changeset 9 a932ce8c4827
parent 7 98bbc533541c
--- a/punbb/lang/English/admin.php	Sun Apr 06 00:35:38 2008 -0400
+++ b/punbb/lang/English/admin.php	Sun Jun 15 01:42:31 2008 -0400
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
 'Extensions available'			=>	'Extensions available for install',
 'Installed extensions'			=>	'Installed extensions',
 'Installed extensions warn'		=>	'<strong>WARNING!</strong> If you uninstall an extension, any data associated with that extension will be permanently deleted from the database and cannot be restored by re-installing the extension. If you wish to retain the data then you should disable the extension instead.',
+'Installed extensions Enano compat warn' => '<strong>WARNING!</strong> While the PunBB extension API is left mostly untouched in the Enano port, some core parts have been changed, the most prominent one being the transition from $db to $pun_db for the name of the database singleton. If you try to install an extension that hasn\'t been ported to the Enano bridge, you will likely experience problems.',
 'Uninstall extension'			=>	'Uninstall extension',
 'Uninstall'						=>	'Uninstall',
 'Uninstall extension confirm'	=>	'Are you sure you want to uninstall the extension "%s"?',