  onclick="set_volume(90);  return false;">&nbsp;</a><a
+          class="volume_button" href="#volume:100" onmouseover="volume_over(100);" onmouseout="volume_out();" id="volbtn_100" onclick="set_volume(100); return false;">&nbsp;</a>
+        </span>
+        {/if}
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="tblholder" id="playlist">
+      <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" style="width: 100%;">
+        <tr>
+          <th>TrackNo</th>
+          <th>Track</th>
+          <th>Artist</th>
+          <th>Album</th>
+          <th>Length</th>
+        </tr>
+        {foreach key=tid item=track from=$playlist}
+        {strip}
+        <tr class="{cycle values="row1,row2"}{if $active == $tid} current{/if}" id="track_{$tid}" amarok:length_sec="{$track.length_int}">
+          <td style="text-align: center;">{$tid+1}</td>
+          <td>
+            <a class="tracklink" href="#action:jump;tid:{$tid}" onclick="jump_to_song({$tid}); return false;">
+              {$track.title|escape}
+            </a>
+          </td>
+          <td>{$track.artist|escape}</td>
+          <td>{$track.album|escape}</td>
+          <td style="text-align: center;">{$track.length|escape}</td>
+        </tr>
+        {/strip}
+        {/foreach}
+      </table>
+    </div>
+    <div class="poweredby">
+      Powered by <a onclick="; return false;" href="">Greyhound</a>
+    </div>
+  </body>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/themes/grey/style.css	Tue Aug 05 19:13:21 2008 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ * Based upon the AmaroK WebControl interface by:
+ *    Jonas Christian Drewsen ( kde at xspect dot dk )
+ *    André Kelpe ( fs111 at web dot de )
+ *    Peter C. Ndikuwera ( pndiku at gmail dot com )
+ */
+body {
+  font-family: sans-serif;
+  background-color: #262626;
+  color: #ffffff;
+  padding: 0 8px;
+  background-image: url(images/playbar-shadow.gif);
+  background-repeat: repeat-x;
+div.tblholder {
+  padding: 1px;
+  background-color: #b0b0b0;
+  border: 1px solid #000000;
+div.tblholder table {
+  background-color: #606060;
+tr th {
+  background-color: #505050;
+tr.row1 td {
+  background-color: #383838;
+tr.row2 td {
+  background-color: #424242;
+tr.current td {
+  background-color: #303030;
+  color: #ffff00;
+div#playbar {
+  position: fixed;
+  top: 0;
+  left: 0; 
+  width: 100%;
+  height: 32px;
+  padding: 0;
+  margin: 0;
+  background-image: url(images/playbar.gif);
+  background-repeat: repeat-x;
+  background-color: #383f61;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
+div.playbar-inner {
+  padding: 5px;
+  line-height: 22px;
+a img {
+  border-width: 0;
+div#playlist {
+  margin-top: 48px;
+a.tracklink {
+  text-decoration: none;
+  color: white;
+div#playlist tr.current a.tracklink {
+  color: #ffff00;
+span#playmeter, span#volume_wrap {
+  position: relative;
+  top: -7px;
+a.volume_button {
+  padding-right: 10px;
+  margin-right: 1px;
+  background-color: #262626;
+  border: 1px solid #909090;
+  text-decoration: none;
+a.volume_button_active {
+  background-color: #404040;
+  border-color: #d0d0d0;
+/* Position slider (playhead) */
+div#playhead {
+  background-image: url(images/position-empty.png);
+  width: 250px;
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  background-position: center center;
+  float: right;
+  margin-left: 10px;
+div#playhead-filler {
+  background-image: url(images/position-full.png);
+  width: 150px;
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  background-position: left center;
+div#playhead-button {
+  background-image: url(images/playhead.png);
+  width: 16px;
+  height: 16px;
+  font-size: 1px;
+  position: absolute;
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  background-position: center center;
+/* The list of colors that will be cycled through as playback takes place */
+tr.pulsar0 td { background-color: #303030; }
+tr.pulsar1 td { background-color: #333333; }
+tr.pulsar2 td { background-color: #363636; }
+tr.pulsar3 td { background-color: #393939; }
+tr.pulsar4 td { background-color: #3c3c3c; }
+tr.pulsar5 td { background-color: #3f3f3f; }
+tr.pulsar6 td { background-color: #424242; }
+tr.pulsar7 td { background-color: #454545; }
+tr.pulsar8 td { background-color: #484848; }
+tr.pulsar9 td { background-color: #4b4b4b; }
+div.poweredby {
+  font-size: smaller;
+  text-align: center;
+  margin: 10px 0;
+div.poweredby a {
+  color: #57608a;