author Dan
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 00:28:50 -0400
changeset 7 98bbc533541c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Finishing re-add, addremove didn't work last time. Integrated with Enano's template engine properly.


// Language definitions used in delete.php
$lang_login = array(

// Miscellaneous
'Login info'				=>	'Login to %s',
'Username'					=>	'Username:',
'Password'					=>	'Password:',
'E-mail address'			=>	'E-mail address:',
'E-mail address help'		=>	'Enter the e-mail address set in your profile.',
'Wrong user/pass'			=>	'Wrong username and/or password.',
'Login redirect'			=>	'Logged in successfully. Redirecting …',
'Login information'			=>	'Required login information:',
'Send password legend'		=>	'Required address for new password:',
'Profile e-mail address'	=>	'E-mail address:',
'Profile e-mail info'		=>	'The e-mail address currently appearing in your profile',
'Logout redirect'			=>	'Logged out. Redirecting …',
'No e-mail match'			=>	'There is no user registered with the e-mail address %s.',
'Request pass'				=>	'request a new password',
'New password request'		=>	'New password request',
'New password head'			=>	'Please send me a new password by e-mail',
'New password info'			=>	'<strong>Important!</strong> A new password and a link to activate the new password will be sent by e-mail.',
'Forgotten password'		=>	'If you have forgotten your password %s to regain access.',
'Must be registered'		=>	'If you have not already registered please %s to gain access.',
'Register now'				=>	'register now',
'Forget mail'				=>	'An e-mail has been sent to the specified address with instructions on how to change your password. If it does not arrive you can contact the forum administrator at %s.'
