Plugin Name: Snapr
Plugin URI: http://enanocms.org/Enano.Img_Gallery
Description: Provides an intuitive image gallery system with a browser, viewer for individual images, upload interface, and comment system integration.
Author: Dan Fuhry
Version: 0.1 beta 1
Author URI: http://enanocms.org/
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
define('GALLERY_VERSION', '0.1b1');
$magick_path = getConfig('imagemagick_path');
if ( !file_exists($magick_path) || !is_executable($magick_path) )
$fn = basename(__FILE__);
setConfig("plugin_$fn", '0');
die('Snapr: You must have ImageMagick installed and working to use this plugin. The plugin has been disabled, please setup ImageMagick and then re-enable it.');
if ( !getConfig('gallery_version') )
$q = $db->sql_query('CREATE TABLE '.table_prefix.'gallery(
img_id int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,
is_folder tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
folder_parent int(12) DEFAULT NULL,
img_title varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\',
img_desc longtext NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\',
print_sizes longtext NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\',
img_filename varchar(255) NOT NULL,
img_time_upload int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
img_time_mod int(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY ( img_id )
if ( !$q )
$q = $db->sql_query('CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX '.table_prefix.'gal_idx ON '.table_prefix.'gallery(img_title, img_desc);');
setConfig('gallery_version', GALLERY_VERSION);
require( ENANO_ROOT . '/plugins/gallery/functions.php' );
require( ENANO_ROOT . '/plugins/gallery/nssetup.php' );
require( ENANO_ROOT . '/plugins/gallery/viewimage.php' );
require( ENANO_ROOT . '/plugins/gallery/browser.php' );
require( ENANO_ROOT . '/plugins/gallery/upload.php' );
require( ENANO_ROOT . '/plugins/gallery/fetcher.php' );
require( ENANO_ROOT . '/plugins/gallery/search.php' );
require( ENANO_ROOT . '/plugins/gallery/sidebar.php' );